Title of Paper in All Capital Letters in Twelve Point Bold Times New Roman Font, Horizontally

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Title of Paper in All Capital Letters in Twelve Point Bold Times New Roman Font, Horizontally

Title of Paper in Twelve Point Bold Times New Roman Font, Horizontally Centered Full Width of Page

John P. Firstauthor*, Ella R. Secondauthor*, Ted B. Thirdauthor# and Mary L. Fourthauthor# *Department of International Detonations University of Somewhere, Somewhere, Province, Country #Research Department National Lab, City, CA 95000

Abstract. Reasonable short summary of the content of the paper, in 10-point Times New Roman font, justified, and with a solid line below the abstract text centered horizontally on the page (6pt below the last line). The Abstract text area is to be 5.0 inches wide. Next paragraph, if necessary.

Introduction separation between columns. Graphics scaled to fit within the columns are Heading is 10 pt Times New Roman bold in to be placed after they are cited, at the end of a Title Case. The page (paper) size is 7.5”x10”. Both paragraph. Graphics should be inserted using MS right and left margins are 0.75”. The top margin of Word menu Insert->Picture->File. the title (first) page is 2” and the bottom margin of the title (first) page is 1”. The text is to be formatted as two equal-width (2.85”) columns with a 0.3” separation. Text should flow from the bottom of one column to the top of next column in the same page. This is an example of the start of a second paragraph, with the first line indented 0.25”. Entire document should not exceed 10 pages.

Sub Heading Fig. 1. First caption.

Sub Headings are 10 pt Times New Roman in Graphic should be centered in the column. a Title Case . Captions (note Fig. and Table format style) should Paragraphs are 10-point Times New Roman be in 10 pt. justified, and placed directly below the 1 font, justified, with 0.25” first line indentation. graphic. Make sure that your caption stays with Columns are, each 2.85” wide with a 0.3” your figure by highlighting your figure, choosing Format-> Paragraph-> Page Breaks -> Keep with 2 a This is a footnote next. The second and subsequent pages are on the If graphics wider than a column are needed in same paper size of 7.5”x10”. The margins of the the document,3 insert a continuous section break.4 second page and subsequent pages are to be 1” on Format the next section as a single 6.0” wide top and 1” at the bottom. The “Header and Footer” column. Two-column-wide graphics/tables should margins should be at 0.5”, and there should be no be placed either at the very top or bottom of pages. page numbers. Format columns should be of equal width (2.85 inches) with 0.3 inches separation.

Following is an example equation inserted as a Microsoft Equation Editor object:          (1)   2 

Table 1. Example table format Column Column Column Column 1 2 3 4 Alpha 12 0.5 1.6E+02 Beta 44 1.2 1.4E-01 Gamma 1432 3.2 N/A

Tables should be centered in the column. Captions should be in 10 pt. justified, and placed directly above the table. Make sure that your caption stays with your table, by highlighting your caption, choosing Format-> Paragraph-> Page Breaks -> Keep with next.


Note that papers are to be printed in Black and White. Color figures can be submitted, and included in color in the CD. However, make sure colors are medium depth colors, such that they don’t fade to white or darken to black, when the proceedings are printed in black and white. It is best to use different symbols (dashes, dots, etc.) as well as colors for complicated graphics, so that both the color and B&W version will come out clearly. Fig. 2. Full-width graphic.

Another continuous section break has to be entered after the graphic/table and its caption to resume the two-column formatting.5 1References

. References are numbered sequentially and shown as endnotes in 10 pt Times New Roman font. Please list all authors, if possible. 2. Last, N., “Book Chapter Title”, in High-Pressure Shock Compression of Solids, edited by E. Editor and E. Second, pp. 5-10, Spinger-Verlag, New York, 1999. 3. Smith, Z., Wesson, X and Hand, Y. V., “Title of Paper in Title Case Format” Proceedings of the 11th Detonation Symposium, pp. 20-22, Snowmass, CO, August 1998. 4. Duck, D., and Mouse, M. M., “Title of Paper in Title Case Format” J. Appl. Physics, Vol. 50, pp. 100-110, 2001. 5. Who, W., What, W., and Where W., “Title of Technical Report” XYZ National Lab Report XX-YY-#####, 2004.

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