Motivation for Percentile Bootstrap Confidence Intervals

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Motivation for Percentile Bootstrap Confidence Intervals

Statistics 512 Notes 11:

Motivation for percentile bootstrap confidence intervals:

Suppose there exists a monotone transformation U= m(qˆ ) such that U~ N (f , c2 ) where f= m( q ) . We do not suppose that we know the transformation, only that one ˆ* ˆ* exists. Let Ub* = m(q b ) where qb is the estimate of q from * the bth bootstrap resample. Let ub be the b sample * quantile of the Ub ’s. Since a monotone transformation * * preserves quantiles, we have that ua/ 2= m(q a / 2 ) . Also, 2 since U~ N (f , c ) , the a / 2 quantile of U is f - za / 2 c . * * Hence ua/ 2=f - z a / 2 c . Similarly, u1-a / 2=f + z a /2 c . Therefore, * * * * P(qa/ 2# q q 1- a / 2 )= P ( m ( q a / 2 ) # m ( q ) m ( q 1 - a / 2 )) * * =P ( ua/ 2#f u 1- a / 2 )

=P ( U - cza/ 2#f U + cz a / 2 ) U -f =P (- z# z ) a/ 2c a / 2 =1-a An exact normalizing transformation will rarely exist but there may exist approximate normalizing transformations. The advantage of the percentile method is that it automatically makes this transfomation. We don’t need to know the correct transformation; all we assume is that such a transformation exists. Improvements on percentile bootstrap confidence intervals:

Major topic of research during the last twenty years: See Introduction to the Bootstrap by Efron and Tibshirani. It is often a good idea to standardize the estimator qˆ by an estimator of scale. See Problem 5.9.5.

Parametric Bootstrap

Suppose we assume that X1, , X n iid with density/pmf f( x ;q ) , q 蜽 . To obtain a bootstrap estimate of the standard error of a statistic Tn( X1 , , X n ) or a confidence interval for a parameter, we have taken resamples from the ˆ empirical distribution Fn . For a parametric model, a more accurate approach is to take resamples from f( x ;qˆ ) where qˆ is a point estimate of q based on X1, , X n .

Example: Odds ratio.

Linus Pauling, recipient of Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and in Peace, advocated the use of vitamin C for preventing the common cold. A Canadian experiment examined this claim, using 818 volunteers. At the beginning of the winter, subjects were randomly divided into two groups. The vitamin C group received a supply of vitamin C pills adequate to last through the entire cold season at 1,000 mg per day. The placebo group received an equivalent amount of inert pills. At the end of the cold season, each subject was interviewed by a physician who did not know the group to which the subject had been assigned. On the basis of the interview, the physician determined whether the subject had or had not suffered a cold during the period. Cold No Cold Total Placebo 335 76 411 Vitamin C 302 105 407 Total 637 181 818

An important quantity in comparing two groups with a binary outcome is the odds ratio. Let X denote the event that an individual is exposed to a treatment (or lack of treatment) or harmful agent and let D denote the event that an individual becomes diseased. The odds of an individual contracting the disease given that she is exposed is P( D | X ) Odds( D | X ) = 1- P ( D | X ) Let X denote the event that the individual is not exposed to the treatment or harmful agent. The odds ratio Odds( D | X ) D = Odds( D | X ) is a measure of the influence of exposure on subsequent disease. Here let D=catching a cold, X=receiving placebo and X =receiving Vitamin C. A natural point estimate of the odds ratio is Pˆ( D | X ) (335/ 411) 1-Pˆ ( D | X ) 1 - (335/ 411) Dˆ = = = 1.53 Pˆ( D | X ) (302 / 407) 1- Pˆ ( D | X ) 1- (302 / 407) In other words, odds of catching a cold on the placebo regimen are estimated to be 1.53 times as large as the odds for catching a cold while on the vitamin C regimen.

Parametric bootstrap confidence interval: The parametric model is that the placebo outcomes have a binomial(n=411, p= p1 ) distribution and the vitamin C outcomes have a binomial (n=407,p= p2 ) distribution. Point estimates for p1 are pˆ1 =335/ 411 = 0.815 and pˆ 2 =302 / 407 = 0.742 .

# Parametric percentile bootstrap confidence interval for # odds ratio bootstrapcioddsratiofunc=function(X1,n1,X2,n2,m,alpha){ bootoddsratiosvector=rep(0,m); oddsratio= ((X1/n1)/(1-X1/n1))/((X2/n2)/(1-X2/n2)); for(i in 1:m){ # Resample X1, X2 using X1/n1 and X2/n2 as estimates of # p1, p2 X1boot=rbinom(1,n1,X1/n1); X2boot=rbinom(1,n2,X2/n2); bootoddsratiosvector[i]=((X1boot/n1)/(1-X1boot/n1))/ ((X2boot/n2)/(1-X2boot/n2)); } bootoddsratiosordered=sort(bootoddsratiosvector); cutoff=floor((alpha/2)*(m+1)); lower=bootoddsratiosordered[cutoff]; # lower CI endpoint upper=bootoddsratiosordered[m+1-cutoff]; # upper CI # endpoint list(oddsratio=oddsratio,lower=lower,upper=upper); } > bootstrapcioddsratiofunc(335,411,302,407,10000,.05) $oddsratio [1] 1.532546

$lower [1] 1.104468

$upper [1] 2.175473

A 95% bootstrap confidence interval for the odds ratio is (1.10,2.18).

Coverage study: How well does the percentile bootstrap confidence interval work? Suppose n1=100, p 1 = 0.5, n 2 = 100, p 2 = 0.5, D = 1. We can use the Monte Carlo method to estimate how often the percentile bootstrap confidence interval will contain the true odds ratio D =1. 1. Generate two binomials

X1~ Binomial ( n 1= 100, p 1 = 0.5), X 2 ~ Binomial ( n 2 = 100, p 2 = 0.5)

2. Using X1, X 2 , construct a percentile bootstrap confidence interval for D . 3. Check if the true D =1belongs to the confidence interval. 4. Repeat m* times and estimate the true coverage rate of the confidence interval as the proportion of times that the true D =1belongs to the confidence interval. # Monte Carlo estimate of coverage rate for a 90% # confidence interval mstar=1000; n1=100; p1=.5; n2=100; p2=.5; deltaincivector=rep(0,mstar); for(i in 1:mstar){ X1=rbinom(1,n1,p1); X2=rbinom(1,n2,p2); bootci=bootstrapcioddsratiofunc(X1,n1,X2,n2,1000,.10); deltaincivector[i]=(bootci$lower<1)*(bootci$upper>1); } estcoveragerate=sum(deltaincivector)/mstar; > estcoveragerate [1] 0.891

Bootstrap hypothesis testing

To do a hypothesis test of H0:q= q 0 vs. H1:q q 0 at significance level (size) a using the bootstrap, we can use the duality between confidence intervals and hypothesis test and check whether q0 is in a (1-a ) confidence interval.

How about p-values?

The definition we have used: For a test statistic W( X1 , , X n ) , consider a family of critical regions {Ce :e 巍 } each with different sizes. For the observed value of the test statistic Wobs from the sample, consider the subset of critical regions for which we would reject the null hypothesis, {Ce : Wobs C e }. The p- value is the minimum size of the tests in the subset

{Ce : Wobs C e }, p-value = min Size(test with critical region C ) . {Ce : Wobs C e }

Equivalent definition:

Suppose we are using a test statistic W( X1 , , X n ) for which we reject H0:q w 0 for large values of the test maxP ( W ( X , , X ) W ) statistic. The p-value is q w0 q 1 n obs where Wobs is the test statistic for the observed data.

Using the bootstrap, we can estimate maxP ( W ( X , , X ) W ) q w0 q 1 n obs . However, we need to make sure that the distribution we resample from is in the null hypothesis. See Section 5.9.2.

Review of Chapter 5

Goal of statistics: A parameter (e.g., the mean) q of a population is unknown, all we know is that q 蜽 . Figure out something (make inferences) about a parameter q of a population based on a sample from X1, , X n from the population.

I. Three types of inferences:

A. Point estimation. Best estimate of q based on

X1, , X n . Criterion for evaluating point estimators: mean squared error.

B. Confidence intervals. Range of plausible values for q based on X1, , X n .

C. Hypothesis Testing: Decide whether q w0 or q w1 .

II. Monte Carlo method: Method for estimating how well methods that are supposed to work well in large samples work in finite samples.

III. Bootstrap procedures: Method for estimating standard errors and forming confidence intervals using complicated point estimates.

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