De Nora’s “PSEA” Protected Structured Electronic Anode for metal electrowinning

*C.W. Brown Jr.1 and F. Prado2, L. Iacopetti3, A. Fiorucci3, G. Faita3, P. Perrone3, A. Calderara3

1De Nora Tech, Inc. 7590 Discovery Lane Concord, Ohio, USA (*Corresponding author:[email protected])

2Infotrol Monzon Huesca, Spain

3 Industrie De Nora SpA Milan, Italy


De Nora, a global leader in the development, manufacture and sale of DSA® mixed metal oxide anodes (Dimensionally Stable Anodes) for electrochemical processes will discuss advancements in anodes for the metal electrowinning. A staged development approach was undertaken by De Nora and our Industrial copper electrowinning partner to bring to commercial demonstration our anode technology package. This DSA® technology package provides long anode life, enhanced operational performance benefits when compared to lead alloy anodes, and integrated short detection system (SDS) providing anode structure protection and operator intervention reduction in Copper Electrowinning (CuEW).

The development stages of De Nora’s technology advancements can be partitioned into these main component attributes; anode structure design, catalytic DSA® anode coating, and integrated dendrite short detection system providing electronic self-governess over dendrite shorting damage to the primary DSA® meshes.

De Nora’s state-of-the-art technology has incorporated the most advanced attributes of our DSA® developments culminating with the “PSEA” Protected Structured Electronic Anode with integrated short detection system. The PSEA anode incorporates a modular design for discrete current distribution and uniform copper cathode depositions. Embedded electronic micro-switches regulate current flow to the individual DSA® meshes when cathode dendrite shorts are encountered, thus preventing any structural catalytic mesh panel damages or loss of cathodic current efficiency.

The implemented technology package provides for the following economic benefits; 1) 12 – 15% power savings

2) Cobalt-free electrolyte operations

3) Smoother, uniform cathode deposits generating a 1 -2% improvement in current efficiency

4) Tankhouse operations producing lead-free copper quality cathodes, in addition to elimination of lead waste for improved operator health and environment.

KEYWORDS Anodes, electrowinning, copper, nickel, zinc, DSA, electrodes