Salford Strategic Partnership Executive Meeting
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Page 1 of 5 Salford Strategic Partnership Executive Meeting Minutes of 7th May 2008, 1.30pm-4.00pm, Conference Suite, Civic Centre
Board Members Present: Peter Crompton Pendleton College Cllr David Lancaster Salford City Council Dr Julie Higgins (for Prof Eileen Fairhurst) Salford PCT Chris Marsh (for Chris Farrow) Central Salford URC Ian Marshall (for Phil Lowthian) Jobcentre Plus Cllr John Merry (Chair) Salford City Council Stephanie Mitchell Salford CVS C/S Kevin Mulligan Greater Manchester Police Officers Present: Gail Aspinall (Minutes) Partners IN Salford Kevin Brady Salford City Council Don Brown Salford City Council Maura Carey Salford City Council Shaun Clydesdale Salford City Council David Hearn Salford PCT Sheila Murtagh Partners IN Salford Bob Osborne Salford City Council Jon Stephenson Partners IN Salford Alan Tomlinson Salford City Council Brian Wroe Salford City Council Guests: Josie Browne Salford Disability Forum Lisa Buklovskis Salford LGBT Network Liz Cameron Salford BME Forum Aaishah Islam Salford Faith Network Apologies: Jane Bracewell Learning and Skills Council Dr Mike Burrows Salford PCT Prof Eileen Fairhurst (Vice-Chair) Salford PCT Chris Farrow Central Salford URC Philip Lowthian Jobcentre Plus Gail Porter Government Office North West Prof James Powell University of Salford Angie Robinson Manchester Chamber of Commerce Barbara Spicer Salford City Council
1 – Welcome and Introductions 1.1 Introductions and apologies were made.
2 – Minutes from 26th March SSP Executive Meeting 2.1 The minutes from the 26th March 2007 were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
3 – Salford’s Communities of Identity: Recent Progress and Aspirations for the Future 3.1 Jon Stephenson introduced the guest representatives from the Communities of Identity (CoI) Forums/Networks and presented information on the background, achievements, plans,
LSP/SSP Business/Meetings/2008/SSP Exec/07.05.08/Minutes Page 1 of 5 Page 2 of 5 barriers and recommendations for Salford’s Communities of Identity.
3.2 The 6 recommendations in the report were considered and endorsed, with specific recommendations iv, v and vi addressed at some length as follows:
3.3 The four Communities of Identity Forums/Networks are at different stages of development and maturity. Their individual needs, therefore, vary greatly. All four expressed a requirement for core funding support. Salford Voluntary Sector Consortium offered to investigate what help they can make available to help the forums/networks with their infrastructure needs.
3.4 Partners noted that there are still strategic gaps across the city and potential for further connections with existing groups particularly recognising the increasingly important need to promote greater community cohesion. However it was recognised that it is difficult for the Communities of Identity Forums/Networks to connect with every organisation and structure across the city. Further investigation is needed to identify how the Communities of Identity can be better aligned to other structures and how these can inform the Forums/Networks on potential joint activities and information sharing.
3.5 The Partnership Chair proposed that in principle, the partnership does recognise the need to provide additional support to the Communities of Identity. He requested that work be undertaken to scope out what could be achieved with additional funding: how the forums could better connect with existing structures, how they could contribute to improving life in the city and where there are opportunities to pool resources around common goals, such as more effective communications. It was proposed that this work be integrated with the ongoing work relating to the Area Based grant.
3.6 No direction was given by the Executive at this stage in relation to the location of management support to the Communities of Identity. This will be informed by the work on scoping of additional resources and better links with delivery of the new Community Cohesion Strategy with in principle commitment to continued support.
3.7 Action 1 a. Scope of additional support needed for the Communities of Identity to be investigated: both for core infrastructure support and to enable Communities of Identity to be better aligned with existing structures and initiatives (including the Community Cohesion Strategy) –Sheila Murtagh, Jon Stephenson, Shaun Clydesdale + Community Empowerment Task Group b. Area Based Grant (ABG) Review + Strategic Commissioning mechanisms to be used to assess what new money can be made available Kevin Brady, Sheila Murtagh, Jon Stephenson c. CVS to investigate what support it can offer to the Communities of Identity – Steph Mitchell
4 – New Salford Agreement (LAA) a. Draft Documents and Targets b. Proposed Delivery and Governance Arrangements 4.1 Draft Documents and Targets Alan Tomlinson tabled an up dated version of the Salford Agreement 2008-11 Targets and Baseline report and went through the proposed changes. Comments included: NI 30 (Re-offending rate of prolific and priority offenders)- new methodology being introduced, impacting on availability of local and national data NI 18 (Adult re-offending rates for those under probation supervision) –new national indicator and data will be available in October 2008. (Current databases do enable some LSP/SSP Business/Meetings/2008/SSP Exec/07.05.08/Minutes Page 2 of 5 Page 3 of 5 measurement). NI 19 (Rate of proven re-offending by young offenders) – Baseline data not available until July 2008. NI 91(Participation of 17 year olds in education or training) – Indicator removed as no data will be available to collect and measures would have to be started from scratch. NI 117 (16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, training or employment) – Only 50 percent (approximately) of the children attending Salford colleges live in Salford. Approximately 500 Salford residents attend full-time education outside of Salford’s boundaries and 1000 pupils attend full-time education within Salford and do not live in Salford. Local targets will need to reflect this. NI 5 (Overall/general satisfaction with local area) – Target increases for this indicator may appear insufficiently aspirational initially. However noted that since data obtained via perception survey, absolute increases in service quality often result in higher expectations making subsequent increases in satisfaction harder to achieve. NI 150 (Adults in contact with secondary mental health services in employment) – Work is underway with GONW to develop a robust mental health indicator for inclusion in the refreshed LAA.
4.2 The 3 recommendations in the report were considered and endorsed.
4.3 Action 2 Additional information to be collated for local version of the document to amplify NI 117- ie to show how many young people living in Salford attend further education - Alan Tomlinson
4.4 Proposed Delivery and Governance Arrangements Kevin Brady presented the report and diagram relating to proposed project and programme management arrangements for the LAA. He confirmed that the SSP Executive would still retain governance responsibility and would be able to hold officers to account on a regular basis to ensure outcomes being achieved. The model will help shape delivery of the new LAA, provide a more methodical approach and hold people to account for progress. The model should also enable partners and communities to better make sense of the ambition of the LAA by simplifying the targets via the Thinks approach.
4.5 The PCT advised that they are improving their project management and will incorporate the new LAA into its work plan. Partners were advised that the names included on the document were for illustration and the intention was that all partners would be invited to play a full part
The 2 recommendations in the report were considered and endorsed. 4.6 Action 3 4.7 a. New LAA programme management arrangements to be brought back to the SSP Executive to take account of further partner input and clarify that the SSP Executive will hold the LAA Board accountable for delivery of the new LAA– Kevin Brady b. ABG Review Group to report their findings of the support projects will need by to special Executive meeting (since confirmed for 24 July) – Kevin Brady. c. Regular LAA update reports to be produced to ensure objectives are being achieved – Kevin Brady
5 – Primary Care Targets within a World Class Commissioning Context 5.1 Julie Higgins explained the contents of the report on World Class Commissioning (WCC): Improving Health Outcomes for the Population of Salford, which describes how the PCT LSP/SSP Business/Meetings/2008/SSP Exec/07.05.08/Minutes Page 3 of 5 Page 4 of 5 plans to respond to the new World Class Commissioning approach. She highlighted the need for improved partnership working particularly given the overlap between LAA and WCC priorities and the recognition of the overlap between health and social inequalities.
5.2 In response to WCC, Salford PCT would like to focus on two priority health outcomes. The PCT have proposed teenage pregnancy. After significant discussion the Executive proposed abuse of alcohol as the second priority area. They acknowledged that smoking is a bigger killer, but alcohol is a major cross-cutting partnership issue, with wide affects across many themes (crime, anti social behaviour, family breakdown, worklessness etc) and impacting across many groups in the city. Most partners could contribute to this issue leading to significant quality of life improvements.
5.3 Action 4 The 3 recommendations in the report were considered and endorsed, with Alcohol and teenage pregnancy confirmed as the two preferred priority health outcomes.
6 – Salford West Framework – Update on Progress and Implications for the Strategic Partnership 6.1 Bob Osborne and Maura Carey presented the Salford West Strategic Regeneration Framework and Action Plan – Moving Into Delivery report. In the first 3 years the Action Plan will have a spatial focus on the Liverpool Road Corridor.
6.2 The limitation of resources has been recognised as an issue and the Framework is being used as a focus for dialogue with the private sector and others to focus resources and encourage more effective use of existing resources.
Action 5 6.3 The 2 recommendations in the report were considered. Partners agreed to consider how they can contribute to the Salford West Action Plan and identify any resources that could be applied to the framework – All Partners
7 – Partnership Peer Review – Consultation Responses and Revised Action Plan 7.1 Eleven responses have been received from SSP Board members regarding the recommendations in the Peer Review Improvement Plan. The responses were supportive and the comments will be included into the initial Improvement Plan. The SSP should use the term ‘forward plan’ instead of the term ‘review’ to show that they are looking into the future.
It was agreed that use of external consultants was not necessary and that the progress on 7.2 developing the LAA would enable partners themselves to generate their own proposals for improved structures.
Action 6 7.3 Chairs of the Thematic Partnerships to meet to progress develop ideas for improved structures and report back to the Executive– Kevin Brady, Sheila Murtagh
8 – Salford’s New Alcohol Strategy 8.1 Julie Higgins summarised the contents of the Salford Alcohol Strategy 2008-20011 highlighting that alcohol related problems are a significant burden in the City. The strategy focuses on four strategic objectives, for which a range of actions and outcome measures have been identified. Partners gave very strong support to the contents of the strategy and the approach to its development. It was acknowledged that this is an area where all partners should contribute particularly given the scale of the problem.
LSP/SSP Business/Meetings/2008/SSP Exec/07.05.08/Minutes Page 4 of 5 Page 5 of 5 8.2 Action 7 The recommendation that the SSP Executive endorses Salford’s Alcohol Strategy 2008-2011 was confirmed.
9 – Salford’s New Community Safety Strategy 9.1 Salford’s Community Safety Strategy 2008-2011 has been compiled following extensive consultation. It is a live document which will be updated every year, and can respond to changing circumstances through sophisticated use of data. It was acknowledged that as other areas complete their Community Safety Strategies it will be possible to evaluate and benchmark Salford’s strategy against others.
9.2 Action 8 The recommendation that the SSP Executive endorses Salford’s Community Safety Strategy 2008-2011 was confirmed.
10 – Salford’s New Cohesion Strategy 10.1 Brian Wroe introduced Salford’s Community Cohesion Strategy, which has been compiled by the Strategic Leads Group.
10.2 Councillor Merry raised the issue of community tensions developing and asked if we had a sufficient collective understanding of our communities. He asked that the issue of false information be addressed, since otherwise this will endanger good community cohesion.
Action 9 a. Brian Wroe to be the named lead officer for milestones in the AGMA work relating to Preventing Violent Extremism referred to in the Community Cohesion Strategy Delivery Plan 2008-2010. b. The recommendation that the SSP Executive endorses Salford’s Community Cohesion Strategy was confirmed.
11 – Spotlight 11.1 Chris Marsh provided a verbal update on Spotlight. Three of the Spotlight trials are now in the delivery phase and are beginning to report their progress. The analysis on the Little Hulton Spotlight has now been completed. The processes used in the Spotlight programme will be captured and models are being developed to move on to the next stage after the Spotlight trial.
11.2 The two Health Spotlights are to look at childhood obesity and alcohol. Teenage pregnancy will be included within the Little Hulton Lone Parent Spotlight if appropriate.
Action 10 a. Spotlight trails to report to SSP Executive – Chris Marsh b. Further discussions to be held re: teenage pregnancy and the Little Hulton/Lone Parent Spotlight – Julie Higgins 12 – Any Other Business 12.1 None
13 – Date and Time of Next Meeting 13.1 24th July 2008, 10.00am-12noon, Committee Room 4, Civic Centre
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