Dramatic Speeches 1. The Dramatic Speeches are written in the first person, apparent either at the beginning or disclosed somewhere within the text. 2. In Dramatic Speeches, there is an explicit or an implied listener. (The Audience) 3. In Dramatic Monologue and Soliloquies, the character reveals or betrays something of his/her own character in the telling, often a negative aspect, of his/or her character. In a monologue, one character speaks alone, perhaps giving insight into the characters personal thoughts. A monologue might be delivered to another character within a play, or it might be delivered directly to the audience sitting in the theater and watching the play. However, a soliloquy — from the Latin solus ("alone") and loqui ("to speak") — is a speech that one gives to oneself. In a play, a character delivering a soliloquy talks to herself — thinking out loud, as it were — so that the audience better understands what is happening to the character internally. An aside is a comment made by a character to the audience or another character that no one else can hear.

Down the Rabbit Hole from Alice in Wonderland: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Ay1moYxgTBA

ALICE: [Angrily] Why, how impolite of him. I asked him a civil question, and he pretended not to hear me. That's not at all nice. [Calling after him] I say, Mr. White Rabbit, where are you going? Hmmm. He won't answer me. And I do so want to know what he is late for. I wonder if I might follow him. Why not? There's no rule that I mayn't go where I please. I--I will follow him. Wait for me, Mr. White Rabbit. I'm coming, too! [Falling] How curious. I never realized that rabbit holes were so dark . . . and so long . . . and so empty. I believe I have been falling for five minutes, and I still can't see the bottom! Hmph! After such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling downstairs. How brave they'll all think me at home. Why, I wouldn't say anything about it even if I fell off the top of the house! I wonder how many miles I've fallen by this time. I must be getting somewhere near the center of the earth. I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth! How funny that would be. Oh, I think I see the bottom. Yes, I'm sure I see the bottom. I shall hit the bottom; hit it very hard, and oh, how it will hurt!

Braces It all started out on a lovely day last year. It did not turn out so lovely. The good thing about it was that I got to miss an hour of school. So, there I was. Eleven o'clock in the morning and goodbye social studies. The sun was shining brightly as my mom and I walked away from the school. But as we got closer and closer to — the office — a dark cloud began to hide the sun from me. That was the beginning of a life of torture... I got braces. See? (overly smiling) Here they are, still sitting on my teeth. Just waiting for any opportunity to make my life miserable. Can we discuss rubber bands? News flash — supposed to hold newspapers together — not teeth! And, by the way, have you ever tried playing the trumpet with braces? Don't! I used to get all the solos and stuff. Now, I can barely squeak out a note. The other day, my best friend came up to me after lunch and said "What did you eat that was orange?" Now, every day I bring a little brush to school and use it after lunch. My Dad says it will all be worth it when my teeth are straight and perfect. Personally, I thought my teeth were just fine crooked. They gave me character. Who wants to be perfect anyway? (she shoots a rubber band at the floor) Yeah, me too.

Practice: Remember to incorporate at least two examples of stage directions. Make sure it is in the 1st person p.o.v. and you reveal personal thoughts or betray something about yourself you normally would keep private. Choice A: Write a monologue about an embarrassing moment you witnessed or experienced. ______

Young Actor Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7vu_z8gVlo Choice B: Write a monologue or soliloquy about something your mother does that drives you crazy. ______












______You will be assessed by the following characteristics: a. 1st person, b. explicit/implied listener, c. reveal/betrays something the character would otherwise want to keep to themselves and d. include two examples of stage directions.