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Pimpri Chinchwad Polytecnic

Pimpri Chinchwad Polytecnic Nigdi Pune-44 Page

ACAD-R-9/F.Y/ Rev:00 Dt:2 / 4/13

Notes of English


Examples of prefix

1) A- Amoral, apolitical

2) Ambi- ambivalent ,ambidextrous

3) Anti-antibiotic, antiseptic

4) Auto-automatic, autograph

5) Inter- international, interlinked

6) Hyper-hypertension hypertext

7) Di-diagraph, dichotomy

8) Mis-mistake, misjudge

9) Extra-extraordinary, extracurricular

10) Counter-counterpart, counterattack

Examples of suffix

1) Able-portable, understandable Pimpri Chinchwad Polytecnic Nigdi Pune-44 Page 2) Ment-government, management

3) Age-teenage, drainage

4) Ness- fitness, fairness

5) Tion-corruption ,action

6) Wards- backwards, forwards

7) Fy-classify ,rectify

8) En-soften, smoothen

9) Let-anklet, leaflet

10) ic-poetic, specific

Examples of synonyms and antonyms


1) Afraid-scared

2) Authentic-genuine

3) Aim-goal

4) Anger-rage

5) Brief-short

6) Clam-quiet

7) Faith-trust

8) Harm-injury

9) Help-aid

10) Liberty-freedom Pimpri Chinchwad Polytecnic Nigdi Pune-44 Page


1) accept-reject

2) affirm-deny

3) ancient-modern

4) bold-timid

5) dawn-dusk

6) common-rare

7) cheerful-gloomy

8) float-sink

9) exit-entrance

10) glut-scarcity


1) Capital-capitol

2) Dairy-diary

3) Peace-piece

4) Accept-except

5) Advise-advice

6) Affect-effect

7) Raise-rise Pimpri Chinchwad Polytecnic Nigdi Pune-44 Page 8) Bear-beer

9) Mill-meal

10) Hear-here Pimpri Chinchwad Polytecnic Nigdi Pune-44 Page

Notes of Speech writing

Types of Speech

1) Welcome Speech

2) Farewell Speech

3) Vote of thanks

4) Introducing a guest

Example of a welcome speech Pimpri Chinchwad Polytecnic Nigdi Pune-44 Page 1) As a class representative prepare a welcome speech for the chief guest for the seminar arranged for the first year students.

Respected lectures and my dear students,

As the class representative of I year ,this is a matter of great delight and pride for me to welcome our respected and highly learned chief guest shri Sachin Rao H.O.D COP Pune

The seminar today on personality development is meant for all engineers. Our chief guest has given his kind consent and we are eager to listen to his valuable speech.

I call upon my classmate Mr.Dipak thakur to offer him a bouquet.

Example of Farewell speech

1) Farewell of the person who has successfully completed the project and is leaving the organization

Good morning ladies and gentlemen,

As I stand before you today, I experience mixed feeling of joy as well as sorrow. I am happy that I have completed the given project in this organization successfully but on the other hand I am sad that I have to leave this organization to join my parent organization. I take this opportunity to thank you all for your guidance, support and co-operation that I received from my seniors. Working with you here was more of fun than duty. Pimpri Chinchwad Polytecnic Nigdi Pune-44 Page Lastly I thank you once again for the help I wish you good luck in all your endeavors.

I m sure you will take this organization to greater heights of excellence and progress.

Thank you.

Example of Vote of thanks

1) Vote of thanks after the successful completion of the college event

Good morning,

I stand before you to propose a vote of thanks. At the outset I want to thank our honorable founder president for giving us an opportunity to organize this event. I am also thankful to our principal who motivated and supported us for the success of this event. I thank the chief guest from bottom of my heart for taking out some time for us and gracing the event by his presence. My heartfelt thanks to all the teachers, organizers, event coordinators, technicians, and my colleagues without their support the event would not have been successful. I extend my thanks to the wonderful audience for watching the whole program patiently.

Thank you all.

Pimpri Chinchwad Polytecnic Nigdi Pune-44 Page

Notes on Dialogue writing

Examples of dialogue writing.(Dialogues between two students about the timetable of the exam)

A: Hi ! How are you?

B: I m fine thank you

A: Have you seen the notice board?

B: Yes, You meant to say exam time table?

A: Exactly that what I mean

B: Time table has been displayed well in time. At least we can plan our studies in advance

A: Don’t you think that English paper is early?

B: I think it is good as we get time for the preparation of other subjects also

A: There seems to be some other problem too. There is hardly any gap between drawing I and II

B: Yes, of course. The problem is there but we have to manage.

A: Some how I don’t feel satisfied with the time table

B: Its ok ,relaxes and start preparing from today itself

A: well thanks for your moral support.

B: nice

A: bye Pimpri Chinchwad Polytecnic Nigdi Pune-44 Page 2) Dialogue between the doctor and patient about the improvement in the patients health

P: good morning DR.

D: Very good morning, mr.lal how do you do?

P: sir,I m fine and feeling much better than before

D: nice to know this. You seem quiet cheerful today

P: the credit goes to you for being so good to me and to your medicines too.

D: thanks a lot for your compliments.

P: sir, a doctor’s medicine and his kind words both have good effect on the health of a patient.

D: now don’t give up medicines totally keep visiting atleast twice, maintain good diet and drink plenty of water.

P: How long I have to take the medicines prescribed by you?

D: Your health is much improved .I think you are not required to take them after a week.

P: fine thank you

D: bye take care Pimpri Chinchwad Polytecnic Nigdi Pune-44 Page

Notes on paragraph writing

Types of paragraphs



Compare and contrast


Following are some of the examples of paragraph writing

Example of a descriptive paragraph

Health is wealth—a healthy mind in a healthy body is always required at every walk of life thats why we always say health is wealth. A long life without health is absolutely in vain. If we are blessed with healthy mind and body it will be easy for us to achieve success which will bring us wealth in our life. The life of a rich man without health is worse than the life of a beggar who has good health. Health is related to both body minds. Even if one element is affected it will ruin the whole life .We might have seen people who maintain good health and do hard work to achieve success in their life. Hence one should always maintain good and sound health in life so that they can transform their health into wealth by attaining maximum.

Example of a narrative paragraph Pimpri Chinchwad Polytecnic Nigdi Pune-44 Page Apollo 11 Space Mission—Neil Armstrong had quite a day on July 21 1969. This was the day he became the first man to walk on the moon. The journey began several days earlier when on July 16th the Apollo 11 launched from the earth headed to the moon. There were two more on board with Neil Armstrong. The crew had landed on the moon in the sea of tranquility a day before the actual walk. Upon Neils first step onto the surface of the moon, he said , that’s one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind. It was sure What a day!

Example of a technical paragraph

Types of Resistors—A resister is an electronic component that limits the amount of current flowing through the circuit. There are two types of resistors used in today’s electronics leaded resistors and surface mount resistor. Leaded resistors are manufactured with two leads coming out of the resistor one on each side. The leads are used to mount or solder the resistor into the printed circuit board. The leads are slid into a hole in the board and soldered to the circuit. The other type of resistor, surface-mount resistor is much small and used in low power applications. The surface-mount resistor is physically mounted on the circuit trace. Both type of resistor come in a wide variety of resistance values. The leaded resistor uses a color code to designate the resistor value while surface – mount resistor uses a number combination

Example of compare and contrast paragraph

Working women and house wives—whether she is working or a mere house wife, I feel the job of women is the the toughest one. Working women should take care of two responsibilities both at office and at home. At the same time she will have good exposure to the outer world, where she can have friends to share her emotions, but for a house wife most of her time is spent inside the 4 walls of her house. Her only responsibility will be her family and her children. it is very difficult Pimpri Chinchwad Polytecnic Nigdi Pune-44 Page for a house wife to have some emotional outlet as her world is so small. She should share her troubles either with children, who won’t be so matured enough to understand or with her husband who will be busy with his work. Working women may get loads of tension at work place. It may become difficult for her to balance both the sides equally but she will be always there to support her family financially. She can fulfill the petty needs of her children and make them happy .This financial freedom can never be enjoyed by the house wife, as she is dependent on her husband. Moreover in our society generally working women are admired most but I suppose we should regard the house wives too. This is because, throughout their lives they will be working for and grooming their children, she laughs in their happiness and weeps in their pain, her only world is her family. On the other hand due to the exposure to the practical life a working woman can nurture her children better than a house wife. But I strongly believe that a woman performs the best way both at workplace and at home, whether she may be a house wife or a working woman. She is considered as the backbone to the family and to the society because of her significant role in every walk of life Pimpri Chinchwad Polytecnic Nigdi Pune-44 Page

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