General Committee Meeting Collaroy S

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General Committee Meeting Collaroy S




1. The adoption of the minutes of the One Hundred and Second Annual General Meeting held on Sunday, 2nd August 2015.

2. Presentation and adoption of the Financial Statements for 2015 - 2016.

3. Presentation and adoption of the Annual Report for the Season 2015 - 2016.

4. Election of office bearers and committee members for the Season 2016-2017.

5. General Business.

APOLOGIES: Don Mc Williams – Vice Patron, Craig Williams and as per apologies in pdf document “AGM 2016 Attendance”

ATTENDENCE: Graeme Bruce and as per attendance records in pdf document “AGM 2016 Attendance”

Sydney Northern Beaches Branch Representative: Darren Warrener – Director of Surf Sports


President asked to honour passing of Past Members – All attendees be upstanding and face the East for 1 minutes silence, to remember past members and family, and especially Paul (Porky) Edwards, Maurie MacMahon, Jim Tate, John Williams and very recently George Reid.

Welcome the Honour Blazer Members, all Life Members in attendance.

Patron – Bill Goodman OAM

Vice Patron – The Honorable Bronwyn Bishop

Honour Blazer - Bill Goodman OAM

Life Members - Graeme Bruce, Ray Isaacs, Bob Langbein, John Lewis, Karen McKie, Kenyon McKie, Greg MacMahon, Chris Montgomery, Col Newman, Dave Perry, Geoff Small

The Beach Club: Chris Montgomery

Special Guests –

The Honorable Bronwyn Bishop, Vice Patron Collaroy SLSC


Moved; B Muncke, 2nd J Lewis - That the minutes of the One Hundred and second Annual General Meeting held on Sunday, 2nd August 2015 be adopted. Carried Collaroy SLSC Annual General Meeting – Sunday August 7th 2016 1 TREASURERS REPORT: Neil Armstrong 1. Successful financial year – a. Purchase of 2 new IRB Hull and 2 motors at a cost of $40,000 b. Overall we showed a loss of $19,000 and our cash position has decreased $42,000 over last year c. Our clothing stock levels have increased $10,000 d. Beach Club raffles have provided a good income stream e. Our old Auditor retired and we now have a new auditor – Jack McCann

Moved; D Macintosh, 2nd J Lewis - That the Income and Expenditure Statement, Statement of Financial Position for 2015 – 2016 Season be received and adopted. Carried

PRESIDENT REPORT 1. We appear to be in a good financial position but we need to understand that it costs around at least $100,000 to keep the surf club running annually, to open the doors. 2. It is critical to keep the cash flow moving 3. We are fortunate to have high value sponsors, but that really doesn’t keep us solvent 4. Seafood raffle on almost every week at The Beach Club is helping with this and we always need volunteers. Raises about $1,000 / month 5. This hall is a money maker but we are looking for Venue Manager 6. New website is up and running today at old website address a. Plan on concentrating on the hall for functions 7. This is another one of our sponsors. It has taken 6 months to rebuild and in the commercial world this would have cost about $10,000 but this has been done for nothing. Thank you to Mindy Meehan. It has taken a long time to complete 8. We are continuing to modernize and make renovations. Got a Grant through Bronwyn Bishops office for Gym Refurbishment. Thank you. 9. Further renovations – there are further grants alive at the moment for both the Female and Male toilets 10. The relationship with The Beach Club going forward. There are a few things to look at/help with a. Damage from the storm to Beach Club b. We can try and help and send members of Surf Club to Beach Club for functions , as well as join The Beach Club 11. Thank you a. to Luke Hochkins for his 12 years of service as Club Captain (Staying on General Committee) b. to Tony Aouad for his 18 years of service on General Committee (Staying on Premises Committee) c. Martin (Bluto) Bowyer for his 5 years as Venue Manager


1. The President spoke to the Annual Report and commented on the state of the Club generally. 2. The Annual Report is a great publication and the reports in it describe the activities of the club for last season. Thank you to Phil Mickan and the Annual Report Committee for their efforts in getting it done. It is a credit that it has turned out so well and is such a professional document.

Moved; John Fahey, 2nd Kenyon McKie that the Annual Report for Season 2015 - 2016 be adopted. Carried

BRANCH REPRESENTATIVE – Darren Warrener – Director of Surf Sports 1. Congratulations to the Collaroy Surf Club Collaroy SLSC Annual General Meeting – Sunday August 7th 2016 2 2. I have been working with lots of Clubs 3. You had a fantastic year within the Club and helping the Community etc. 4. Congratulations for the March Past performance and Men’s Gold at Aussies this year. This makes 13 Gold Medals in total at Australian Championships 5. Well done to you all on an outstanding effort this year

The President asked for any comments from the floor.

Chris Montgomery - President of The Beach Club and Life Member of Collaroy Surf Life Saving Club. 1. Congratulations to Phil on Annual Report. Thank you. a. It is a great source of history for the Club. It is only a god a Club as what the members do. b. We are only a small Club in the Scheme of things and yet Collaroy continues to be “up there” with the larger Clubs. 11th at Aussies is a great achievement. c. We have non-paid coaches and yet we still have members who want to be here and want to come here d. Can see from that the people and the results that have been achieved 2. The huge storm a. An email went out regarding cleaning up the Club and around 150 people turned up to lend a hand in whatever way they could. In a remarkable show of the Club spirit, the clean-up was done in an hour and a half. 3. To Luke Hochkins – a great effort for 12 years as Club Captain – Thank you 4. From a Beach Club perspective a. With the huge storm and the damage they The Beach Club sustained b. The Beach Club is 50 years old, and we were doing renovations c. Now battling with insurance companies d. Trying to raise a million dollars to do up and rebuild the Club again e. We will continue to support the Young Guns Carnival and whatever else we can do. f. Our relationship with The Surf Club is an ongoing commitment so given the circumstances we will


The Honorable Bronwyn Bishop assumed the Chair and declared all Club Positions were open.

Nominations were received for Executive positions and the following were elected unopposed.

President: Greg Broome Deputy President: Geoff Small Treasurer: Neil Armstrong Secretary: Phil Mickan Club Captain: Liz Green JAB Chairman: Darryl Gilmartin – Already elected

General Committee members elected were Gregg Armstrong, Martin Bowyer, Nicole Bridges, Bailey Dwyer, Janine Fahey, Aimee Gundry, Graham Hart, Luke Hochkins, David Hopper, Karla MacBean, Barry Muncke, Greg MacMahon, Peter MacMahon, Adam Monnock, Andrew Sole, Craig Thomas, Richard Trim and Craig Williams.

There were Nil Nominations received for – Venue Manager


Collaroy SLSC Annual General Meeting – Sunday August 7th 2016 3 25 Year Service Norm Chaffer 60 Year Service Jacquie de Kort Michelle Ison Tony Haworth Ken Gittoes Peter Rumble Eddie Diggins Mandy Gittoes Brendan Dunkin Linda McDowell Janine Fahey 70 Year Service Neil McDowell Sean Kenny Neil Montgomery

30 Year Service 40 Year Service 15 Year Officials Award Paul de Kort Mark Reece Janine Fahey Greg Falk Gary Milsted Bob Langbein Ritchie Lytham

The Honorable Bronwyn Bishop – Vice Patron I would like to congratulate Club. It is an excellent Annual Report which shows very good money management. Thanks to a great report from the Treasurer. Collaroy Club is something special. There is a fantastic ethos where members “put in physically”. For example you have rebuilt the bar, helped The Beach Club. Shows a fantastic spirit and the symbiotic relationship with them.

Damage from the “Perfect Storm” conditions, and we all know the problems that are being experienced with the Insurance companies etc.

You all put in together for a single purpose. To save lives to stop issues and problems. Great to see that there were no lives lost. The commitment brings us all together. There are the fun parts such as sports and activities. The ethical underpinning makes SLSA stand out from all other types of clubs. It is iconic yet there is room for everyone within it.

Greg – I am very proud of you and the Committee have achieved.

I always look forward to seeing the Collaroy March Past teams, I know they will always look splendid.

Thank you for having me as your Vice Patron, Thank you for the work you all put in and making it a success.


“That this AGM of Sunday August 7th endorse the current Patron (Mr Bill Goodman OAM), Vice Patrons (Mr Don McWilliam and The Honorable Bronwyn Bishop) and Honorary Officers as follows – Medical Officer (Dr Michael Armstrong), Photographer (Mr Bill Sheridan), Chaplain (The Reverend John Butterworth), Solicitor (Mr Robert Storey) and our Auditor (Mr Jack McCann).”

Moved: M Bowyer, Seconded: C Montgomery. Carried

“That affiliation be sought for the season with Surf Life Saving Sydney Northern Beaches Inc. (The Branch). Further, that the articles, constitution, by-laws, regulations and resolutions, together with the awards and equipment of The Branch, Surf Life Saving NSW, and Surf Life Saving Australia Limited be accepted without reservation.”

Moved: M Reece, Seconded: D Macintosh, Carried

Collaroy SLSC Annual General Meeting – Sunday August 7th 2016 4 President asked David Perry to give a PREMISES REPORT

Thank you. Major item this year was the electronic entry installed into the gym area for security and monitoring. It has been a Season of maintenance – window, door and fans. I have received great assistance from Steve Green and Geoff Small who both will come in if possible at a moment s notice to sort things out. Like to pay tribute and say thank you to our caretakers Jon and Amy who have to put up with a lot of things, especially after hours when the backpackers from across the road come to play late at night on the promenade. After the huge storm Jon was moving stuff during the night to protect it when it became obvious we were in trouble from the storm. Thank you. Congratulations to Luke Hochkins for his 12 years as Club Captain. I believe this makes him our longest serving Club Captain. Well done

Presidents reply - Thank you to Dave and Committee for battling Council on damage from the storm. Some of our doors are unserviceable at the moment. It is a source of ongoing frustration.

Greg Broome We did also launch a new surfboat, the “Steve Scott” during the Season. Thank you to all of the Sponsors for contributing around $35,000 for each boat.

Adaptive Surfers will be staying here tomorrow night. They are walking from Nobbys Beach to Manly to raise money and awareness

Our first meeting of General Committee will be tomorrow night.

Meeting declared closed: 11.54 am

Next AGM will be held on Sunday 6th August 2017 at 11.00am as per tradition.

Collaroy SLSC Annual General Meeting – Sunday August 7th 2016 5

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