The Holy Land

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The Holy Land

Junior Certificate Section 2

THE HOLY LAND Fill in the gaps in the following passage

The Holy Land is the palce where Jesus lived, it is also known as P ------.It is situated o the Eastern side of the Mediterranean sea.The people who lived there were J

--- . The country had been invaded and was ruled by the R---- E-----, whose cpaital was Rome . They were n charge of everything in P------. The Romans wanted the countries that thye controlled to obey their laws and live in peace.

The J--- main place of worship was the Temple in J------. They also worshipped at

S------in their local towns.

The J--- believed that some day a saviour woul dappear who would free them from the invaders and they would live in peace. This person was called the Messiah.

Look at a map of the Holy land and find the following places: Junior Certificate Section 2


Jerusalem Sea of Galilee

Nazareth Dead Sea

Bethlehem. River Jordan Junior Certificate Section 2


Fill in the gaps in the following passage

There are two main types of evidence about Jesus. One is the O--- T------, which means evidence told from person to person. The other is the W------T------, evidence which is written down. The people who saw and heard Jesus are known as w------. The G------are written accounts of Jesus life. The people who wrote these accounts of Jesus life are called E------. Their names are M------, M---, L--- and John. Some of the writers used the same evidence to write the life of Jesus and their accounts are similar. These are called the S------G------.

Read the following passages and see how they are similar and also different.

The Feeding of the Five Thousand

The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 14 verses 13 to 21

The Gospel of Mark Chapter 6 verses 30 to 40

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 9 verses10 to 17 Junior Certificate Section 2


Fill in the gaps in the following passage

Jesus often spoke about the Kingdom of God when he told P------. These are stories told to teach people. He also showed what the Kingdom of God would be like when He performed m------and shared meals with people which we call T---- F------.

The Kingdom of God is what the world would be like if people followed the teachings of


The followers of Jesus were known as D------. They believed they were called to follow

Jesus. Today people who believe they are called to follow Jesus in a special way say that they have a V------. People who try to live and make real the Kingdom of God say they have a M------to tell the world about Jesus.

Read two parables and two miracles that Jesus used to teach about the Kingdom of God.

What is the story about?

What does it teach about the Kingdom of God?

Name three ways in which people would behave in the Kingdom of God




Compare your answers with the person next to you. Junior Certificate Section 2


Fill in the gaps in the following passage

Jesus was often in conflict with the Religious and political authorities. The authorities were worried that Jesus would upset the relationship between the Jews and the Romans and cause trouble. Finally Jesus was crucified on the charge that Jesus said He was King of the Jews.

Before Jesus was arrested he celebrated a P------meal with His friends and disciples.

Part of this meal was the blessing and sharing of bread and wine. This sharing of bread and wine was carried on after the death of Jesus. This is a M------or remembering of the meal Jesus celebrated. This is known today as the E------which means thanksgiving.

Jesus death was a S------which means an offering to God on behalf of other people.

Followers of Jesus who died for their beliefs are known as M------.

When Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to His disciples it was known as the

R------. At this time Jesus appearance was changed or T------. When HE ascended into Heaven He left behind His presence in the form of the H--- S-----.

Read one of the accounts of Jesus conflict with the authorities. For example the

Cleansing of the Temple. Answer the questions and compare your answers with the person next to you.

1 What is the story about?

2 Why do you think the authorities were angry with Jesus?

Junior Certificate Section 2


Fill in the gaps in the following passage

After the ascension the disciples were in Jerusalem. It was the Jewish feast of “Fifty Days after Passover”. Today we call this the Feast of P------. The H--- S----- came down and gave power to the disciples who then travelled and preached the Good News of Jesus to various communities throughout the world. The community of believers in Jesus were known as the P----- of G--. People who now go and preach about Jesus are called


Read the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 2 verses 47.

What do you think about the way the first communities of Christians lived?

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