Stock Market Challenge

People invest in stocks for many reasons. The main reason is that they think they will be able to earn more money through their investment. However, sometimes people lose money on their investment. Therefore, to make the best decision possible regarding which stock to buy, it is important for the buyer to have reliable information about the company whose stock is being sold. Let’s see how you do at the stock market.

You have been given $25 000 to invest in the stock market using the Toronto Stock Exchange. Your task is as follows: . You must choose a minimum of 3 companies to invest in and no more than 5. . Track the progress of your stocks over the next four weeks until ______

Upon completion the following must be handed in

1. A 250 word written summary of each stock (in paragraph form): - overview of company, type of industry (include products produced) and ticker symbol - explain why you decided to purchase each stock - explain why you decided to sell or hold onto each stock - graph for each stock to show the changes in prices between the time the stock was bought and sold. - Calculate the profit/loss for each stock 2. Transaction records

Date Activity Description Quantity Price ($) Debit ($) Credit ($) Cash($) Nov 30/12 Opening 25 000 Balance Dec 1/12 Bought Daniele Inc. 5 000 1.00 5 000 20 000 Dec 2/12 Sold Daniele Inc. 5 000 2.00 10 000 30 000

3. Written reflection - What was the strategy used in choosing companies to invest in? What characteristics were used to determine which stocks to purchase? - Which of the stocks in your portfolio do you believe is the better long-term investment? Explain. - What are the benefits and drawbacks of investing in the stock market? - If you had the chance to start the competition all over again, explain the main changes you would make in your strategies

Go to and create an account to get started. Stock Market Challenge Rubric: 4 3 2 1 0 Gathering useful Excellent research Good quantity & Quality of Quality & quantity of No Attempt information including firm, quality of research is research is limited regarding firm, industry & market research including adequate; industry & market conditions firm, industry & Quantity is limited conditions market conditions relative to the decision being made Clear & Clear & Clear & Clear & Limited clarity & No Attempt comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive in comprehensiveness; investment plan throughout; Good throughout; main parts; some limited use of funds use of investment Adequate use of funds not used funds most investment funds Conducting Thorough analysis Good analysis Some good Limited analysis used No Attempt economic analysis used to support used to support analysis used to to support decisions & providing all decisions most decisions support main support for decisions decision made Fully supported & Decisions have limited clearly presented Good decisions, Adequate connection to facts; consistent with decisions., presented unclear most key facts; consistent with clearly presented some key facts; for the most part clearly presented Transaction Records are 1-2 parts missing 3-4 parts missing 4+ parts missing No attempt records thorough & complete Investment Portfolio & Portfolio & Portfolio & Limited accuracy, No Attempt portfolio graph(s) are graph(s) are graph(s) are completeness and thorough, complete, complete, for the organization in accurate and accurate and most part, portfolio and graph(s) logically organized accurate and presented organized Mechanics Spelling and Spelling and Adequate use of Limited use of proper No Attempt grammar used grammar used spelling and spelling and grammar very well well grammar

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Individual Reflection Rubric: 4 3 2 1 0 Final reflection Contents reflect Contents reflect Limited insight Very limited No Attempt contents good insight some insight insight Does not pertain to questions Completion All questions Some questions Few questions One question No Attempt completed completed completed (2 completed (3 (missing 1) missing) missing) Mechanics Spelling and Spelling and Adequate use of Limited use of No Attempt grammar used grammar used spelling and proper spelling very well well grammar and grammar

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