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EFF Resources, Publications, and Equipped for theFuture Products
The Equipped for the Future office The curriculum aligns with the Work All posters and handouts are located at the Center for Literacy, Readiness Profile, which was available in English and Spanish. Education and Employment is the developed in collaboration with the central office for the development and EFF Assessment Consortium and dissemination of training, materials, hundreds of front-line supervisors Online Courses and technical assistance that support from businesses across the country. Online courses in standards-based integration of EFF standards and The curriculum uses the EFF Worker instruction and assessment with EFF standards-based practices into Role Map and integrates the and in teaching math and reading instruction, assessment, and program Secretary’s Commission on Achieving with EFF standards and the EFF management. Basic Skills (SCANS skills) with the Teaching/Learning Cycle are EFF Standards in order to prepare currently available. Additional courses Located at: learners for the world of work. are also under development. Online Center for Literacy, Education & courses are scheduled periodically Employment Preparing for Careers in during the year or can be requested The University of Tennessee Sales and Service for states/programs through the EFF 600 Henley Street, Suite 312 EFF has developed a sales and Center. Contact the EFF Center for Knoxville, TN 37996-4135 customer service curriculum package more information or visit: phone: (865) 974-4109 including training for instructors as fax: (865) 974-3857 well as the necessary curriculum vices/online_courses.htm materials for use with adult learners. The curriculum combines both To find out what courses are currently Online Resources industry standards and the EFF being offered, go to: The EFF Website is the portal to standards with the goal of preparing accessing the various EFF collections adults for entry-level positions in _event.asp. Be sure to review our and online resources. Visit the sales and customer service. website find in-depth information online Course Policies and Technical Requirements before registering. about the EFF standards and Role Preparing for Careers in Maps. The site address is: Health Care This course is designed to prepare participants specifically for a career in The EFF Teaching/Learning Toolkit the health care fields, beginning with provides resources and examples to training for certified aides. The course assist practitioners in developing is intended to help participants instructional activities using the EFF progress from learning about Teaching/Learning Cycle. The themselves, to learning how to relate website address is: to their classmates as customers and /toolkit clients, to learning how to relate to actual customers and clients in the The EFF Handbook for Program workplace. Improvement: Using the EFF Approach to Quality is designed for For more information about administrators and other members of purchasing an EFF curriculum, Online Publications program improvement teams in please contact Aaron Kohring at The following products are available community-based organizations that (865)974-4258 want to use EFF as part of their online at: efforts to improve program quality. Available online at: Print Resources vices vices/online_publications.htm HOT Topics (Highlights on The following Posters and Handouts Teaching) can be ordered for a small fee by Each issue of HOT Topics contacting [email protected] or (865) concentrates on a specific topic of 974-4258. interest to teachers, highlighting Curriculum Resources examples of actual practice and EFF Role Map posters offering strategies and tools for using EFF Skills Wheel posters workforce_development.html the EFF Framework in the classroom. EFF Skills Wheel handouts Preparing for Work EFF Voice Newsletter
Rev 10/17/12 The EFF Voice provides updates on Equipped for the Future: A Reform and programs as a result of EFF special EFF projects, the increasing Agenda for Adult Literacy and implementation?’ range of uses for EFF, research and Lifelong Learning development, and other topics of February 1997. This publication interest. It offers a broad perspective builds on the previous work, reporting on the most recent EFF the continuing research and developments for a broad-based development of the EFF content audience. framework for adult performance standards EFF Research to Practice Notes Equipped for the Future Equipped 1: A Purposeful and Transparent Assessment Report: EFF/NRS Data for the Approach to Teaching and Learning Collection Project, 2000-2001 Future Summarizes the research basis for a July 2002. This report focuses on the purposeful and transparent approach accomplishments of the first year of Equipped for the Future to learning. Provides three examples the EFF/NRS Data Collection Project. UT Center for Literacy, Education & of EFF implementation and program Employment practices related to designing Equipped for the Future 600 Henley Street, Suite 312 education specifically around the Assessment Report: How Knoxville, TN 37996 goals of students in their real-life Instructors Can Support Adult Phone (865) 974-4109 roles as family members, community Learners Through Performance- Fax (865) 974-3857 members, and workers. Based Assessment July 2000. This publication introduces 2: An Approach to Teaching and instructors to specific performance- Learning That Builds Expertise based assessment methods that Describes how research findings show promise for measuring progress related to building expertise have relative to the EFF Standards. been applied to the development of the Equipped for the Future (EFF) Equipped for the Future Content Content Framework and assessment Standards: What Adults Need to system. Provides examples of EFF Know and Be Able to Do in the implementation and program 21st Century practices related to how learners use February 2000. This book prior knowledge and experience to summarizes the goals of EFF, construct meaning and acquire new provides a history of EFF research, knowledge. presents the EFF Content Standards, gives examples of how teachers can 3: A Contextualized Approach to use the EFF framework, and shows Curriculum and Instruction how EFF is part of educational Identifies the research basis for a reform. contextualized approach to EFF’s concept of teaching and learning, and Equipped for the Future Research provides examples of EFF Report: Building the Framework, implementation and program 1993-1997 practices. March 2000. This publication documents the research conducted Assessing Results That Matter: through the summer of 1997, Equipped for the Future’s including the process of gathering Approach to Assessment for Adult and analyzing data to create the Basic Education Accountability framework, and the concepts and and Improvement theories involved. June 2002. Explains the EFF approach to developing good Results That Matter: An Approach assessment tools and to ensuring to Program Quality Using that these tools are put to good use in Equipped for the Future improving the quality of adult August 2001. At the center of this education. document is the EFF Quality Model that makes explicit the vision and Equipped for the Future: A process of system reform using EFF Customer-Driven Vision for Adult standards and other tools. The Literacy and Lifelong Learning publication is designed to help state June 1995. This book describes the agencies and local programs to better vision and research basis of EFF's answer the questions: ‘What does initiative for reforming the adult EFF implementation look like in literacy and lifelong education action?’ and ‘What kinds of outcomes system. can we expect for students, teachers,
Rev 10/17/12