Peter Believed to Be Crucified Upside Down (66 A.D. - 12 Th Year of Nero.)

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Peter Believed to Be Crucified Upside Down (66 A.D. - 12 Th Year of Nero.)

2 Peter

I Introduction

A I Peter – Peter calls upon the Christians to stay focused in their times of persecution. They were to focus on Christ coming back and to handle the persecutions by living like Christ.

B II Peter

1 Author

a 2 Peter 3:1 - “this Second Epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance”.

2 Date

a 64, 65 a.d. possibly as late as 67 AD

 Peter believed to be Crucified upside down (66 a.d. - 12 th Year of Nero.)

3 Location

a Rome - Current location of Crucifixion purported to be in the middle of the Vatican courtyard.

II Chapter 1 – God called you to eternal life, obey his words, they are True.

A Vs. 1-4

1 Vs. 1 – Audience – Christians

a By His Righteousness, not our own.

b “Our God and Savior” – One not two.

2 Vs. 2

a How are grace and peace multiplied?

 Through the knowledge of God and Jesus

b To whom is this knowledge available?

(i) James 1:5, Mat. 7:7, 11, Eph. 3:5-9, I Pet. 1, 2 Pet. 1:3, Gal. 1:6-10

(ii) This is not “special knowledge” as the Gnostics believed. 3 Vs. 3 – If his divine power through true knowledge of him has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness, what further knowledge do we need?

a What religions does this statement affect? Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Islam, Charistmatic...

b “who called us” – who are the called? Acts 10:34-35

4 Vs. 4 – “For by these” – His glory and excellance.

a Granted: Precious and magnificent promises

 John 3:16, 8:31-32

 Why? We might be partakers of the divine nature.

(i) Which is? Life Eternal - Fruit of the Spirit

 Which results in: Being free from the corruption of the world.

B Vs. 5-9 - “Now for this very reason” – The reason that he called us (vs. 3, 10) (for divine nature)

1 Diligence – eagerly, earnestly, with effort, work toward:

a Moral excellence (virtue) – excellence, praise, modesty, purity – manliness.

b Knowledge – understanding or wisdom of the pure things of God.

c Self control (temperance) – Not just knowledge of good, but keeping oneself from evil.

d Perseverance (endurance, patience) – Contentment in Christ.

 Luke 21:19 - In your patience ye shall possess your souls.

 James 1:4 - And let patience have its perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, lacking in nothing.

e Godliness – Fruit of the Spirit

f Philadelphia - Brotherly Kindness – Love to your brothers and sisters in Christ.

g Agape – Love to all of mankind.  Luk 6:27-28 - But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.

2 Vs. 8 – There is no absolute in the qualities mentioned. We are to increase or grow in them.

a “If these qualities are yours and are increasing”

b The result of this is that:

 You are not useless – You can do others good

 You are not unfruitful – You are actively aiding the kingdom

c A great number of folks worry about their usefulness or ability to be a part of the kingdom of God.

3 Vs. 9 - [(If) you do not]

a You are certainly not looking toward the perfecting, confirming, and strengthening to be done with the return of Christ.

 Ex. Rich young man, prodigal, demas

C Vs.10-11 – Summary of 3-9 – “Therefore”

1 Because he called you, diligently practice righteousness. That is, obey God’s commands.

a Eternal life comes from obedience.

 Not that we earn anything, it is through the glory and excellence of His calling (vs. 3)

(i) Heb 5:8-9 - though he was a Son, yet learned obedience by the things which he suffered; and having been made perfect, he became unto all them that obey him the author of eternal salvation;

D Vs. 12-15 – “Therefore” – Because I want you to have eternal life…

1 Peter will:

a “Remind you”

b “Stir you up by way of reminder”

c Be diligent in this so that Christians will remember when he is gone. 2 He anticipated his end to be quite soon.

a Tabernacle – 2 Cor. 5:1-4

E Vs. 16-21 – [We aren’t making this up! It isn’t some sort of a game]

1 We knew Christ.

a In fact, we were there when God said He was His Son and what He did was Pleasing!

2 How can you be more certain about prophetic words of Scripture and the Messiah than to have God tell you this is the one to whom you need to be listening?

a Pay attention!

 As to a lamp from dark to dawn.

 “Morning star” – day star – reference to Venus rising in the morning (According to Coffman).

(i) Here metaphorically used in reference to Christ.

3 Vs. 20-21 – Though Peter had the word doubly confirmed by God at the Mt. of Transfiguration…

a Man needs to know that such an additional confirmation is not a necessity.

b Prophecy of the scriptures is not from man, but from God via the Holy Spirit.

III Conclusion

A You have been called by God to Eternal Life! Obey Him!

B He called you to increase and grow in godly qualities.

C The words of the Apostles are from God and Truth.

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