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The University Of Tennessee At Chattanooga

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga 2013 Staff Performance and Development Review Form


The Staff Performance and Development Review (SPDR) is designed to be a tool for facilitating communication between staff me mbers and their supervisors during the formal face-to-face performance review meeting. When used effectively, the performance r eview can clarify expectations, identify opportunities for staff development, improve communication, enhance job satisfaction, and increase motivation. University staff members who have completed their six-month probationary period should have a formal face- to-face meeting with their supervisor at least once annually to discuss their performance and identify opportunities for professional development and job improvement.

Review Period and Due Date:

All non-faculty staff should receive a face-to-face review of their performance on an annual basis. Employees on approved leave of absence should be evaluated within one month of return from leave. Newly hired staff should receive an evaluation of their gen eral performance and a review of prospective goals and development opportunities at the end of their six-month probationary peri od.

Members of the Chancellor’s Executive Team have established review periods and due dates for each division according to the sc hedule below:

Unit: Review Period: Due Date: Academic Affairs January December May 1st Lupton Library April March May 1st University Advancement January December May 1st Student Development May April July 1st Athletics July June Aug 1st Chancellor's Direct Reports July August Oct 1st FOIT July August Oct 1st

Department Heads, Directors and other unit supervisors seeking an alternative review period or due date, should consult with di vision Vice Chancellor and communicate such revisions to the Office of Human Resources.


The Staff Performance and Development Review Form has three parts:

 Part I, Self–Assessment and Development Proposal: to be used by staff members to provide review period performance information along with proposed development opportunities to their supervisors prior to the face to face performance review meeting. Staff members should complete this portion individually and then submit it to their supervisor as a platform for discussion during the face-to-face performance review meeting.

 Part II, Performance Review Summary: to be used by supervisors for summarizing performance observed during the review period. This section provides the opportunity to discuss standards of performance and expectations among the five summary performance dimensions (see specific instructions for Performance Review Summary attached as appendix.). This section also contains a supervisory addendum to be completed if the employee receiving the performance review performs a supervisory or managerial function.

SPDR revised January 2013  Part III, Overall Evaluation and Individual Development Plan: to be used by supervisors for discussion of staff member’s current performance as well as documenting the employee’s plan for professional development over the next evaluation period.

Following the face-to-face review meeting, completed review forms with signatures of the staff member and supervisor should be sent to the next level(s) of administration for review and approval. The staff member should be given adequate opportunity to incl ude comments or submit attachments to the review form before it is sent to the next level of review. The department should make copies of all review forms for the staff member and for the department file, sending the original of all documents to Human Resou rces for retention in the permanent personnel file.

SPDR revised January 2013 The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Staff Performance and Development Review Form

Employee Name: Review Period: from to

Employee IRIS#: Position Title:

Department: Supervisor:

Part I - Staff Self-Assessment and Development Proposal

Staff members should complete this section and submit it to their supervisor prior to the face-to-face Annual Performance and Development Review. (Additional pages may be attached.)

1. Does your current job description adequately describe your principal job duties?

Yes No

If not, in what respects have your position duties changed since your last Performance Review [or the date of last Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ) revision].

2. Please describe your work-related accomplishments and contributions for the review period, particularly with respect to any specific performance goals and objectives that were established for this period.

3. Please describe UTC committees or special projects in which you have been involved during this review period and how this involvement may be related to any specific performance goals and objectives established for this period.

SPDR revised January 2013 4. UT Human Resource Policy HR0128 encourages all employees to set a goal of 32 hours of training and development activities per year. Please list work-related training and development programs in which you have participated during this review period. (additional sheets may be attached if needed)

5. Please list work-related goals and objectives you wish to set for the coming review period.

6. Please propose training or development opportunities you believe would help you accomplish your goals for the next review period, help you do your job better, or facilitate your career development during the upcoming 12 month review period.

SPDR revised January 2013 Part II– The Performance Review Summary

Supervisors should review the staff member’s SPDR Part I prior to completing this part of the evaluation, which is to be used to inform and guide discussion in the face-to-face Performance Review Meeting. Please attach any other forms or documents used in the performance review process, including SPDR Part I.

Key Elements:

1. Accomplishments - the extent to which the employee meets expectations in performing the job functions of his/her position as defined in the Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ).

5 Consistently Exceeds Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required)

4 Fully Achieves and Occasionally Exceeds Expectations

3 Fully Achieves Expectations

2 Sometimes Achieves Expectations

1 Rarely Achieves Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required) Examples & Comments:

2. Service & Relationships - the extent to which the employee's behaviors are directed toward fostering positive working relationships in a diverse workplace, respect for one's fellow workers, and cooperation with students, customers, and visitors.

5 Consistently Exceeds Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required)

4 Fully Achieves and Occasionally Exceeds Expectations

SPDR revised January 2013 3 Fully Achieves Expectations

2 Sometimes Achieves Expectations

1 Rarely Achieves Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required)

Examples & Comments:

3. Accountability & Dependability - the extent to which the employee contributes to the effectiveness of the department and the overall mission of the university. (NOTE: Time off approved under FMLA may not be considered)

5 Consistently Exceeds Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required)

4 Fully Achieves and Occasionally Exceeds Expectations

3 Fully Achieves Expectations

2 Sometimes Achieves Expectations

Examples & Comments: 1 Rarely Achieves Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required)

SPDR revised January 2013 4. Adaptability & Flexibility - the extent to which the employee exhibits openness to new ideas, programs, systems, and/or structures.

5 Consistently Exceeds Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required)

4 Fully Achieves and Occasionally Exceeds Expectations

3 Fully Achieves Expectations

2 Sometimes Achieves Expectations

1 Rarely Achieves Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required)

Examples & Comments:

SPDR revised January 2013 5. Decision Making & Problem Solving - the extent to which the employee makes sound and logical job-related decisions that are in the best interest of the University.

5 Consistently Exceeds Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required)

4 Fully Achieves and Occasionally Exceeds Expectations

3 Fully Achieves Expectations

2 Sometimes Achieves Expectations

1 Rarely Achieves Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required)

Examples & Comments:


Rating Total Points Consistently Exceeds Expectations = 23 - 25 Fully Achieves and Occasionally Exceeds Expectations = 19 - 22 Fully Achieves Expectations = 15 - 18 Sometimes Achieves Expectations = 10 - 14 Rarely Achieves Expectations = 9 or less SPDR revised January 2013 Final PR Rating:

Additional Performance Elements: (Note: Time off approved under FMLA may not be considered)

1. Attendance – the extent to which the employee can be depended upon to report to work on a consistent basis.

Meets Attendance Standards Comments/Examples:Comments/Examples:

Does Not Meet Attendance Standards

2. Punctuality – the extent to which the employee can be depended upon to report to work as scheduled.

Meets Punctuality Standards Comments/Examples: Does Not Meet Punctuality Standards

Supervisory/Management Addendum

This section of the Staff Performance and Development Review Form may be used for staff members with supervisory responsibilities.

Key Supervisory Elements

1. Planning and Organization: Sets work objectives for the unit, anticipates changes, secures and budgets resources, structures and delegates tasks appropriately, establishes work priorities.

Consistently Exceeds Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required)

Fully Achieves and Occasionally Exceeds Expectations

Fully Achieves Expectations

Sometimes Achieves Expectations

Rarely Achieves Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required) Examples & Comments:

SPDR revised January 2013 2. Performance Management – Helps employees set appropriate goals, coaches for improvement, facilitates employee development (including goal of 32 hours training/year for all employees), and conducts formal performance reviews in a timely fashion.

Consistently Exceeds Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required)

Fully Achieves and Occasionally Exceeds Expectations

Fully Achieves Expectations

Sometimes Achieves Expectations

Rarely Achieves Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required) Examples & Comments:

3. Control: Measures and reports performance results of the work unit, evaluates and corrects performance deficiencies when necessary, ensures unit compliance with university policy and procedures, and operates within budget.

Consistently Exceeds Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required)

Fully Achieves and Occasionally Exceeds Expectations

Fully Achieves Expectations

SPDR revised January 2013 Sometimes Achieves Expectations

Rarely Achieves Expectations (supporting statement/documentation required)

Examples & Comments:

**End of Supervisory/Management Addendum**

Part III – Overall Evaluation and Individual Development Plan

UT Human Resource Policy HR0128 encourages supervisors to set a goal for their employees of 32 hours of training and development activities per year. Supervisors should review the staff member’s proposed development opportunities from Part I and finalize an individual development plan in this section.

SPDR revised January 2013 A. Overall assessment of strengths demonstrated and success in meeting goals/objectives during this evaluation period: (Please describe accomplishments toward meeting any work-related development goals specified in the previous Annual Per formance Review referring to SPDR Part I)

B. Individual Development Plan (IDP): IDP documents training and development goals for the staff member to accomplish during the next evaluation period to support continuous improvement and employee development.

STEP 1. Knowledge / Skills / Abilities / Experiences Needed List in order of priority any knowledge, skills, abilities and experiences needed by this staff member to improve job performance and enhance professional development.






STEP 2. Action Steps List in order of priority any action steps needed to address the areas noted in Step 1.

Action steps could include: training courses (internal/external), on-the-job training, course work, certification, special projects, committees, and/or other development opportunities.

SPDR revised January 2013 Note: Please see the UTC Training for Optimal Performance (TOP) website at for more information on UTC training and development opportunities, most of which are offered without cost to departments. The Office of Human Resources can assist departments in locating and developing additional training programs to address special departmental needs. (Please refer to Part I, item #6) Prioritized Action Steps Timing (3,6,9,12 months) Estimated Cost






C. Performance Goals: Describe any job-related, individual or departmental goals or objectives toward which the staff member will be working during the next evaluation period. When completing this section please discuss the overall mission and goal of the University, the overall mission and goal of the department, and how the individual employee’s performance goals contribute to the achievement of these missions and goals.

Supervisors may wish to revisit the goals and development plans established during the formal performance review meeting on a periodic basis during the current evaluation period (biannually or quarterly) to assess progress, facilitate accomplishments of goals, and discuss any revisions that may be necessary due to changing circumstances. Future meeting date to informally review and discuss the progress toward goals and individual development plan (Part III) may be provided below:

Interim Review Date:

Summary Checklist

1. Goals and Objectives have been developed and discussed with employee? Yes No

2. Job Duties and Performance Expectations have been discussed with employee? Yes No SPDR revised January 2013 3. Appropriate corrective action has been discussed with employee? Yes No NA

4. Individual Development Plan has been discussed with employee? Yes No

Job Content Review

Date of last review of staff member's PDQ by Human Resources:

Does the current Position Data Questionnaire reflect accurately the duties and responsibilities of this staff member? Yes No

If it does not, it is suggested PDQ be revised for review by Human Resources.

Comments: (additional attachments may be included, if space is insufficient)


Staff Member:

I agree with this assessment of my performance:

I do not agree with this assessment of my performance:

[If staff member does not agree with content of review, he/she should indicate in the “comments” section above the points of disagree ment to be considered by the next level of administration. Additional statements may be attached.] By signing below, the staff member and supervisor acknowledge that this performance review was conducted in a face-to- face meeting in which feedback regarding performance was given and future performance and development plans were discussed.

Staff Member (required) Date

Supervisor (required) Date

By signing below, the administrator to whom the above supervisor reports attests to having examined the performance review documents, including any indication of contested issues.

Administrative Review Signature (required) Title of Reviewer Date Please send original with any attachments to the Office of Human Resources for review and retention in permanent pe rsonnel file.

Appendix: Instructions for Part II - The Performance Review Summary

Key Elements of Performance Review Summary Accomplishments – Evaluate the employee’s success in performing identified duties/areas of responsibilities. Use the PDQ or departmental goals & objectives to identify specific duties/areas of responsibilities. SPDR revised January 2013

Service & Relationships – Evaluate the employee's success in the areas of customer service, communication and interpersonal skills, diversity, and teamwork.

Accountability & Dependability – Evaluate the employee's success in contributing to the effectiveness of the department and the overall mission of the university. It is important to note that time off approved under FMLA may not be considered.

Adaptability & Flexibility – Evaluate the employee's success in dealing effectively with additional responsibilities, learning innovative techniques and applying them to his/her job, and participating in appropriate training and development opportunities.

Decision Making & Problem Solving – Evaluate the employee's success in making decisions, following safe work practices, and complying with university policies and federal, state and local laws.

Ratings Expectations should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. An employee should be evaluated based on how well he/she has met the known expectations of his/her position.

Evaluate the employee using the following options: Rarely Achieves Expectations Example: Employee rarely completes tasks on time or in a timely manner.

Sometimes Achieves Expectations Employee sometimes does/sometimes does not complete tasks on time and may often have to Example: be reminded to complete the tasks.

Fully Achieves Expectations

Example: Employee consistently completes tasks on time or in a timely manner with no intervention.

Fully Achieves & Occasionally Exceeds Expectations Employee completes tasks early or on time and will occasionally seek ways to help others Example: complete tasks and/or accept additional tasks.

Consistently Exceeds Expectations Employee completes tasks early or on time and consistently seeks ways to help others Example: complete tasks and/or accept additional tasks.

SPDR revised January 2013

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