Global Studies: Chapter 17

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Global Studies: Chapter 17

Global Studies Packet Ch. 17: Turkey & Iran


of ______of ______

Name: ______

Due Date: ______Government Vocabulary Use the glossary in the brown World Geography and Cultures textbook in order to define the terms. Term Definition dynasty








CLASSWORK PAGE 1 Turkey & Iran Use pp. 240-248 of your textbook in order to complete the following chart.

Turkey Iran Main Ethnic Group Turks

Main Language

Two Minority Ethnic Groups Name of Ancient Empire Title of Former Monarch Main Religion

Current Govt. democracy Description Main Source of industry & agriculture Wealth Most Important Modern Leader

Main Goal of Modern Leader

Leader’s Attitude toward Islam

1. 1.

Four Changes 2. 2. Made by Leader 3. 3.

4. 4.

CLASSWORK PAGE 2 Turkey Text Activity

Use the textbook World Cultures: A Global Mosaic in order to complete this activity. A copy of the reading can be found on Mr. Nolen’s website.

Republic of Turkey (pp. 584-585)

1. A brilliant general ______rallied Turks against Greece, overthrew the ______, and made Turkey a ______. He later took the name ______, or “______of the Turks.”

2. What was Ataturk’s goal for Turkey?

3. List five reforms (changes) made by Ataturk in Turkey.     

Turkey, the Land & People (pp. 607-608)

4. Turkey links the worlds of ______and ______.

5. Its capital is ______.

6. Turkey has the ______population in the Middle East.

7. Nearly all Turks are ______Muslims, but they are not ______.

8. About 10% of Turkey’s population are ______, who also live in nearby ______and ______.

CLASSWORK PAGE 3 Iran Text Activity

Use the textbook World Cultures: A Global Mosaic in order to complete this activity. A copy of the reading can be found on Mr. Nolen’s website.

Iran, the Land & People (pp. 602-603) 1. Iran is the ______largest country in both size and population. 2. The capital of Iran is ______. 3. ______plays a dominant role in Iran’s economy. 4. Iran is home to more than a ______ethnic groups. 5. Most Iranians speak ______. 6. Most Iranians are ______and Iran is the only country where ______are in the majority.

Modernization (pp. 603-604) 7. What was the shah’s goal for Iran?

8. List three reforms (changes) made by the Shah.    9. List two criticisms of the shah and his reforms.  

Islamic Revolution (p. 604) 10. Many Iranians embraced the outspoken Muslim fundamentalist, ______. 11. The Shah was forced to flee in 1979 and Khomeini and his supporters made Iran a ______. 12. List three religious reforms (changes) made by under Ayatollah Khomeini.    CLASSWORK PAGE 4

Turkey and Iran Matching

Match each of the statements with the correct country. T = Turkey I = Iran

______1. This country is located in Europe and Asia.

______2. This country has a lot of oil.

______3. This was once the home of the Ottoman Empire.

______4. This was once the home of the Persian Empire.

______5. This country was ruled by a monarch called the shah.

______6. The former empire of this country was ruled by a monarch called the sultan.

______7. Most of the people in this country speak Persian.

______8. Most of the people in this country are Shiite Muslims.

______9. Most of the people in this country are Sunni Muslims.

______10. Ataturk made many reforms in this country.

______11. This country experienced the Islamic Revolution of 1979.

______12. The shah was forced to flee this country.

______13. The Ayatollah Khomeini made many reforms in this country.

______14. This country is a fundamentalist republic.

______15. This country is a secular country.

______16. This country is a theocracy.

______17. Western style clothes were encouraged. Traditional clothes were banned.

______18. Women have many rights and don’t have to wear a veil. CLASSWORK PAGE 5 Chapter 17 Review

Complete the chapter review activities on pages 252 to 253. Write out all answers fully!

Vocabulary Review (Include the definition and the term!)

1. ______


2. ______


3. ______


4. ______


5. ______


Chapter Quiz (Answer in complete sentences. Include the question in your answer.)

1. ______


______HOMEWORK PAGE 6 2. ______



3. ______



4. ______



5. ______



HOMEWORK PAGE 7 Textbook Questions Turkey and the Turkish People (pp 240-241)

______1. Anatolia A. The name of the empire that started in Turkey.

______2. Turkish B. A Christian minority group in Turkey. About a million of them were killed during World War I. ______3. Kurds C. The Asian part of Turkey.

______4. Armenians D. The capital of the Ottoman Empire that was formerly known as Constantinople. ______5. Ottoman E. A minority group in Turkey who want their own country. ______6. Istanbul F. The main language spoken in Turkey. ______7. Sultan G. The title of the ruler of the Ottoman Empire.

Ataturk’s Revolution in Turkey (p 242)

1. In World War I, the ______Empire lost most of their lands and power passed to a group known as the ______. One of these men was ______who organized the remains of the empire into a Turkish state. ______Turkey was born. He gave himself the last name of ______, which means ______. 2. What was Aataturk determined to do?

3. What did Ataturk do about religion in Turkey?

4. List three ways Ataturk improved the lives of women.    5. How did Ataturk change the way people dressed in Turkey? HOMEWORK PAGE 8 Iran (pp 244-245)

______1. Persian A. A long garment that covers the head worn by women.

______2. Farsi B. Practiced by 95% of the people, this is Iran’s official religion.

______3. Kurds & Arabs C. The main language spoken in Iran.

______4. chador D. Ethnic minorities in Iran.

______5. Shiite Islam E. The ancient empire and main ethnic group of Iran.

The Pahlavi Years (pp 246-247)

1. In the 1920s, Iran moved away from ______, under the ______named Reza ______Pahlevi. 2. Who did Reza Shah admire and want to copy?

3. List four things built by Reza Shah.     4. List the three main ways Iran changed after oil was discovered.    5. List four reasons why many Iranians did not like the Shah and his changes.     HOMEWORK PAGE 9 The Islamic Revolution in Iran (p 248)

______1. The Shah A. A Government controlled by religious leaders.

______2. Ruhollah Khomeini B. He fled the country.

______3. ayatollah C. A Shiite religious leader. ______4. fundamentalists D. The laws of Islam. ______5. theocracy E. People who interpret religious laws very strictly. ______6. sharia F. One of the Shah’s main enemies, who most Iranians

accepted as the leader of the revolution.

7. List four examples of Western culture that were limited or forbidden.     8. Why did the new Iranian government consider the United States an enemy?

9. List two types of professionals who fled Iran.   10. Who did Iran fight a war against?

HOMEWORK PAGE 10 Ch. 17 Study Guide

Each Friday, we will have a quiz on the week’s packet. The most important things to know are on this study guide.

1. Vocabulary

a. define the terms, use them in sentences, and give examples

2. Turkey & Iran

a. for each country, be prepared to identify:

i. the main ethnic group

ii. main language

iii. name of ancient empire

iv. title of former monarch

v. main religion

vi. current government description

vii. main source of wealth

viii. most important modern leader

ix. main goal of modern leader

x. leader’s attitude toward Islam


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