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Dr. Gudipati Muralikrishna, HOD, Scientist-G & Chief Scientist, CFTRI possesses more than 37 years of research experience in the areas of food carbohydrates, polysaccharide degrading enzymes, Glycoproteins, Gangliosides ,Prebiotics, antioxidant compounds and is well known for his contributions both Nationally and Internationally. He has published over 65 highly peer reviewed publications in very high impact International Journals such as Carbohydrate polymers, Carbohydrate Research, Phytochemistry, Food Chemistry, Food Hydrocolloids, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, Analytical Biochemistry, Journal of Cereal Science, and
Page 1 of 11 Critical Reviews of Food science and Nutrition. His publications are highly cited and he has over 1790 citations and has H-Index of-23. I-10 index of 38.
His significant achievements are described in brief.
I. Firstly his research work makes a unique contribution in understanding various biochemical aspects of grain malting which has a bearing on the potential use of finger millet in various food, beverage and bread making industries. Unlike proteins and nucleic acids complete structural aspects of purified polysaccharides were not addressed with respect to their functionality. He has carried out highly focused research with respect to non-starch polysaccharide’s functional role of cereals and documented the importance of hemicellulose-B among the dietary fibre components with respect to viscosity and foam stabilization.
1. M. Nirmala, M.V.S.S.T. Subba Rao and G. Muralikrishna. Carbohydrates and their degrading enzymes from native and malted finger millet (Eleusine coracana Indaf-15) Food Chemistry 69, (2), 175-180, 2000. I.F – 4.529. Citations:-72
2. M.V.S.S.T. Subba Rao. G. Muralikrishna Non-starch polysaccharides and phenolics from native and malted ragi. (Eleusine coracana, Indaf-15) Food Chemistry 72, 187-192. 2001. I.F – 4.529 Citations :-86
3. M.V.S.S.T. Subba Rao and G. Muralikrishna. Hemicelluloses of Ragi (finger millet, Eleusine coracana, Indaf-15): Isolation and purification of an alkali- extractable arabinoxylan from native (N) and malted (M) hemicellulose-B. J. Agric. Food Chemistry, 54, (2006), 2342-4349. I.F –3.15.Citations :-20
4. R. Shymprasad Rao, R. Sai Manohar and G. Muralikrishna, Functional properties of water soluble non-starch polysaccharides from rice and ragi, effect on dough characteristics and baking quality- LWT Food Science and Technology- 40(2007)1678-1686. I.F – 2.29. Citations:-28.
II. A second most important contribution from him is the separation and purification of isoenzymes (-amylases) from ragi malt and their unequivocal role in the degradation of cereal starches and flours. His work clearly documented that -3 amylase was more efficient than -1 and 2 and this is the first time in literature that the properties of - amylases from ragi malt were deduced. This is a novel information with respect to the
Page 2 of 11 use of ragi malt enzymes, which can be used as adjuncts in bread and brewing industries.
1. M. Nirmala, and G. Muralikrishna. Properties of three purified alpha amylases from malted finger millet (Eleusine coracana Indaf 15). Carbohydrate Polymers, 54, 43- 50, 2003. I.F – 4.811.Citations:-27
2. M. Nirmala, and G. Muralikrishna. In vitro digestibility studies of cereal flours and starches using purified amylases from malted ragi (Eleusine coracana Indaf 15). Carbohydrate Polymers 52, 275-283, 2003. I.F – 4.811.Citations:-12.
3. M. Nirmala, and G. Muralikrishna. Three alpha amylases from malted finger millet (Eleusine coracana Indaf 15) Purification and partial characterization. Phytochemistry 62, 21-30, 2003, I.F – 3.2. Citations:-92.
4. M. Nirmala, and G. Muralikrishna. Changes in starches during malting of finger millet (Ragi, Eleusine coracana Indaf 15) and its In vitro digestibility studies using purified ragi amylases. European Food Research and Technology 215, 327-333, 2002. I.F – 1.66. Citations :-18.
5. G. Muralikrishna and M. Nirmala. Cereal -amylases - An overview, Review Article. Carbohydrate Polymers, 60 (2005) 163-175. I.F – 4.811.Citations:-181.
III. Further contributions from him came in the antioxidant properties of various phenolic acids, which although addressed in literature but however, not documented with respect to the most effective of the various phenolic acids. The results of his work showed that the ferulic acid along with gallic acid were responsible for the enhanced antioxidant property of ragi upon malting. This work is of industrial importance with respect to the preparation of antioxidant / dietary fiber rich foods from cereal malts. M.V.S.S.T. Subba Rao. G. Muralikrishna Evaluation of antioxidant properties of bound phenolics from native and malted ragi. (Eleusine coracana, Indaf-15) J. Agric. Food Chem. 50, 889-892, 2002. I.F – 3.15. Citations:-186.
IV. His intensive work on water-soluble feruloyl polysaccharides showed many functional characteristics such as antioxidant properties with their high amount of ferulic acid. The activity pattern observed for different polysaccharides could well be correlated with their
Page 3 of 11 bound ferulic acid content. This is in part related to the molecular weight/chain length of the polysaccharides. The possible antioxidant activity of glucuronic acid residues was also documented. This is the first publication to document the antioxidant property of cereal non starch feruloyl arabinoxylans (R. Shymprasad Rao and G. Muralikrishna. Water soluble feruloyl arabinoxylans from rice and ragi: changes upon malting and their consequence on antioxidant activity. Phytochemistry, 67, (2006), 91-99. Best paper award for basic research by CFTRI in the year 2006).
Quoted in Wikipedia. Citations:-92.
V. Novel cell wall degrading enzymes such as xylanase, ferulic acid esterase and acetic acid esterase were purified and characterized from ragi malt . Xylanase from ragi malt was utilized in obtaining bioactive oligosaccharides from various cereal brans and their prebiotic property was established and hence these oligosaccharides are potential nutraceuticals which can be incorporated as glyco nutrients in various health beverages.
1 Madhavilatha. G. and Muralkrishna. G. Isolation, Purification and partial characterization of acetic acid esterase from malted ragi. Journal of Agricultural and food chemistry 55, (2007), 895-902. I.F –2.857.Citations:7.
2 Madhavilatha. G, Srinivas P and Muralkrishna G. Purification and characterization of ferulic acid esterase from malted finger millet (Eleusine coracana, Indaf-15). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55 (2007), 9704-9712. I.F –2.857. Citations:-17.
3. Chithra. M. and Muralkrishna. G. Purification and characterization of xylanase from malted ragi. European Food Research and Technology , 227 (2008), 587-597. I.F – 1.433. Citations:-15.
4. Chithra. M. and Muralikrishna. G. Bioactive xylo-oligosaccharides from wheat bran polysaccharides LWT- Food Science and Technology 43(2010) 421-430. I.F – 2.711.Citations:45.
5.Madhukumar M. S. and G. Muralikrishna. Structural characterization and determination of prebiotic activity of purified xylo-oligosaccharides isolated from bengal gram husk (Cicer arietinum) and wheat bran (Triticum aestivum) Food Chemistry 118(2010) 215-223. I.F –4.529.Citations:-45.
Page 4 of 11 VI. Dr. Muralikrishna also established the role of minor constituents such as O- acetyl and ferulic acid groups of arabinoxylans, and o-acetyl groups of Xanthan gum in gelling which is the first ever report in the literature on this minor constituents of polysaccharides (G. Madhavi latha and G. Muralikrishna. Effect of finger millet malt esterases on the functional characteristics of Non-starch polysaccharides. Food Hydrocolloids, 23(2009) 1007-1014) I.F;-4.74.Citations:-- 3.
VII. A novel single step synthesis was achieved in the preparation of para nitro phenyl ferulate (PNPF) which is the substrate for assaying the Ferulic acid esterase the most sought after enzyme in the food, flavor and cosmetic industries (Shyamala Hegde, Pulla Bhatla Srinivas and G.Muralikrishna Single step synthesis of 4- nitophenyl ferulate for spectrophotometric assay for feruloyl esterases, Analytical Biochemistry, 387, 2009, 128-129.I.F:-2.21.Citations:-19.
VIII. He and his group has isolated arabinoxylans from linseed mucilage, ragi malt, ragi bran, rice malt and wheat bran and elucidated their structural characteristics as well as characterized their functional characteristics which resulted in several peer reviewed publications in top most journals of carbohydrates and Food Science and Technology
1 M.V.S.S.T. Subba Rao and G. Muralikrishna. Structure analysis of arabinoxylans from native and malted finger millet (Eleusine coracana, ragi). Carbohydrate Research, 339 (2004) 2457-2463. I.F – 2.1.Citations:-30.
2 M.V.S.S.T. Subba Rao and G. Muralikrishna. Hemicelluloses of Ragi (finger millet, Eleusine coracana, Indaf-15): Isolation and purification of an alkali- extractable arabinoxylan from native (N) and malted (M) hemicellulose-B. J. Agric. Food Chem, 54, (2006), 2342-4349. I.F –3.15.Citations:20.
3 Shyamprasad Rao R, and Muralikrishna G. Structural characteristics of water- soluble feruloyl arabinoxylans from rice (Oryza sativa) and ragi (Finger millet, Eleusine coracana): variations upon malting. Food chemistry 104 (2007) 1160- 1170. I.F – 4.529.Citations:-24.
Page 5 of 11 4 Savitha Prashanth, M.R & Muralikrishna,G (2014) Arabinoxylan from finger millet (Eleusine coracana, v. Indaf 15) bran: purification and characterization. Carbohydrate Polymers,99, pp. 800-807 I.F – 4.811.Citations:-7.
5 G. Muralikrishna, P.V. Salimath and R.N Tharanathan. Structural features of an arabinoxylan and a rhamnogalacturonan derived from linseed mucilage Carbohydrate Research. 161 265-271, 1987. I.F – 2.1.Citations:77.
IX. Xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) were isolated from cereal bran (rice, maize, wheat and ragi) water unextractable polysaccharides by xylanase treatment and their antioxidant property was documented by three different methods and unequivocally confirmed that XOS from ragi showed better antioxidant activity (In vitro antioxidant activity of Xylo-ologosacchrides derived from cereal brans – a comparative study B.R Veena shri, & G.Muralikrishna Food Chemistry (2011)- 1475–1481. I.F –4.529.Citations:-54.
Purification and characterization of B-D-xylosidase from Lacto bacillus brevis grown on Xylo-oligosaccharides was reported for the first time. This study provided an insight into the role of B-D-xylosidase in XOS metabolism. (Lyned D.Lasrado & Muralikrishna Gudipati, Carbohydrate polymers 92( 2013)1978-1983.I.F:-4.811.Citations:-13.
X. Glycoproteins:- He has worked and delineated the role of glycan chains from pancreatic porcine amylase and ajowan glycoprotein with respect to the enzymatic activity and immunomodulation properties respectively. This data has been published in highly rated International journals
1 B. Anitha Gopal, Sridevi A. Singh & G. Muralikrishna. “Porcine pancreatic alpha amylase and its isoforms - effect of deglycosylation by peptide-N- glycosidase F”- International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 43; (2008) 100-105. I.F –3.6.Citations:-2
2 Shruthi RR, Venkatesh YP and Muralikrishna G. Structural and functional characterization of a novel imuunomodulatory glycoprotein isolated from ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi L.). Glycoconjugate Journal, 2017 Aug;34(4):499-514. I.F:-2.18. Yet to be cited.
Page 6 of 11 XI .He has filed several national patents including a US patent (Efficient process of obtaining high content of bound phenolic acid rich dietary fibre by activity in situ amylases through stepwise increase in temperature G.Muralikrishna. and R. Shyamaprasada Rao.703 7537/2006).
1. A process for the preparation of amylase rich fraction from malted cereals. G. Muralikrishna and Nirmala M. Granted application 222585 dated 19/8 2008
2. An improved process for obtaining bound phenolic acid rich dietary fiber G. Muralikrishna and R. Shyamaprasad Rao. Granted application 239894 07/04/2010
3. A process for obtaining xylo-oligosaccharides from cereals and their malts R. Shyamaprasada Rao and G. Muralikrishna Granted application 252011 granted in June 2012.
4. A process for the preparation of xylanase from ragi malt. Manisseri Chithra. and G. Muralikrishna Granted Application 256101 in 2013
XII. His group was also involved in the bio conversion of bound ferulic acid of cereal brans into vanillin, an universal flavor compound by using A.niger 1105 and Pycnoporus cinnabarinus which resulted in high yields (~55%).
XIII. He is a recognized guide of Mysore university in the faculties of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science and has guided several Ph.D.Degree awarded (11 awarded ,Ongoing4) and M.Sc(25 ) students. He has been the adjudicator for (a) several Ph.D theses from different universities in India (b) National and International Projects in the area of carbohydrates and their degrading enzymes.
XIV. In recognition of his past research contributions in the earlier years many accolades have come his way which are as follows.
1 He was a DAAD fellow ( 1988-1990) in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Roland Schauer on Sialic acid containing glycolipids (gangliosides) and glycoproteins from starfish (Asterias rubens) at Kiel, Germany resulted in the isolation and characterization of novel gangliosides ( sialic acid containing glyco-lipids) and glyco-proteins.
Page 7 of 11 2 He was also the recipient of the prestigious overseas Department of Biotechnology( DBT) Associateship for the year 2007-08 and worked at the Institute of Bacteriology and Mycology, University of Leipzig, Germany on prebiotics for 6 months and could establish the prebiotic properties of monosaccharides such as arabinose and xylose for the first time in conjunction with the xylooligosaccharides.
3 He was invited by NOVA Publications (USA) and CRC Press to contribute book chapters for the books on dietary fibre and functional foods respectively.
4 He is in the advisory Board of the e. journal “Trends in carbohydrate research”
5 He has given several invited talks and presented his work both at national and international symposia.
He has been bestowed with several awards which are as follows.
XV. AWARDS/ PRIZES/RECOGNITION 1. Awarded ‘Excellence in Carbohydrate Research’ Award by Association of Carbohydrate Chemists and Technologists (India) for the year 2013. 2. Elected as AFST (I) fellow (2008) for the outstanding contributions in the area of Food carbohydrates and their degrading enzymes, phenolic acids and prebiotics 3. Laljee Godhoo Smarak Nidhi Award for 2002 was awarded by Association of Food Science and Technologists, India [AFST (I)] at the 5th International Convention (IFCON) held at CFTRI from 5th–8th December 2003 for excellent contributions in the area of Food Carbohydrate and Degrading Enzymes 4. Awarded Best Scientist Annual award by CFTRI for the year 2009-2010 for the scientific contributions. 5. Awarded Best Paper under the basic science category for the year 2006 by CFTRI. R. Shymprasad Rao and G. Muralikrishna. Water soluble feruloyl arabinoxylans from rice and ragi: changes upon malting and their consequence on antioxidant activity. Phytochemistry, 67, (2006), 91-99. QUOTED IN WIKIPEDIA ON ARABINOXYLAN.
Page 8 of 11 1 Served as DBT Task force member on “Value- Added Biomass & Products from Natural Resources. (April 2011 - March2014)
2 Elected member for National Academy of Sciences [NAS (I)],Allahabad – May, 2007.
3 Advisory Board Member for the E-Journal entitled “Trends in Carbohydrate Research (2009-2017).
4 Biodata published in Marquis ‘Who is who’ in Science and Engineering 2006- 07 and ‘Who is who’ in the world 2007-08.
5 Selection committee member of GITAM University, Vishakapatnam for appointing Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professors.
6 UGC Review committee member for granting the Deemed status university to GITAM University, Vishakapatnam. —2009.
7 Currently President of Society of Biological Chemists (India), Mysore Chapter for the Year 2014 – 2017. Organized 85th Society of Biological Chemists, National meeting at CSIR-CFTRI as local convener from Nov21st to Nov 24th ,2016.
8 Member Secretary, Research Council, CSIR-CFTRI, 2013-2016.
9 Served as Chairman for reviewing and restructuring of central autonomous bodies(CABs)-Reviewed NIFTEEM, Kundli and IICPT,Thanjvur on 21st December and 23rd December,2016 respectively.
10 Served innumerable committees at CSIR-CFTRI as chairman and member.
11 Recognized guide in the faculties of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science of University of Mysore.
Page 9 of 11 12 Ph.D. thesis adjudicator for Burdwan (West Bengal), Calcutta, Mangalore and Kerala (Trivandrum),JNTU, Hyderabad ,Cochin and Lucknow Universities. Nominated as board of examiners for Kuvempu University, Mysore universities.
13 Served several in-house committees at CFTRI including management council 1999- 2001: and 2007-2009.
14 Nominated for the National Executive for (a) association of Carbohydrate chemists and technologists for the year 2006 - 2007 and 2009 - 2011 (b) Society Biological chemists (I) 1993-1994 and also Hon. Secretary for the SBC, Mysore Chapter (1993-1994).
15 Convener for the 17th National Carbohydrate conference held at CFTRI Nov 21st - 22nd 2002 and also 27th National carbohydrate conference held at CSIR-CFTRI from Dec-10-12,2012
16 Session Chairman (A) 23rd carbohydrate symposium held at Bhavnagar, 2009 (B) 27th International carbohydrate symposium held at IISc. Bangalore
17 Life member of a) Society of Biological Chemists (I), Bangalore b) Association Of carbohydrate Chemists and Technologists (I) c) Association of Food Science and Technologists (I) d) Indian science Congress.
18 Reviewer for the National and International Journals a) Biotechnology Letters, UK b) Journal of Food Composition and analysis, Europe c) Applied Biotechnology. Food Science and Policy, USA d) Cellular and Molecular biology, Slovakia e) Enzyme Microbial Technology, UK
Page 10 of 11 f) Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, USA g) Carbohydrate Polymers, Elsevier h) Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Europe. i) International Journal for Food Science and Nutrition,USA j) Journal of Cereal Science, USA k) Journal of Food Science and Technology, India l) Reviewer for National (DST, CSIR) and International Sweden Project m) Indian Food Industry n) Carbohydrate Research o) Food Chemistry p) Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology q) Food & Function r) RSC reviews
Dr. G. Muralikrishna, F.A.F.S.T(I),M.N.A.Sc. Head of the Department of Biochemistry, Chief Scientist (Scientist-G) & Professor AcSIR Central Food Technological Research Institute Mysore-570020, Karnataka, INDIA. Ph: +91-821-2516531 (R) +91-821-2514876 (O) Mobile(0)+91-9480382199
Dated 1-09-2017.
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