A Word from Pastor Jean

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A Word from Pastor Jean

ST JOHN UCC – June/July 2017 / page 1 A Word From Pastor Jean

June/July 2017

June already! Yes, the year is fast approaching its half-way mark. During the month of June St. John will offer Vacation Bible School on Mondays from 9-11:30. We will continue packing lunches on Tuesday. And we will participate in the Teen Mission Weekend June 23-25. On Pentecost Sunday our Search Committee will be installed and we’ll gather the “Strengthen the Church Offering”. Ending the month, the General Synod of the United Church of Christ will convene in Baltimore on June 30. The list of June events reflects the call of the church- Worship, Mission, Support. Scriptures for June add dimensions to the call. The Holy Spirit comes with wind and fire bringing power to witness. Matthew tells us all nations are included in the mission field. In Genesis 18 Sarah laughs when she is promised a child, reminding us of God’s surprising provisions. The month ends with Jesus sending his disciples on their first mission trip. When Sarah laughs, God asks: Is anything too hard for the Lord? Well, no, but we need a good laugh once in a while. And we need summer and all of its fun. Travel safe- “Remember we’ll keep the light on.” ST JOHN UCC – June/July 2017 / page 2 St. John Prayer List Countryside Manor – 450 West First Street – Aviston IL 62216: Marty Isler, Jack Milligan, Cecil Brown Trenton Village – 980 E. Broadway – Trenton IL 62293: Betty Becker, Beryl Kuhn Clinton Manor – 111 E. Illinois Ave. – New Baden IL 62265: Marge Yohe, Bob Schmitt, Joyce Schmitt Faith Countryside - 100 Faith Drive - Highland, IL 62249: Marge Goble Magnolia Terrace - 623 Hamacher St. - Waterloo, IL 62298: Velva McGavock Summit Place NMB - 491 Hwy 17N, Apt. # 306 - Little River, SC 29566: Miriam Huelsmann Highland Health Care Ctr., 1450 26 th St. Room 107 Hall A, Highland, IL. 62249: Joellen Kimmle At Home: Hal Wehrle Worship Participants Thank you for your service to the church!! June 2017 July 2017 GREETERS: GREETERS: June 4: Tish Bates July 2: Jo-Allison Rogers June 11: Bryan & Nicole Wernle July 9: Connie Zimmers June 18: Dorothea Louden July 16: Jake & Heather Johnson June 25: Bev Rogers July 23: Ed & Karen Koch July 30: Steve Feldmann & Lonna Patton ACOLYTES: June 4: Haller Family ACOLYTES: June 11: Groennert Family July 2: Groennert Family June 18: Wesselmann Family July 9: Henderson Family June 25: Johnson Family July 16: Haller Family July 23: Wessellmann Family LITURGISTS: July 30: Johnson Family June 4: Karen Koch June 11: Lisa Groennert LITURGISTS: June 18: Hank Henderson July 2: Lisa Groennert June 25: Mickey Williamson July 9: Lois Roach July 16: Mickey Williamson COFFEE HOUR HOST/S: July 23: Collin Henderson June 4: Marian Nelson July 30: Cathy Haller June 11: J.O.Y. Society June 18: Worship Committee COFFEE HOUR HOST/S: June 25: Congregational Life July 2: Open July 9: J.O.Y. Society COMMUNION PREPARATION: July 16: Worship Committee June 4: Lisa Groennert July 23: Congregational Life COMMUNION PREPARATION: July 2: Connie Zimmers July 30: Open If you would like to be a liturgist for a Sunday or a series of Sundays, please let the church office know. We have openings available. Thank you!

Contact Pastor Jean Monday/Tuesday/Friday between 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the church office 224-9828, 224-6009 or at her cell 815-323-3693. Email is [email protected]. ST JOHN UCC – June/July 2017 / page 3

BLESSINGS FROM ST. JOHN TO: CONGRATULATIONS FROM ST. JOHN TO: June 1: July 2: June 5: Bev & John Rogers Marge Goble Shane Nollau Jamie & Clinton Truscott June 2: July 3: June 6: Karen & Ed Koch Mia Heuberger Pat Campbell June 5: July 5: June 12: Pat & Ken Campbell Owen Henderson Brian Pedersen June 13: Olin & Eileen Hoffmann Barbara Szpila June 14: Chris & Ron Becker June 6: July 7: June 16: Leon & Doris Jones Alice Bean Taylor Fisher Morgan Koentz July 8: June 23: Curt & Laura Wesselmann Jacob Klein Olin Hoffmann June 30: Bryan & Diane Marsh June 10: July 15: July 2: Ron & Alice Bean Ron Becker Lois Winkler July 18: Hank & Laurie Henderson Greg Von Bokel July 18: Callie Szpila Margie Bopp July 20: Dan & Lauren Holloway June 11: Clint Truscott July 21: Sheryl & Brian Pedersen Robert Vaninger July 20: July 29: Carol & Gary Schwend June 12: Ollie Bair Dorri & Tim Stempel Hal Wehrle July 23: ********************************************** Doris Jones Carol Schwend Carl Clark Eli Truscott July 24:  The St. John Quilters for their June 14: Diane Marsh dedicated work to their craft which Kelsey Wesselmann July 28: benefits so many people through the June 15: Kim Nollau Green Bean Pantry Eliza Wernle July 29:  All who signed up for mowing and yard June 17: Shirley Niggli work to keep the grounds of the church Bryan Marsh looking good June 20:  Margie Bopp who takes care of the Clinton West flowers out front June 28:  The choir for consistently giving us Sharon Logan beautiful music  Rich Sappington and Greg Erdmann June 29: who are always available when needed Lisa Groennert  For all the volunteers who have given Congratulations Graduates! their time, talent and treasure to VBS! Kameron Fisher – son of Kassie & Tim Fisher Kailey Zajac – granddaughter of Billie & Orville Rinderer Mara Williamson – granddaughter of Mickey & Kris Schaeffer Mike Williamson Christian Education Director Trent Short-grandson of Margie & Carl Bopp October 2004 – May 2017 ST JOHN UCC – June/July 2017 / page 4 ...The Council President June 2017 As the month of May approaches it’s end, there have been some changes during the last month. Our church family has a new member, Steve Wallace, and we should all do our best to extend the hand of friendship and welcome him as a part of our church. Kris Schaeffer made the decision to retire as Christian education director and we celebrated her time of leadership with us on May 21st. On behalf of the congregation, I would like to offer another Thank You to her for all that she has done for us. Darci Materkowski has decided to accept the responsibility of director and we all wish her the best in this new position. The second annual pancake breakfast was held on May 7th and though there were some issues at the start, the event went over well and turned out as a success. Thinking ahead to the future we should consider having a “wrap up” meeting for the breakfast to discuss the aspects that worked well as well as the parts that could use some refining before next year. This should help to make the third annual breakfast, in 2018, an even greater event for the life of our church. Continue to keep in mind, that as the half way point of the year approaches we all need to do our best to support the church, especially if we want this year to be an ideal starting point for a confident future for us all. Regards, Dustin Men's Fellowship Breakfast The Men's Fellowship Breakfast will be on Tuesday, June 6 and Tuesday, July 11 (to avoid the 4th of July week) at 8:00 AM. All men of the congregation are invited to meet up at Good Ol' Days in New Baden for good food and great fellowship while we resolve the world's problems in addition to having time for coffee.

Musings from the Church Mouse THE POWER OF BEING HEARD Differences are by God's creative design. We were never expected to always agree. Yet nothing can be more discouraging than realizing, after lengthy discussion, that no one heard a word you said. Listeners more focused on persuasion only construct walls of hostility. If we would genuinely listen, we might avoid misunderstandings. To hear the heart within words ultimately demonstrates respect and compassion. With attentiveness and love, God promises to hear our prayers. Sometimes we struggle to know God's will. However, that will is revealed throughout the many promises found in the Bible. Others proudly profess those promises, yet all that talk is not relevant to being assured that we are always being heard. Today when you are bursting with something to say, instead pause, refuse to speak, and listen deeply. Perhaps you will hear every unspoken word. Women’s J.O.Y. Fellowship ST JOHN UCC – June/July 2017 / page 5 For the May trip, the following items were taken to Kindercottage: fifty-five rolls of toilet tissue, twenty- eight rolls of paper towels, a package of 40 paper plates, 1440 paper napkins, a bag of baby bottles, four winter hats, two gallons of orange drink, and to sweeten things a bit - a bag of licorice. This will be our last trip to Kindercottage until August when we take school supplies. Thank you for your support of this J.O.Y. project. We will concentrate on VBS and the needs of the Brown Bag Lunch program in June and July. If you would like to make a monetary donation for either of these projects, please label it and place it in the collection plate or turn it into the office. Watch for a list of other necessities in the weeks to come. We would like to also take some time to recognize that the J.O.Y. Society (which joined with the Women's Fellowship group) was founded in 1926 and has the motto of "Jesus first, Others next and Yourself last." The aim is to bring joy to the lives of others. So for over 90 years, the women of this church have had a focus to help and support others, including St. John UCC and all its activities, Eden Seminary, Hoyleton Children's Home, Hitz Home, Emmaus House, Neighborhood House and currently Kindercottage and the Brown Bag Lunch Program. We are including a poem that was written by Mildred Goeden in May of 2001 as a tribute to the J.O.Y. for their 75th anniversary.

"Jesus First Others Next Yourself Last" One Sunday morning a class of young ladies with their teacher decided on this, we'll be a Society and work for the church. An approving nod came from each miss. We'll call the Society the J.O.Y. We'll make a charter with motto and aim, twill meet once a month on a Thursday perhaps. So that's how this Society became. We met at the homes of each member in turn, with a wiener roast once every year. We had Halloween parties and Christmas exchange with games of fun and good cheer. Oh! the trips that we took on Roy's cattle truck and Harvel's too I believe. We went to parks, to Springfield and such, the oldest church in old St. Genevieve. We held bake sales to buy things for the church too numerous to mention all here. We painted eggs, 12 dozen or more, but decided to quit that one year. There were Japanese Teas and mums that we grew, and sold at the Fall Market Sale. A lunch stand at auctions with the Church Brotherhood, when the men were still hearty and hale. As members got older and some passed away; Through the years we've had 93, but it's dwindled down to a precious few. We need more young joiners you see. We're glad you all made it to help celebrate our 75th year - thanks a lot. We'll continue to serve and do what we can in the service of our neighbor and God. ST JOHN UCC – June/July 2017 / page 6

Search Committee News As members of the Search Committee, we want to express our gratitude for the trust you have placed in us. On May 1st we concluded our orientation meeting with Rev. Shana Johnson, our Conference Minister who will be working closely with us. The purpose of this letter is to share with you a brief summary of the Search and Call process in the United Church of Christ: 1) We will seek your perspectives on our church and its ministry as we move through this search process. We plan to incorporate your ideas about new pastoral leadership into the “Local Church Profile” that we are working to develop, now. 2) St. John’s vacancy will then be listed in the “UCC Employment Opportunities”. 3) Ministers that have been authorized to complete a UCC Ministerial Profile can then submit their profiles (think resumes) for the Search Committee through the ISC office. 4) Please note that while the work on St. John’s ‘Local Church Profile’ requires the input of many in our congregation, the names of the candidates will be held in strict confidence within our committee; we ask you to respect the essential confidentiality of this process. We will make every effort to keep you informed – on a regular basis – about our progress. 5) As part of the Committee’s preparation of the ‘Local Church Profile’ we will be carefully determining the compensation package and working with the Council and the Conference to be sure it is reviewed and approved. 6) We will share St. John’s ‘Local Church Profile’ with candidates and we will begin to follow up with persons in whom we have a particular interest. The follow ups will include telephone reference checks and interviews and request for sermon recordings. While doing this, the Committee will continue to evaluate new profiles/resumes that come in from the Conference. 7) We will be selecting a small number of candidates for personal interviews, following which we will make arrangements for the Search Committee to worship with them, most often in a church setting arranged by our Conference.

8) We will seek God’s guidance and prayerfully make a decision on a candidate. 9) If the candidate we recommend chooses to accept, compensation arrangements will be finalized – again in coordination with the Council and the Conference and a date for a “candidating Sunday” will be established with the Council. 10) Everyone will have an opportunity to meet the candidate (and family) that weekend in an informal setting as well as our worship service where the candidate will preach. A congregational meeting following the worship service will offer each member an opportunity to ask questions of the Search Committee, and to vote on the Call to our new pastor. We are grateful during this time for an excellent interim leadership from Reverend Jean! We profoundly trust that God will guide both our candidates and the members of our Search Committee. We ask you to pray for us regularly. We are blessed with a wonderful church community; with hard work and God’s guidance, we will be blessed with a wonderful pastor to guide us as we minister in the name of Jesus Christ. Regards, Hank ST JOHN UCC – June/July 2017 / page 7

Hurray for summer! Summer means we are getting ready for vacations, new school year planning, and just having fun! Of course, it also means saying “Good-bye” to a bunch of sweet, energetic, curious, kids and sending them out into the world of kindergarten! I’m not sure if that statement is scarier for them or for me. However, they have much to learn and a beginning to get them there, so onward and upward. To our new kindergarteners – Adysen Pitts, Alyson Litteken, Bella Johnson, Bentley Jansen, Braden Haar, Caden Conner, Caleb Strieker, Carly Zotz, Clayton Holloway, Dylan Franey, Easton Timmermann, Eli Thole, Ethan Yukna, Isabelle Luensman, Jillian Litteken, Keira Fohne, Myla Wernle, Nash Brokering, Olivia Biver, Riess Athmer, Roslyn Blackford, Taylor Courtney, and Tyler Davis – we will really miss you and wish you the best!!!! You can do it. As for our new students, and returning students, the year is shaping up very fast! We have some new STEM items on order or waiting to be unboxed. We have several new centers in development. The carpet is getting cleaned after VBS and new paint on the walls in July, and then it is set-up time. You will receive information letters in early July with dates to visit our classroom and other information. I received two more registration forms last week and mailed another packet to a potential student. Paper, glue, tape, and all the necessities will be purchased in July (Let’s hope Walmart and other stores do not move up back-to-school stock dates.) I need everyone to save 2 empty vegetable/soup/fruit cans. Please! It is for a secret. Wow! I think I just rushed past summer break. Backing up a bit, we need to pass on May birthday wishes. Happy “May Birthday” to Jeremy Springer on the 5th and Brenna Haselhorst on the 30th!!!!! We wish “Happy June Birthday!” to Ethan Yukna on the 2nd, and Reiss Athmer on the 26th. We wish “Happy July Birthday!” to Eli Thole on the 21st, and Alyson Litteken on the 24th. Of course "Happy August Birthdays!" to Clayton Holloway on the 10th, Dominic Davis on the 11th , Olivia Biver on the 13th, Carly Zotz on the 15th, Myla Wernle on the 17th, and Parker Rosson on the 30th. The Closing Program was awesome!!!!! The students had made us a little nervous as we practiced during the week. We were extremely pleased with the performance of each and every child. Parents should be exceptionally proud of your son/daughter. Thank you to everyone who donated treats for our celebration! A super- duper THANKS to Pehg and Courtney for spearheading the celebration. Thank you to Pastor Jean, Darci and Delanee Materkowski, and any others I forgot to name for helping serve and clean up. You are all wonderful! We had fun adventures with each class to Dairy King. The children had the opportunity to practice good restaurant manners and did great with the long trek down the sidewalk. I hear several of the students had a good nap in the afternoon. We need to do more walking next year to more fun places in town. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer! Ms. Misty and Ms. Lisa will be returning for another exciting year in August. Our first days of school, August 21st and 22nd, are fast approaching. If anyone has any questions, please contact me by email or telephone. I will get back to you as my summer adventures allow. I will be in the classroom to check mail, and messages not emailed, at least weekly. However, there will not be scheduled times until August. Letters will be mailed to all registered students in early July with more exciting 2017-2018 news! Please enjoy your kids and have a great summer! Kathy ST JOHN UCC – June/July 2017 / page 8 Highlights of May 16, 2017 Council Meeting Members: Dustin Atwood, Tim Bair, Greg Erdmann, Marian Funk, Lisa Groennert, Cathy Haller, Hank Henderson, Bev Rogers, and Connie Zimmers (Official copies of the Minutes are available upon request.) Highlights of the May 16, 2017 Council Meeting Members as of 1/22/17: Dustin Atwood-President, Lisa Groennert-Vice-President, Cathy Haller- Treasurer, Lana Tobin-Secretary, Stan Clark, Laura Wesselman and Connie Zimmers. (Official Copies of the Minutes are available upon request.) Monthly Reports we given by officers, various committee/team members. DISCUSSIONS:  Christian Education  Breakfast Fundraiser  Vacation Bible School  Rummage Sale  Spaghetti dinner  Search Committee processes June/July Yard Work Schedules June 4-10: John Groennert July 2-8: John Groennert June 11-17: Tim Materkowski July 9-15: Tim Materkowski June 18-24: Steve Wallace July 16-22: Steve Wallace June 25-July 1: Hank Henderson July 23-29: Hank Henderson July 30-Aug. 5: John Groennert MISSION WEEKEND UPDATE Planning is coming along great for the stay-at-home mission weekend June 23-25. So far there are 3 properties lined up with work projects of porch repairs, outside painting and building a wheelchair ramp. If your child wants to participate then they need to be registered by June 1st for planning purposes. Financial help is available for the $50 fee that covers food, t-shirt, pool party and equipment for work projects. Call Jenn Thompson at 618-204-1471 if you have any questions. Finally, St. John has been asked to supply 100 bottles of water. If you can provide bottled water, please label your donation "Mission Trip" and put it in the large silver refrigerator in the basement between the two bathrooms. GREETER LIST In this month's newsletter is the greeter schedule for 2017/18. If you have been listed but do not wish to be a greeter, please let the office know at 224-9828 or at [email protected]. Please note that we have "Sunday School Children" listed for one day in 2017 (Father's Day) and two days in 2018 (Mother's and Father's Day). If you have a child in Sunday School, we would appreciate it if you would ask if they would want to be a greeter that day and if they do, then ensure they are here early enough to start passing out bulletins. Thanks to all greeters for making St. John a welcoming church! ST JOHN UCC – June/July 2017 / page 9

VBS is here! Mighty Fortress VBS will be Mondays only in June as in the past. If you have any questions about volunteering or registration, call Cathy Haller at 224- 7914. The kitchen crew has an immediate need for pretzel sticks, Chex type cereal, Cheerios, gold fish crackers, and teddy bear crackers. If you can help with these before June 5, please drop them off in the Narthex on the church pew. Later on we will have a need for M&Ms, apples, bananas, grapes, caramel sauce, cupcakes and mini pretzels. For a better idea of when certain food items are needed, please talk to Shelby Atwood. If you would like to make a monetary donation to VBS, you can do so via the offering plate or give it to Cathy Haller. If you have not yet registered for VBS you can call the church office at 224-9828 or go to https:/vbsmate.com/STJOHNUCCTRENTONIL. There will be stories to hear, crafts to make, food to eat and songs to sing, all with the theme that "In Jesus, the Victory Is Won!" We hope to see you! Brown Bag Lunch Program In conjunction with the other churches in Trenton, St. John has started helping with the brown bag lunch program. To aid us, members can donate lunch items which can be taken to the kitchen: Small bottles of water (8 oz) are needed or juice boxes. Right now we have plenty of sweet treats on hand but small bags of chips go fast. Fresh fruit and veggies are needed each week and they can be placed in the kitchen refrigerator. Monetary donations are welcomed and can be handed in to the office, labeled and placed in the collection plate, or handed to Pehg Zeller. Once again, thank you for keeping all of our children in the forefront of your thoughts.

Father's Day: Sunday, June 18th Happy Father's Day to all men who have guided a child. “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a

Rummage Sale St. John will be having a Rummage Sale fundraiser on Friday and Saturday, July 14th from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM and July 15th from 8:00 AM to 12 Noon. Donated items for the rummage sale can be brought in following the conclusion of VBS on June 26th. All items can be placed in the former youth room in the basement. Set up for the rummage sale will be July 10th through the 13th Any and all helpers for set up and for the sale would be appreciated and can contact Cathy Haller. ST JOHN UCC – June/July 2017 / page 10 ISC DELEGATES Stan and Lois Clark have agreed again to be delegates from our church to attend the Illinois South Conference Annual Meeting in October. However, in case they cannot make it St. John should have alternate delegates named so ISC can send them information. If you would like to be an alternate delegate or would like to have more information about what a delegate does, please call the church office at 224-9828 or call Stan Clark at 618-406-1564. Strengthen the Church Offering The Strengthen the Church Offering will be taken on Sunday, June 4th. Extra envelopes will be available for those who wish to contribute to this denominational offering. Your gift will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing churches, and develop spiritual life in our youth and young adults. Strengthen the Church is directed to your church's Conference, Local Church Ministries and The Stillspeaking Ministry for these purposes. Thank you for your generosity.

 The church office will be closed on Tuesday, July 4th in observance of this national holiday.  The secretary will be on vacation July 10th-14th.  5th Sunday offering will be taken July 30th for OCWM Humor for the hard times In his sermon, a pastor told his summertime congregation: “Nature is a gift from God and every blade of grass is a sermon.” The next day, the pastor was mowing his lawn when a church member came along. The parishioner stood watching his pastor mow. Then, nodding his head in approval, he said, “Way to go, pastor! Cut it short.” ‒via Rev. Harry Mahoney Dedham, MA “Baseball is like church. Many attend but few understand.” ‒Wes Westrum New York Mets manager (1967)

In a church bulletin: “Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.” ‒via George Goldtrap Ormond-by-the-Sea, FL

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