Reflection And Self- Evaluation

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Reflection And Self- Evaluation

Reflection and Self- Evaluation

Reflection On Your Instruction and Student Learning

I think the two most important instructional strategies I used were constant comprehension checks and visual aids. The students that I taught were college bound students but most didn’t feel that they needed the literature they were learning in my classes to be successful students in college. Faced with this challenge, I realized that if I didn’t make sure the lessons were exciting and challenging the students would most likely not participate. I worked very hard preparing material that could help them relate some of the concepts of Beowulf to their everyday lives. Students wouldn’t necessarily be interested in a “heroic character” unless they could relate to that character. That was when I decided to introduce “Smallville”, a pop culture TV show about the young

Superman, into my lessons. After the students watched this show we were able to cover

Learning Goals 1 and 2 with ease. They were able to get excited about Beowulf because they could relate him to Clark Kent a.k.a. Superman.

Accomplishing Learning Goal 3 was a bit harder. I soon realized that by making a game out of the vocabulary students had great comprehension and they were having fun at the same time. I was able to reinforce Learning Goal 3 and keep the children interested in what we were doing.

I also feel that constant comprehension checks are the key to making sure that students are learning their objectives. I took several minutes at the beginning of every class time to review over what we had done the day before. I also stopped several times during the class period to reiterate what I had been teaching all along. Reflection on Barriers to Successful Learning

When I look back on what I could have done differently to discover a different outcome I think that I may have began my classroom management a bit stricter than I did.

Although the students understood that although I was friendly I wasn’t their friend, there were times where I felt some things could be different. For instance, although students had a hallpass book I didn’t always make them use it. Although this wasn’t something that caused problems or was a major impediment I still would have liked to start strict and continue with that strictness.

In order for my Analysis of Learning to improve I think that I should have spent more time on my Learning Goals. Based on in class questioning and answers students understood the material. Although all students met the standards I set for my Learning

Goals I think that they could have improved their scores even more if I had spent more time working with them.

I have questioned several times the thought that I could have made assignments that were more friendly to the students and their lifestyles. After reviewing the data between Student B and Student A I am convinced that the difference between their work was simply that they had very different lifestyles. They were both capable of learning the material, in fact they already knew it, but the lack of support in Student A’s life made her learning process difficult.

I do feel that the cooperative learning I used in my unit was successful. I noted before I started teaching the class that students did better during class times where they were allowed to use cooperative learning they did better. I made sure to incorporate this technique in my own lessons. Reflection on implications for future teaching.

I think that from now on I will certainly start out my time with students adhering strictly to the rules. Although there are times where I struggle in my head (they need to go to the bathroom but don’t have their hallpass- what if this causes problems?) I think that I will trust that the policy of the school is the best road to take.

I believe that this is something that will come with experience. I think that I wanted to be liked by my students, even though I understood that this wasn’t always possible. Now that I understand this I think that I will be able to have a great relationship with my students. I believe that it will be one of respect that goes both ways.

Reflection on alignment among goals, instruction, and assessment

I felt that my students did well in reference to the Learning Goals. They met all of their goals and that seems like a success for me. I felt like my students received ample assignments and instruction as well as assessment. They did fine on homework and in class assignments. They were very involved in discussion and even posed questions for themselves. I feel that my teaching skills still need work and refinement, but I have the basis of what it takes to create a unit and teach it to students who may or may not want to learn.

Reflection on learning community.

When I began my time at Scott City I was able to meet several other LA teachers as well as the librarian. I discussed M.A.P issues with my cooperating teacher as well as others in the school. Scott City is a small school with few opportunities for outside cultural influences.

There was a Brazilian foreign exchange student that I spoke with a few times. We discussed how different schools are in her home country.

After spending time with the students and getting to know the school district better I understood that I had to be mindful of the students individual lives. For instance, in Scott City there are a number of children who are in foster care. I need to remember while planning that children like this don’t have stability in their lives and sometimes won’t have material from two weeks ago to turn in.

I also had to get used to Football Fridays. I think that the whole school goes nuts, not just the students. My classroom management on those days had to be much tougher on those days than any other.

Reflection on how to access specialized services

If I had found out that a student needed special services because of a learning, physical or mental disability I would have made an effort to become comfortable with the student. I would have offered extra help before or after school. I would also ask the student privately if they were understanding the material.

If this wasn’t enough I would take the steps listed in the process for setting up an

IEP. I would begin by referring them to the appropriate authority. The authority would then be in charge of reviewing all existing evaluation data, planning an evaluation (in which he would have to have consent for from legal guardians), determining eligibility for IEP status, having an IEP meeting and developing an IEP.

It would have then been my job to meet with the team to form a specific IEP plan for my classroom, which I would do my best to follow. Reflection upon ethical practice

I believe that there are many standards to ethical practice. The most important ethical practice to remember as a teacher is to always be aware of the schools technology usage agreement. This is important because it is a contract that students sign saying that they won’t behave inappropriately in the schools computer lab.

In my own teaching experience I understood that I had to give credit where credit was due. There were several worksheets that I took from Mrs. O’Neal that I wanted to use in my own class time. When I would use these sheets I would remind the students that the sheets weren’t mine, but were borrowed from Mrs. O’Neal. I also understood that according to a “fair use” policy any media used inside the classroom was for educational purposes only.

I came across situations almost daily where students would lead conversations into places that I as an educator couldn’t go. Students tried several times to find out if I drank, or if I did drugs (of which I answered a firm no, never). Throughout this I worked very hard to steer clear of these conversations and when they did come up I was quick to tell students that my personal life wasn’t something that needed to be discussed in a classroom.

Implications for Professional Development

I realize now that teaching is extremely hard. It is something that takes time and practice. Because it is a talent that is developed over time and with help I have considered looking for a mentor when I begin teaching to help push me into planning fully and completely no matter how overwhelmed I may feel. I would also like to become involved in a professional organization. I have been subscribing to the NCTE inbox and am currently a member of SMSTA. I feel that these organizations are important assets to teachers because they can provide insight.

I know that it may sound strange, but keeping a journal is another way I plan to develop professionally. I keep a personal journal and I often find myself looking back at it and marveling at the mistakes I have made. I think it would be not only interesting but beneficial to see the growth process in myself as a teacher.

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