Created by Mary Golden 2011 Theme 5 Selection 4




1. Response to Write a one-paragraph summary using the following sentence stem: In the Literature story, “Elena,” the author, Diane Stanley, tells about ______.

2. Writing Write a dialogue between Grace McCance from Pioneer Girl and Rosa from Dialogue Elena in which they discuss their different experiences in the West. Use details from their stories in the discussion. Include at least 8 lines of dialogue for each character.

3. Propaganda Create an advertisement that uses one or more of the propaganda techniques Techniques listed on page 297 of the Practice Book to advertise Elena’s boarding house. Include details about the boarding house from the story and add details that would be important for someone to know who is looking for a place to stay.

4. Connecting and All the main characters in One Land, Many Trails demonstrates courage and Comparing determination. Write a paragraph of 5 – 7 sentences comparing Elena’s courage to that of Slow, Grace McCance, or Bob Lemmons

5. Wanted Poster Reread the descriptions of Porfirio Diaz and Pancho Villa on page 554. Use the information to create a wanted poster for one of the men. Include a picture and list at least 3 reasons why you think this man should be brought to justice.

6. Multiple Elena is told from the point of view of Rosa. Reread pages 554 – 557. Perspectives Rewrite this part of the story from the point of view of either Esteban or Elena. Look for clues in the story that show how the character thought or felt.

Must Do: 1 2 3 4 5 6 May Do: 1 2 3 4 5 6 (Choose ____ )