ATWATER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PBIS—COOL TOOL SKILL/SETTING—Cafetorium GRADE LEVEL—PRIMARY GOALS/EXPECTATIONS:  Demonstrate behavior that encourages safety, respect, responsibility at lunch  Demonstrate behavior that reduces traffic, spills, collisions, conflicts, noise PROCEDURE: 1. Explain flow of lunch process: Get & Sit Eat & Talk Clean Up 2. Demonstrate staying in seat, using table manners: Feet on floor, bottom on bench Chew & swallow before talking Use proper utensils Use food & drink for eating & drinking only 3. Demonstrate polite table conversation using Voice Level 2. 4. Demonstrate procedures for waste disposal, cleanup, and lining up 5. Introduce LUNCH acronym Listen & line up Use Voice Level 2 Nice manners Clean up Help others RULES: 1. Use Voice Level 2 or lower at all times 2. Walk or sit at all times. Stand still only when in line or when asked to do so by teacher or supervisor. 3. When in line, keep one arm’s length between yourself and the person in front of you. 4. Be polite, use manners, and say Please, Thank you and You’re welcome 5. Raise your hand if you need help, or for permission to leave your seat. 6. Clean up your area of the table, bench, and floor before dismissal. 7. Make one trip per lunch period to the trash can, tray return, and to return lunch bag to crate. TEACHING EXAMPLES: (done in large or small groups depending on the needs of the group) 1. Have students discuss what they feel is polite conversation, and practice Voice Level 2 or lower. 2. Have students role-play: Feet on floor, bottom on bench Chew & swallow before talking Use proper utensils Use food and drink for eating and drinking only Raise hand for help or permission to leave seat 3. Have students practice: Lining up one arm’s length apart, without touching neighbor Cleaning up  Throwing away Please feel free to use other examples that are appropriate for your students. 2014-08-05 09:45