The Bowmanstown Borough Council Meeting Was Called to Order by President William Ravert

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The Bowmanstown Borough Council Meeting Was Called to Order by President William Ravert

Borough of Bowmanstown Council Biennial Meeting Minutes January 4, 2016 The Bowmanstown Borough Biennial Meeting was called to order by Mayor William Ravert at 7:00 PM, members present were Pam Leiby, Kara Scott, Norman Engle, Jr., John Domant, Rob Moyer, Darren Thomas, Burdell Steigerwalt, Secretary Tracy Burbage, Solicitor Lisa Pereira, and Engineer Jacqueline Peleschak.

Mayor William Ravert opened nominations for Council President. John Domant nominated Rob Moyer, Norman Engle, Jr., nominated Kara Scott. Rob Moyer and Kara Scott accepted the nomination. Mayor Ravert asked for any other nominations, no further nominations, Motion by Burdell Steigerwalt to close nominations for President, 2nd Norman Engle, Jr. AIF, MC. Roll Call, D. Thomas – Rob Moyer, R. Moyer – Rob Moyer, N. Engle, Jr. – Kara Scott, J. Domant – Rob Moyer, B. Steigerwalt – Kara Scott, P. Leiby – Kara Scott, K. Scott – Kara Scott, Motion by Norman Engle, Jr., to appoint Kara Scott as Council President, 2nd Pam Leiby, R. Moyer and J. Domant – Nay, MC.

Mayor William Ravert then opened nominations for Council Vice-President. Burdell Steigerwalt nominated Pam Leiby, Rob Moyer nominated Darren Thomas. Pam Leiby and Darren Thomas accepted the nomination. Mayor Ravert asked for any other nominations, no further nominations. Motion by Burdell Steigerwalt to close nominations for Vice-President, 2nd Norman Engle, Jr. AIF, MC. Roll call, D. Thomas – Darren Thomas, R. Moyer – Darren Thomas, N. Engle, Jr. – Pam Leiby, J. Domant – Darren Thomas, B. Steigerwalt – Pam Leiby, P. Leiby – Pam Leiby, K. Scott – Pam Leiby, Motion by Norman Engle, Jr. to appoint Pam Leiby as Council Vice-President, 2nd Kara Scott, R. Moyer, D. Thomas, & J. Domant – Nay, MC.

Mayor William Ravert administered the oath of office to the re-elected Council members Pam Leiby, Kara Scott, and Norman Engle, Jr. along with re-elected Constable Salvatore Lizzio.

The Mayor turned the gavel over to President Kara Scott.

President Kara Scott opened the nominations for President Pro Tem. Pam Leiby nominated Rob Moyer. Rob Moyer accepted the nomination. Motion by Burdell Steigerwalt to close nominations for President Pro-Tem, 2nd John Domant, AIF, MC. Motion by Pam Leiby to appoint Rob Moyer as President Pro-Tem, 2nd Norman Engle, Jr. AIF, MC.

* Motion by Burdell Steigerwalt to appoint Paul Bossard as the Vacancy Board Chairman, 2nd Rob Moyer, AIF, MC * Motion by Pam Leiby to appoint Brad Rhode to the Zoning Hearing Board by Resolution 2016-01, 2nd Norman Engle, Jr.,AIF, MC. * Motion by Rob Moyer to appoint Wayne Engle to the Planning Commission by Resolution 2016-02, 2nd John Domant, AIF, MC. * Motion by Rob Moyer to appoint Wayne Engle as the designated member on the UCC Appeals Board, 2nd John Domant, AIF, MC. * Motion by Rob Moyer to appoint Wayne Engle to the Water Authority Board, 2nd Norman Engle, Jr. P. Leiby – Nay, MC. Motion by Pam Leiby to appoint Chad Everett to the Water Authority Board, motion died due to a lack of a second. * Motion by John Domant to appoint Michael Spairana, Jr. as Fire Chief, 2nd Norman Engle, Jr., AIF, MC. * Motion by John Domant to appoint Bruce Koch as Assistant Fire Chief, 2nd Norman Engle, Jr., AIF, MC. * Motion by Burdell Steigerwalt to appoint Broughal & DeVito as designated Borough Solicitor, 2nd Pam Leiby, AIF, MC * Motion by Pam Leiby to appoint Alfred Benesch and Company as designated Borough Engineer, 2nd Burdell Steigerwalt, AIF, MC. * Motion by Norman Engle, Jr. to appoint First Northern Bank & Trust as designated depository, 2nd Burdell Steigerwalt, AIF, MC. * Motion by Rob Moyer to appoint the Times News as designated advertising agency, 2nd John Domant, AIF, MC

President Kara Scott and Vice President Pam Leiby will meet and appoint committees at the February Council Meeting: the committees will remain the same as they were in December 2015 until then.

Regular Business Meeting  Visitors Salvatore Lizzio, Constable John Spirk was present to observe the meeting.

17  Approval for 1. Motion by Rob Moyer to approve the minutes of December 1, 2015 Borough Council Meeting, 2nd Pam Leiby, AIF, MC. 2. Motion by Pam Leiby to approve the minutes of December 9, 2015 Special Borough Council Meeting, 2nd Burdell Steigerwalt, AIF, MC. 3. Motion by Burdell Steigerwalt to approve the General Treasurer’s Report dated January 4, 2016 and payment of the bills listed, 2nd Norman Engle, Jr., AIF, MC. 4. Motion by Burdell Steigerwalt to approve the Sewer Treasurer’s Report dated January 4, 2016 and payment of the bills listed, 2nd Pam Leiby, AIF, MC. 5. Motion by Norman Engle, Jr. to authorize Kara Scott as a check signer for today’s treasurer bill payments, 2nd Pam Leiby, AIF, MC.

 Correspondence Subject Date Summary Leaf Collect 12/9/15 Leaf collection invoice $1,237.50 for 380 cubic yards collected Grant 12/10/15 DCNR Recreation and Conservation Grant Program application from Jan 20 – Apr 13 Minutes 12/15/15 December 2015 Water Authority Meeting minutes & adopted 2016 Water Budget Minutes 12/29/15 December 2015 Planning Commission Meeting minutes Fire Co Nov & Dec Financial Reports Concerns Dust Collector and Cat Problem; re: to the dust collector, it has not been started up yet, but the borough does have zoning regulations that must be adhered to. Council will see what happens once it starts up.

 Solicitor 1. Motion by Norman Engle, Jr. authorizing the solicitor to negotiate with the Cioletti’s and Balliet’s to enter into a settlement agreement to put into record with the municipality wherein they are relinquishing any and all rights to the variance received by the zoning hearing board, 2nd Rob Moyer, AIF, MC. 2. Motion by Norman Engle, Jr. authorizing the solicitor to communicate with PennDOT, District 5 to acquire history of Route 29, (Mauch Chunk Road, or Hazard Road) construction, 2nd Burdell Steigerwalt, AIF, MC

 Engineer 1. Submitted the Year-End Summary Report 2. Contacted Norfolk Southern regarding the White Street retaining wall. Norfolk Southern’s standpoint is that if the wall is supporting a public road, it is not their wall; it is the municipalities to maintain/repair. 3. Ms Rehrig discussed Norfolk Southern’s response with Attorney Preston, council’s response is the second motion under Solicitor. 4. Derstine constructed the concrete footings, trenched and backfilled the duct bank and water line. Benesch is reviewing the shop drawings and site work is complete until Spring when the materials are fabricated. Jessica has been performing site inspects before or after work. Motion by Darren Thomas approving the first payment to Derstine in the amount of $31,500.00, 2nd Norman Engle, Jr., AIF, MC

 Unfinished Business 1. Motion by Norman Engle, Jr. to appoint William Ravert as Delegate and Rob Moyer as Alternate Delegate to the Carbon County Tax Collection Committee, 2nd John Domant, AIF, MC 2. Motion by Rob Moyer to purchase a compost thermometer at a cost not to exceed $200.00, 2nd Burdell Steigerwalt, AIF, MC 3. Motion by Rob Moyer to purchase Adobe Acrobat software at a cost of $299.99, to allow the secretary to convert PDF files into Microsoft Office format for editing purposes, 2nd Darren Thomas, AIF, MC 4. Snow and Ice Resolution needs information filled in so that council can review and act upon at the February meeting. 5. After the Property committee reviewed both roof quotes received for the borough building, they recommend awarding the quote to J. Wilson Enterprises, Inc at the quoted price of $8,100.00 as was approved at the December meeting. 6. The borough has not had a representative for MECAB - Middle Eastern Counties Association Of Boroughs for a few years. MECAB meets to discuss issues boroughs face and how they handle them. Council stated that when someone is available to attend these meetings, that it would be a good idea to attend.

18  New Business 1. Council would like Jessica Rehrig to provide more information on HB 1394 regarding storm sewers and watercourses, and what authority boroughs have in the manner of financing work. What requirements and restrictions will be included to a small borough such as Bowmanstown.

 Other Business 1. Zoning/Building Code Officer’s Report Year of 2015. Mr Dellecker also provided a memo in regards to his investigation into the group home at 730 Pine Street after residents had questioned the existence of this home in their zoning district. Council stated currently there are no violations and they are in compliance in respect to the borough’s zoning. Spectrum Community Services are a social service organization which puts individuals with a mental disability into homes such as 730 Pine Street in order to help them live as independently as possible. 2. Newsletter will be going out the middle of January with the Palmerton Library fundraiser pamphlet. B.A.R.C. would like to include a flyer and some information that council wants included would be cat warnings and information to residents for when it snows. 3. The office will send a thank you letter to the Lion’s Club for decorating the monument at Christmas. 4. Issues with Computer Pals and the Windows 10 operating system. The office spoke with Edwin Zipp, EJ Zipp Computer, and he was able to resolve the issues and clean the office computers. 5. POWER – Program of Wellness, Empowerment, and Recovery received a seed grant from the Community Support Program and a donation from Carbon County mental Health and Developmental Services in order to build park benches. Jared Soto, Supervisor: POWER sent a letter to see if the borough would be interested in having the consumers of the program build a park bench to place in the borough. Council was in favor of receiving a bench. The office will contact Jared to confirm acceptance of a bench. 6. The mayor received complaints in regards to a male peddling electrical service in the borough without a permit. Mayor Ravert confronted him and made him aware of borough ordinance.

 Motion by John Domant to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 PM, 2nd Norman Engle, Jr., MC.

Respectfully submitted by Tracy L Burbage, Secretary


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