Course Title: Spanish III School Phone: (405) 354-6692 X2683
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Course Title: Spanish III School Phone: (405) 354-6692 X2683 Señora Kesler Planning Period: E-Mail: [email protected] Time Available for extra help: after school by appointment
Course Description & Objectives: Pre-AP Spanish III includes reviews of Spanish I & II and continues with advanced grammar and usage of the Spanish language. Emphasis is placed on the development of advanced proficiency in the four language skills – listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Instruction in the course is conducted primarily in Spanish and students are encouraged to practice the target language consistently with their teacher, peers, and in the community. This course is intended for qualified students who seek to prepare for the Advanced Placement Spanish language exam.
Students enrolled in this course will continue to develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills as well as increase their knowledge of Spanish culture. Students will use strengthen their language skills through a variety of methods using authentic material and resources during studies of six thematic units.
1st Semester Summer Assignments Review of Grammar: Present, Preterite, Irregular Verbs in the Preterite,Imperfect Irregular Verbs ending with -car, -gar, -zar, Reflexive Verbs Affirmative & Negative Tú commands, Formal/Informal commands, Object Pronouns
Thematic Unit 1: Las identidades personales y públicas: Personal beliefs, Personal Interest, Self-Image, National and Ethnic identities Alienation and Assimilation Thematic Unit 2: Las familias y las comunidades: Customs and Values, Family Structure, Childhood & Adolescence Thematic Unit 3: La Vida Contemporánea: Education and Careers, Travel and Leisure
2 nd Semester Future Tense, Conditional Tense, Por vs. Para, Present Subjunctive- Regular & Irregular Verbs Compound Tenses: Present & Past Perfect, Future Perfect, Progressive Tenses
Thematic Unit 4: Los desafíos mundiales: Economic issues, Environmental Issues, Health Care and Medicine Thematic Unit 5: La ciencia y la tecnología: Access to Technology, Effects of Technology on Self and Society, Science and Ethics Thematic Unit 6: La Belleza y la estética: Defining Beauty, Defining Creativity, Visual and Performing Arts
** Suggested lessons above are subject to change ** Outline does not include supplemental readings and special class projects Supplies: 1. 2” 3 Ring Binder (Dividers suggested but not required.) 2. Regular loose leaf notebook paper 3. Spanish/English dictionary 4. Pens, Pencils, colored pencils, highlighter, expo marker, glue stick 5. Index Cards (several packs 6-8, 100 count or higher) for flashcards 6. Pencil Bag (to keep flashcards, pens, pencils, color pencils, highlighter, expo maker, glue stick).
***Tissue boxes, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, paper towels, extra glue sticks, colored pencils, markers, expo markers, & AA batteries are greatly appreciated for class use. *** (Note: Please have all supplies no later than ______. Thank you!!)
Class Rules: 1. Bring all books and materials to class everyday. 2. Be on time and start bell work immediately. 3. Respect the property, space, and ideas of others. 4. Class will be dismissed when everyone is seated quietly, the room is clean, and everything has been returned to its proper place. Remain seated until I dismiss you. 5. NO food, candy, or chewing gum in the classroom. Only bottled water with a cap will be allowed. 6. Academic dishonesty will result in a zero and possible disciplinary action. 7. ABSOLUTELY NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES FOR PERSONAL USE!!!! ONLY TEACHER APPROVED ACTIVITIES
Participation: 1. Because the aim of the Spanish course is fluency, speaking the language on a daily basis is required. 2. Lack of class involvement will negatively affect your progress in the language; which will in turn, negatively affect your fluency and grade. 3. Active class involvement will positively affect your success and grade.
Discipline Procedures: You are expected to follow all rules and regulations governing behavior outlined in the student handbook.
Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and will result in the following disciplinary actions: 1. Verbal warning 2. Teacher/Student conference 3. Parental notification 4. Detention with teacher 5. Office referral 6. Depending upon the severity of the offense, the student may be advanced to any level or sent directly to the principal’s office.
Classroom Procedures: 1. Late work for attending students will result in reduced points for the particular assignment(s). Only partial credit will be given for your final grade for that assignment. In order to receive full credit the assignment(s) must be in the designated box by the end of the hour. 2. Each semester you will receive ONLY 6 hall passes (3 hall passes and 3 late passes) to leave the classroom. It is your responsibility to fill out the pass and have me sign it before leaving the classroom. You will not be allowed to leave the classroom if you lose the passes, use them all, or abuse their use.
Grading System: 1. Daily assignments, homework, & singing are counted as Daily grades. (30%) 2. Unit or chapter tests, vocabulary test, quizzes, skits, compositions, and long-term assignments count towards Test & Quizzes. (40%) 3. Daily Speaking & Participation in the Target Language- SPANISH (10%) 4. Semester test (20%) 5. See the YHS Student Handbook for test exemptions
Pre-AP Spanish Sra. Kesler
Parent/Guardian: I am delighted that your child has decided to continue the study of a second language and in the process open the doors of opportunities, as the study of world languages has never been more important. Your continuous support and enthusiasm for your child’s efforts and progress in Spanish are greatly appreciated. I look forward to a great school year.
Please, review the rules and guidelines for this class as well as the Student Handbook with your son/daughter. Both of you should sign indicating that you have read and understand these policies and procedures. The 1st assignment is to return this signed form to me by ______.
Student: I understand the concept of the Pre-AP/AP Spanish Program and agree to the commitments, which are necessary for this course.
I agree to organize my time and effort to successfully complete the AP Spanish course. I will do my own work and not take shortcuts to learning. I will notify the teacher immediately if I fall behind in class readings or assignments, or I am having difficulty in the course.
Student Name: ______(please print full name) Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Please sign: ______(Your signature verifies you are familiar with the course requirements and guidelines)
Parent/Gaurdian: Home mailing address: ______Home #: ______
Primary Contact person concerning student:
Parent E-mail: (Print clearly Please)
Work #: Home & Cell #:
Secondary person to contact: Email and Phone #:______I do use e-mail fairly regularly to contact parents as well as send general reminders; I find it very efficient and easier that playing phone-tag. To make this process more reliable, please E-mail me from your preferred e-mail address at [email protected] and place your student’s name in the subject line. If you do not have an e-mail address, or do not want me to contact you by E-mail, you may request a regular update by phone or regular note home.
Please list any personal information you feel I should know about this student (health problems, expected absences, etc.):