Envy: the Daughter of Pride 519

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Envy: the Daughter of Pride 519

How to Measure Your Soul 601

Intro: 1) Mt 10:28 Mt 16:26 II Cor 4:16-18 a) What do these scriptures have in common? b) They all remind us that every person has an immortal soul. c) What do you think your “soul” is like? 2) Have you ever wondered how “Big” your “Soul” might be? a) It is still a mere “babe” in size? I Cor 3:1; 14:20 b) What might be the “size” of your “inward man”? 3) You can’t measure your soul with a tape measure. a) Your “soul” can’t be seen ... except in the mirror of God’s Word b) If you would like to learn how to “measure your soul” - I will tell you how - right now.

I. The size of the soul depends upon the Height of its Ambition. A. Big souls are always ambitious souls 1. Souls of high ideals. 2. Souls with worthy goals. B. Little souls have a sickly attitude toward the objectives of life. 1. They are victims of circumstances ... rather than masters of ... 2. They think in negatives ... resulting in inferiority complexes.

C. Christ came into the world to do BIG things. 1. to seek and save the lost Lk 19:10 2. that the world might be saved Jn 3:17 3. to be the savior of the world I Jn 4:14 4. to taste of death for everyone Heb 2:9 5. to pay the fine for everyone's sins I Jn 2:2

D. He has given US a BIG program 1. to make disciples of all nations Mt 28:18-20 2. to preach the gospel to all creation Mk 16:15,16 3. they can't come to Christ unless they hear Jn 6:45 4. the gospel is the power of God for salvation Rom 1:16 E. Some of us are doing a “wheel-barrow” business for the Lord when we’re capable of doing a “freight train” business. 1. We’re operating a “peanut-stand” when we could be doing “department store” business. 2. What is the “HEIGHT” of your Ambition for the Lord?

II. You may measure your soul by the Depth of its Conviction A. Heb 11:1 1. Daniel was a man of conviction (Dan 1:8; 6:10) 2. The three Hebrew lads had conviction (Dan 3:17-18) 3. Moses was a man of conviction (Heb 11:24-25) B. People with “big souls” have strong convictions concerning: Right and Wrong (Like Joseph - Gen 39:7-9) Truth and Error (Like Joshua - Josh 24:15) Matters of Duty (Like Jesus - Lk 4:16) C. These were people with BIG souls ... What is the DEPTH of your conviction? III. You may measure your souls by the Length of its Love. A. Like our Heavenly Father. 1. He SO loved - that He Gave His most precious possession (Jn 3:16) 2. “So” is an adverb of degree - it measures the “Length” of ... B. How far will you go in returning that love to God? 1. Jesus said ... Mt 22:37 2. John said ... I Jn 4:19 C. How far will your love go toward members of your family? a. ... toward your brothers and sisters in Christ? b. ... toward the lost and dying people all around you?

IV. You may measure your soul by the Breadth of its Service. A. David “served his own generation by the will of God.” (Acts 13:36) 1. Are we doing as much? (Gal 5:13) 2. Would you be willing to wash dirty feet? (as Jesus did in Jn 13) 3. Would you clean a house or mow a lawn? (in service to others) 4. You can’t “grow up” in Christ until you humble yourself! B. Big souls strive to be “soul winners” 1. He who is wise wins souls Prov 11:30 2. I become all things ... to save some I Cor 9:22

V. The size of the soul may be determined by the Weight of its Influence. A. Jesus said ... Mt 5:14-16 1. How much light do you radiate? Are you like a “match” or a “flood light”? 2. Do you produce enough salt to preserve anyone around you?

B. Jesus said ... Mt 13:33 1. If you’re a speck of leaven - are you changing the environment around you? 2. What is the weight of your influence for Christ ... in the church - in the home - in the workplace or school? Concl. 1) How big is your “inward man”? a) Still just a mere babe? b) All grown up and working for Christ?

2) Can you tell? Can you measure your soul ... by it's: Ambition? Conviction? Love? Service? Influence?

3) Think about it ... Do something about it!

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