Minutes of Annual General Meeting

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Minutes of Annual General Meeting

BEDFORDVIEW COUNTRY CLUB Minutes of the Athletics Section Annual General Meeting held on 12 August 2014 at 19:00 in the Athletics Club House


Alberto Riccardi Lorella Riccardi Alan Smith Hazel Aggett Charn Swart Deborah Harrold Colin Hart Robyn Korras Sean Deeley Lesley Deeley Grace Pereira Mike Simpson Angie Pelser Rob Riccardi

A Quorum was established – with an attendance of 34 members.

Topics Covered on the Agenda


 Members were asked to stand and observe a minute’s silence in memory of club members who had passed away during the past year. In special memory of Ronald Matthee, a member of our club who tragically passed away in the beginning of this year.


 The minutes, circulated to members present, were accepted as read and as a true reflection of the proceedings of the above meeting.

Proposer: Bill Coop Seconder: Wayne Korras


 A copy of the Financial Report 12 months ending 31 July 2014 was circulated to members present, and accepted as read. Proposer: Grant Panter Seconder: Wayne Korras

 Donovan Fraser reported on the financial results for the 12 months ending 31 July 2013 as follows –

1  Income Generated over this period comprised of the following:

o Subscriptions comprised of the R260.00 Sectional Levy; R80.00 CGA License fee and R20.00 Admin Fee, paid per member. The Annual Membership Fee of R840.00 per member is paid directly to BCC Main Club, for the maintenance of the BCC facilities, hence not included in Subscriptions received.

o The Proposed Subscription fees for 2015 are as follows: R460 Sectional Levy; R80.00 CGA License; R20.00 Admin Fee. In 2014 we managed to negotiate an increase in the allocation of the Sectional Levy fee to Athletics from BCC Main Club.

o The Dischem Race is a significant contributor to the club’s annual income. This year’s profit amounted to R177 325.00, before a donation of R39 750 .00 was made to the nominated charities.

o The Golf Day is an annual fundraising event and raised R12 230.00

o Kit Recoveries are the receipts from members for their purchase of the new Athletics, cycling and Triathlon kit, including reflector vests. Total receipted R213 567.00

o Sundry Income is the receipts from the Monthly Takkie Draw; Norrie Williamson training sessions; club functions (Barnyard, Chairman’s Breakfast; Prize-giving). Total Sundry Income was R57 257.00.

o Sponsorships were received for the production of the Comrades Jackets (Sage) total value R25 000.00. This allowed us to offer quality sports apparel at a subsidized cost to our members.

 Expenses Incurred over this period comprised of the following:

o License Fees including the CGA Licenses fees totaled R32 720.00.

o Kit Expenditure, a total of R263 174.00 was outlaid for the production of new kit, mostly recovered from members purchasing the kit and corporate sponsorship.

o Club Functions costs reflected, include expenses incurred to host the following events – Takkie Draw, Pub Run, Muffin Run, Prize giving Function; Time Trial Challenge and all catered races. Totaled R147 755.00.

o Coaching Fees – R24 000.00 includes fees paid to Club Coach – Ray Orchison.

2 o Development Squad Expenditure – R24 465.00 covered each squad members’ Annual Membership Fee to BCC, race entries and transport and accommodation for away races.

o Sundry expenses include security, website costs, sms bundles, telephone account, bank charges and trailer license. Totaled R32 710.00.

 The section has made a Net Profit of R10 110.00.

 The Athletics Section is both solvent and liquid, having surplus reserves of R471 192.00 and Net Current Assets of R471 191.00.

 The list of fixed assets for the year ended 31 July 2013 are as follows:

o Hi-Fi System o TV o Decoder o 3 x Gazebos o 5 x cooler boxes o Trailer 7ft o Skottle & Gas cylinder o 30 stools


 Graeme Boake – outgoing Chairman addressed the members present, and summarized the successful year as follows -

 Membership has remained stable, with 300 paid up members at the end of Financial Year.

 Bedfordview Athletics has evolved from a running club, to an Athletics club offering our members running, cycling and triathlon.

 The morning runs/cycles/ swims all remain strong and are well attended at the various stages throughout the year. Graeme Boake thanked the respective captains and school Captains for their tireless commitment.

 Dis-Chem 21km

o The largest source of income continues to come from the Dis-Chem 21km. The Chairman thanked the Race Organiser , Grant Panter and his team; the

3 Sponsors - Dischem, for their continued support and for making it possible for us to deliver a World Class Event; and the Athletics members, for giving of their time to assist with the set-up and logistics of the day. This was the 13th Dis-Chem Half Marathon.

o Race day:  6569 21km participants  4584 Finishers as per Championchip  Estimated 350 Finishers without Championchip  Approximately 1500 no shows on race day  Only 25 numbers not collected  1347 Finishers of the 5Km race

o Result:  Men’s Race won by Elroy Gelant in 1h07.24  Women’s Race won by Rene Kalmer in 1h18.26

o Race Finances:  R139K down form R327K in 2013 this was due to:  ABI costs up 259% (R63k)  Once off costs & Capex approx. R60k  VAT impact vs previous years

o Race Innovations:  Opened entries earlier & sold out by 6 Dec 2013  Courier service offered to runners vs collecting race numbers  Increased timing mats to include a 7km & 14km data point  Improved BCC Marketing as the race organisers i.e.: 20 BCC Banners  Canon to start the race  Controlled and monitored waste management

 Athletics Section:

o Morning runs: o All four morning schools (A,B,C & D) are going strong, The Chairman thanked the school captains for their contribution in making the morning schools successful: Thanks went to Jeff Macer-Wright; Luis da Silva; Trevor Hosking; Donald Jardine; JP De La Motte; Leigh Ann Moulder; Catherine De La Motte and Angie Pelser.

o Club time trials: 4 o Time trials continued to be successfully managed by Mike & Barbara Voudouris, and Sponsored by New Balance. o New Route was introduced.

o ICTTC: o Participating clubs are: BCC, RRW, Callies, Fit 2000 and Jeppe o BCC regained the ICTTC Club Trophy (A goal that was set last year) o Actively Managed by Bill Coop o Timing sponsored by Championchip (Craig v.d. Westhuizen)

o Two Oceans Results: o Full: 31 finishers o Half: 17 finishers o Claire Sandwell (Blue Number - 10 Two Oceans)

o Comrades Results: o 66 finishers (out of 80 starters) o 4 Silvers, 6 Bill Rowan, 31 Bronze, 25 Vic Clapham o Donald Jardine & Joseph Rampai both obtained their Green Numbers o Wayne Korras obtained his Double Green Number

o Ultra Distance: o Hazel Moller competed in the Ten 10 Comrades Challenge

o Special achievements : o Graham Brooks received the BCC Sportsman of the Year runner-up (Silver) award. o BCC bronze awards: Arthur Wooldridge, Bill Coop; Tony Silva; Terry-Lynn McIintosh; Robbie Riccardi; Grant Panter; Ray Orchison; Graeme Boake.

 Triathlon Section :

o Interest in Triathlons continued to grow over the past year with approximately 60 members taking part in training and racing. o BCC Triathlon Section had a great year – Dubbed “the athletics club with a multi-sport Problem”  Tri Rock : 19 Finishers  5150 Bela-Bela & Germiston: 27 Finishers  11 Global: 17 Finishers  70.3: 16 Finishers  ITU Cape Town: 6 Finishers  Full Ironman: 27 Finishers

o Special achievements: 5 o Robbie Riccardi – 3rd Provincial short distance champs; 5th SA National Champs short distance; 54th ITU World Champs London; 11th in age group at IMSA o Mike Simpson – 1st Provincial short distance champs; 2nd Provincial long distance champs; 2nd in age group at IMSA o Terry-Lyn McIintosh – 1st Provincial short distance champs; 3rd SA National Champs short distance; 5th SA National Champs long distance o Rob Kellock - 2nd SA National Champs Long Distance o Celeste Erasmus – 1st African Champs Long Distance (Duathlon) o Craig West - 4th SA National Champs Long Distance; Lottery Winner of Kona Entry.

 Cycling Section:

o The cycling section continued to receive support with regular weekend rides during the summer season, accommodating from beginners to “elite” riders o Formed a strong base for Triathlon cycling , as well as introducing new members to the club. o Approximately 50 members of BCC joined in the Sunday cycles with members taking part in 94.7 and the Cape Argus o Way forward: 2014/2015 Cycling will fall under the Triathlon Captain

 Performance Squad:

o Graeme Boake gave an overview of the Performance Squad, who currently consists of 7 members.

o Members: Anton Marais, Arthur Wooldridge, Glen Mokgatlhe, Jabulani Nkabinde, Jack Dlamini, Joseph Rampai, Tony Silva

o Fundraising: Dis-chem 5km Dash

o Benefits:  Club fees (VA) and Kit  Entrance to select local races  Costs for Comrades weekend (3 members)  Shoes for members (approx. 2 pairs each)  Training equipment, physio and supplements

o Results:  Jabulani Nkabinde achieved Silver Medal at Comrades (87th place)  Joseph Rampai achieved a Silver Medal at Comrades

6  Arthur Wooldridge – category winner at SA Track Champs (5000m & 10000m)  Glen Mokgatlhe achieved top three podium finishes  Tony Silva achieved top three podium finishes  “Blues colours” awarded to Jabulani, Glen, Tony, Arthur, Joseph  Performance Squad shattered course record at 18 hour relay race in Roodeport

 Club Social Activities:

o Catered Races: The various schools took ownership for catering many of the local races o Takkie Draws / Socials: Takkie Draws / Guest Speaker Events Muffin Run – with SABC TV Coverage “Women in Sport” Chairman’s Breakfast – Guest Speaker Ludwick Aches & Pains Parties (Ironman & Comrades

o Christmas Pub Run: Chairman thanked Gerald Yapp and Mark McGowan for organizing a very festive pub run. Over 60 members participated.

o Mandela Memorial Run: 50+ members ran 24km to Houghton and back to honour Madiba

o Prize Giving: 120 members attended the club prize giving, held at Fahrenheit in July

o Away weekends /races: Tokyo Marathon Triathlon weekends to Bela-Bela , Sun City, 70.3 and Ironman

o Fundraiser Golf Day: Played at Glendower – Nov 2013 Funds Raised: R12 500.00

o Snow shine tour

7 Snow Shine Tour comprised 4 weeks of golf, all rounds played at Glendower 26 participants Tour Champion golfer for 2014, Carlos Ruckard

 Giving Back to the Club:

 2013-2014 – the club invested in the following: o Professional Coach o Performance Squad o Bedfordview Branded Teardrops for Dischem 2014 o Investment into Club Management System / New look Newsletter o Club House Upgrade: Architect design & obtained construction quotes.

 2014-2015 – Club proposed to invest in the following: o Professional Coach o Performance Squad o CGA - Development Opportunity o Invest in upgrading Club Website o Club House Upgrade: Upgrade Photos on the walls, making them more current; Upgrade Furniture; Build a kitchenette/serving area; invest in a coffee machine.

 The Chairman extended his Thanks and Appreciation to – Each and every BCC member for their club participation and efforts to promote the good name of BCC .

Special thanks and appreciation to the following individuals for their Contribution to the club over the past year:

o Alan Smith, Virgin Active Administrator for commitment and support to Athletics

o Dis-Chem (and Derek McEwan) for the continued sponsorship of the Dis-Chem Half Marathon

o Grant Panter and his committee for organising a successful Dis-Chem Half Marathon 2014

o Craig Van Der Westhuizen for his timing sponsorship of the ICTTC

o Sage (and Rob Wilke) for the sponsorship of the awesome 2014 tops

o Marius Croucamp and team for the sponsorship of the 2014 Ironman Jackets 8 o Sweatshop Bedfordview for their continued sponsorship

o New Balance (and Sandi Brown) for sponsorship of TT

o 32 GI for sponsoring supplements for the performance squad

o The 2013/14 Athletics Committee members and school captains, for their endless dedication and commitment to continuing to build BCC Athletics.


 The existing committee stood down & Graeme Boake took over proceedings.  Graeme thanked the existing committee for a successful year & noted how the committee members are not remunerated for their services – all members contribute to the Club purely for the love of athletics. Out of all the sections at BCC, it seems that the Athletics Section have a wonderful camaraderie.  Graeme opened the voting of the chairman to the floor and this resulted in the following appointments:

Club Chairman – Graeme Boake Vice Chairman – Patrick Devine Running Captain – Craig Bannan Secretary – Leigh-Ann Moulder Triathlon Captain (incorporating Cycling) – Graham Brooks Social Organiser – Aurelia Masino Treasurer – Donovan Fraser Communications Officer – Gerald Yapp Club Coach – Ray Orchison Performance Squad – Ray Orchison


o A special Meeting will be called for – when the New Committee has revised Club House Upgrade plans and costings for approval. o Time Trial needs to be better promoted, possibly look at changing day of the week, and integrating it with the “Coach’s “schedule.

 Other General suggestions and concerns raised :

o There is a need to get New Members more integrated and participate in Club activities. o Social Responsibility opportunity – Bedfordview Athletics adopt an underprivileged Club, and help them run a successful club, with formalized schedules etc. 9

7. CLOSURE  The meeting was declared closed at 20:00


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