Published by the Idaho Chapter of IAWP Partners in Workforce Development
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A Joint Venture With One Voice
THE POWER IN YOU ITEMS Published by the Idaho Chapter of IAWP “Partners in Workforce Development” INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Power in You The solution to your compulsive behavior is YOU! Click the link Below continues with Self- The Power in You continues Control What controls you? You can crush those insurmountable habits that with Self-Control...... 1 seem to have you in their clutches! Lu Lineberry – Chapter President How? Through self-control! Director’s Message...... 2 Wouldn't it be wonderful if you Almost everyone agrees that we could control your behavior? need to have self-control, but few 14 Facts...... 3 You'd avoid over-eating, understand how to get it; or they alcoholism, all bad habits, think that it is not for them. Subchapter Activities...... 3 procrastination, being late, impulsive comments and “ I just wasn’t born to have self- purchases, sinful behavior, Veteran’s Corner...... control,” they often say to 4 misplaced objects and papers, themselves. But self-control is not rushing at the last minute, etc. as difficult to attain as it first Korea Plus IAWP…...... 5 Instead, you'd have good health, a appears. Knowledge produces beautifully exercised body, self-control!! International VP excellent work habits, an organized life, success, good social graces, Candidate…………………..5 First we need to understand that good mental health, healthy most of our behavior has been attitudes, and practically a International Development.. learned from experience. So, if bad 6 guarantee of getting into heaven. habits have been learned, they can be unlearned. Becoming a better People on the Move...... 6 But we live in a society that seems person, more thoughtful of others whipped. Everyone appears to be or more skillful, involves new addicted to something. Many Legislative Update………....7 learning (new behavior, new professionals have jumped on the thinking, new values, or new bandwagon and promise solutions District XIV Institute…...…8 motivation. to every human condition--from overeating, to alcohol abuse, to Secondly we need to be aware if Idaho Spring Conference….9 the tobacco habit, to gambling, to our behavior is failing to meet our drug addiction, and to a host of standards. Self-control is the Spring Conference many other life-controlling ability to make choices about how problems. And still, despite all the Registration form………...10 one behaves and acts rather than offered solutions, countless people relying on impulses. Instead of are not getting better. ITEMS is published bi-monthly by acting on instinct or immediate the Idaho Chapter of IAWP. impulse, a person with self-control Articles printed do not represent Why aren't many people will pause and evaluate a situation the policy of the Department of improving? The answer could be and the consequences that may Labor or the Idaho Chapter of because many of the promised IAPES, and no endorsement is result from their behavior. intended or implied. remedies ignore, or at least do not focus enough on the real solution: The deadline for articles to appear Thirdly the next step is to practice. We need to be able to correct our ITEMS Page 1 of 11 January/February 2005, Volume 38, Issue 5 behavior when it becomes sub- management representatives, labor standard. This is what the ordinary representatives, and a bipartisan person would often call “will group of legislators on tax power”. increases and benefit reductions. IDAHO CHAPTER Management representatives did BOARD Self-control is critical for getting not want to unduly harm this along with other people. It is important worker benefit, and MEMBERS thinking before acting, like looking labor representatives recognized before crossing the street. Self- the importance of keeping taxes in STATE OFFICERS control prevents impulsive line to encourage job growth. The LU LINEBERRY behavior that may have dangerous co-chairs of this effort, Senator President or negative consequences. By John Andreason and AL SNYDER exercising self-control, you can Representative Robert Schaefer, President-Elect learn to make appropriate deserve special thanks for finding CRAIG SMITH decisions and choose behaviors common ground and keeping the Past President that will be more likely to have process moving forward. It was an CHERYL HARRINGTON positive outcomes. inspiring testament to the Secretary/Treasurer cooperative spirit of these Subchapter Presidents So set yourself goals, monitor your important Idaho leaders that this DAVID HUNTER progress, and reward yourself for compromise was achieved. Les Bois positive changes you are able to NONA RAMBO accomplish by employing self- That spirit of working together was Panhandle control. Self-control –make it a also evident when members of six SUE POLK choice. A choice that is Powerful! advisory groups met together for Russett Realm Enhancing the Power in YOU! the first time to share information, LINDA CASTANEDA coordinate efforts, and provide Sawtooth & Sage Congratulations! feedback to the Department. The PAT PAASCH And Welcome Aboard 200 plus Idahoans who recently Seaport to Al Snyder, Idaho Chapter’s convened in Boise for board RITA HALE newly appointed President-Elect . Treasure Valley meetings and a joint session Al was recently appointed to the position during the Idaho Chapter’s included members from the Committee Chairs Winter Board Meeting. Economic Advisory Council, the SUE POLK He brings with him years of Idaho Travel Council, the Science Awards Co –Chair experience and a wealth of & Technology Advisory Council, LIZ RUIZ knowledge with IAWP. the Workforce Development Awards Co-Chair Rita Hale, Treasure Valley’s new Council, the Idaho Rural LORI MCCRAE subchapter president. Partnership, and the Idaho Communication Economic Development PAM PEARSON Director’s Message Association. This meeting was a Education DAVID WASHBURN tremendous success and provided a Roger Madsen – Commerce & International Develop. Labor Director wonderful networking opportunity. JOEL DIXON It was gratifying to hear the many Legislation positive comments from I was very pleased that the Idaho AL SNYDER participants on the important work Legislature quickly and Professional Practices that you do. LINDA CASTANEDA unanimously passed our omnibus Special Services UI legislation so Idaho employers Thank you for the dedication you DAVID PAFFORD would receive their 2005 tax Veterans notices as quickly as possible. This give to your profession. You are bill represents several years of hard making a real difference in the lives of all Idahoans. work by our staff, who hammered IAWP District XIV out an agreement with
ITEMS Page 2 of 11 January/February 2005, Volume 38, Issue 5 Lewistown, Montana on April To conquer others one th th 14 – April 15 , 2005. must be strong. 9. The Idaho Chapter will To conquer self one David Washburn - District XIV hold their annual Educational Director must be mighty. Conference and Annual -Lao-Tzu 1. The Oregon Chapter held a General Membership Business successful IAWP Appreciation Meeting in Lewiston, Idaho on th th Day that resulting in at least 15 May 5 and 6 , 2005. Panhandle – Nona Rambo new IAWP members. 10. The Oregon Chapter will Christmas was made a little brighter for some, thanks to the 2. The Montana Chapter held hold their 2005 Annual Educational Conference at the Panhandle Subchapter of IAWP. their winter Board meeting on The family of one of our WIA January 28, 2005. Hallmark Resort on the Oregon cost at Newport, Oregon on participants lost some cherished 3. The Idaho Chapter held May 19th – May 20th, 2005. items in a fire. The son lost some their Winter Board of Directors sports trophies and daughter lost meeting in Boise, Idaho on 11. Remember to explore and some music CDs. Subchapter February 11, 2005. the International IAWP members and local office educational grant programs and employees donated money toward 4. The Washington Chapter take advantage of and use the gift certificates so they could will hold their annual Crab Logan S. Chambers individual replace the items the fire Feed and Educational Institute grants and W. Scott Boyd destroyed. at Westport, Washington on group educational grants. February 26, 2005. Information is found on the We coordinated with CASA (Court 5. Electronic IAWP voting IAWP web page at Appointed Special Advocates) to will be initiated in 2005 on the “adopt” two families for International level. Voting will 12. Mark your calendars for the Christmas. We received wish lists be done by e-mail with other 2005 IAWP International from 10-year old Shelby and her 6- voting options also available Educational Conference to be year old brother Timothy and from including casting your vote at held in Albuquerque, New 7-year old twins Tommy and the annual conference and Mexico on June 5 –9, 2005. Taylor. IAWP members and local voting by regular mail. Let’s set a record for office employees selected items 6. The Oregon Chapter, attendance from District XIV from the wish lists and soon gifts Capital Subchapter will present at this conference. in festive holiday wrapping were pouring in. Monetary donations an all-day mini educational 13. The 2005 IAWP institute on February 3, 2005 were used for buying food for a International Educational special holiday meal. The CASA with speaker, martin Blair Conference registration form is present interesting topics volunteer who helped coordinate published IAWP web page at the project called soon after related to providing service for Sign up individuals with disabilities. Christmas. She said that the today! children were thrilled with the toys 7. The Idaho Chapter has 14. All the Chapters of District and clothes and their moms recruited 28 new IAWP XIV, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, especially appreciated the food for members from the Republic of Oregon and Washington are all a special holiday. Korea and continues to work encouraged to do some creative on establishing a new IAWP fund raising projects to help We received word that the box of Chapter for the Republic of contribute to the IAWP various items we recently sent to Korea. International Delegate our troops in Iraq arrived and the 8. The Montana Chapter will Conference travel fund. items were distributed. David hold their 2005 Annual Pafford coordinated the project in Educational Conference in which we collected food, books, Subchapter Activities games, and etc. and sent the box to
ITEMS Page 3 of 11 January/February 2005, Volume 38, Issue 5 our Idaho National Guard very happy with the outcome and 2005 will be an exciting year. I members in Iraq. In the the Red Cross said it was one of look forward to each of these distribution, priority was given to their more successful collections. opportunities to share some members who had not received We had 8 donors who had never thoughts. things from home. given blood before…no fainting or screaming occurred. IAWP This article will focus on military How do you say thanks for being provided juice, cookies, and members’ transitioning efforts an IAWP member? How do you go muffins for the donors. from their honorable enlistments to about inviting people to join their next chosen careers in the IAWP? In the Panhandle In February Moscow, Grangeville, civilian workforce. I ask that we, Subchapter, we do it with pizza as workforce professionals, and pizzazz! On January 27, BLOOD DRIVE IN LEWISTON understand our important 2005 we held our annual pizza obligations to assist them in this lunch to thank current members great adventure. and invite people to join. IAWP officers talked about the benefits Throughout Idaho, Veteran of joining the organization and customers are provided the full talked about our array of employment services accomplishments for the last through the State’s One-Stop year. system. Local linkages exist between office staff, the Local Our Food Pantry is still going and Orofino will be doing lunch Veterans Employment strong. Many families of our education programs using the Representatives (LVER), and the deployed Idaho National Guard “Teaching Character” video. We Disabled Veterans Outreach members stop by on the second are beginning to gear up for state Program (DVOP) Specialists in and fourth Saturday of every conference and we are looking most One-Stop Career Centers. month. They stock up on food for forward to May. These proud civil servants could the family and connect with others well be active IAWP members. in the same situation. The Treasure Valley – Milt Smith “shoppers” have a large variety of The IAWP Treasure Valley As employment services canned goods, pastas, produce, Subchapter hosted an office wide specialists, initial contact with our milk, and treats for the kids as well staff meeting at the Canyon Veterans often takes place before as paper products, cleansers and County Local Office of ICL. The their actual discharge from military other supplies. Our IAWP video “Working With People With service. Over time, leaders in all volunteers sign up in advance but Disabilities” was shown to staff. A the branches of our Armed Forces many find it so rewarding that they discussion was held on how to have come to understand the true show up to help even when they interact with individuals that have value of allowing their are not on the schedule. disabilities. Staff enjoyed the video subordinates ample opportunities and many good comments were to attend Transition Assistance SEAPORT – Pat Paasch given about the content of the (TA) workshops well in advance of Seaport subchapter started 2005 by video. Treats were provided by the their release from active duty. coordinating with the Lewiston IAWP Treasure Valley These Programs are often Commerce & Labor office to do a Subchapter. developed and facilitated in Red Cross Blood Drive. We partnerships between the contacted potential donors, put out Departments of Defense (DoD), publicity and scheduled donors for Veteran’s Corner Veterans Affairs (VA) and Labor the blood drive. (USDOL). The 2 - 5 day The drive was help at Lewiston David Pafford – Veteran’s Chair curriculum offers labor market Commerce & Labor from 10:20am information, job searching to 3Pm on January 11, 2005. Our HAPPY NEW YEAR to all the techniques, and education/training Goal was to collect 20 units and Idaho Chapter of IAWP! I believe opportunities. Many of the we were able to get 26. We were professionals that participate as ITEMS Page 4 of 11 January/February 2005, Volume 38, Issue 5 subject experts or guest speakers in the Korean Ministry of Labor, 13 these transition workshops come individuals from the Korea from Federal and State Research Institute for Vocational employment agencies. I suspect Education and Training, 1 these Representatives enjoy active individual from the Embassy of the membership in local IAWP Republic of Korea and 1 individual Chapters! from the Korean Ministry of Construction and Transportation. Recently separated Veterans KOREA The members of the Idaho Chapter settling into their new locations of the International Association of often decide to pursue job training. Plus IAWP Workforce Professionals extend a In accordance with Public Law very warm welcome to all of the 107-288, “The Jobs for Veterans David Washburn - International new IAWP members from the Act”, Veterans merit priority of Development Committee Chair Republic of Korea. service in Department of Labor training programs. There are The Idaho Chapter of the numerous programs available International Association of Chuck Zirkle under the public employment Workforce Professionals is Candidate for service systems, one-stop career sponsoring new members from the IAWP International Vice President centers, the Workforce Investment Republic of Korea with hopes of I am very pleased to announce my Act of 1998 (WIA), and programs establishing the first ever IAWP candidacy for the office of implemented by States based on Chapter for the Republic of Korea. International Vice President. I grants from USDOL. Once more, Twenty-eight individuals from the would like to thank the South IAWP members can be in direct Republic of Korea have made the Carolina Employment Security contact with Veterans in that we decision to join IAWP and help Commission for their endorsement administer many of those training form a new chapter. The Idaho of this opportunity. This is and education programs. Chapter International Development something that I Committee will be assisting the have been In the performance of our duties, new Korean IAWP members with considering IAWP members may have that process of getting a Korean IAWP for the past “special” access to local Chapter officially chartered. The two years and employers. We should never goal of the Committee is have the feel hesitate to use this unique new Korean Chapter chartered and that it relationship to advocate on behalf recognized as an official chapter of is the of our Veterans. There will always IAWP at the 2005 IAWP right be opportunities to introduce International Educational qualified military members with Conference at Albuquerque, New quality employers. Mexico on June 5 –9, 2005. Many thanks to Sook yong Yoon, Deputy As workforce professionals and Director, Training Policy Division, time. I have been active in the members of a fine Association, our Korean Ministry of Labor and South Carolina Chapter for the past success in providing them quality Woon Bea Jeon, Labor Attaché, 15 years, chairing numerous employment services during their Embassy of the Republic of Korea, committees and serving twice as transitions will have a definite Washington DC for there superior state President. Last year I was impact on their success in their efforts to help get individuals from elected into the SC IAWP Hall of next careers. They have served Korea become interested in being a Fame, for which I am honored. I their Country well – now, let’s part of the International am currently serving as the District make sure IAWP serves them just Association of Workforce V Director for North and South as faithfully. Professionals. Carolina. I have attended nine International Conferences and The 28 new IAWP members from volunteered wherever needed. I am Korea include; 13 individuals from presently working in the ITEMS Page 5 of 11 January/February 2005, Volume 38, Issue 5 Charleston Workforce Center as a Kristen Lothrop………….0970 Veterans Employment The Idaho Chapter of IAWP Larry Jantz…………….....0650 Representative with additional International Development Leticia Hernandez Ahern0270 duties as a Transition Assistance Committee is continuing the Maribel Guzman…………0040 Program Facilitator and DVA International Pen Pal program Mary Garcia………………0720 Workstudy Coordinator. Prior to activity this year. This activity Melisa Bryant…………….0120 coming to work with the agency, I entails sharing ideas, knowledge, Robert Fick……………….0590 worked as a District Manager with program successes and information Rodney Ashby…………...0970 Levi Strauss, Branch by e-mail with our counterparts in Salvador Vazquez……….0670 Manager/Auditor/Trainer with foreign countries. If you are Sonya Barreto……………0130 Rollins, Inc., Area Manager with interested in participating in this Stephanie Gregory………0020 US Shoe Corp, and District activity please contact Idaho Susan Simpson………….0270 Manager, Kindercare Learning Chapter International Development Vickie Husted…………….0010 Centers. I feel that this Committee Chairperson, David Virginia Rocha…………...0250 management experience can be an Washburn at asset to our organization. I have [email protected]. Promotions served on Mall Merchants There are some e-mail addresses Angie Flores Associations Executive Boards in for our international partners Commerce & Labor Supervisor 0040 South Carolina and Tennessee and available on the International Artie Holmes was a member of the Memphis IAWP directory on the IAWP web Commerce & Labor Supervisor 0270 Cindy Dudenake Jaycees. I would be honored to page. Program Quality Specialist 0540 have the opportunity to represent People on David Darrow the membership of the Commerce & Labor Manager 1 0060 International Association of the Move Jamie Merrell Workforce Professionals. Technical Records Specialist Internationally we are experiencing New Hires 2 0730 Jeannette Curtis some rough times with our Aaron Davis …………...…0970 Disability Program Manager 0540 membership numbers. This is an Beatrice Murphy………....0080 Jennifer Dickeson area that deeply concerns me, Bonnie Darnell…………...0130 Commerce & Labor Supervisor 0170 because without you there is no Constance DeBarea…….0670 Jude Anderson IAWP. While serving in South Dale Dixon……………...... 0970 Commerce & Labor Supervisor 0370 Carolina, my priority has been Drue McCombs……….….0970 Pamela Pearson Workforce Development Program working for the good of the overall Elizabeth Josleyn…….….0670 Specialist 0810 membership. That priority will not Justin Terry………………0970 Sarah Girdner change. I would be grateful and International Trade Specialist 0970 proud if I could count on your support in this venture. This year Talent is you will be voting by individual Retirement ballot and I hope that you will always Lowell Willey…….…...…..0650 exercise your right to vote and conscious of Sharon Vawter...…...…….0110 place your mark by the name Chuck Zirkle, IAWP International its own Separations Vice President. abundance, Angela Hernandez………0770 International Constance DeBarea…….0670 and does not Donna Requa…………….0370 Development object to Garren Taylor…………….0390 Communications on Heather O’Hearn…………0010 sharing. Janice Jorgensen……….0130 the Move Jennifer McClellend…….0970 David Washburn – Idaho Alexander Solzehnitsyn JoAnna Story…………….0150 Chapter International Ken Dey……………….…..0960 John Nordstrom…………0970 Development Committee Chair Jon Spiser………………...0540 ITEMS Page 6 of 11 January/February 2005, Volume 38, Issue 5 Joy Hadley………………..0720 113%. The increase of more unemployed individuals Kimberly Ellis…………….0540 than $100 million would wipe receiving UI benefits. Kristen Lothrop………….0970 out benefits of the freeze. Myrna Verbeck…………...0360 If Idaho experiences modest LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY: Nicholas Lindholm………0270 economic growth (2 – 2.5% Replaces a 113% average tax Pamela Rebolo…………..0720 annual employment expansion) increase in 2005 with a 12.5% Paula Ewald………………0120 the current law will increase average tax increase Sandra Mahic…………….0970 taxes by $344 million over the o The average employer Stan Seamons……………0970 next 6 years. would pay $35 more Terry Kooy………………..0250 for each employee in Todd Johnson……………0760 Idaho’s UI Trust Fund UI taxes in 2005 under An increase in UI benefit the proposed law, payments during the recent instead of $400 in Legislative recession leaves Idaho’s UI additional taxes if this Trust Fund with a balance of legislation is not Update approximately $191 million enacted. (December 2004), down from Reduces UI benefit payments Joel Dixon – $330 million in 2001. o Among other Legislative Chair Since the recession, UI Trust reductions, the Funds in eight other states Maximum Weekly HB 4 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY were exhausted and several Benefit amount for an others are close. Those eight individual claimant 2005 UNEMPLOYMENT states have had to borrow from would decline from INSURANCE LEGISLATION the Federal Government to pay $325 to $312 starting Creating a More Balanced and UI benefits, and those loans July 2005. Equitable Unemployment must now be repaid with Creates a new, more Insurance System for Idaho interest, pushing their UI taxes responsive and equitable UI even higher. tax system to protect Idaho’s BACKGROUND: As Idaho’s economy improves, UI Trust Fund from Idaho’s UI Tax Picture now is the time to replenish insolvency. The Idaho Legislature has Idaho’s UI Trust Fund, Provides additional tools to frozen Unemployment ensuring a balance that allows collect delinquent UI taxes. Insurance (UI) tax rates since us to serve our claimants Reduces UI fraud by 2002 at an average effective during any future economic increasing penalties. rate of 0.8%, saving Idaho downturns and keep UI tax businesses $110 million during rates affordable for business. the last 3 years. Idaho’s average UI tax rate of UI Claimant Benefits 0.8% compares to a national Idaho UI benefit levels are above average approaching 0.8% in national averages in two 2004. The national average UI significant measures: tax rate is expected to increase “Replacement Rate” - Idaho further over the next several ranks 12th highest in the nation years. when Idaho’s Average UI The tax freeze ended on Weekly Benefit Amount is January 1, 2005. If the compared to Idaho’s average Legislature takes no action, UI weekly wage. taxes, due the end of the first “Recipiency Rate” - Idaho quarter, will automatically ranks 15th highest in the nation increase to an average in the percentage of effective tax rate of 1.7%, or
ITEMS Page 7 of 11 January/February 2005, Volume 38, Issue 5 Mark Your Calendar! Make your Reservations!
Red Lion Hotel, Wenatchee Phone: 509-663-0711
A block of rooms have been reserved under IAWP Rooms reserved only until August 30th
Besides a wonderful Institute The Wenatchee area offers Fall Entertainment During the weekend: Wenatchee hosts a Harvest Festival Leavenworth hosts October Fest. Plan to stay the Weekend! Room Rates: $60 single $80 double $10 for each additional person
More Information to follow
ITEMS Page 8 of 11 January/February 2005, Volume 38, Issue 5 TheThe MagicMagic TheThe SplendorSplendor
Antique TheThe MajestyMajesty Stores Shop ‘til
Fish, fish, and fish again! of Jet Boat up The Lewiston area Hells canyon
The site of our
2005 IAWP Idaho State Spring Conference May 5-6, 2005
Share a great experience! The fun and networking opportunities start with the President’s reception on Thursday evening at the Red Lion Hotel. Join us at the Elks Lodge the following day for a jam-packed agenda of terrific speakers, networking and educational experiences, and the annual statewide IAWP meeting. Friday evening’s award banquet, also at the Elks Lodge, ends the event on a high note.
ITEMS Page 9 of 11 January/February 2005, Volume 38, Issue 5 The Idaho Chapter of IAWP 2005 Educational Conference
Red Lion Hotel ~ Lewiston 621 21st St., Lewiston, Idaho Registration Form May 5-6, 2005 Please print or type all information. Fees for registration should accompany this form. Please make checks payable to IAWP. Mail to: Linda Castaneda, c/o Idaho Commerce & Labor, 127 W. 5th St. North, Burley, ID 83318 Participant Information Name Guest Name Address Work Location Day Phone Evening Phone Emergency Contact Person Day Phone Evening Phone I am a first time attendee at an IAWP (IAPES) Conference and wish to apply for one of the available scholarships to attend this Educational Conference. I wish to request CDF Continuing Education Credit for attending the 2005 Idaho IAWP Educational Conference. I am an IAWP Professional Development Program (PDP) Master.
Number of IAPES Educational Conferences that you have previously attended: _____
Received by April 15 Postmarked after April 15 Full Registration $50.00 = $ $55.00 = $ Includes Presidents Reception on Thursday evening, Educational Program, Continental Breakfast Friday, Lunch on Friday, Snacks, and Friday evening Awards Banquet! Award Banquet: Your choice of Baked Halibut & Prime Rib will be served Buffet Style… Received by April 15 Postmarked after April 15 Partial Registration $25.00 = $______$30.00 = $_____ Includes Educational Program, Continental Breakfast Friday, Lunch on Friday
ITEMS Page 10 of 11 January/February 2005, Volume 38, Issue 5 Awards Banquet Guest $20.00 = $ ____ $20.00 = $____ **Must attend with an individual who has purchased a Full Registration Package. The $20.00 includes tax & tips.
Room Rates & Availability at the Red Lion Hotel Single rooms $ 54.25 includes tax, $ 70.52 double (up to 4 extra people, includes tax. Blocks of rooms at this rate will only be available until April 15TH. For reservations call (800) 232-6730 and let them know you are attending the Idaho IAWP Educational Conference. Please make your reservations early to assure room availability.
ITEMS Page 11 of 11 January/February 2005, Volume 38, Issue 5