FOES Ipads in Use

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FOES Ipads in Use


School Newsletter Summer Term – June 2013

THINGS TO NOTE IN THIS NEWSLETTER: - Change to school day from September 2013 Before and After School Club - Breakfast/After School Club questionnaire We have been delighted with the success of the school - Measles and MMR catch-up campaign (see attached) Breakfast Club and After School Club which is coming - Year 6 Leavers and team photographs Thurs 13 June to (please ensure all kits andSCHOOL full uniform is in school today) the end of it’s first year. Many thanks to Mrs Way, Mrs - Sports week 25-28 June – volunteers wanted Livingstone, Mrs Hill and Ms McKay for providing such an excellent service. We will be asking parents who have FOES IPads in use used the clubs for their feedback but would also like to We are absolutely delightedCOUNCIL with our new class set of ask all parents and carers for their views on the facility IPads which we have been able to purchase thanks to that we are currently offering. Please can you fill in the the generosity of FOES. Thank you to everyone for brief questionnaire attached and return to the school supporting and organising FOES events over the past office by 1st July. year; as a staff we really appreciate all the hard work that goes into raising money for items suchter as the Staffing IPads which we would not otherwise be able to afford. We were sorry to say goodbye to Mrs Ryan one of our lunchtime supervisors before half-term, and thank her Mrs McLean has worked incredibly hard researching a for all her hard work. Mr Donhou has now taken on fantastic deal on the IPads and setting them all up. that role. Year 2 are now experts at using them and the rest of the children will begin to have the opportunity to use Measles outbreaks and MMR catch-up campaign them over the next half term. We are all very excited You may be aware that there has been an increase in about the increased opportunities for developing ICT the number of measles cases in England along with a skills that the IPads afford, and the additional capacity large outbreak in Wales with children aged 10-16 the that they provide for high quality ICT provision within most affected. Measles can spread very easily and the school. can cause serious complications like pneumonia. A Thank you again to FOES. national catch-up programme to protect children has been launched to ensure all children, but particularly School Opening Times those aged 1-16 years receive two doses of MMR This is a reminder that as from September the school vaccine. Two doses offer the best and safest way to opening times are changing. Following the consultation protect children against measles, mumps and rubella. with parents earlier this year, school will start 10 minutes earlier for all children and will end 10 minutes We have been advised by health colleagues that you later for KS1 children. check your child has received two doses of MMR vaccines. If not or you are not sure, they strongly From September: recommend that you check with you GP surgery, where the MMR is available free of charge. There is School starts at 8.50 am more information on measles in the attached flyer and KS1 school ends at 3.10 pm on the NHS Choices website. KS2 school ends at 3.20 pm. Jane Foster

We hope that the new timetable will cut down on the Sports week: 25th-28th June inconvenience of waiting at the end of the day for During sports week we are hoping to organise as many parents with children in KS1 and KS2. We also different sporting events for the children as possible, welcome the opportunity to have a much prompter start and we would welcome input from any parents who to the school day. experts in particular sports –including more unusual ones such as archery. If you have a sport that you would like to come and demonstrate to the children with the appropriate equipment, please let the school office know you name, sport, available and contact not wearing uniform unless you have details as soon as possible. We would be delighted to paid hear from you. your £12 annual contribution) Rekha Slatter 7-9.30 p.m. Year 6 leavers celebration Medication Can we please remind you that should your child have an upset stomach or has been vomiting, they must be kept off school for 48 hours, so that we stop the spread of these bugs.

Also, another quick reminder that if children have medication or inhalers in school could parents please ensure they complete the appropriate form available SUMMER TERM CLUBS from the school office. Mondays Marlene Bennett Lunchtime ICT club for KS2 (Mrs Perks) Football Fever (Rec/Year 1) from 3rd June -8th July (external provider) 3.05-4.15 p.m. Y3/4 football club for boys and girls DIARY DATES (Mr Bush) Cricket club for Years 3-6 from 22 Apr- Thur 13 June 1.30 p.m. Year 6 leavers and team 1 Jul (external provider) photographs (please ensure your Tuesdays child has his/her team kit in school Lunchtime Newspaper Club Y5/6 (Mrs Kent) today) ICT Club Y1/2 (Mrs McLean) Mon 17 June Christian Aid Concert 7pm Y5/6 Patchwork Club (Mrs Van de Wed 19 June Summer Music Concert 2 pm Linde) Mon 24 June Start of National Sports Week 3.30-4.30 p.m. Y5/6 boys football (Mr Bush) 7 pm Parents’ Meeting for new Wednesdays Reception children Lunchtime KS1 choir (Mrs Freed) Tues 25 June Welcome meeting to Year 3 for Year 2 Y5/6 Nature Club (Mrs Van de Linde) parents and Dagnall parents Y5/6 Art Club (Mrs Kent) Thur 27 June Sports Day Thursdays 10-12 noon KS1 (Rec – Year 2) 8.15-8.45 a.m. Y5/6 Handball Club (Mrs Slatter) 1.30-3.20 p.m. KS2 (Years 3-6) Lunchtime 12.20-12.50 p.m. Running Club for Sat 30 June Choir at Waddesdon Manor Festival Years 2-6 (Mrs Smith/Mrs Slatter) Mon 1 July Alternative sports day if wet on 27th Y5/6 Enterprise Club (Mrs Peel) Tues 2 July Induction and Move Up Day Y3-6 Library Club (Mrs Goodyear) Wed 3 July Rainforest Music Morning Year 3/4 3.30-4 p.m. KS2 choir (Mrs Freed) p.m. Year 1 visiting St Marys Church, Fridays Eaton Bray Lunchtime Y5/6 camera club (Mrs Everson) 7 p.m. Transition to secondary school Y3-6 Library Club (Mrs Duxbury) information evening for Year 5 parents 3.30-4.15 p.m. Y5/6 girls’ football (Mr Bush/Mrs Thurs 4 July Year 3/4 visit Cadbury’s World Sykes) Wed 10 July 2.30 p.m. Year R parents in classroom for report meeting TERM DATES Thurs 11 July Y2 visit Wrest Park Summer Term 2013 Fri 12 July End of year reports home to parents Wed 24 July School closes for Summer FOES Children’s Disco 5:30-6:30 Lower School (Rec-Y3) Autumn Term 2013 6:45-8:00 Upper School (Y4-6) Tues 3 Sept School closed for In-Service training Tickets available from school office Wed 4 Sept School closed for In-Service training breaktimes only from Mon 8 July (£3) Thurs 5 Sept School opens Fri 25 Oct School closes for half-term Sat 13 July FOES Sponsored Walk (more details 26 Oct-3 Nov Half-term to follow) Mon 4 Nov School closed for In-Service training 17/18 July 7pm Year 5 and 6 end of year Tues 5 Nov School reopens production Fri 20 Dec School closes for Christmas Mon 22 July Speech Competition Final Tues 23 July Parent Helpers Coffee morning Spring Term 2014 Wed 24 July Non-uniform day (50p for the privilege Mon 6 Jan School closed for In-Service training of Tues 7 Jan School reopens Fri 14 Feb Schools closes for half-term Fri 23 May School closes for half-term 15-23 Feb Half-term 24 May-1 June Half-term Mon 24 Feb School reopens Mon 2 June School reopens Fri 4 Apr School closes for Easter Wed 23 July School closes for summer

Summer Term 2014 Tues 22 Apr School closed for In-Service training Wed 23 Apr School opens EDLESBOROUGH BREAKFAST AND AFTER SCHOOL CLUB

Edlesborough School is currently running a Breakfast Club from 7.45 am every school day morning, and an After School Club until 6 pm every school day. We are eager to have feedback from parents about our service – even if you have not used it - in order to ensure we are catering for your needs.

I would be grateful if you could complete the following questions and return giving your views.

1) Times - Breakfast club: 7.45 am – 8.50 am

After School Club: 3pm (3.20pm) – 6 pm

Do the hours offered meet your needs? YES/NO Comments:

2) Costs - Breakfast Club £4 per session

After School Club : Half session £5 (up until 4.30 pm

Full session £12 (up until 6 pm

Do you think the pricing is good value: YES/NO Comments:

3) Provision - Range of breakfast foods, range of after school snacks, fruit, drinks

Arts, crafts, cooking, board games, construction, computers, homework corner, outdoor games, outdoor sports, parachute games, scooters.

Do you think the provision sounds appealing for your child? YES/NO Comments: 4) Any other comments

Thank you for your time

Jane Foster

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