2013 CHEERLEADER and PARENT EXPECTATIONS (Please make sure you sign and return and keep a copy to reference as we will be discussing this form at our parent meeting.)

CONDUCT OF CHEERLEADERS: Each cheerleader is to exemplify the highest standards of conduct and good moral character at all times, especially at school, social functions and games- be a leader, promote team spirit wear the Longhorn Logo with pride!!

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES a. Spirit – cheerleaders have good attitudes and set an example!! b. Mandatory attendance at the Lambert Cheer Camp held in the summer. c. Attend all practices, games and squad events throughout the season. d. Cheerleaders will cheer at football games, playoff games and other events as designated by the coach. The Jr. Longhorns cheerleading program will be given priority over all other extra curricular activities- the squad depends on EVERY girl. Stunt groups require all girls. Plan to be there!! e. Cheerleaders must attend all practices as planned by the coaches and must be dressed in designated practice clothes. Additional practice clothing will be made available for you to purchase if you feel you need more than one of each item. Cheer shoes are mandatory at EVERY practice and game. Please keep shoes clean as possible. f. Extra practices may be called by the coach as needed. g. Cheerleaders are to be present to the field before events at the time designated by the coaches- coordinators. h. NO FOOD is allowed while cheering. NO FOOD is allowed on the track. ONLY WATER in Jr. Longhorn Water bottles provided by program. Snack will be taken after halftime performances with the team. ILLNESS or INJURY – a. Cheerleaders who are ill must notify the coordinator as soon as is practical. b. Cheerleaders who are unable to cheer due to injury must attend the game in full uniform and sit with the coach to support the squad. c. Uniforms – All cheerleaders must dress out in full uniform for games and all other events determined by the coach. THIS INCLUDES THE CORRECT CHEER BOW. d. No jewelry for practice or games. Small stud earrings are allowed. The cheerleader will be asked to remove the jewelry if worn. If the correct uniform is not worn, the cheerleader will be calling you to bring it or go and get it. Cheerleaders should pack their provided cheer bags with necessary items that are needed and keep them in there.

GRADES A copy of the latest report card should be made available with registration or before the season starts. Cheerleaders must maintain their grades. If a cheerleader receives an “F” on any report card, or a U in conduct, disciplinary action will need to take place with the discretion of the Jr. Longhorns Board. Cheerleaders must set an example and grades come first. IF your child has a situation with grades now, you might consider that this will add to their schedules. Girls need to remember that having to study for a test is not an excuse to miss a practice or game or event. Cheerleading is a team commitment and they must be responsible to this. PLEASE USE WISE TIME MANAGEMENT. DISCIPLINE PROGRAM – Every program has rules. Please help us with the following and there should not be any issues. Do not be late to practice or games (includes the parent being late to pick up from games or practices.) Remember punishment for home behavior should not keep them from practice that hinders the whole team. Only excused reasons given BY PARENTS in ADVANCE will be permitted. 1. First time – warning 2. Second time – cheerleader may have to sit out. (DO NOT AS K WHY, IT WILL BE ADDRESSED). 3. Third time - Parent and cheerleader will need to have a meeting with the coordinator to discuss the issue. PERSONAL APPEARANCE – All cheerleaders are expected to keep a neat personal appearance at all times. Uniforms, shoes and other cheerleading attire are to be clean at all times. Hair is to be neat and styled correct for cheer events. Clear nail polish is permitted for the games. No artificial nails in cheerleading. GHSA RULE. – also remember uniforms (top and skirt) are equipment and are returned at the end of the season – so please take care of them. If a uniform IS NOT returned, you will incur a charge of $250 to cover replacement cost. If the uniform is damaged, the Jr. Longhorn board will decide how to charge for the damage. You will receive care instructions when the cheerleader gets her uniform and you will be asked to sign a uniform release form.

Behavior – Cheerleaders are expected to behave as a part of a team. Respect is to be held for coordinator, coaches and one another. Girls should support each other and encourage each other and must refrain from making negative comments about other members on the team. The girls must make every effort to get along with other members on the team. If a disagreement occurs, the coordinators should be notified immediatly so they can expedite a plan with the girls and the parents if needed to resolve the situation. Alcohol and drug use and improper behavior- Smoking and drinking, the use of drugs or any other inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated any time. The cheerleader will be suspended from the team if there are any issues here.

PARENT EXPECTATIONS: I. Duties and responsibilities of parents: 1. To support the decisions made by the coach –decisions are made on what is best for the team . 2. To provide transportation for your child to and from all functions. 3. To arrive on time for drop offs and pick ups. 4. To ensure your child’s attendance at all practices, games and functions. Special arrangements should be made or communicated to the coordinator in the event something comes up. 5. Attend games and if you cannot- please have another parent or guardian responsible for your child. (IF NOONE can be there, please let the coach know THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR SAFETY REASONS. 6. Review ALL expectations with your cheerleader and make sure they understand the rules. 7. Volunteer in areas where you can make a difference or help out. We cannot run this program successfully without all of our parents help.

II. Financial Responsibilities: 1. Payment of all registration fees and camps fees pertaining to the Jr. Longhorns cheer program shall be paid before uniforms can be ordered. 2. If you should have any questions or issues: Please contact Dana Kenney, Director of Cheerleading. III. Conduct & Behavior of Parents: It is our job as parents and involved adults to teach the girls tolerance, respect, and empathy for others and proper behavior toward this. Parents must always behave in a positive way regarding the Jr. Longhorns cheer program. We do not expect you to agree with all the decisions or rules of this program, but we do require you to support them or handle your conflict appropriately. Decisions should be made with the attitude of what is best for the girls and the program. Parents must never confront a coordinator, coach, other parent, or girl in public. All issues shall be addressed with the team coordinator and or the Cheer Director. It is in the discretion of the Jr. Longhorns Board if a parent/child must be removed from the program because of behavior issues. Board decision is final. *In the event the cheerleader decides to discontinue her participation on the team, the parent must provide a written resignation letter to the coordinator and the Cheer Director within three days. This letter must by signed by the cheerleader and the parent. There is no refund if your cheerleader decides to leave the team after the apparel fittings, or during mid season.

If there should be two squads for your daughter’s grade, please list her top two choices of friends to be with. THIS CANNOT BE GUARANTEED- unless they are siblings. However, we will do our very best to honor what we can.



Parent name- ______Parent signature______

Cheerleader name______Cheerleader signature______

Please understand by signing these rules that you agree to follow and abide by them.

Thank you for being a part of the Jr. Longhorn program and coming into the Longhorn Tradition.