Syllabus, Guidelines and Expectations
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Syllabus, Guidelines and Expectations For Mr. Ramienski’s Modern World History Honors and Merit Courses Spring Term 2016 A. Rationale. The intent of this course will be to develop the ability of students to organize information around world historical, political, and cultural concepts in order to better understand, analyze, appreciate and empathize with the society that is being formed around them in an ever expanding and changing world. Students begin with an overview on the foundations of world history through an examination of the state of world affairs and their origins in 1300 C.E. This course is a survey of peoples throughout the world and their progress in many areas of knowledge, including science, technology, art, music, government, religion and culture. Units of study include how trade and travel changed the world, revolutions and reactions, industrial revolution, imperialism and nationalism, crisis and change, and the modern world. This course leads students in pursuit of historical knowledge from a global, thematic perspective.
B. Goal. It is the goal of this course to develop in students the critical thinking skills necessary for problem solving in our society.
C. Objectives. Students will read, write and speak. The ability to successfully communicate ideas as well as grasp ideas is critical to academic success-and success in life. The student will work alone and in large or small groups, again skills needed for success in life. Students will discuss and debate ideas. Skills will be used to come to know and to understand the historical record, as well as come to know, understand and appreciate cultural diversity and other differing attitudes in order to build tolerance, acceptance and compassion. Again, these are attributes of successful people and sane societies.
D. Methodology. This course will utilize lecture, discussion, group work, and projects to impart knowledge. A variety of assessment means will determine the attainment of subject matter knowledge. These are outlined below in grading percentages.
E. Course Outline and Tentative Sequence of Instruction. Tentative Calendar with Test and Exam Schedule Spring Term 2016 Term 3
Teaching Unit Title Approximate Time Frame Unit Test Dates Units 1 and 2 Exploration, Trade 25 January to 18 February Issue: Thursday, 18 Feb Renaissance and Reformation Due: Tuesday, 23 Feb Unit 3 Absolutism, Enlightenment, 19 February to 11 March Issue: Friday, 11 Mar And Revolution Due: Wednesday, 16 Mar Mid Term Interim date- Friday 26 February 2016 Unit 4 The Victorian Age and the 14 Mar to 1 Apr Issue: Thursday, 31 Mar Industrial Revolution Due: Monday, 4 Apr
(Spring Break: Monday, 21 March to Monday, 28 March) Benchmark Assessment/formerly known as the CRES A: probable test dates Monday, 4 April to Thursday, 7 April)* REPORT CARDS: Term Grade KEEP THIS IN PERMANENT NOTES Ramienski 200113 MWH Course Syllabus Page 2
Term 4 Teaching Unit Title Approximate Time Frame Unit Test Date Unit 5 Nationalism and 7 April to 25 April Issued: Friday, 22 Apr Imperialism Due: Wednesday, 27 Apr Unit 6 The World Wars 27 April to 24 May WWI TST Issued: Wed, 11 May Due: Monday, 16 May WWII TST Issued: Tuesday, 24 May Due: Tuesday, 31 May Unit 7 The Contemporary Era 20 May to 2 June Issued: Tuesday, 31 May Due: Monday, 6 June (High School Assessments are 23-26 May)
Benchmark Assessment/formerly known as the CRES B: probable test dates Monday, 6 June through 16 June)* HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION is Friday, 3 June 2016 Last day of school for students is 20 June 2016* * The actual BMX date will be determined by the THS Social Studies Department at a later date.
FINAL REPORT CARDS: Term Grade, CRES Grade and Permanent Final Grade for course
F. Textbook for both Honors and Merit Classes Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction; Beck; et al. (2012) Holt McDougal, Orlando, Florida. (Will be known as POI or text). Replacement cost for textbook will be $90.00.
G. Grading Procedures In this course, the letter grades A, B, C, D, and F are used for your term, CRES and final grade. Plus, minus or exponents are not used. To determine this letter grade, all assignments will be scored numerically and a percentage will be assigned from 0 to 100%. Your grade will be determined to the one thousandth place (.000). Every one of your grades will be calculated using the following FCPS determined standards and requirements: -Product quality -Independent application of knowledge, skills and processes -Progress -Participation - Meeting announced deadlines
The grades have the following meanings: “A”- Exemplary Performance - 89.5% -100%.Consistently meets or exceeds standards and requirements. “B” - Skilled Performance - 79.5% - 89.499%. Generally meets or exceeds standards and requirements. “C” - Satisfactory Performance - 69.5% - 79.499%. Meets a majority of standards and requirements. “D” - Minimally Acceptable Performance 59.5% - 69.499%. Meets some standards and requirements. “F” - Unacceptable Performance – Below 59.499%. Meets few if any standards and requirements.
Please note that there is no “quota” of “A’s” or “F’s”. Students who fail normally are missing significant amounts of graded work. Rare is the student who failed because of a lack of ability. I will do all I can to see that each student realizes his or her fullest potential and achieves success. I expect each student to do his or her best always. KEEP THIS IN PERMANENT NOTES Ramienski 200113 MWH Course Syllabus Page 3
H. Tentative Grading Percentages for Each Term 0% Pretests (1 per teaching unit-Pretests are for diagnostic purposes and do not count) (PRET) 10% Graded Warm Ups and closures (There will be approximately 30 + graded warm ups or closures) (GWU/XCL) 10% Homework (There will be approximately 30 + assignments for the course) (HW) 15% Class work (There will be approximately 20+ assignments for the course) (CW) 20% Essays and Projects (Minimum 1 essay/ project per unit, about 8 per course) (ESPJ) 20% Quizzes (Minimum 1 quiz per unit; probably 13 to 18 quizzes for the course) (QZ) 25% Tests (4 tests: 1st Term, 4 Tests; 2nd Term; total of 8 tests for the course) (TEST) 100% This is your final grade for the grading period or term.
I. Your Final Grade for the Course 1. The CRES is gone and is replaced by the Benchmark exams. The Benchmark exams involve one Document Based Question (DBQ) per term. So instead of doing one CRES per term, there will be one Benchmark Exam (which is a DBQ). As this gets closer more clarifying information will be provided. 2. Your final semester grade is the product of Term 1 (40%) + Term 2 (40%) + the sum of “Exams A and B” ((Benchmark Assessment/formerly known as the CRES) 20%).
J. Social Studies Rubric Used for Grading Constructed Responses Social Studies Scoring Rubric Level 4 Clearly understands purpose and completes all parts of the task. Appropriate use of higher level thinking skills (synthesis, analysis, evaluation) throughout the task. Accurately uses historical evidence to support conclusions. Defends position effectively through elaboration. Presentation of material reflects superior writing/speaking mechanics. Level 3 Clearly understands purpose and completes most parts of the task. Some use of higher level thinking skills (synthesis, analysis, evaluation) throughout the task. Uses appropriate historical evidence to support conclusions. Defends position with effective examples. Presentation of material reflects good writing/speaking mechanics. Level 2 Identifies purpose and completes only some parts of the task. Limited use of higher level thinking skills (synthesis, analysis, evaluation) throughout the task. Limited use of historical evidence and few, if any, facts that support conclusions. Defends position with questionable examples which may contain errors. Presentation of material reflects fair writing/speaking mechanics. Level 1 Does not understand purpose and completes few parts of the task. Poor usage of higher level thinking skills (synthesis, analysis, evaluation) throughout the task. Does not use appropriate historical evidence to support conclusions. Defends position with examples which contain major errors or are irrelevant. Presentation of material reflects poor writing/speaking mechanics. Level 0 Does not respond to the task, response may not be relevant or original. No evidence of higher level thinking skills (synthesis, analysis, evaluation) throughout the task. May be incoherent. Includes no historical evidence to support conclusions. Does not defend position or all examples are incorrect or none are present. Unreadable or illegible. Scores of 3 and 4 denote mastery of the material. KEEP THIS IN PERMANENT NOTES Ramienski 200113 MWH Course Syllabus Page 4
2. DBQ or 5 Point Scale KEEP THIS IN PERMANENT NOTES Ramienski 200113 MWH Course Syllabus Page 5
K. Attendance and Lateness 1. Be on Time to Class Attend school regularly and be on time to class. DO NOT CUT. You are late if you are out of your seat, talking or not ready for class when the bell rings. When the bell rings begin the warm up. Grades of students who come to school every day are much higher than those of students who do not come to school
2. Attendance 1st Block School begins promptly at 7:30 am. It is expected that students are in their classrooms and ready to engage in learning when the bell rings at 7:30. Students arriving to school later than 7:30 will need to check in with administration as they enter the building. Please plan accordingly if you use a car to get to school. The morning traffic can be problematic. You will not be allowed into class until you present a pass signed by administration/attendance 3. Consequences a. 1, 2 and 3rd late - warning b. 4th late –warning and call to parents c. 5th and 6th late- ASR d. 7th Parent Student Conference –ASR e. 8th and 9th Parent Student Conference-Saturday School f. 10th-Conference and suspension
4. Attendance Blocks 2, 3 and 4 Again you are late if you are not in your seat starting your warm up when the bell rings.
5. Consequences a. 1st and 2nd late - warning b. 3rd late –teacher detention c. 4th late-teacher detention d. 5th –ASR e. 6th and 7th Parent Student Conference-Saturday School f. 8th-Conference and suspension
L. Excused, Late and Missing Assignments
1.Excused Absences It is the responsibility of the student to arrange make-up work for excused absences within two school days of the absence. The teacher will determine an appropriate time frame for the student to complete the make-up work. Failure to complete this work within this time frame will result in zeros as grades for these assignments.
2. Unexcused Absences As stated in Frederick County Public School's Regulation 500-25, "students have the right to make up class work missed and to have this work reviewed and evaluated by the teacher. Credit will not be given toward a grade for this work. Students have the responsibility to request make-up work within two (2) days of their return to school." All homework assignments, essays and projects will be assigned a due date. The assignment is due on that date. Assignments; etc. turned in one day late will lose at least 10 percent of total grade. Assignments turned in two days late will lose at least 20 percent of the total grade. I reserve the right to decline any late work handed in three or more days late. Normally such work will receive a ZERO. Excused work for proper reasons such as legitimate, excused absences will not be penalized. Parents may request extensions on assignments by writing me a note or sending in an email. I am very willing to work with parents on extensions, and make-up work. This is an example of the late policy on a typical homework assignment: KEEP THIS IN PERMANENT NOTES Ramienski 200113 MWH Course Syllabus Page 6
Due date: Monday, 24 September 2007 If turned in Tuesday, 25 September 2007: -10% If turned in Wednesday, 26 September 2007: -20% If not turned in by Wednesday, 26 September 2007: NO CREDIT “0”.
3. “Re-Does” This class is geared to preparing students for the college and / or the adult working world. I rarely allow students to redo or resubmit work. Do a good job the first time. If you do not understand the assignment-ask clarifying questions. Under certain circumstances, I can and will allow extra time for assignment completion. Remember though, there is a lot of work to cover in this course and there is little leeway for extra time allotments.
L. Class Expectations 1. Attend school regularly and be on time to class. DO NOT CUT. You are late if you are out of your seat, talking or not ready for class when the bell rings. When the bell rings begin the warm up. Grades of students who come to school every day are much higher than those of students who do not come to school
2. Be prepared! Unless I tell you otherwise, always bring your textbook to class. Have something with which to write. Have at least two pencils and a pen. Have a notebook with you to take down notes. Have a binder in which to put any class handouts. Have loose-leaf available. Do not ask me for hole-punchers, staplers, pencils, paper or pens.
3. Be respectful to others. Treat everyone with courtesy and respect. Watch your language. Respect everyone’s physical space. Raise your hand to ask questions. Do not carry on side conversations. Bad behavior will simply not be tolerated. Avoid behaviors that will distract you from serious academic achievement. Model good character in your daily interactions. Take responsibility for your actions.
4. If you need to leave your seats for any reason put up your hand and wait to be recognized. If I am speaking, lecturing, or otherwise engaged in discussion with the whole class, do not interrupt me. Go to the bathroom and sharpen your pencils before class, or wait until we begin group work. Only one at any time will be allowed to go to the bathroom, so please be considerate.
5. Keep up with assignments. Hard work now will pay major dividends in later life. Expect homework every night. Hand work in on time. Late work will be penalized. Unexcused missing work will significantly lower your grade. You will loose 10% of your grade for being one day late. You will loose 20% of your grade for being two days late. You will receive a zero for any assignment three days late. It is your responsibility to see me if you were absent and missed homework or quizzes or tests. Never settle for less than your best.
6. No eating. Bottled water may be drunk during class.
7. Do not use I Pods, “Walkmans”, CD players, cell phones or other “electronic gear” in class. Do not wear ear buds or have them out –put them away!!
8. Do not wear hats or non-religious headgear in class. Follow the school dress code.
9. Do not jump up at the bell. The class is not dismissed at the end of the period until I personally dismiss the class. Wait until I dismiss the class.
10. Always sign out of class when leaving for any reason before the bell. Always sign into class if coming into class after the bell has rung. SIGN IN AND OUT WITH FIRST AND LAST NAMES. M. Plagiarism/Cheating Cheating is “Representing someone else’s work as your own. The giving or receiving of unauthorized KEEP THIS IN PERMANENT NOTES Ramienski 200113 MWH Course Syllabus Page 7 educational materials or assistance. Copying graded student work, tests, quizzes, notes, essays, projects, homework either in part or its entirety.” (From the “THS Code of Honor”)
Plagiarism is “To take ideas and writings from another and use as one’s own. Copying materials directly from published, non-published or electronic materials without providing proper citation, documentation, or works cited page. Altering, restating, or paraphrasing another person’s words, ideas, or work without giving credit or acknowledging your sources.” (From the “THS Code of Honor”)
As a retired Army officer I firmly believe that your word is your bond. Lying, cheating and plagiarism simply will not be tolerated. Such instances will be met with both academic and administrative penalty. Specific guidance will be provided for projects, quizzes and tests.
N. Where I am in “cyberspace” WEB PAGE All homework, projects, quizzes and tests will be on line at my web site. I am trying to make this course as paperless as possible. Follow RamienskiMWH on Twitter Follow Ramienski on Tumblr I am more active on Twitter-this is a professional account –please no personal tweets. I do not follow any student accounts. These accounts are for the dissemination of information and current events related to Social Studies and History. NOTE: The electronic version of this document on my website is hotlinked.
O. How to contact me. This semester, I will be teaching during blocks 1, 2 and 4. My planning period is block 3. I have 2nd lunch. I can be found in Classroom B218 or the Social Studies Office, Room A254. I am normally in my classroom. My Social Studies Office phone number (voice mail) is 240-236-6489. I only check messages once a day if that. My school email account is: [email protected] - I check email frequently. I prefer you using email. KEEP THIS IN PERMANENT NOTES Ramienski 200113 MWH Course Syllabus Page 8
P. Acknowledgment. Students, Parents or Guardians, please review the above and sign below to acknowledge and agree to the information and policies presented.
This will be counted as a 10 point graded homework assignment. Get some easy points!!!
Please separate this page-PAGE 6 - and return this page by TUESDAY, 26 January 2016
I look forward to a great semester.
Anthony J. Ramienski Social Studies Teacher
I have read, understand and will comply with the procedures, policies and guidelines contained in Modern World History Syllabus, Guidelines and Expectations.
Student Name (Please print) ______Class Period: ______Date: ______Student Signature: ______
Parent Name (Please Print) ______Parent Signature: ______
Contact phone number: ______
Contact email: ______KEEP PAGES 1 to 5 FOR YOUR REFERENCE---- RETURN THIS PAGE-Page 8 to the TEACHER BY TUESDAY, 26 January 2016. (You receive 10 points towards your class work grade if this paper is turned in on time-otherwise you receive a ZERO.)