While the computer on your desk has an address burned into its ethernet card, that address is only useful within its LAN. To access the internet (A WAN) the net,node logical IP address is required. The location and alias for that IP are located in 2 or more name servers. Name servers are distributed world wide. See: http://computer.howstuffworks.com/internet/basics/internet-infrastructure6.htm 1. When was DNS devised and where? The Domain Name System was originally invented to support the growth of email communications on the ARPANET, and now supports the Internet on a global scale.

2. Who owns the internet? Is this a good solution? Why or why not. Nobody owns it, it is a series of network standards. This is a good idea. It cannot be controlled or monetizes. 3. What is a heiarchy? How is the concept of a backbone related to it? a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority, the backone follows this structure 4. What is a POP? POST OFFICE PROTOCAL for sending emails 5. How does the internet work? The internet is a series of routers interconnected networks to from one large internet 6. What is the function of a router? How does it differ from a switch? It routes packets based on IP and not Layer 2 addresses Given: [dguster@hermes ~]$ dig www.guster.com ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;www.guster.com. IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: www.guster.com. 2991 IN CNAME guster.com. guster.com. 2991 IN A 1. What is the domain name being searched? 2. Guster.com

2. What canonical name appear above? Guster.com 3. What is the numerical alias for that name? Given: [dguster@hermes ~]$ traceroute -e msu.edu traceroute to msu.edu (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 ( 0.600 ms 0.485 ms 0.417 ms 2 ( 0.715 ms 0.795 ms 0.768 ms 3 ( 1.632 ms 3.870 ms 3.766 ms 4 stcloud4-hub-gi2-3-501.r.state.mn.us ( 1.922 ms 1.774 ms 2.020 ms 5 cobn-scuhub-te3-4-2007.r.state.mn.us ( 3.602 ms 3.980 ms 4.166 ms 6 statecob-gr-01-1-0-2-21.northernlights.gigapop.net ( 4.188 ms 3.387 ms 3.776 ms 7 infotech-gr-01-te-3-2.northernlights.gigapop.net ( 3.711 ms 3.889 ms 4.569 ms 8 nlr.northernlights.gigapop.net ( 15.687 ms 15.077 ms 15.015 ms 9 xe-0-0-2x2087.nw-chi3.mich.net ( 15.433 ms 15.334 ms 15.229 ms 10 xe-0-0-0x76.wsu5.mich.net ( 33.177 ms 34.321 ms 34.220 ms 11 ( 37.750 ms 37.868 ms 35.070 ms 12 core-srx-xe000-1.net.msu.edu ( 34.706 ms 35.042 ms 34.941 ms 13 core-mx-xe220-1.net.msu.edu ( 36.368 ms 36.278 ms 35.768 ms 14 dc-core-fw-v1012.net.msu.edu ( 35.699 ms 36.044 ms 36.073 ms 15 www.msu.edu ( 36.514 ms 36.142 ms 36.925 ms [dguster@hermes ~]$ whois [Querying whois.arin.net] [whois.arin.net] # # Query terms are ambiguous. The query is assumed to be: # "n" # # Use "?" to get help. # # # The following results may also be obtained via: # http://whois.arin.net/rest/nets;q= # American Registry for Internet Numbers NET199 (NET-199-0-0-0-0) - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities NETBLK-MSUS-BLOCK1 (NET-199-17-0-0-1) - # # ARIN WHOIS data and services are subject to the Terms of Use # available at: https://www.arin.net/whois_tou.html # See: http://www.exit109.com/~jeremy/news/providers/traceroute.html 1. How many hops to msu.edu? 15 2. What is the approximate round trip delay to msu.edu 36ms 3. What is msu.edu? A domain name 4. What organization is assigned to? Minnesota State Colleges and Universities 5. For you advanced types why do some of the entries only have numeric and not English designations? They do not have hostnames on the routers, only IP addresses.

PLEASE ALSO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Interfaces are a way in or way out of any network device. Some interfaces are external, in other words they allow the device to talk to the outside world. External interfaces typically run on network interface cards. Other interfaces are internal, they allow the network to communicate with the internal componets in the device (their hardware domain is the computer's main bus).

The minimum number of interfaces for any network host is two (one internal and one external).

Any one care to explain why a network device might have more than two external devices?

More than 1 network connected too it

Interfaces are required in both circuit and packet switched networks.

Any one care to explain how they would differ. Are multipoint networks permissible in both architectures?

In packet switch networks one interface can be many different networks

Can anyone gives us some examples of circuit and packet switched networks?

Telephone network vs. Internet

Which type of network would be more reliable? Secure?


What is the difference between an logical and a physical interface? Logical is not tied to anything physical

How does the computer(host) on the bus level differentiate among multiple NICs?

Port Numbers / IP addresses

The information below provides information about the interfaces on a host named underdark.

Any one care to comment on the purpose and/or characteristics of any of the interfaces listed?

[guster@underdark /sbin]$ netstat -i

Kernel Interface table

Iface MTU Met RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OV RTX-OK TX-ERR TX-DRP TX-OVR Flg eth0 1500 0 5545 0 0 0 29044 0 0 0 BRU eth1 1500 0 11320 0 0 0 44 3087 0 0 BRU lo 436 0 8437 0 0 0 8437 0 0 0 LRU