Chapter 1: Intro

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Chapter 1: Intro

Study Guide 1: Psyc 100, Explorations in Psychology

Chapter 1: Intro cerebellum psychology definition limbic system biological/neuroscience perspective amygdala behavioral perspective hypothalamus humanistic perspectiove cerebral cortex psychodynamic perspective frontal lobe cognitive perspective parietal lobe socio-cultural perspective temporal lobe evolutionary perspective occipital lobe basic research vs applied research motor cortex psychology vs psychiatry sensory cortex hindsight bias association areas scientific attitude aphasia scientific method Broca’s area hypothesis Wernicke’s area theory plasticity operational definition corpus callosum replication split brain (problems associated with) descriptive studies case study Chapter 3: Nature and Nurture survey chromosome wording effects gene random sample identical (MZ) twin naturalistic observation fraternal (DZ) twin positive correlation twin study negative correlation twins reared apart correlation and causation adoption study illusory correlation temperament experiment gene-environment interactions (correlation) double-blind evolutionary psychology placebo adaptation control group gender differences in mating preference independent variable experience and brain development dependent variable contribution of parents to behavior why study animals culture norms Chapter 2: Neuroscience & Behavior individualist vs collectivist neuron gender and aggression dendrite gender and social power axon gender and social connectedness action potential X and Y chromosome synapse neurotransmitter testosterone endorphin gender role receptor gender identity central nervous system gender-typed behavior peripheral nervous system somatic nervous system Chapter 4: Development autonomic nervous system zygote sympathetic ns teratogens parasympathetic ns maturation reflex infant memory endocrine system Piaget hormones cognitive development adrenal glands assimilation pituitary gland accomodation brainstem sensorimotor stage thalamus object permanence reticular formation preoperational stage conservation egocentrism concrete operational stage formal operational stage stranger anxiety attachment Harlow’s monkeys imprinting secure attachment preconventional morality conventional morality postconventional morality Erikson’s stages crystallized intelligence fluid intelligence social clock

Appendix: Statistics mode mean median standard deviation normal curve correlation coefficient scatterplot when can we generalize from a sample?

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