Boyden PAC Committee Descriptions
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Boyden PAC Committee Descriptions
Committee Committee Purpose Overview of Duties Time Required Co-Chairpersons (2) To organize and facilitate monthly Work with school principal to develop Several hours monthly in addition to PAC meetings and related monthly meeting schedule and attending monthly PAC meetings. materials/projects to support PAC agenda, serve as contact for objectives as directed by chairpersons to ensure PAC meeting principal/committees. discussion of issues needing to be addressed, sort and distribute PAC mail, chair monthly meetings. Secretary (1) Record minutes at PAC meetings. Attend monthly meetings, record September through May. 1 1/2 minutes of meeting, create word- hours per meeting and a few hours of processing document of minutes, for word-processing. approval by principal, which are posted on the web and distributed to the family messengers prior to the next monthly meeting. Treasurer/Budget (1) Responsible to maintain accurate Deposit all funds raised. Write Two hours monthly with additional financial information for PAC. checks to pay PAC expenses in a time required during major fund Formulate, maintain and report on the timely fashion, reconcile checkbook, raising events. 4-5 hours in fall for annual PAC budget. prepare monthly income and expense budget preparation; 2 hours each report for meetings and maintain true month for preparation. Attendance at and accurate records. Prepare monthly PAC meeting. school year budget for approval at October. Create spreadsheet with historical and updates on as-needed basis. Bowling Ice Breaker (1-2) A new tradition at Boyden School – The organizer for the event chooses aSept/Oct. A limited time commitment the Boyden “ice breaker” opportunity date with the Principal and Norwood is needed beforehand. The event for Boyden families to get to know Sports Center. They arrange pre- takes about three hours on the day to one another at the start of the school registration, check-in and lane set-up, conduct, and break down. year. assignments. They also provide refreshments and account for monies received. Boyden Bulldog Apparel (1) Responsible for coordinating school Work with apparel supplier to approve Several hours to process orders; apparel orders. apparel designs. Collect, process timing of fundraiser is prior to Holiday and arrange for distribution of orders. Season.
Cultural Arts (2-3) To provide age appropriate cultural Preview/organize cultural arts events September/June arts programs for K-5. for students. Obtain principals' approval. Supervise in-school event. Write follow-up press release and submit to local newspapers for publication when appropriate. Docent In Art (2-3) The Docent program introduces The Docent Coordinator is Docent volunteers talk with the students in grades 1-5 to the works of responsible for coordinating with the students about an artists’ work famous artists through classroom town, recruiting/coverage, periodically throughout the year – discussions, games, craft projects communications, and making sure using boards (posters) or PowerPoint and field trips. No prior experience things are running smoothly. The presentations with prepared questions is needed. Docent volunteers Unit Coordinator is responsible for (and answers). For each unit that you conduct field trips for various grades making copies, and gathering sign up to give in the classroom, you to the DeCordova Sculpture Park in materials for each of the units. The would spend an hour learning the Lincoln; Boston’s Copley Square (for Field Trip Coordinator is responsiblematerial from another docent, some architecture); and Boston’s Museum for scheduling and organizing the fieldtime to review on your own, and an of Fine Arts. This is a town-wide trips. hour in the classroom with the program begun in 1981 where several students. Field trips run for about 2 of the art units are shared with other hours each, with preview/preparation schools. meetings beforehand.
Faculty Event (TBD) To organize an event that brings Oversee and organize volunteers and Event is in April. Planning begins in students, their families and Boyden any other necessary components for Feb/March. faculty together for a night of fun! this "To Be Determined" event.
Friendship Directory (1) To publish a directory for Boyden Collect and publish data in book form Collect/input data in early families to facilitate communication and distribute to students. Request September. Produce and deliver in between classmates and provide information, input data into database, October. important phone numbers/information.proofread with subcommittee, obtain approval from principal, deliver/pick- up from production and deliver to school. Fun Run (1) A fun school, family and community Organize all aspects of the Fun Run Fall Event. Soliciting donations event to promote health and exercise, including: soliciting donations, begins end of summer. Time as well as raise funds for the Boyden managing volunteers, registration, intensive the month before actual PAC. refreshments, awards, as well as event. obtaining assistance with race times and results. Fundraisers (1-2): To organize and manage these Contact company representative; Sept ~ Kidstuff Coupon Books set up popular fundraisers. preparation and distribution of run end of September into early promotional materials; compile and October. forward orders to companies by predetermined deadline. Organize Oct ~ Humble Pie flyer goes out 1st / volunteers to assist in distribution of 2nd week in October. Pick up of pies product. usually last week in October. KidStuff Coupon Books Humble Pie
Government Affairs (1) Report to PAC regarding ongoing Attend school committee meetings Meetings held on two Mondays each school district information. and report on issues relative to the month and others on demand. Boyden community.
Holiday Books (1-2) Organize annual holiday book giving Organize volunteers and materials to November/December and February. program, which is offered to Boyden make bookplates, collect money and families to decorate book plates, work with librarian to obtain books donations received are used to and software. purchase new library books and dedicate books to teachers as a gift during the holidays. Holiday Shoppe (1-2) A family event at Boyden School (heldOversee and organize purchase of Ongoing shopping of items to be sold in conjunction with the Pancake items to be sold at Holiday Shoppe; in Shoppe; several hours to organize Breakfast) that brings families coordinate volunteers to assist with items prior to the actual event. together and raises funds for the gift wrapping and sales Boyden PAC.
Homework Folders (1) To provide Boyden School Homework Obtain upcoming school calendar Order placed in August; minimal work. Folders to all students at the start of from Principal. Place and approve the school year. order with supplier. Ink Cartridges (1) To organize a recycling program that Collect recycled items that are sent Year round collection. pays Boyden School cash for empty into school, ship to Cartridges for Kids laser & inkjet cartridges, used cell as frequently as needed, forward phones, laptops, PDA's and iPods. cash received to school.
Labels/Hood Caps (1-2): To organize collection of required Collect, trim, organize and mail labels Year round collection; Typically meet labels/caps which can be used to to obtain credit for school. Organize with volunteers a few times in the fall acquire school items from the volunteers as needed. and in the spring. participating company's catalog. Campbell Soup General Mills Box Tops Nestle Go Play Water Labels Pepperidge Farms Tyson A+ Products
Lisa Hull Photography (1) Provide portrait opportunity, typically To organize photography dates and September. Several hours the day of in fall for Boyden families. times with photographer and Boyden the event. School; scheduling and confirming all photo times. Needs to be available on photography day to check in families as they arrive for photo times and distributes photos to families when they come in (usually 2-3 weeks after the event).
Mums (1) To organize Mums potted plant sale Order Mums in summer for Open Majority of work is on the day of the held in conjunction with the Boyden House date delivery; organize school Open House. School Open House. volunteers to set up and assist with sale. Original Works (2-3) To organize and coordinate the Coordinate timing of event with art Spring timeframe. In-class assistance Original Works art fundraiser. teacher, be on-site in art class to is the most time consuming part of assist with creating works or art! this position. Collect, process and distribute orders. PALS Volunteer Coordinator (1) Coordinate teachers' needs with Work with a committee to ensure September/October. parent volunteers. teachers have volunteers they need throughout the school year. Send out/receive forms from parents. Make sure that all parents interested are placed in at least one position.
Pancake Breakfast (1-2) A family event at Boyden School (heldOversee and organize menu items, Oct/Nov. Several hours leading up to in conjunction with the Holiday volunteer "chefs", holiday music and event typicallly held on the first Shoppe) that brings families together staff raffle items. Saturday in Dec. and raises funds for the Boyden PAC. Running Club (1) To coordinate and promote a healthy Oversee and organize staff and Fall/Spring, twice a week for approx. lifestyle for Boyden students. parent volunteers for the Running 4-6 weeks each season. Club which meets two days during the week leading up to the Fun Run in the Fall and the marathon in the Spring. Scholastic Book Fair (1-2) To plan, publicize, coordinate and Organization of Book Fair activities. Time intensive for a two week period conduct the annual book fair for funds Involvement with Book Fair company in October. Additional time required for Boyden School. Book Fair is held and management of in-school for planning and distribution of in conjunction with Parent-Teacher volunteers to assist students in materials. conferences. creating their "wish" lists.
School Council Representatives (3) Act as an advisory group to the Attend monthly meetings with September/June monthly meetings. principal. Develop goals for the principal, report back to PAC on Two year position. Meetings are 1 school improvement plan. Develop building improvement plan, ongoing hour and are held on the 2nd and review policies, programs, and issues, accomplishments and goals Tuesday of every month at 3 PM at goals within the school. set by school council. the school.
School Store (1-2) Boyden's School Store allows The store is staffed with 5th grade Year round volunteers can commit to students to buy school related items helpers, but Parent Volunteers are 1 or more Fridays per month. Your (pens, pencil cases, etc.) with the also needed to assist. Store hours children are welcome to join us until profits going directly to the school. are during lunch time they are allowed on the school Store takes place one Friday a month playground. during lunch recess, with grades 1-5 being invited.
Staff Appreciation Lunch (2-3) To organize appreciation lunch for Organize volunteers to bake and Planning time in March/April; event entire staff; held in manage event. held in May. May. Website (1-2) To provide a resource for all Boyden Enter necessary data that is provided Ongoing, minimal hours throughout PAC related information. by committee reps relating to their the year. program/event.
What's It Like? (1) Coordinate disabilities educational Organize volunteers and materials for September through May unit for Grade 2 students. disabilities program for 2nd grade curriculum, teach parent volunteers, coordinate and arrange times for guest speakers.