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History of Cinema s2

American Poetry, 1871-1900

Filmed from the holdings of the Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays, Brown University

Microfilmed on behalf of Brown University by Northeast Document Conservation Center, as part of the Cooperative Preservation Microfilming Project of the Research Libraries Group

Primary Source Microfilm An imprint of Thomson Gale American Poetry, 1871-1900

Unit 17: Reels 801-850

Filmed from the holdings of the Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays, Brown University

Microfilmed on behalf of Brown University by Northeast Document Conservation Center, as part of the Cooperative Preservation Microfilming Project of the Research Libraries Group

Primary Source Microfilm An imprint of Thomson Gale Primary Source Microfilm An imprint of Thomson Gale

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American Poetry, 1871-1900 from the Holding of the Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays at Brown University.……………………………. ………………….…vi Unit 17 (Reels 801-850)…………………………………………………………………. 1 American Poetry, 1871-1900 from the Holdings of the Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays at Brown University The Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays, which includes a strong Canadian literature list as well, is housed at Brown University’s John Hay Library in Providence, Rhode Island. It began in the mid-nineteenth century as the private collection of Albert Gorton Greene. Greene, a poet, lawyer, and judge, “collected poetry in a way unusual for his day,” reports the catalogue for the Special Collections at Brown: “instead of collecting only finely bound editions of the works of prominent poets, he attempted to collect every printed volume of American and Canadian poetry and plays.”1 Collecting American literature was unusual at the time, and collecting so broadly was certainly an eccentric practice. After his death in 1868, most of the American literature collection was purchased by Caleb Fiske Harris, an important collector of American poetry and plays, who continued to build the collection. Following Harris’s death in 1881, Senator Henry Bowen Anthony, a collector of Americana, bought the collection of about five thousand volumes and bequeathed it to Brown in 1884. The collection has continued to grow and today contains more than 250,000 titles.

The present Primary Source Microfilms edition of the John Hay Library’s microfilms of its holdings covers American poetry from 1871 to 1900.2 The selection of titles for microfilming was overseen by Rosemary Cullen, the senior scholarly resources librarian at the John Hay Library. Cullen states that the list of about 8,500 titles is as comprehensive as possible, and it is representative of the miscellaneous holdings of the collection from this period.

It is the nonselective collecting principle that makes the Harris Collection one of a kind, and the scholarly value of the archive today lies in its representation of little-known or unknown materials and figures, along with its holdings of well-known writers who continue to be regularly anthologized and taught. Thus, while it is certainly an important resource for textual scholars interested in variants of words, passages, and poems, in the “fluidity” of texts by major, canonical poets, the Harris Collection is an even more important resource for students and scholars of American social, cultural, and literary history, providing a wealth of materials for original research and analysis. Cullen reports that she regularly gets mail from scholars who have looked everywhere, with no success, to locate a text, and the Harris Collection will most likely have it. In her words, it is “the once famous, the never famous, the obscure” that the “Harris is really best known for,” and the value of this microform set, she adds, is that it makes available titles that are not likely to be available elsewhere.

1 Special Collections at Brown University: A History and Guide. Ed, Leslie T. Wendel. Providence, RI: Friends of the Library of Brown University, 1988, P. 93. 2 The present publication continues an earlier microfilm edition, American Poetry, 1609–1870, that was published in the 1970s.

vi The collection comprises not only books of poetry but ephemeral verses, such as pamphlets of poetry published as advertisements, that would not ordinarily have been preserved in libraries. The rapid proliferation of mass media of ephemeral publishing, serving diverse audiences and purposes, and the coincident impulse to collect such texts mark a late nineteenth-century moment, and it is the collecting of disposable ephemera that grants them their value for the present, because very few copies of such stuff survive or are publicly accessible.

Since the Harris Collection has preserved these texts without making editorial value judgments as to their literary merit, it has also preserved a material knowledge of books and publishing; as Anatole France wrote, “The only exact knowledge there is is the knowledge of the date of publication and the format of books.”3 Thus this microfilm publication is a useful resource not only for American cultural historians and students of literature but for scholars interested in the history of the publishing and circulation of texts in America. The microfilm edition gives images of the physical appearance of the volumes and indicates their dimensions with a centimeter ruler that shows the scale of the image, which would enable research on the changing packaging of books. And poetry volumes in the late nineteenth century not only came in different formats, but they often came with illustrations; a microfilm edition would document this “synaesthetic” cultural moment in American publishing that is likely indicative of a certain stage in the history of literacy.

Walter Benjamin, in his 1936 essay “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” describes the modern masses as “a collectivity in a state of distraction.”4 The Harris collection of American poetry, in the spirit of the distraction that is a symptom of the transition into modernity, documents the emergence of the masses and the publishing boom in poetry that accompanies it. Thus the collection, useful for scholars of book publishing and popular culture, also documents how what came to be the United States was in a state of “distraction” in a different sense as well. For in the late nineteenth century, the ongoing internal migration and foreign immigration rendered more difficult —and gave a different texture to—the general Western experience of modernization, urbanization, and industrialization.

The collection gives a sense of this peculiarly American version of late nineteenth- century “distraction.” There is a good deal of poetry published on the themes of urban versus rural life, on local events, and on regional experience—verse about the developing West, the various areas of the Midwest, and the South, as well as about specific states. Regional literature is a growing field of study, and, again, the “nonregional,” generic mediation of poetry would complicate the questions of that field of study in a productive way. There is also a lot of verse published in German, by native speakers, addressing other immigrant native speakers, as well as dialect ballads—which would be of interest for studies of dialect representation and even studies of the use of such dialect material by twentieth-century poets.

3 Quoted in Walter Benjamin, “Unpacking My Library.” In Illuminations. Ed. Hannah Arendt. Trans. Harry Zohn. New York: Shocken Books, 1978. P. 60. 4 In Illuminations, p. 239.

vii The archive holds many examples of poetry on domestic life, which would provide insights into daily life or quotidian experience. Occasional verses, such as graduation poems, poems commemorating marriage anniversaries, birthdays, and funerals, Easter and Christmas—the microfilm set has thirteen editions of Clement Moore’s 1823 poem “The Night Before Christmas”—are also of interest to American social and cultural historians. Sentimental love poems, pious verses on religious topics, verses on temperance and women’s suffrage, funerary verses, primers, alphabet rhymes, and songs and ballads for children are other areas of study that this archive would be useful for. Children’s verse, in particular, was a thriving genre at this time, and it is well represented. The collection also holds a lot of poetry on American history, patriotic poetry occasioned by the U.S. centennial, and poetry about the Civil War from both northern and southern perspectives, including memoirs and reminiscences about the experiences of specific regiments. Poetry about Native Americans—both eastern and western tribes—is also well represented. In general, the representations of American history and of race—of African Americans and Native Americans—in popular verse are topics that this archive makes available for study.

There are also little-known African American authors in the collection, as well as surprising items, such as an edition of Phillis Wheatley’s Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral (1773), published by W. H. Lawrence and Company in 1887 in Denver, Colorado. This case brings up another area of interest—the history of the American publishing industry, which, while concentrated in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, was once far less centralized than it has become. As a counterforce against a modern distraction or “scattering,” many printers in many smaller cities and towns around the United States published verse of interest to the local community.

Finally, there is a huge number of examples of oral forms such as ballads, hymns, and songs that circulated in print in this period. These forms that rely on establishing multiple memory paths—of regular meter, vivid imagery, sound patterns such as rhyme schemes, alliterations, and repetitions of all sorts—also attest to the popularity of poetry as a genre. In the nineteenth century there was an oral culture of poetry, of memorization and recitation of poetry as a social activity, and a lot of the popular verse in the collection records, in print, that history of an oral culture in the process of gradually being printed out of social existence.

The availability of such archival materials makes for the infrastructure of literary research, and this microfilm edition is invaluable for scholars and students who do not have easy access to the Harris Collection, saving them precious travel time and funds. The project will open up areas of research on materials that are difficult to access and therefore in danger of being overlooked. And such material also forms an infrastructure for new kinds of communication between archival research in social and cultural history, textual scholarship, and literary criticism and theory.

For the archive would also be useful for scholars and critics who work on canonical figures—from both the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. It would enable work on

viii literary historicizing, so to speak, of major poets by invoking the context of the history relevant for literary production—what kinds of poetry were being published, circulated, and read and in what format. Each social activity has its different historical trajectory, and a poet’s response to his or her historical, social, political, and economic contexts is always mediated by the generic rules of the medium and a historically changing concept of what can be said and received as poetry at any given time. A poet like Emily Dickinson, for example, was in conversation with the popular culture and the sentimental discourses of her time, and an understanding of her work, including her radical formal innovations, would benefit from placing her in the context of the prevailing cultural discourses as they circulated in the convention-bound medium of poetry. How poetry negotiates between the economic, social, political, and cultural conditions that may determine certain aspects of literary production and generic imperatives is a crucial question: poetry will not reduce to its diverse determining contexts, but it needs to be placed in conversation with these contexts. And this archive would enable investigations of poetry in its multiple contexts, as well as help keep in view the essentially popular nature of poetry as an art form. Poetry was, in the late nineteenth century, a mass art: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow has about 150 entries in this thirty-year time period; Oliver Wendell Holmes has about sixty; John Greenleaf Whittier has eighty-two entries. Edgar Allan Poe has sixty-one titles, in English and in French.

The archive would also be useful for work on canonical modern poets born in the last decades of the nineteenth century, for it brings up important questions. What kinds of verse were twentieth-century poets like Robert Frost and Edwin Arlington Robinson or modernist poets like T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, or Wallace Stevens exposed to? What was the popular poetic and literary cultural environment of their crucial formative years? How did the backdrop of popular poetry affect the development of an elitist modernist aesthetic and the inaccessibility of much of modern verse to a general audience?

Another fascinating line of work such an archive would enable is tracing the influence of major figures like Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman,5 Ralph Waldo Emerson, or Emily Dickinson through the verse published in the 1870–1900 period, to see how they were appropriated and to what extent they may have reached the modern poets indirectly, through a kind of popular-cultural mediation, as well as directly. To know what the modern poets read and in what format would enrich our conceptualization of the modernist turn. Dickinson, for example, was an important predecessor for Hart Crane, but he read the only available edition of Dickinson’s work—the collection “edited by two of her friends Mabel Loomis Todd and T. W. Higginson,” which went through many printings in the late nineteenth century. Thus the archive is a valuable resource not only for American social and cultural historians but for scholars and critics who work on canonical figures.

The archive presents the big picture—a view of poetry as a mass medium. Modernist poets, in their effort to fashion a different readership, lost both the popular readers of poetry and the notion of poetry as a popular art. The Harris Collection contains work by many poets I have never heard of—poets who are no longer in print or anthologized. Yet

5 Works by Walt Whitman are found in American Poetry, 1609–1870.

ix their books went through multiple editions by major commercial publishers. There was an audience for this material that enabled the emerging masses to see themselves as reflected in the medium of popular poetry and its sentimental depiction of emotional lives and subjective, private experiences. For the generic subject matter of lyric poetry becomes a desirable commodity at a certain point in history, when the status of the individual subject and of his or her “private” experiences comes into question, and the historical moment shapes the sentimental forms that the representations of subjective experience take.

Out of the mass medium of popular verse crystallize texts that survive, are reprinted, and continue to be anthologized. For a scholar interested in how that happens, in all that is involved in the process of selection and canonization, an archive such as this would again be a valuable resource. For example, the amazing number of women poets who had access to publication at this time is a phenomenon that raises the question of canonization. Numerous women poets, now unknown, had many books that went through multiple editions, published by major publishing houses. Who gets edited out? And why? This cannot be reduced to some kind of sexist conspiracy, since women were audible and there were also a lot of male poets who were very popular in their day but did not last. With such an archive it would be possible to trace, decade by decade, how a literary culture evolves by choosing the images of itself and the spokespeople it wants to preserve, the subjects it responds to, and the language or kinds of language use that it wants to keep hearing.

Mutlu Konuk Blasing Professor of English Brown University



The original microfilming of the manuscript collection took place at Brown University by Northeast Document Conservation Center, as part of the Cooperative Preservation Microfilming Project of the research Libraries Group. Primary Source Microfilm duplicated the master negative microfilm, preserving the original arrangement of items. The Guide lists the files in the order in which they were filmed.

xi American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The complete poetical works of Edgar Title: Derniers contes / Edgar Poe ; traduits par Allan Poe : with memoir by J.H. Ingram. F. Rabbe ; avec un portrait par Th. Bérengier. Imprint: Chicago and ; New York : Belford, Edition: Deuxième édition. Clarke & Co., 1885. Imprint: Paris : Nouvelle Librairie Parisienne, Collation: 260 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 Albert Savine, Éditeur, 1887. cm. Collation: 355, [2] p. : 1 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 801 Position: 1 Reel: 802 Position: 1

Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The complete poetical works of Edgar Title: Eureka / par Edgar Poe ; traduit par Allan Poe : with memoir by J.H. Ingram. Charles Baudelaire. Imprint: New York : Worthington, Co., 1887. Edition: Nouvelle édition. Collation: [2], 267, [1] p., [10] leaves of plates : Imprint: Paris : Calmann Lévy, Éditeur, ill., 1 port. ; 24 cm. Ancienne Maison Michel Lévy Frères, 1887. Reel: 801 Position: 2 Collation: [4], 248, [3] p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 802 Position: 2

Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The complete poetical works of Edgar Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Allan Poe : with memoir by J.H. Ingram. Title: The gold bug / Edgar Poe ; illustrations Imprint: Chicago and ; New York : Belford, by Mittis. Clarke & Co., 1887. Imprint: London ; Manchester and ; New York : Collation: 260 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 19 George Routledge & Sons, Limited, 1894. cm. Collation: [7], 123, [4] p. : ill. ; 14 cm. Reel: 801 Position: 3 Reel: 802 Position: 3

Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The complete poetical works of Edgar Title: The gold bug, purloined letter, and other Allan Poe : with memoir by J.H. Ingram. tales. Edited by William P. Trent. Imprint: Chicago : Donohue, Henneberry & Imprint: Boston, Houghton, Mifflin [c1898] Co., [189-?] Collation: 95 p. 18 cm. Collation: 276 p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 802 Position: 4 Reel: 801 Position: 4

Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Le scarabée d'or / Edgar Poe ; traduction Title: The complete poetical works of Edgar de J.-H. Rosny ; illustrations de Mittis. Allan Poe : with memoir by J.H. Ingram and Imprint: Paris : E. Dentu, Éditeur, 1892. account of his death by N.P. Willis. Collation: [7], iii, [1], 128, [4], 22, [13] p. : ill. ; Imprint: Chicago : Donohue, Henneberry & 14 cm. Co., [19--?] Reel: 802 Position: 5 Collation: 276 p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 801 Position: 5 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Histoires extraordinaires / Edgar Poe ; Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. traduites par Charles Baudelaire ; édition Title: The complete poetical works of Edgar illustrée de treize gravures hors texte. Allan Poe : with memoir by J.H. Ingram. Imprint: Paris : A. Quantin, Imprimeur-éditeur, Edition: Dresden edition. 1884. Imprint: New York : Home Book Collation: xxxii, 382, [1] p., [13] leaves of Company, [188-] plates : ill., 1 port. ; 24 cm. Collation: 276 p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 802 Position: 6 Reel: 801 Position: 6

1 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Lenore. / By Edgar Allan Poe. Title: The life and poems of Edgar Allan Imprint: Boston : Published by Estes and Poe. / (A new memoir by E.l. Didier). ; And Lauriat, c1885. additional poems. Collation: [16] leaves : ill. ; 23 cm. Imprint: New York : W.J. Widdleton, Publisher, Reel: 802 Position: 7 1877, c1876. Collation: 305, [3] p., [2] leaves of plates : ill., 1 port. ; 18 cm. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Reel: 803 Position: 1 Title: Lenore. / By Edgar Allan Poe. Imprint: New York and ; Boston : H.M. Caldwell Co., c1885. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Collation: [16] leaves : ill. ; 23 cm. Title: The murders in the Rue Morgue and A Reel: 802 Position: 8 tale of the Ragged Mountains / by Edgar Allan Poe ; with historical and critical comments by Henry Austin. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Edition: The [raven] edition. Title: Lenore. / By Edgar Allan Poe. Imprint: New York : R.F. Fenno & Company, Imprint: Boston : Published by Estes and publishers, c1899. Lauriat, 1886, c1885. Collation: 134 p. ; 17 cm. Collation: [16] leaves : ill. ; 23 cm. Reel: 803 Position: 2 Reel: 802 Position: 9

Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The murders in the Rue Morgue : and Title: Lenore. / By Edgar Allan Poe. other tales / by Edgar Allan Poe. Imprint: Boston : Published by Estes and Edition: Arlington edition. Lauriat, 1886, c1885. Imprint: New York : Hurst & Co., Collation: [14] leaves, [13] leaves of plates : Publishers, [187-] ill. ; 33 cm. Collation: [4], 379 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Reel: 802 Position: 10 port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 803 Position: 3

Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Lenore. / By Edgar Allan Poe. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Imprint: Troy, N.Y. : H.B. Nims and Title: The murders of the Rue Morgue : and Company, 1886, c1885. other tales / by Edgar Allan Poe. Collation: [16] leaves : ill. ; 21 cm. Imprint: New York : John W. Lovell Company, Reel: 802 Position: 11 c1884. Collation: 182, [10] p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 803 Position: 4 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Lenore. / By Edgar Allan Poe. Imprint: Boston : Published by Estes and Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Lauriat, 1887, c1885. Title: The murders in the Rue Morgue : and Collation: [16] leaves : ill. ; 21 cm. other tales / by Edgar Allan Poe. Reel: 802 Position: 12 Edition: Franklin edition. Imprint: New York : Worthington Co., 1887. Collation: [4], 379 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. 20 cm. Title: Lenore. / By Edgar Allan Poe. Reel: 803 Position: 5 Imprint: Boston : Published by Estes and Lauriat, 1888, c1885. Collation: [16] leaves : ill. ; 23 cm. Reel: 802 Position: 13

2 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires / Title: Poems / by Edgar Allan Poe ; complete Edgar Poe ; traduites par Charles Baudelaire ; with an original memoir. édition illustrée de treize gravures hors texte. Imprint: New York : W.J. Widdleton, Publisher, Imprint: Paris : A. Quantin, Imprimeur-éditeur, 1875, c1863. 1884. Collation: 278, [6] p., [2] leaves of plates : ill., 1 Collation: [6], xix, [1], 410, [1] p., [13] leaves port. ; 18 cm. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. Reel: 804 Position: 4 Reel: 803 Position: 6

Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The poems of Edgar Allan Poe. Title: Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires / par Edition: Diamond edition. Edgar Poe ; traduction de Charles Baudelaire .. Imprint: New York : W.J. Widdleton, Publisher, Edition: Nouvelle edition. 1881, c1876. Imprint: Paris : Calmann Lévy, Éditeur, Collation: 286 [i.e. 273], [6] p., [1] leaf of Ancienne Maison Michel Lévy Frères, 1892. plates : 1 port ; 15 cm. Collation: xxiv, 287, [1] p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 804 Position: 5 Reel: 803 Position: 7

Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Poésies complètes de Edgar Allan Poe : Title: Oeuvres choisies d'Édgard Poe. avec une introduction de Joséphin Peladan. Imprint: Paris : Degorce-Cadot, Éditeur, 1884. Imprint: Paris : Camille Dalou, Éditeur, 1889. Collation: 301, [7] p. ; 20 cm. Collation: xlvii, [7], 186 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 803 Position: 8 Reel: 804 Position: 6

Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Poems / by Edgar Allan Poe ; complete Title: Poems / by Edgar Allan Poe. with an original memoir. Imprint: London ; Glasgow and ; New York : Imprint: New York : W.J. Widdleton, Publisher, George Routledge and Sons, 1887. 1872, c1863. Collation: 254, [1] p. ; 14 cm. Collation: 278, [6] p., [2] leaves of plates : ill., 1 Reel: 804 Position: 7 port. ; 18 cm. Reel: 804 Position: 1 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Poems and essays / by Edgar Allan Poe. ; Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Edited with a new memoir by John H. Ingram. Title: Poems / by Edgar Allan Poe ; complete Imprint: Leipzig : Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1884. with an original memoir. Collation: 328 p. ; 17 cm. Imprint: New York : W.J. Widdleton, Reel: 804 Position: 8 Publisher, 1874, c1863. Collation: 278, [6] p., [2] leaves of plates : ill., 1 port. ; 18 cm. Reel: 804 Position: 2

Author: Poe, Anna H. Title: Poems and stories / by Anna H. Poe. Imprint: Springfield, Ill. : Published by her sister, Marianna Poe Brown, 1893, c1894. Collation: Reel: 804 Position: 3

3 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Poems and essays of Edgar Allan Poe : Title: Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, : including including memoir by John H. Ingram, tributes to some poems not hitherto introduced in his his memory by Prof. Lowell and N.P. Willis ; works. To which is added a full and impartial with the letters, addresses and poems of the memoir of the poet, with original notes and memorial ceremonies at the monumental explanatory remarks to the poems. dedication. Imprint: New York : Henry L. Williams, Edition: Memorial edition. Publisher, c1882. Imprint: New York : W.J. Widdleton, Publisher, Collation: 4, iii, [1], 11-194 p. ; 18 cm. 1876, c1875. Reel: 805 Position: 5 Collation: clxxvi, [5]-270, [4] p., [5] leaves of plates (2 folded) : ill., facsims., 1 port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 805 Position: 1 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, : including some poems not hitherto introduced in his Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. works. To which is added a full and impartial Title: Poems and essays of Edgar Allan Poe : memoir of the poet, with original notes and including memoir by John H. Ingram, tributes to explanatory remarks to the poems. his memory by Prof. Lowell and N.P. Willis ; Imprint: New York : Hurst & Company, with the letters, addresses and poems of the Publishers, c1882. memorial ceremonies at the monumental Collation: 4, iii, [1], 11-194 p., [1] leaf of dedication. plates : 1 port. ; 19 cm. Edition: Memorial edtion. Reel: 805 Position: 6 Imprint: New York : W.J. Widdleton, Publisher, 1880, c1876. Collation: clxxviii, [5]-395, [7] p., [3] leaves of Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. plates (1 folded) : ill., 1 facsim., 1 port. ; 20 cm. Title: Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, : including Reel: 805 Position: 2 some poems not hitherto introduced in his works. To which is added a full and impartial memoir of the poet, with original notes and Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. explanatory remarks to the poems. Title: The poems of Edgar Allan Poe : with an Imprint: Boston : De Wolfe, Fiske & Co., 1884, essay on his poetry by Andrew Lang. c1882. Imprint: London : Kegan Paul, Trench & Co. ; Collation: 4, iii, [1], 11-194 p., [1] leaf of New York : W. J. Widdleton, 1881. plates : 1 port. ; 19 cm. Collation: xxvi, 172 p., [1] leaf of plates : Reel: 805 Position: 7 ill. ; 17 cm. Reel: 805 Position: 3 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Poems of Edgar Allan Poe : with memoir. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Imprint: New York : W.J. Widdleton, Title: Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. : With Publisher, 1881. biographical sketch by N.H. Dole. Collation: 196, [4] p., [6] leaves of plates : ill., 1 Imprint: New York : Thomas Y. Crowell & port. ; 19 cm. Co., c1892. Reel: 805 Position: 8 Collation: 198 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 16 cm. Reel: 805 Position: 4 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Poems of Edgar Allan Poe : with memoir. Imprint: Chicago : Belford, Clarke & Co., c1882. Collation: 196 p., [6] leaves of plates : ill., 1 port ; 19 cm. Reel: 805 Position: 9

4 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Poems of Edgar Allan Poe : with memoir. Title: The complete poetical works of Edgar Imprint: New York : Thomas Y. Crowell & Allan Poe : with memoir by J.H. Ingram. Co., c1882. Imprint: New York ; Worthington Co., 1889. Collation: 196 p., [6] leaves of plates : ill., 1 Collation: iv, [5]-267, [1] p., [2] leaves of port. ; 19 cm. plates : ill., 1 port. ; 25 cm. Reel: 806 Position: 1 Reel: 806 Position: 6

Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, : including Title: Poems / by Edgar Allan Poe .. some poems not hitherto introduced in his Imprint: Philadelphia : Henry Altemus, 1895. works. To which is added a full and impartial Collation: 205 p. : 1 port ; 15 cm. memoir of the poet, with original notes and Reel: 806 Position: 7 explanatory remarks to the poems. Imprint: New York : Hurst & Company, c1882. Collation: 4, iii, [1], 11-194 p., [11] leaves of Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. plates : ill., 2 facsims., 1 port. ; 19 cm. Title: The poems of Edgar Allan Poe / collected Reel: 806 Position: 2 and edited, with a critical introduction and notes, by Edmund Clarence Stedman and George Edward Woodberry. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Imprint: New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, Title: Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, : including c1895. some poems not hitherto introduced in his Collation: xxxvi, 241 p., [3] leaves of plates : 1 works. To which is added a full and impartial facsim., 2 ports. ; 21 cm. memoir of the poet, with original notes and Reel: 806 Position: 8 explanatory remarks to the poems. Edition: Arlington edition. Imprint: New York : Hurst & Company, Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Publisher, c1882. Title: The poems of Edgar Allan Poe / Collation: 4, iii, [1], 11-194 p., [1] leaf of illustrated and decorated by W. Heath plates : 1 port. ; 20 cm. Robinson ; with an introduction by H. Noel Reel: 806 Position: 3 Williams. Imprint: London : George Bell & Sons ; New York : The MacMillan Co., 1900. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Collation: xxxv, [3], 225, [1] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Title: The poems of Edgar Allan Poe : with an Reel: 806 Position: 9 essay on his poetry by Andrew Lang. Imprint: London : Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1883. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Collation: xxvi, 172 p., [1] leaf of plates : Title: Les poèmes d'Edgar Poe / traduction de ill. ; 17 cm. Stéphane Mallarmé, avec portrait et fleuron par Reel: 806 Position: 4 Edouard Manet. Imprint: A Bruxelles : Chez l'Editeur Edmond Deman, 1888. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Collation: 196, [1] p., [2] leaves of plates : 1 Title: Poems of Edgar Allan Poe : with memoir. ill., 1 port ; 29 cm Imprint: New York : John B. Alden, Publisher, Reel: 807 Position: 1 1883, c1882. Collation: 196 p., [5] leaves of plates : ill., 1 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 806 Position: 5

5 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Les poèmes d'Edgar Poe / traduction de Title: The poetical works of Edgar Allan Poe : Stéphane Mallarmé, avec portrait et fleuron par with a prefatory notice, biographical and Edouard Manet critical, by Joseph Skipsey. Edition: Deuxième édition Imprint: London and ; Newcastle-On-Tyne : Imprint: A Bruxelles : Chez l'Editeur Edmond Walter Scott, 1885. Deman, 1897 Collation: 288, [8] p. ; 14 cm. Collation: 196, [1] p., [2] leaves of plates : 1 Reel: 807 Position: 7 port. ; 28 cm Reel: 807 Position: 2 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The poetical works of Edgar Allan Poe : Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. with a prefatory notice, biographical and Title: Poesie di Edgar Poe / prima versione critical, by Joseph Skipsey. italiana di Ulisse Ortensi ; preceduta dalla Imprint: London and ; Newcastle-On-Tyne : biografia e bibliografia del Poe. Walter Scott, 1885. Imprint: Lanciano [Italy] : Rocco Carabba, Collation: 288, [4] p. ; 14 cm. Editore, 1892. Reel: 807 Position: 8 Collation: 114 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 807 Position: 3 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The poetical works of Edgar Allan Poe : Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. with a prefatory notice, biographical and Title: Poems and essays of Edgar Allan Poe : critical, by Joseph Skipsey. including memoir by John H. Ingram, tributes to Imprint: London and ; Newcastle-On-Tyne : his memory by Prof. Lowell and N.P. Willis ; Walter Scott, 1886. with the letters, addresses and poems of the Collation: 288, [8] p. ; 15 cm. memorial ceremonies at the monumental Reel: 808 Position: 1 dedication. Edition: Memorial edition. Imprint: New York : W.J. Widdleton, Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Publisher, 1881, c1876. Title: The poetical works and essays on poetry Collation: clxxviii, [5]-395, [7] p., [4] leaves of of Edgar Allan Poe, together with his Narrative plates (1 folded) : ill., 1 facsim., 1 port. ; 20 cm. of Arthur Gordon Pym. / Edited annotated and Reel: 807 Position: 4 arranged with memoir by John H. Ingram. Imprint: London and ; New York : Frederick Warne & Co., [189-?] Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Collation: xxxii, 384 p., [4] leaves of plates ; Title: The poetical works of Edgar Allan Poe. ill., 1 port. ; 19 cm. Imprint: Edinburgh : William P. Nimmo, 1872. Reel: 808 Position: 2 Collation: 208, [16] p., [8] leaves of plates : ill., 1 port. ; 17 cm. Reel: 807 Position: 5 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The poetical works of Edgar Allan Poe : with a prefatory notice, biographical and Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. critical, by Joseph Skipsey. Title: The poetical works of Edgar Allan Poe. Imprint: London : Walter Scott, [1897?] Imprint: London and ; Edinburgh : William P. Collation: 288, [8] p. ; 14 cm. Nimmo, 1876. Reel: 808 Position: 3 Collation: 208 p., [8] leaves of plates : ill., 1 port. ; 17 cm. Reel: 807 Position: 6

6 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The raven … / By Edgar A. Poe ; with Title: The raven / by Edgar Allan Poe ; with biographical sketch of the author literary and historical commentary by John H. Imprint: New York ; Published by W. Jennings Ingram. Demorest, [1870?] Imprint: London : George Redway ; Collation: [24] p. : ill. ; 16 cm New York : A.C. Armstrong & Son, 1885. Reel: 808 Position: 5 Collation: [10], 122, [6] p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 808 Position: 12

Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The raven. / Edgar A. Poe. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Imprint: New York : K. Tompkins, 1874. Title: The raven / by Edgar Allan Poe. Collation: [12] p. : 1 ill. ; 18 cm. Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton & Company, Reel: 808 Position: 6 1887, c1883. Collation: [31] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Reel: 808 Position: 13 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The raven. / By Edgar A. Poe. Imprint: [New York] : Presented by the United Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. States Life Insurance Company, [1880?] Title: The raven / by Edgar Allan Poe. Collation: [8] p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton & Company, Reel: 808 Position: 7 1890, c1883. Collation: [31] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Reel: 808 Position: 14 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The raven. Imprint: [New York] : Published by C.S. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Dorion, c1881. Title: The raven / by Edgar Allan Poe. Collation: [1], 8, [2] p. ; 16 cm. Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton and Company, Reel: 808 Position: 8 1893, c1883. Collation: [31] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Reel: 808 Position: 15 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The raven / by Edgar Allan Poe. Imprint: New York ; E.P. Dutton and Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Company ; London : Griffith and Farran, c1883. Title: The raven : a poem / Edgar Allan Poe ; Collation: [31] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. with the author's critical essay on his poem, Reel: 808 Position: 9 entitled The philosophy of composition. Imprint: Paris : Fotheringham, [1895] Collation: 20 p. ; 21 cm. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Reel: 808 Position: 16 Title: The raven / by Edgar Allan Poe. Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton and Company, 1884, c1883. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Collation: [31] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Title: The raven / by Edgar Allan Poe. Reel: 808 Position: 10 Imprint: Boston : Richard G. Badger & Co., c1898. Collation: [43] p. ; 19 cm. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Reel: 808 Position: 17 Title: The raven / by Edgar Allan Poe. Imprint: New York ; E.P. Dutton & Company, 1885, c1883. Collation: [31] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Reel: 808 Position: 11

7 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The raven / by Edgar Allan Poe. Title: Select popular poems of Edgar Allan Poe. Imprint: Boston : Richard G. Badger & Co., Edition: Memorial fund edition. c1898. Imprint: New York : W.J. Widdleton, Publisher, Collation: [44] p. ; 18 cm. 1881. Reel: 808 Position: 18 Collation: 30, [2] p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 809 Position: 1

Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: El cuervo, / por Edgar A. Poe ; traduccion Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. castellana, por Felipe G. Cazeneuv. Title: Tales / by Edgar Allan Poe ; edited by Imprint: Eagle Pass, Texas : [s.n.], 1890. John H. Ingram. Collation: 13 p. ; 22 cm. Imprint: Leipzig : Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1884. Reel: 808 Position: 19 Collation: vi, [2], 328 p. ; 17 cm. Reel: 809 Position: 2

Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The raven : and other poems. / By Edgar Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. A. Poe. Title: Tales of mystery, imagination, and Imprint: New York : John b. Alden, 1888. humour. / By Edgar Allan Poe ; illustrated with Collation: 266 [i.e. 18] p. ; 19 cm. twenty-seven engravings in wood. Reel: 808 Position: 20 Imprint: London : Ward, Lock, and Tyler, [1878?] Collation: [6], 395, [3] p. : ill. ; 17 cm. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Reel: 809 Position: 3 Title: The raven and other poems : preceded by The philosophy of composition / Edgar Allan Poe. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Imprint: Leipzig : Insel-Verlag, [19--] Title: Tales of terror and of fantasy. / By Edgar Collation: 48 p. ; 19 cm. Allan Poe ... ; with ten illustrations by Frederick Reel: 808 Position: 21 Gilbert. Imprint: London : John Dicks, [1889?] Collation: 140, [4] p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Reel: 809 Position: 4 Title: The raven, The pit and the pendulum / by Edgar Allan Poe ; with seven illustrations and a cover design by William Thomas Horton and Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. some account of the author by Vincent Title: Tamerlande and other poems / by Edgar O'Sullivan. Allan Poe ; first published at Boston in 1827 and Imprint: London : Leonard Smithers and Co., now first republished from a unique copy of the 1899. original edition with a preface by Richard Herne Collation: xxix, [3], 37, [1] p., [7] leaves of Shepherd. plates : ill. ; 29 cm. Imprint: London : George Redway,[c1884. Reel: 808 Position: 22 Collation: 64 p. : 1 facsim. ; 17 cm. Reel: 809 Position: 5

Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: The raven, The fall of the house of Usher, Title: The Valley of unrest : a book without a and other poems and tales / y Edgar Allan Poe ; woman / Edgar Allan Poe ; an old oddity paper, edited by William P. Trent .. edited by Douglass Sherley. Imprint: Boston ; New York ; Chicago : Edition: Third edition. Houghton, Mifflin and Company, c1897 Imprint: Louisville, Ky. : John P. Morton and (Cambridge : The Riverside Press) Company, Imprimery, 1883. Collation: xvi, 95 p. ; 18 cm. Collation: [65] leaves ; 32 cm. Reel: 808 Position: 23 Reel: 809 Position: 6

8 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: A poem presented to His Excellency Title: Weird tales / Edgar Allan Poe. William Burnet Esq; on his arrival at Boston. Imprint: Philadelphia : Henry Altemus, c1895. Imprint: Paterson, N.J. : s.n., 1897. Collation: 258, [18] p., [8] leaves of plates : Collation: [2], 5 p. ; 26 cm. ill., 1 port. ; 16 cm. Reel: 811 Position: 3 Reel: 809 Position: 7

Author: Butler, James Davie, 1815-1905. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Title: Poematia. : "Blood drops," Birthday lines, Title: The works of Edgar Allan Poe, : including and other verse of society. all his poetical and prose writings, complete. Imprint: Madison, Wis. : M.J. Cantwell, Book With memoir and illustrations. and Job Printer, 1874. Imprint: London : John Camden Collation: 18 p. ; 22 cm. Hotten, [1872?] Reel: 811 Position: 4 Collation: viii, 676 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 809 Position: 8 Author: Editor of the Christian Humorist. Title: Poems and dream of life / editor of the Author: Pomeroy, Mary Stella. Christian Humorist. Title: Songs of the heart. / By Mrs. Mary Stella Imprint: [United States : s.n., 18--] Pomeroy. Collation: [29] p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Imprint: Milwaukee : Cramer, Aikens & Reel: 811 Position: 5 Cramer, Printers, 1877. Collation: 200 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 21 cm. Reel: 809 Position: 14 Title: Poems : respectfully dedicated to H.E.R., 1889-1890. Imprint: [Boston : Press of A.G. Daniels], 1890. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Collation: 48 p. ; 21 cm. Title: The works of Edgar Allan Poe / edited by Reel: 811 Position: 6 John H. Ingram. Edition: Complete edition. Imprint: Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black, Author: Lavante. 1874-1875. Title: The poets and poetry of America : a Collation: 4 v. : ill., facsims., 1 port. ; 20 cm. satire / (By "Lavante," published in Reel: 810 Position: 1-00811.1 -00811.4 Philadelphia, 1847) ; with an introductory argument to prove that "Lavante" was Edgar Allan Poe, and an appendix of notes, by Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Geoffrey Quarles. Title: The works of Edgar Allan Poe, : including Imprint: New York ; Benjamin and Bell, 1887. poetical and prose writings. Collation: 36, 33, [3], 11, [4] p. ; 18 cm. Imprint: New York : W.J. Widdleton, Reel: 811 Position: 7 Publisher, 1876. Collation: viii, 676 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 811 Position: 1 Author: Stoddard, Richard Henry, 1825-1903. Title: Poets' homes : pen and pencil sketches of American poets and their homes / by R.H. Author: Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. Stoddard and others. Title: The works of Edgar Allan Poe : including Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop Company, c1879. the choicest of his critical essays. With a study of Collation: [4], 286, 3-232, [18] leaves of plates : his life and writings from the French of Charles ill., ports. ; 20 cm. Baudelaire. Reel: 811 Position: 8 Imprint: London : Chatto and Windus, [1880?] Collation: viii, 676, 32 p., [2] leaves of plates : 1 facsim., 1 port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 811 Position: 2

9 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Pollard, Josephine, 1834-1892. Author: Pollard, Rebecca S. (Rebecca Smith), Title: Co education / by Josephine Pollard ; 1831-1917. illustrated by Walter Satterlee. Title: Centennial and other poems. / By Kate Imprint: New York : Ernest F. Birmingham & Harrington. Co., 1883. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., Collation: [63] p. : ill. ; 15 cm. 1876. Reel: 812 Position: 1 Collation: 252 p..,[7] leaves of plates : ill., 1 port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 812 Position: 7 Author: Pollard, Josephine, 1834-1892. Title: The decorative sisters : a modern ballad / by Josephine Pollard ; with Author: Pollard, Rebecca S. (Rebecca Smith), illustrations by Walter Satterlee. 1831-1917. Imprint: New York : Anson D.F. Randolph & Title: Lionel Lightfoot, : a temperance poem, / Co., c1881. by Kate Harrington, .. Collation: [35] p. : col. ill. ; 25 cm. Imprint: Keokuk, Iowa : Constitution Book and Reel: 812 Position: 2 Job Office, 1876. Collation: 52 [i.e. 8] p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 812 Position: 8 Author: Pollard, Josephine, 1834-1892. Title: Elfin land. / Poems by Josephine Pollard ; designed by Walter Satterlee. Author: Pollitt, Daisy Hubbard C. Imprint: New York : George W. Harlan & Title: Wayside thoughts / by Daisy Hubbard C. Co., c1882. Pollitt. Collation: 40 p. : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 25 x 33 cm. Imprint: East Aurora : Done into a printed book Reel: 812 Position: 3 by the Roycrofters at their shop, [189-?] Collation: 47 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 17 cm. Author: Pollard, Josephine, 1834-1892. Reel: 812 Position: 9 Title: Gellivör : a Christmas legend of the North Land. / By Josephine Pollard ; with illustrations by Walter Satterlee. Author: Pollock, Edward, 1823-1858. Imprint: New York : Anson D.F. Randolph & Title: Poems. / By Edward Pollock. Co., c1882. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., Collation: [14] leaves : ill. ; 17 cm. 1876. Reel: 812 Position: 4 Collation: 242 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 812 Position: 10 Author: Pollard, Josephine, 1834-1892. Title: Gipsy in New York. / By Josephine Pollard. Author: Pollock, Frank. Imprint: New York : Nelson & Phillips ; Title: Pleasant words, or, Prose and poetry for Cincinnati : Hitchcock & Walden, c1873. young and old. / By Rev. Frank Pollock. Collation: 190 p. : 1 ill. ; 17 cm. Imprint: St. Louis, Mo. : Perrin & Smith, Reel: 812 Position: 5 General Book and Job Printers, 1882. Collation: 109 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 812 Position: 11 Author: Pollard, Josephine, 1834-1892. Title: Vagrant verses. / By Josephine Pollard. Imprint: New York : Phillips & Hunt ; Author: Pollock, J. E. Cincinnati : Cranston & Stowe, [1886] Title: Lorenzo and other poems. / By J.E. Collation: 216 p. ; 16 cm. Pollock, .. Reel: 812 Position: 6 Imprint: Toronto : William Briggs, 1883. Collation: 117 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 ill. ; 19 cm. Reel: 812 Position: 12

10 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Pomeroy, Frank T. Author: Pope, Mary E. (Mary E. Foote) Title: Wesleyan Academy poems. / By F.T. Title: Poems. / By Mary E. Pope. Pomeroy. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., Imprint: Wilbraham, Mass.? : F.T. Pomeroy, 1872. 1873. Collation: 150 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 19 Collation: 31 p. ; 18 cm. cm. Reel: 812 Position: 13 Reel: 813 Position: 6

Author: Poole, Edwin. Author: Porcher, Emma E Title: Poems. / By Edwin Poole. Title: Life and dreams : poems / by E.L.E Imprint: [United States : s.n.], 1895. Imprint: New York : G.W. Dillingham, Collation: 150 p. ; 20 cm. Publisher, successor to G.W. Carleton & Co., Reel: 813 Position: 1 1895 Collation: 159 p. ; 20 cm Reel: 813 Position: 7 Author: Poole, Fanny H. Runnells (Fanny Huntington Runnells), 1863-1940. Title: A bank of violets / verses by Fanny H. Author: Porter, David D. (David Dixon), 1813- Runnells Poole. 1891. Imprint: New York ; London : G.P. Putnam's Title: Incidents and anecdotes of the Civil War. / Sons, 1895 (New York : The Knickerbocker By Admiral Porter, .. Press) Imprint: New York : D. Appleton and Collation: vii, [1], 76 p. ; 19 cm. Commpany, 1891, c1885. Reel: 813 Position: 2 Collation: 357, [3] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 23 cm. Reel: 813 Position: 8 Title: The poor in spirit. Imprint: [Boston] : Lee and Shepard, c1884. Collation: 22 [i.e. 21] leaves ; 22 cm. Author: Porter, Duval, 1844-1925. Reel: 813 Position: 3 Title: The lost cause, : and other poems, / by Duval Porter. Edition: First edition. Author: Peak, Gavilan. Imprint: Danville, Va. : Blair & Boatwright, Title: The struggle for existence. / By Gavilan Printers and Stationers, 1897. Peak. Collation: 96 p. ; 23 cm. Imprint: New York : P.M. Haverty, Publisher, Reel: 813 Position: 9 1872, c1871. Collation: 71, [1] p ; 18 cm. Reel: 813 Position: 4 Author: Porter, Edward Griffin, 1837-1900. Title: Souvenir of Lexington, 1775-1875. Imprint: Boston : Published by James R. Author: Pope, J. William (John William), 1826- Osgood & Co., c1875. 1916. Collation: 16 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. Title: Songs and satires / by J. William Pope. Reel: 813 Position: 10 Imprint: Pittsburgh : Published by A.A. Anderson & Son, 1876, c1877. Collation: 40 p. ; 24 cm. Author: Porter, Mary W. Reel: 813 Position: 5 Title: Five little Southerners / by Mary W. Porter .. Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop & Company, c1880. Collation: 321, [3] p., [3] leaves of plates : ill. ; 18 cm. Reel: 813 Position: 11

11 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Title: The months and the seasons, or, A picture Author: Potter, E. C. of the year. Title: Midlothian melodies : mnemonic Imprint: Philadelphia : Porter & Coates, [187-?] maunderings of the merry muse / by E.C. Potter, Collation: [8] p. : col. ill. ; 20 cm. poet laureate, by appointment, of the Midlothian Reel: 814 Position: 1 Country Club. Edition: Edition de luxe, unabridged and unexpurgated. Author: Porter, Rose, 1845-1906. Imprint: Chicago : Printed by R.R. Donnelley Title: Foregleams of immortality, and an in and Sons Company at the Lakeside Press, 1900. memoriam. / By Rose Porter, .. Collation: 52, [1] p. ; 18 cm. Imprint: New York : Anson D.F. Randolph & Reel: 814 Position: 7 Company, c1884. Collation: 168 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 814 Position: 2 Author: Potter, Elizabeth Claghorn, d. 1879. Title: Patience and hope. Imprint: [New Bedford, Mass.? : s.n., 1879?] Author: Porter, William D. (William Dodge), Collation: [6] p. ; 21 cm. 1831-1912. Reel: 814 Position: 8 Title: To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Dodge, on their golden wedding, June 24, 1878 / These memories of the past, and hopes of the future, Author: Potter, F. C. are lovingly offered by their affectionate Title: Messengers of light : poems / by F.C. nephew, Wm. D. Porter. Potter. Imprint: [United States : s.n.], 1878. Imprint: Meriden, Conn. : The Horton Printing Collation: 12 p. ; 21 cm. Company, 1895. Reel: 814 Position: 3 Collation: 94 p. : 1 port. ; 18 cm. Reel: 814 Position: 9

Title: Dedicatory exercises of the Baxter Building, : to the uses of the Portland Public Author: Potter, Jeffrey W. (Jeffrey Watson), d. Library and Maine Historical Society, Thursday, 1925. February 21, 1889. Illustrated with Title: Poems of New England and of photogravures. our country / by Jeffrey W. Potter. Imprint: Auburn, Me : Lakeside Press, Printers Imprint: Boston : James H. Earle, Publisher, and Binders, 1889. c1899. Collation: 35, [1] p., [4] leaves of plates : ill. ; Collation: 232 p. ; 20 cm. 25 cm. Reel: 814 Position: 10 Reel: 814 Position: 4

Author: Potter, Maggie A., d. 1880. Author: Post, Jerold H. Title: Writings of "Juniata." (Maggie A. Title: Offsprings of fancy. / By Jerold H. Post. Potter.) /compiled by her sister Miss E.A Potter; Imprint: Newark, N.J. : Printed and published with an introduction by Rev. E.I.D. Pepper. by Martin R. Dennis, 1873. Imprint: Philadelphia : Ware Brothers, 1881. Collation: 84 p. ; 16 cm. Collation: 206 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 814 Position: 5 Reel: 814 Position: 11

Author: Poston, Charles D. (Charles Debrille), Author: Daniel, John W. (John Warwick), 1842- 1825-1902. 1910. Title: Apache-land. / By Charles D. Poston, .. Title: The potter's prayers, or, The three roses. : Imprint: San Francisco : A.L. Bancroft & A sequel to Longfellow's Keramos. Company, Printers, 1878. Imprint: Liberty, Va. : Printed at the office of Collation: 141 p., [13] leaves of plates : ill., 1 the Bedford Star, 1878. port. ; 21 cm. Collation: 7 p. ; 23 cm. Reel: 814 Position: 6 Reel: 814 Position: 12

12 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Potts, James Henry, 1848-1942. Author: Powers, Martha Elizabeth, 1833-1890. Title: Our thrones and crowns, or, The golden Title: Poems / by Martha Elizabeth Powers ; way to the highest attainments. : A complete with an introduction by Kate Brannon Knight. encyclopaedia of life ... and the best preparation Imprint: Cambridge [Mass.] : Printed at the for the life beyond, / by Rev. J.H. Potts, ... ; Riverside Press, 1892. embellished with numerous full page illuminated Collation: 50, [2] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; plates and beautiful engravings. 19 cm. Imprint: Boston, Mass. : B.B. Russell, 1889. Reel: 815 Position: 5 Collation: [2], 606 p., [74] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 22 cm. Reel: 814 Position: 13 Author: Powers, O. A., Mrs. Title: High-toned sprees : a temperance poem, / by Mrs. O.A. Powers. Author: Poulsson, Emilie (Anne Emilie), 1853- Edition: Fourth edition. 1939. Imprint: Middletown, N.Y. : Stivers & Slauson Title: Child stories and rhymes for the little Printers and Binders, 1874, c1873. people of nursery and kindergarten / by Emilie Collation: 72 p. ; 18 cm. Poulsson ... ; illustrated by L.J. Bridgman. Reel: 815 Position: 6 Imprint: Boston : Lothrop Publishing Company, c1898. Collation: 89 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Author: Powers, O. A., Mrs. Reel: 815 Position: 1 Title: High-toned sprees : a series of temperance legends, / by Mrs. O.A. Powers. Edition: Eighth edition. Author: Powers, Horatio Nelson, 1826-1890. Imprint: Middletown, N.Y. : Stivers & Slauson, Title: Lyrics of the Hudson : poems / by Horatio Printers & Binders, 1877. Nelson Powers ... ; with memorial introduction Collation: 80 p. ; 18 cm. by Oscar Fay Adams. Reel: 815 Position: 7 Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop Company, c1891. Collation: 97 [i.e. 101] p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 815 Position: 2 Author: Powers, O. A., Mrs. Title: The Maple Dell of '76. / By Mrs. O.A. Powers. Author: Powers, Horatio Nelson, 1826-1890. Imprint: Philadelphia : Printed by Lippincott & Title: Poems, early and late. / By Horatio Co., 1878. Nelson Powers, .. Collation: 93 p. ; 18 cm. Imprint: Chicago : Jansen, McClurg & Co., Reel: 815 Position: 8 1876. Collation: vi, 136, [1] p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 815 Position: 3 Author: Powers, O. A., Mrs. Title: The Maple Dell of '76. / By Mrs. O.A. Powers. Author: Powers, Horatio Nelson, 1826-1890. Edition: Second edition. Title: Ten years of song : poems / by Horatio Imprint: Philadelphia : Printed by Lippincott & Nelson Powers .. Co., 1879, c1878. Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop Company, c1887. Collation: 95 p. ; 18 cm. Collation: 159 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 815 Position: 9 Reel: 815 Position: 4

13 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Powers, O. A., Mrs. Author: Powers, O. A., Mrs. Title: The Maple Dell of '76. / By Mrs. O.A. Title: The Maple Dell of '76. / By Mrs. O.A. Powers. Powers. Edition: Fourth edition. Edition: Sixteenth edition. Imprint: Philadelphia : Printed by Lippincott & Imprint: Philadelphia : Printed by J.B. Co., 1881, c1878. Lippincott Company, 1889, c1878. Collation: 95 p. ; 18 cm. Collation: 95 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 815 Position: 10 Reel: 815 Position: 15

Author: Powers, O. A., Mrs. Author: Powers, William Dudley, 1849-1924. Title: The Maple Dell of '76. / By Mrs. O.A. Title: Uncle Isaac, or, Old days in the South. : A Powers. remembrance of the South. / By William Dudley Edition: Sixth edition. Powers. Imprint: Philadelphia : Printed by Lippincott & Imprint: Richmond [Va.] : B.F. Johnson Co., 1882, c1878. Publishing Co., 1899. Collation: 95 p. ; 18 cm. Collation: 245 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Reel: 815 Position: 11 Reel: 815 Position: 16

Author: Powers, O. A., Mrs. Author: Poyas, Catharine Gendron, 1813-1882. Title: The Maple Dell of '76. / By Mrs. O.A. Title: In memory of the Rev. C.P. Gadsden, Powers. rector of St. Luke's Church, Charleston, S.C. Edition: Eighth edition. Imprint: Charleston, S.C. : Holmes' Book Imprint: Philadelphia : Printed by Lippincott & House, 1871. Co., 1883, 1878. Collation: 6 p. ; 24 cm. Collation: 95 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 816 Position: 1 Reel: 815 Position: 12

Author: Praigg, D.T. (David Todd), 1850-1937. Author: Powers, O. A., Mrs. Title: Almetta. / By D.T. Praigg. Title: The Maple Dell of '76. / By Mrs. O.A. Imprint: Indianapolis, Ind. : Baker-Randolph Powers. Co., Printers, 1894. Edition: Ninth edition. Collation: 155 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Imprint: Philadelphia : Printed by Lippincott & Reel: 816 Position: 2 Co., 1884, c1878. Collation: 95 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 815 Position: 13 Author: Morris, Margaret H. Title: A praise-meeting of the birds Imprint: Philadelphia : Edward S. Morris, Author: Powers, O. A., Mrs. c1878. Title: The Maple Dell of '76. / By Mrs. O.A. Collation: 38, [2] p. ; 19 cm. Powers. Reel: 816 Position: 3 Edition: Fifteenth edition. Imprint: Philadelphia : Printed by J.B. Lippincott Company, 1888, c1878. Author: Pratt, Alice Edwards, b. 1860. Collation: 95 p. ; 18 cm. Title: The sleeping princess, California / by Reel: 815 Position: 14 Alice Edwards Pratt ; illustrated by E. Mabel Dillaway. Imprint: San Francisco : William Doxey, c1892. Collation: [28] p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Reel: 816 Position: 4

14 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Pratt, Anna M. Author: Messerschmidt, James W. Title: Little rhymes for little people / by Anna M. Title: Capitalism, patriarchy, and crime : Pratt. toward a socialist feminist criminology / James Imprint: Cleveland and ; New York : Printed at W. Messerschmidt. the De Vinne Press for Paul Lemperly, F.A. Imprint: Totowa, N.J. : Rowman & Littlefield, Hilliard and Frank E. Hopkins, 1896. 1986. Collation: 60, [1] p. ; 21 cm. Collation: xi, 212 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Reel: 816 Position: 5 Reel: 816 Position: 10

Author: Pratt, Charles Stuart, b. 1854. Author: Pray, Lewis G. (Lewis Glover), 1793- Title: Baby's lullaby book : mother songs / by 1882. Charles Stuart Pratt ; water colors by W.L. Title: Autumn leaves, or, ode, elegies, Taylor ; music by G.W. Chadwick. narratives, hymns, and other pieces in verse Imprint: Bosotn : L. Prang & Co., c1888. from the writer's later manuscripts. / By Lewis Collation: [60] p. : ill. (chiefly col.), music ; 33 G. Pray. cm. Imprint: Boston : Press of John Wilson and Reel: 816 Position: 6 Son, 1873. Collation: xi, [1], 258 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 816 Position: 11 Author: Pratt, Charles Stuart, b. 1854. Title: Bye-o-baby ballads / by Charles Stuart Pratt ; water colors and decoration by F. Childe Author: Preble, E. W. Hassam. Title: Wayside leaves / by E.W. Preble. Imprint: Boston, U.S.A. : D. Lothrop & Co., Imprint: Boston : Geo. H. Ellis, Printer, 1892. c1886. Collation: 109 p. ; 21 cm. Collation: [62] p. : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 25 cm. Reel: 816 Position: 12 Reel: 816 Position: 7

Author: Prentice, George D. (George Denison), Author: Pratt, Charles Stuart, b. 1854. 1802-1870. Title: Little Peterkin Vandike : the story of his Title: The poems of George D. Prentice / edited famous poetry party / by Charles Stuart with a biographical sketch by John Jame Piatt. Pratt ... ; forty-eight illustrations by L.J. Edition: 4th ed., rev. and en1. Bridgman. Imprint: Cincinnati [Ohio] : Robert Clarke & Imprint: Boston : Alpha Publishing Company, Co., 1878, c1875. 1896. Collation: [4], xiv, [46]-240 p., [1] leaf of plates Collation: 154 p. : ill., music ; 21 cm. : 1 port. ; 21 cm. Reel: 816 Position: 8 Reel: 817 Position: 1

Author: Pratt, Ella Farman, 1837-1907. Author: Prentice, George D. (George Denison), Title: Sugar plums / poems by Ella Farman ; 1802-1870. pictures by C.A. Northam. Title: The poems of George D. Prentice / edited Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop and Company, with a biographical sketch by John James Piatt. c1877. Edition: 3rd ed., rev. and en1. Collation: [1], 100 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 17 Imprint: Cincinnati [Ohio] : Robert Clarke & cm. Co., 1877, c1875. Reel: 816 Position: 9 Collation: [4], x1v, [46]-240 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 817 Position: 2

15 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Prentice, George D. (George Denison), Author: Prentiss, Caroline Edwards, 1872- 1802-1870. Title: Sunshine and shadow / by Caroline Title: The poems of George D. Prentice / edited Edwards Prentiss .. with a biographical sketch by John James Piatt. Imprint: New York (27 West Twenty-third Edition: 5th ed., rev. and enl. Street) ; London (24 Bedford Street, Strand) : Imprint: Cincinnati [Ohio] :bRobert Clarke & G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1896 (The Knickerbocker Co., 1880, c1875. Press) Collation: [4], xlv, [46]-240 p. ; 21 cm. Collation: xi, [1], 175 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 817 Position: 3 Reel: 817 Position: 8

Author: Prentice, George D. (George Denison), Author: Prentiss, E. (Elizabeth), 1818-1878. 1802-1870. Title: Golden hours : hymns and songs of the Title: The poems of George D. Prentice / edited Christian life / by the author of "Stepping with a biographical sketch by John James Piatt. heavenward", etc. Edition: 5th ed. Imprint: New York : Anson D.F. Randolph & Imprint: London : Elliott Stock, 1887, c1875. Company ..., c1874. Collation: [4], xlv,[46]-240 p., [1] leaf of Collation: [1], viii, 200 p. ; 19 cm. plates : 1 port. ; 21 cm. Reel: 817 Position: 9 Reel: 817 Position: 4

Author: Prentiss, E. (Elizabeth), 1818-1878. Author: Prentice, George D. (George Denison), Title: Religious poems / by the author 1802-1870. of "Stepping heavenward" Title: Prenticeana, or, Wit and humor in Imprint: New York : Anson D.F. Randolph & paragraphs / by George D. Prentice ; with a Company ..., c1873. biographical sketch of the author by G.W. Collation: viii, 200 p. ; 19 cm. Griffin.. Reel: 818 Position: 1 Imprint: Philadelphia : Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger..., 1871, c1870. Collation: 28, [iii]-iv, 5-306 p. ; 20 cm. Author: Prentiss, E. (Elizabeth), 1818-1878. Reel: 817 Position: 5 Title: Thoughts concerning the King / by the author of "Stepping heavenward" Imprint: New York : H.M. Caldwell Co., Author: Prentice, James, 1820-1887. publishers, c1890. Title: A little book of verse / by James Prentice. Collation: 74 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 ill. ; 17 cm. Imprint: Menomonie, Wis. : The Dunn County Reel: 818 Position: 2 News, 1899. Collation: [8], 42 p. : 1 port. ; 18 cm. Reel: 817 Position: 6 Author: Prentiss, E. (Elizabeth), 1818-1878. Title: 'Tried, precious, sure' :bthoughts concerning the King / selected from the writings Author: Prentiss, Caroline Edwards, 1872- of Mrs. E. Prentiss. Title: Fleeting thoughts / by Caroline Edwards Imprint: New York : Anson D.F. Randolph & Prentiss. Company..., c1890. Imprint: New York (27 West Twenty-third Collation: 74, [1] p. ; 16 cm. Street) ; London (24 Bedford Street, Strand) : G. Reel: 818 Position: 3 P. Putnam's Sons, 1893 (The Knickerbocker Press) Collation: ix,[1], 128 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 817 Position: 7

16 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Johnson, Stanley Edwards, 1865-1955. Author: Preston, H. W. (Harriet Waters), 1836- Title: Sophomore history of the class of eighty- 1911. seven / by Stanley Edwards Johnson ; assisted Title: Troubadours and trouvères : new and by Charles F. Conn .. old / by Harriet W. Preston .. Imprint: Haverhill, N.H. : Cohos Steam Imprint: Boston : Roberts Brothers, 1876. Press 1886. Collation: viii, [2], 280 p. ; 19 cm. Collation: 51 p. ; 24 cm. Reel: 818 Position: 10 Reel: 818 Position: 4

Author: Preston, Margaret Junkin, 1820-1897. Author: Prescott, Anne M., d. 1923. Title: Cartoons / by Margaret J. Preston. Title: Makapala-by-the-sea, Hawaii, Volume I / Edition: Third edition. by Anne M. Prescott. Imprint: Boston : Roberts Brothers, 1881, Imprint: Honolulu : Hawaiian Gazette Co.'s c1875. Print, 1899. Collation: [2], vi, [7]-240 p. ; 18 cm. Collation: 180, [1] p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 818 Position: 11 Reel: 818 Position: 5

Author: Preston, Margaret Junkin, 1820-1897. Author: Prescott, Olive Ann. Title: Centennial poem for Washington and Lee Title: Colonel John Robinson : 1735-1805 / by University : Lexington, Virgina, 1775-1885 / by Olive Ann Prescott. Margaret J. Preston. Imprint: [Lowell, Mass.] : Lowell Mail Print, Imprint: New York & ; London : G.P. Putnam's 1896. Sons, 1885 (The Knickerbocker Press) Collation: 16 p. ; 23 cm. Collation: [1], 24 leaves ; 20 cm. Reel: 818 Position: 6 Reel: 818 Position: 12

Title: Presentation of a bronze bust of John Author: Preston, Margaret Junkin, 1820-1897. Boyle O'Reilly to the Catholic University of Title: Chimes for church-children / by America : Washington, D.C., A.D. 1892. Margaret J. Preston. Imprint: Boston : Printed by Cashman, Imprint: Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Keating & Co. ..., 1892. Publication and Sabbath-school Work ..., c1889. Collation: 31, [1] p. ; 17 cm. Collation: 111 p. ; 15 cm. Reel: 818 Position: 7 Reel: 818 Position: 13

Author: Pressey, Jonathan, 1816-1886. Author: Preston, Margaret Junkin, 1820-1897. Title: Poems / by Jonathan Pressey. Title: Colonial ballads, sonnets and other Imprint: Newton, N.H. :bIrving M. Heath, verse / by Margaret J. Preston .. 1887. Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton, Collation: 130, [1] p. ;c15 cm. Mifflin and Company, 1887 (Cambridge : The Reel: 818 Position: 8 Riverside Press) Collation: xi, [1], 14 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 818 Position: 14 Author: Preston, D. S. (Daniel S.) Title: Columbus, or, A hero of the new world : an historical play / by D.S. Preston. Author: Preston, Margaret Junkin, 1820-1897. Imprint: New York and ; London : G.P. Title: Epithalamium, 1878 : October 10th. Putnam's Sons, 1887 (The Knickerbocker Press) Imprint: [Lexington, Va. : s.n., 1878?] Collation: viii, 103 p. ; 20 cm. Collation: [8] p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 818 Position: 9 Reel: 819 Position: 1

17 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Preston, Margaret Junkin, 1820-1897. Author: Prime, D. N. (Daniel Noyes), 1790- Title: For love's sake : poems of faith and 1881. comfort / by Margaret J. Preston .. Title: The skeptic, or, Discussions of an Imprint: New York : Anson D.F. Randolph and unbeliever with a Calvinist, an Armenian and a Company ..., c1886. Universalist : intended as asupplement to Collation: x, [11]-138, [1] p. ; 18 cm. my "Dialogues" on theology ; also, a poem, Reel: 819 Position: 2 entitled A hope of immortality, the comfort and solace of the aged / by D.N. Prime. Imprint: Newburyport [Mass] : William H. Author: Price, E. B. Huse & Co., printers..., 1877. Title: Beulah and other poems / by E.B. Price. Collation: 97 p. ; 19 cm. Imprint: Chicago : Laird & Lee, publishers, Reel: 819 Position: 8 1891. Collation: 174 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 cm. Author: Prime, Lydia Hare, 18181-1883. Reel: 819 Position: 3 Title: In memory of L.H.P. / [edited by] F.P. Imprint: [New York? : d. Appleton & Co.?], 1883, c1883. Author: Price, Emmanuel, 1823- Collation: 208 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 22 Title: The poetical works of Peter Peppercorn cm. (Emanuel Price). Reel: 819 Position: 9 Imprint: Philadelphia : David McKay..., 1884. Collation: 224 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 cm. Title: Prince Erick : a satire. Canto first. Reel: 819 Position: 4 Imprint: New York : [s.n.], 1872. Collation: 31 p. ; 22 cm. Reel: 819 Position: 10 Author: Price, Jacob. Title: Poems Price. Imprint: San Leandro, Cal. : [s.n.], 1889. Author: Prindle, Augusta Cleveland, 1837- Collation: 45 p., [2] leaves of plates : 1 port. ; 27 Title: Alpine flowers and other poems / by cm. Augusta Cleveland Prindle .. Reel: 819 Position: 5 Imprint: Springfield, Mass. : The Clark W. Bryan Company, printers, 1879. Collation: 104 p. ; 19 cm. Author: Price, Theodore F. Reel: 819 Position: 11 Title: Heroes of the Spanish-American War ; and Lyre and sword of Spain : two epic poems / by Theodore F. Price .. Author: Pritchard, Alfred Octavius. Imprint: New York : [s.n.], 1899. Title: The legend of Lake Averil and other Collation: 220, [4] p., [20] leaves of plates : humorous poems / by Alfred Octavius Pritchard. ill., p]orts. ; 20 cm. Imprint: Pictou, N.S. : William Harris, printer, Reel: 819 Position: 6 1877. Collation: 42, [2] p. : 18 cm. Reel: 819 Position: 12 Author: Price, Theodore F. Title: Songs of the Southwest / by Theodore F. Price .. Imprint: Topeka, Kansas : Geo. W. Crane & Co., publishers, 1881. Collation: [8], 191, [1] p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 819 Position: 7

18 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Pritchard, Richard. Author: Procter & Gamble Company. Title: Blodau'r gorllewin : yn cynwys awdlau, Title: What a cake of soap will do / Procter & cywyddau ac englynion, yn nghydag eglurhad ar Gamble. y gynghanedd gymreig / gan Richard Imprint: [Cincinnati, Ohio : Procter & Pritchard (Rhisiart Ddu o Fon) Gamble, 1883?] Imprint: Chicago : R.R. Meredith A'i Feibion, Collation: [24] p. : ill. ; 23 cm. argraffwyr (dros yr awdwr), c1877. Reel: 820 Position: 5 Collation: 128 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 18 cm. Reel: 819 Position: 13 Author: Proctor, Edna Dean, 1829-1923. Title: Poems / by Edna Dean Proctor ... Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton, Author: Private soldier of the U.S. Army. Mifflin and Company, 1890 Cambridge (The Title: Guy Averal : a patriotic sketch / as written Riverside Press) by a private soldier of the U.S. Army. Collation: viii, 257 p. ; 18 cm. Imprint: Philadelphia : E. Claxton & Reel: 820 Position: 6 Company ..., 1881, c1880. Collation: 429 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 820 Position: 1 Author: Proctor, Edna Dean, 1829-1923. Title: Russian journey / by Edna Dean Proctor. Imprint: Boston : James R. Osgood and Author: Hall, Alexander Wilford, 1819-1902. Company ..., 1872, c1871. Title: The problem of human life here and Collation: iv, 321 p. ; 19 cm. hereafter ... / by the author of "Zupah" Reel: 820 Position: 7 Imprint: New York : Hall & Co., publishers ..., 1877. Collation: xvi, 17-343, [1] p. : 1 ill. ; 27 cm. Title: The Visit of the General Convention of Reel: 820 Position: 2 1886 to Racine College : October 16th, 1886. Imprint: [Racine, Wis.? : s.n., 1886] Collation: 16 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Title: Proceedings at the semi-centennial Reel: 820 Position: 8 anniversary of the connection of Caleb Arnold Wall (of the Worcester Spy) with the Worcester County Press, May 18th, 1887 : together with Author: Proudfit, David Law, 1842-1897. complimentary letters, notices, etc. Title: Love among the gamins and other poems / Imprint: Worcester, Mass. : Press of Daniel by David L. Proudfit (Peleg Arkwright) Seagrave ..., 1887. Imprint: New York : Dick & Fitzgerald, Collation: 33 p. ; 24 cm. publishers, c1877. Reel: 820 Position: 3 Collation: 144 p., [8] leaves of plates : 8 ill. ; 20 cm. Reel: 820 Position: 9 Author: Procter, J. J. (John James), 1838-1910. Title: The Black Hawk, Standard bearer, and other poems / by J.J. Procter. Author: Proudfit, David Law, 1842-1897. Imprint: St. Johns, P.Q. [i.e. Quebec] : News Title: Mask and domino / by David L. Proudfit. Printing and Publishing House, 1883. Imprint: Philadelphia : Porter & Coates c1888. Collation: 144 p. ; 21 cm. Collation: 154 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 820 Position: 4 Reel: 821 Position: 1

19 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Proudfit, David Law, 1842-1897. Author: English High School (Providence, R.I.). Title: Silver Gloss and Tanglefoot / by David L. Class of 1898. Proudfit. Title: Providence English High School Imprint: [Oswego, N.Y.] : Published by T. Class of '98. Kingsford & Son, Oswego Starch Imprint: [Providence, R.I. : s.n., 1898] Factory..., [1874?] Collation: 24 p. ; 21 cm. Collation: [16] p. : ill. ; 17 x 26 cm. Reel: 821 Position: 7 Reel: 821 Position: 2

Author: First Universalist Society (Providence, Author: Proudfoot, Andrea Hofer. R.I.) Title: Child's Christ-tales / by Andrea Hofer Title: A half-century memorial of the First Proudfoot .. Universalist Society n Providence, Rhode Edition: Eight thousand souvenir edition. Island : comprising an historical discourse by Imprint: Chicago : Published by the author ..., Rev. E.H. Capen, a poem by Rev. Cyrus H. Fay, c1896. an account of commemorative services held in Collation: [8], 90 p., [30] leaves of plates : ill., the church, and in Roger Williams Hall, ports. ; 19 cm. April 12th, 1871, together with an appendix / Reel: 821 Position: 3 edited by Rev. E.H. Capen. Imprint: Providence : Published by Gladding Bro. & Co., 1871. Author: Proudfoot, John, 1802-1888. Collation: 90 p. ; 20 cm. Title: The Scotchman In America : addresses, Reel: 821 Position: 8 songs, etc. at Scottish gatherings, religious poems and occasional verses / by John Proudfoot. Author: Providence National Bank (Providence, Imprint: Cleveland [Ohio] : Fairbanks, R.I.) Benedict & Co., printers, 1873. Title: The centennial of the Providence National Collation: 326 p. ; 20 cm. Bank : October 3, A.D. 1891. Reel: 821 Position: 4 Imprint: Providence [R.I.] : Standard Printing Company, [1891] Collation: 43 p. ; 30 cm. Author: Peace Society (London, England) Reel: 821 Position: 9 Title: The proved practicability of international arbitration-1891. Imprint: London : Issued by the Peace Author: Prudential Insurance Company of Society ..., [1891] America. Collation: 8 p. ; 22 cm. Title: The tiger, the leftenant and the bosun. Reel: 821 Position: 5 Imprint: [Newark, N.J. : Prudential Insurance Co. of America, 1886] Collation: [8] p. : col. ill. ; 12 cm. Author: Providence (R.I.). City Council. Reel: 821 Position: 10 Title: Ceremonies at the unveiling of the monument to Roger Williams, errected by the city of Providence : with the address by J. Lewis Author: Puchner, Rudolph, b. 1829. Diman :October 16, 1877. Title: Klänge aus dem Westen / von Rudolph Imprint: Providence [R.I.] : Angell, Hammett & Puchner. Co., city printers, 1877. Imprint: Milwaukee, Wis. : Druck und Verlag Collation: 52, [1] p., [2] leaves of plates : 2 ill. ; von Carl Dörflinger, 1879. 29 cm. Collation: [2], 131 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 821 Position: 6 Reel: 821 Position: 11

20 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Puchner, Rudolph, b. 1829. Author: Putnam, Effie Douglass. Title: Klänge aus dem Westen / von Rudolph Title: Margaret and The singer's story / by Effie Puchner. Douglass Putnam. Edition: Zweite verbesserte und vermehrte Imprint: Boston : Cupples and Hurd, 1888. Auflage. Collation: 103 p. ; 17 cm. Imprint: Milwaukee, Wis. : Freidenker Reel: 822 Position: 3 Publishing Co., 1898. Collation: 190, [1] p. : 1 ill. ; 16 cm. Reel: 821 Position: 12 Author: Putnam, Frank, b. 1868. Title: The banquet : songs of evolution / by Frank Putnam. Author: Purdy, Amelia V. Imprint: Chicago : The Blakely Press, 1897. Title: First fruit / by Amelia V. Purdy. Collation: 37 p. ; 21 cm. Imprint: Pittsburgh and ; Harrisburg : B. Reel: 822 Position: 4 Singerly, printer, 1875. Collation: ix, [1], 308 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 821 Position: 13 Author: Putnam, Frank, b. 1868. Title: Living in the world with other ballads and lyrics / by Frank Putnam. Author: Purdy, Truman H. (Truman Harvey), Imprint: Chicago and ; New York : Rand, 1830-1898. McNally & Company, 1899. Title: Legends of the Susquehanna and other Collation: x, [11]-251 p. ; 20 cm. poems / by Truman H. Purdy ; with illustrations Reel: 822 Position: 5 by F.O.C. Darley and F.E. Lummis. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Company, 1888, c1887. Author: Putnam, Frank, b. 1868. Collation: 197 p., [20] leaves of plates : 20 Title: Frank Putnam's love lyrics. ill. ; 19 cm. Imprint: Chicago : The Blakely Press, 1898. Reel: 821 Position: 14 Collation: 41 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 822 Position: 6

Author: Purinton, A. Title: Autumn leaves : a collection of poems / by Author: Putnam, Frank, b. 1868. A. Purinton, Lynn, Mass., 1886. Title: Memories and impressions / Frank Imprint: Salem, Mass. : Observer Book and Job Putnam. Print, 1886. Imprint: Chicago : [s.n.], 1896. Collation: 189 p. ; 18 cm. Collation: [10], 80 p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 822 Position: 1 Reel: 822 Position: 7

Author: Putnam Free School (Newburyport, Author: Putnam, Irene. Mass.) Title: Songs without answer / by Irene Putnam. Title: Exercises at the celebration of the fiftieth Imprint: New York and ; London : G.P. anniversary of the Putnam Free School : Putnam's Sons, c1896. April 12, 1898. Collation: vii, [1], 93 p. ; 18 cm. Imprint: Newburyport [Mass.] : News Reel: 822 Position: 8 Publishing Company, printers, 1899. Collation: 78 p., [7] leaves of plates : ill., ports. ; 23 cm. Author: Putnam, Samuel P. (Samuel Porter), Reel: 822 Position: 2 1838-1896. Title: Prometheus : a poem / by S.P. Putnam. Imprint: New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons ..., 1877. Collation: 140 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 822 Position: 9

21 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911, Author: Quackenbos, G. P. (George Payn), Title: Pepper & salt, or Seasoning for young 1826-1881. folk / prepared by Howard Pyle. Title: How we built our new Sunday school : a Imprint: New York : Harper and Brothers, poem delivered at the inauguration of St. Peter's printers and publishers, c1885. hall and Sunday school rooms, Collation: xiii, [1], 115, [6] p. : ill. ;c29 cm. October 11, 1871 / by George P. Quackenbos .. Reel: 822 Position: 10 Imprint: New York : Styles & Cash, printers and stationers ..., 1872. Collation: 16 p. ; 23 cm. Author: Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911, Reel: 823 Position: 3 Title: The wonder clock, or, Four & twenty marvelous tales : being one for each hour of the day / written and illustrated by Howard Pyle ; Title: Queer fish and other poems ... embellished with verses by Katharine Pyle. Imprint: New York : J.B. Davis & Co. ..., 1881. Imprint: New York : Printed by Harper & Collation: [74] p. : ill. ; 18 cm. Brothers, c1887. Reel: 823 Position: 4 Collation: xiv, 318, [1] p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Reel: 822 Position: 11 Author: Quillin, Horace S. (Horace Stewart), b. 1863. Author: Pyle, Katharine, d. 1938. Title: Musings by the wayside : a choice Title: Careless Jane and other tales / by collection of original poems / by Horace S. Katharine Pyle. Quillin .. Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton and Imprint: Philadelphia : Jos. D. Ramos, Company ..., c1902. printer ..., 1885. Collation: 110 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 20 cm. Collation: 24 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 822 Position: 12 Reel: 823 Position: 5

Author: Pyle, Katharine, d. 1938. Title: The Quilt : made by the Ladies' Social Title: The rabbit witch and other tales / by Circle for Prof. Whitman. Katharine Pyle. Imprint: [Franklin, Mass. : s.n., 1874] Imprint: New York : E.P. Dutton and Collation: 19 p. ; 18 cm. Company ..., c1895. Reel: 823 Position: 6 Collation: 81 p. : ill. ; 17 x 25 cm. Reel: 823 Position: 1 Author: Quinby, Franklyn. Title: The Columbiad : an historical poem on Author: Pyle, M. C. the discovery of the new world and the founding Title: Minna in Wonder-land and Roland and of our republic / by Franklyn Quinby. his friend / [by M.C. Pyle] Imprint: Chicago : W.B. Conkey Company, Imprint: Philadelphia : Porter & Coates ..., book manufacturers, 1893. c1871. Collation: [4], iii, [3], 104 p., [1] leaf of Collation: vii, 8-61 p., [3] leaves of plates : 3 plates : 1 port. ; 18 cm. ill. ; 17 cm. Reel: 823 Position: 7 Reel: 823 Position: 2

Author: Quinn, Alice May. Title: Sweet Astreanere and other poems / by Alice May Quinn, of Connersville, Ind. Imprint: Cincinnati [Ohio] : Elm Street printing Company ..., 1872. Collation: 203 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 823 Position: 8

22 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Quinn, Minnie. Author: Grandpa (J.C.B.) Title: May blossoms : poems / by Minnie Title: Railroad rhymes / by "Grandpa", J.C.B. Quinn.. Imprint: Arctic, R.I. : I.F. Chase, printer and Imprint: Atlanta, Ga. : Dodson's Printing stationer, [1897] Office, 1885. Collation: 15 p. ; 16 cm. Collation: 128 p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 823 Position: 15 Reel: 823 Position: 9

Author: Ed, Cousin. Author: Bianciardi, E. D. R. (Elizabeth Title: Rainy day pastime / by Cousin Ed. Dickinson Rice), 1833-1885. Imprint: New York : The Miller Press, 1897. Title: A quiet life and other poems / by E.D.R. Collation: 63 p., [10] leaves of plates : ill., Imprint: New York : Anson D.F. Randolph and ports. ; 21 cm. Co. ..., c1873. Reel: 823 Position: 16 Collation: 43 p. ; 15 cm. Reel: 823 Position: 10 Author: Ralston, Harriet N. (Harriet Newell Jackson), 1828-1920. Title: Ceremonies connected with the unveiling Title: Columbus and Isabella, the immortals : a of the statue of General Robert E. Lee : at Lee souvenir centennial poem / by Harriet N. Circle, New Orleans, La., Feb. 22, 1884 .. Ralston. Imprint: New Orleans : W.B. Stansbury & Co. Imprint: Washington, D.C. : Published by H.N. Print ..., 1884. Ralston, 1893, c1892 (Washington, D.C. : Collation: 46 p. ; 23 cm. Gibson Bros., printers and bookbinders) Reel: 823 Position: 11 Collation: 39, [1] p. : ill., ports. ; 22 cm. Reel: 823 Position: 17

Author: Radcliffe, Marguerite. Title: Precious thoughts : verses for Christmas / Author: Ramsay, Andrew John, 1849?-1907. by Marguerite Radcliffe. Title: I shall not tell. Imprint: New York ; Berlin : International Art Imprint: Brooklyn [N.Y.] : Published by T. Jay Publishing Co., Ltd. ..., [18--?] Marcellus ..., [188-?] Collation: [8] p. : ill. (some col.) ; 14 cm. Collation: [2], 131 , [1], iii p. ; 15 cm. Reel: 823 Position: 12 Reel: 823 Position: 18

Author: Radford, B. J. (Benjamin Johnson), Author: Ramsey, V. G. (Vienna G. Morrell), b. 1838-1933. 1817. Title: The court of destiny and other poems / by Title: A censer : poems / by Mrs. V.G. Ramsey. B.J. Radford. Imprint: Boston : The Morning Star Publishing Imprint: St. Louis and ; Chicago : Christian House, 1896. Publishing Co., 1883. Collation: xiii, [2], 278 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Collation: viii, [9]-180 p. ; 20 cm. port. ; 18 cm. Reel: 823 Position: 13 Reel: 824 Position: 1

Author: Chip. Author: Ramsey, V. G. (Vienna G. Morrell), b. Title: The Radical Club : a poem respectfully 1817. dedicated to an atom / by a chip. Title: A legend of the White Hills and other Imprint: Boston : William F. Gill and poems / by Mrs. V.G. Ramsey. Company, 1876. Imprint: Boston : Published by D. Lothrop & Collation: 27, [5] p. ; 15 cm. Co. ; Dover, N.H. : G.T. Day & Co. 1872. Reel: 823 Position: 14 Collation: 190 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 824 Position: 2

23 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Rand, E. D. (Edward Dean), 1821- Author: Randall, John Witt, 1813-1892. 1885. Title: Poems of nature and life / by John Witt Title: Poems and selections / by E.D. Rand. Randall ; edited by Francis Ellingwood Abbot, Imprint: [Lisbon, N.H.] : Published by with an introduction on the Randall family. the "Lisbon Library Association", 1885. Imprint: Boston : George H. Ellis ..., 1899. Collation: 58 p. ; 19 cm. Collation: 566 p., [2] leaves of plates : 2 Reel: 824 Position: 3 ports. ; 24 cm. Reel: 824 Position: 9

Author: Rand, Nehemiah Wheeler, 1853-1898. Title: Randon rimes : medical and Author: Randolph, A. M. F. (Asa Maxon Fitz), miscellaneous / by N.W. and J.P. Rand. 1829-1898. Imprint: Boston : Otis Clapp & Son, 1897. Title: The trial of Sir John Falstaff : wherein the Collation: xv, [1], 213 p. ; 18 cm. fat knight is permitted to answer for himself Reel: 824 Position: 4 concerning the charges laid against him, and to attorney his own case / by A.M.F. Randolph. Imprint: New York (27 West Twenty-third Author: Rand, Nehemiah Wheeler, 1853-1898. Street) ; London (24 Bedford Street, Strand) : Title: Random rimes : medical and G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1893 (New York : The miscellaneous / by N.W. and J.P. Rand. Knickerbocker Press) Edition: Second edition. Collation: xvi, 295 p. ; 20 cm. Imprint: Boston : Otis Clapp & son, 1899, Reel: 825 Position: 1 c1897. Collation: xv, [1], 213 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 824 Position: 5 Author: Randolph, Anson D. F. (Anson Davies Fitz), 1820-1896. Title: Verses / by Anson D.F. Randolph .. Author: Rand, Martha Agnes. Imprint: New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, Title: The legend of a thought and other verses / c1885. by Martha Agnes Rand. Collation: 167 p. ;c18 cm. Imprint: Chicago : Printed by Rand, McNally & Reel: 825 Position: 2 Company, 1889. Collation: 53 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 824 Position: 6 Author: Randolph, Innes, 1837-1887. Title: Poems / by Innes Randolph ; compiled by his son from the original manuscript. Author: Randall, John Witt, 1813-1892. Imprint: Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins Title: An early scene revisited : a poem / by Company, publishers, c1898. John Witt Randall ; edited by Francis Collation: 76 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 ill. ; 20 cm. Ellingwood Abbot. Reel: 825 Position: 3 Imprint: Cambridge [Mass.] : John Wilson and Son, 1894. Collation: 21 p. ; 24 cm. Author: Randolph, Lewis V. F. (Lewis Van Reel: 824 Position: 7 Syckel Fitz), 1838-1921. Title: Survivals / by Lewis V.F. Randolph ; embellished by Bryson Burroughs. Author: Randall, John Witt, 1813-1892. Imprint: New York & ; London : G.P. Putnam's Title: The fairies' festival / by John Witt Sons, 1900. Randall ; edited by Francis Ellingwood Abbot ; Collation: xiii, [1], 89 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. illustrated by Francis Gilbert Attwood. Reel: 825 Position: 4 Imprint: Boston : Joseph Knight Company, 1895, c1894. Collation: xi, [1], 96 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Reel: 824 Position: 8

24 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Randolph, Matilda Blackmar. Author: Rankin, Henry William. Title: Plantation pictures : colored views / by Title: The solace of nature and art / by Henry Matilda Blackmar Randolph. W. Rankin. Imprint: Grand Rapids, Mich. : Reynders Imprint: [East northfield, Mass.? : s.n., 1897?] Printing Company, [189-?] Collation: [7] p. ; 21 cm. Collation: 129, [1]p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Reel: 825 Position: 11 Reel: 825 Position: 5

Author: Rankin, Henry William. Author: Randolph, Richard. Title: To my Easter girls of 1898 ... / by Henry Title: Sober thoughts on staple themes / by William Rankin. Richard Randolph .. Imprint: [East Northfield, Mass.? : s.n., 1898] Edition: Revised edition. Collation: [7] p. ; 21 cm. Imprint: Philadelphia : Henry Longstreth ..., Reel: 825 Position: 12 1889, c1871. Collation: [2], vi, [7]-159 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 825 Position: 6 Author: Rankin, Jeremiah Eames, 1828-1904. Title: The auld Scotch mither and other poems in dialect of Burns / by J.E. Rankin ; illustrated Author: Randolph, Richard. by Herrick and others. Title: Sober thoughts on staple themes / by Imprint: Boston : Published by D. Lothrop & Richard Randolph .. Co. ; Dover, N.H. : G.T. Day & Co., 1873. Imprint: Philadelphia : Claxton, Remsen & Collation: 125 p., [11] leaves of plates : 11 ill. ; Haffelfinger, 1871. 20 cm. Collation: x, 9-159 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 825 Position: 13 Reel: 825 Position: 7

Author: Rankin, Jeremiah Eames, 1828-1904. Author: Randolph, Richard. Title: Brechin ballads / by Rev. J.E. Rankin, Title: Windfalls / by the author of "Aspects of D.D. humanity" Imprint: New York : John B. Alden, Imprint: Philadelphia : Claxton, Remsen & publisher ..., 1887. Haffelfinger, 1871, c1870. Collation: [5]-12, [8] p. ; 19 cm. Collation: 108 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 826 Position: 1 Reel: 825 Position: 8

Author: Rankin, Jeremiah Eames, 1828-1904. Author: Randolph, Richard. Title: Broken cadences : an ode in three parts / Title: Windfalls / by the author of "Aspects of by Jeremiah Eames Rankin. humanity" Imprint: Boston : Our Day Publishing Imprint: Philadelphia : Private edition, 1870. Company ..., 1889. Collation: 108 p. ; 21 cm. Collation: [24], 21, [3], 24 p. ; 23 cm. Reel: 825 Position: 9 Reel: 826 Position: 2

Author: Rankin, George Castle, 1860-1882. Title: German-English lyrics [microform] : Title: The sheaf : a bundle of poems / by George sacred and secular / [translated by] Jeremiah Castle Rankin. Eames Rankin Imprint: Minneapolis : James s. Rankin, 1882. Imprint: Washington, D.C. : Printed at the Collation: xi, [1], 192 p. ; 19 cm. Industrial Department, Howard University, 1897 Reel: 825 Position: 10 Collation: 90, [2] p., [1] leaf of plates :b1 port. ; 16 cm Reel: 826 Position: 3

25 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Rankin, Jeremiah Eames, 1828-1904. Author: Rankin, Sarah Burlingame. Title: Hymns pro patria and other hymns Title: Climbing poems / by Mrs. Sarah Christian and humanitarian / by J.E. Rankin. Burlingame Rankin. Imprint: New York : John B. Alden, publisher, Imprint: Baltimore : Turnbull Brothers, 1874. 1889. Collation: 200 p. ; 20 cm. Collation: [7], 139 p. : 1 port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 826 Position: 10 Reel: 826 Position: 4

Author: Rankin, Sarah Burlingame. Author: Rankin, Jeremiah Eames, 1828-1904. Title: Mariamne, Queen of the Jews, Genesis, Title: Ingleside rhaims : verses in the dialect of Tree of life (Edison), The fairies, Centennial Burns / by J.E. Rankin. songs and other poems / by Mrs. Sarah Imprint: New York : John B. Alden, publisher, Burlingame Rankin, née Lapham. 1887. Imprint: Cincinnati : Press of Robert Clarke & Collation: [2], 184 p. ; 20 cm. Co., 1884. Reel: 826 Position: 5 Collation: viii, 9-191 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 826 Position: 11

Author: Rankin, Jeremiah Eames, 1828-1904 Title: Oor kirk fair and ither verses of Author: Unknown poet. that ilk [microform] / by J.E. Rankin Title: Rather restful rhymes ... / by "the Imprint: Washington, D.C. : Pilgrim Press unknown poet" Association, 1881 Imprint: Boston : Griggs and Co., publishers .., Collation: [4], 33 p. ; 21 cm c1898. Reel: 826 Position: 6 Collation: [1], 40 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Reel: 826 Position: 12

Author: Rankin, Jeremiah Eames, 1828-1904 Title: Robert Burns [microform] : heather-bells Author: Rattray, B. F. drappit on his grave / by J.E. Rankin Title: Poems : a few of the sheaves gathered Imprint: Washington, D.C. : William from my harvest field / by Rev. B.F. Rattray. Ballantyne, publisher, 1873 Imprint: Tacoma [Wash.] : Monger Printing Collation: 20 p. ; 23cm Company, 1895. Reel: 826 Position: 7 Collation: [40] p. : 1 ill. ; 22 cm. Reel: 826 Position: 13

Author: Rankin, Jeremiah Eames, 1828-1904. Title: Romano more, or, Ye old Pilgrims to ye Author: Rave, Herman. new on Forefathers' Day / by Jeremiah Eames Title: Songs and ballads / by Herman Rave. Rankin. Imprint: Indianapolis : The Bowen-Merrill Imprint: New York : John B. Alden, publisher, Co., 1893. 1886. Collation: [4], 121 p. ; 15 cm. Collation: 23 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 826 Position: 14 Reel: 826 Position: 8

Author: Ray, Charles Walker, 1832-1917. Author: Rankin, Sarah Burlingame. Title: Grace Vernon Bussell, the heroine of Title: Centennial poem / Mrs. Sarah Burlingame western Australia, and other poems / by Rev. Rankin. C.W. Ray. Imprint: Peoria, Illinois : [s.n., 1876] Imprint: Hartford, Conn. : Press of the Case, Collation: 24 p. ; 23 cm. Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1878. Reel: 826 Position: 9 Collation: 23, [1] p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 826 Position: 15

26 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Ray, Charles Walker, 1832-1917. Author: Raymond, George Lansing, 1839-1929. Title: Looking forward, or, Reunion and Title: Haydn and other poems / by the author recognition : original poems for the bereaved / of "Life below" by Chas. Walker Ray, D.D. Imprint: New York : Published by Hurd and Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., Houghton, 1870 (Cambridge : The Riverside 1885, c1884. Press) Collation: 174 p., [6] leaves of plates : 6 ill. ; 23 Collation: [4], 161, [1], 11p. ; 18cm. cm. Reel: 827 Position: 2 Reel: 826 Position: 16

Author: Raymond, George Lansing, 1839-1929. Author: Ray, F. M. (Fabius Maximus), 1837- Title: Ideals made real : a romance / George L. 1915. Raymond. Title: The Christmas tree and other poems / by Imprint: New York : Published by Hurd and F.M. Ray. Houghton ; Boston : H.O. Houghton & Imprint: Portland, Me. : Dresser, McLellan & Company, 1877, (Cambridge : The Riverside Co. ..., 1874, c1873. Press) Collation: 48 p. ; 18 cm. Collation: 147, [1], 6 p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 826 Position: 17 Reel: 827 Position: 3

Author: Ray, H. Cordelia (Henriette Cordelia), Author: Raymond, George Lansing, 1839-1929. d. 1916. Title: A life in song / by George Lansing Title: Sonnets / by H. Cordelia Ray. Raymond .. Imprint: New York :bPress of J.J. Little & Co., Imprint: New York & ; London : G.P. Putnam's 1893. Sons, 1886. Collation: 29 p. ; 20 cm. Collation: [4], 333 p. ; 17 cm. Reel: 826 Position: 18 Reel: 827 Position: 4

Author: Raymond, Emily. Author: Raymond, George Lansing, 1839-1929. Title: About Chautauqua : as an idea, as a Title: Pictures in verse / by George Lansing power, and as a place / by Emily Raymond. Raymond ... ; with twenty illustrations by Maud Edition: Second Edition, enlarged. Stumm. Imprint: Toledo [Ohio] : Blade Printing and Imprint: New York (27 West Twenty-third Paper Company, 1886, c1885. Street) ; London (24 Bedford Street, Strand) : Collation: 142 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1894. ill. ; 22cm. Collation: 44 p. : 20 ill. ; 20 cm. Reel: 826 Position: 19 Reel: 827 Position: 5

Author: Raymond, George Lansing, 1839-1929. Author: Raymond, George Lansing, 1839-1929. Title: Colony ballads : an attempt to represent Title: Poetry as a representative art : an essay something of the spirit and the circumstances in comparative aesthetics / by George Lansing attending the separation of the British colonies Raymond .. of middle North America from their mother Edition: Seventh edition revised. country / George L. Raymond. Imprint: New York and ; London : G.P. Imprint: New York :bPublished by Hurd and Putnam's Sons, c1899. Houghton, 1877, c1876 (Cambridge : The Collation: xxi, [1], 356. [9] p. ; 21 cm. Riverside Press) Reel: 827 Position: 6 Collation: [4], 94, [1], 4 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 827 Position: 1

27 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Raymond, George Lansing, 1839-1929. Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872. Title: Sketches in song / by George Lansing Title: Christine / by T. Buchanan Read ; Raymond .. illustrated from designs by Frederick Dielman. Imprint: New York & ; London : G.P. Putnam's Imprint: Philadelphia ; London ... : J.B. Sons, 1887. Lippincott & Co., 1883, c1882. Collation: iv, 156, [4] p. ; 17 cm. Collation: 44, [3] p. : ill. ; 19 cm. Reel: 827 Position: 7 Reel: 828 Position: 2

Author: Raymond, George Lansing, 1839-1929. Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872. Title: Sketches in song / by George Lansing Title: Christine / by T. Buchanan Read ; Raymond. illustrated from designs by Frederick Dielman. Edition: Second edition. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Imprint: New York and ; London : G.P. Company ..., c1882. Putnam's Sons, 1889, c1887. Collation: 44, [3] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Collation: [1], iv, 156, [4] p. ; 17 cm. Reel: 828 Position: 3 Reel: 827 Position: 8

Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872. Author: Rea, William Horace. Title: The closing scene / by Thomas Buchanan Title: The Crescent City, dedicated to the poeple Read .. [sic] of New Orleans, and The Southland : Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott beautiful heart poems / by Wm. Horace Rea .. Company, 1887, c1886. Imprint: [New Orleans, La.? : s.n., 18--?] Collation: 45, [2] p. : ill. ; 27 cm. Collation: 7 p. ; 14 cm. Reel: 828 Position: 4 Reel: 827 Position: 9

Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872. Author: Read, Jane Maria, b. 1853. Title: Drifting / by T. Buchanan Read ; Title: Between the centuries and other poems / illustrated from designs by Miss L.B. Humphrey. by Jane Maria Read. Imprint: Philadelphia ; London ... : J.B. Imprint: Boston : Henry A. Young & Co., Lippincott & Co., c1880. publishers, 1887. Collation: [22] leaves : ill. ; 19 cm. Collation: 205, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; Reel: 828 Position: 5 20 cm. Reel: 827 Position: 10 Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872. Title: Drifting / by T. Buchanan Read ; Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872. illustrated from designs by Miss L.B. Humphrey. Title: Brushwood / by T. Buchanan Read ; Imprint: Philadelphia ; London ... : J.B. illustrated from designs by Frederick Dielman. Lippincott & Co., 1881, c1880. Imprint: Philadelphia ; London ... : J.B. Collation: [22] leaves : ill. ; 19 cm. Lippincott & Co., 1882, c1881. Reel: 828 Position: 6 Collation: [23] leaves : ill. ; 19 cm. Reel: 827 Position: 11 Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872 Title: Gems from T. Buchanan Read's poetical Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872. works … Title: Brushwood / by T. Buchanan Read ; Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., illustrated from designs by Frederick Dielman. 1884 Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Collation: 139 p. in various pagings : ill. ; 19 cm Company ..., c1881. Reel: 828 Position: 7 Collation: [23] leaves : ill. ; 21 cm. Reel: 828 Position: 1

28 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872. Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872. Title: The poetical works of T. Buchanan Read / Title: The wagoner of the Alleghanies, illustrated from drawings by Dielman, Fenn, Sheridan's ride, Summer story, and other Humphrey, Murphy, and others. poems / by Thomas Buchanan Read. Edition: New revised edition. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., Imprint: Philadelphia ; London ... : J.B. 1879, c1868. Lippincott & Co., 1883, c1882. Collation: 420 p. ; 18 cm. Collation: xx, 346 p., [13] leaves of plates : 12 Reel: 828 Position: 13 ill., 1 port. ; 22 cm. Reel: 828 Position: 8 Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872. Title: The wagoner of the Alleghanies : a poem Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872. of the days of seventy-six / by T. Buchanan Title: Sheridan's ride / by T. Buchanan Read ; Read ; illustrated from drawing by Hovenden, illustrated with engravings on wood, from Fenn, Gaul, and Low. designs especially prepared for this edition. Imprint: Philadelphia ; London ... : J.B. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Lippincott & Co., 1885, c1884. Company, 1891, c1890. Collation: 74 p., [6] leaves of plates : 6 ill. ; 21 Collation: [19] leaves : ill. ; 24 cm. cm. Reel: 828 Position: 9 Reel: 828 Position: 14

Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872. Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872. Title: Sheridan's ride / by T. Buchanan Read ; Title: The wagoner of the Alleghanies : a poem illustrated with engravings on wood, from of the days of seventy-six / by T. Buchanan designs especially prepared for this edition. Read ; illustrated from drawing by Hovenden, Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Fenn, Gaul, and Low. Company, 1892, c1890. Imprint: Philadelphia ; London ... : J.B. Collation: [19] leaves : ill. ; 21 cm. Lippincott Company, 1890, c1884. Reel: 828 Position: 10 Collation: 74 p., [6] leaves of plates : 6 ill. ; 21 cm. Reel: 828 Position: 15 Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872. Title: Sheridan's ride / by T. Buchanan Read ; illustrated with engravings on wood, from Author: Read, William, 1825-1900. designs especially prepared for this edition. Title: The re-strung harp : poems / by Rev. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott William Read. Company, 1894, c1890. Imprint: Boston : Lakeview Press, Lakeview Collation: [19] leaves : ill. ; 21 cm. Printing Company, publishers ..., 1889. Reel: 828 Position: 11 Collation: 97 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 829 Position: 1 Author: Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872. Title: Sheridan's ride / by T. Buchanan Read ; illustrated with engravings on wood, from Author: Read, William, 1825-1900. designs especially prepared for this edition. Title: The re-strung harp : poems / by Rev. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott William Read. Company, 1895, c1890. Edition: Revised edition with added poems. Collation: [19] leaves : ill. ; 21 cm. Imprint: Boston : James H. Earle, publisher ..., Reel: 828 Position: 12 1898. Collation: 118 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 829 Position: 2

29 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Reade, T. C. (Thaddeus Constantine), Author: Reavis, Rebecca Morrow. b. 1846. Title: A home offering : Consider the lilies and Title: The exodus and other poems / by Rev. other poems / Rebecca Morrow Reavis. T.C. Reade. Imprint: St. Louis [Mo.] : Published by Imprint: Cincinnati : Printed by Walden & Becktold & Co., 1883. Stowe for the author, 1883. Collation: [2], ix, [3], 54, [1] p., [1] leaf of Collation: 100 p. ; 18 cm. plates : 1 port. ; 23 cm. Reel: 829 Position: 3 Reel: 829 Position: 8

Author: Realf, Richard, 1834-1878. Author: Reavis, Rebecca Morrow. Title: Richard Realf's Free-state poems : with Title: The course of empire and other poems / by personal lyrics written in Kansas / edited, with Rebecca Morrow Reavis. historical notes, by Col. Richard J. Hinton .. Imprint: St. Louis, Mo. : [s.n.], 1886. Imprint: Topeka, Kansas : Crane & Company, Collation: 32 p. ; 21 cm. publishers, 1900. Reel: 829 Position: 9 Collation: 138 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 829 Position: 4 Author: Union League of Philadelphia. Title: Reception tendered by the members of the Author: Realf, Richard, 1834-1878 Union League of Philadelphia to George H. Title: Poems / by Richard Realf, poet, soldier, Boker, minister of the United States to Turkey : workman ; with a memoir by Richard J. Hinton Friday evening, December 22, 1871. Imprint: New York and ; London : Funk & Imprint: Philadelphia : Collins, printer ..., 1872. Wagnalls Company, 1898 Collation: 71 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 28 Collation: cxiii, [3], 232 p., [4] leaves of cm. plates : 1 ill., 1 facsim., 3 ports. ; 20 cm Reel: 829 Position: 10 Reel: 829 Position: 5

Title: The Record : a poem illustrating the Author: Rearden, Timothy Henry, 1839-1892. philosophy of life. Title: Petrarch and other essays / by Timothy H. Imprint: New York : John W. Lovell Rearden. Company ..., c1885. Imprint: San Francisco : William Doxey at the Collation: 305 p. ; 20 cm. Sign of the Lark, 1897, c1893. Reel: 829 Position: 11 Collation: xvi, [2], 201, [1] p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 829 Position: 6 Title: The Red-book of Neshobe, mr, The history of the naming of Neshobe Island in Lake Author: Reavis, Rebecca Morrow. Bomoseen ... Title: The builders : a souvenir poem : the Saint Imprint: [Rutland, Vt.? : s.n.], 1883. Louis Exhibition and Music Hall and its Collation: 16 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. builders / by Rebecca Morrow Reavis. Reel: 829 Position: 12 Imprint: Saint Louis, Mo. : Becktold & Co., 1884. Collation: 33 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 19 Author: Rederus, Sipko, 1854-1922. cm. Title: Mid-day dreams in the Mississippi valley Reel: 829 Position: 7 and other pieces in prose and verse ... / by Sipko Rederus .. Imprint: Geneva, N.Y. : Press of W.F. Humphrey, 1897. Collation: 160 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 21 cm. Reel: 830 Position: 1

30 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Rederus, Sipko, 1854-1922. Author: Reed, Edwin, 1835-1908. Title: Vibrations of my soul : a few verses / by Title: Francis Bacon and the muse of tragedy / Rev. Sipko Rederus. by Edwin Reed. Imprint: Brattleboro, Vt. : Published for the Imprint: Boston : Geo. H. Ellis, Printer, 1898. author by Frank E. Housh & Company, c1887. Collation: 24 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 ill. ; 24 cm. Collation: viii, [11]-170 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 831 Position: 3 Reel: 830 Position: 2

Author: Reed, Edwin T. (Edwin Thomas), Author: Redman, John Estaugh. 1872-1948. Title: Miscellaneous poems / by John Estaugh Title: Inland windfalls / by Edwin T. Reed. Redman. Imprint: Chicago ; New York : W.B. Conkey Imprint: Philadelphia : John C. Winston & Co., Company, c1898. 1895. Collation: 144 p. ; 20 cm. Collation: 101 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 Reel: 831 Position: 4 cm. Reel: 830 Position: 3 Author: Reed, Edwin T. (Edwin Thomas), 1872-1948. Author: Redman, John Estaugh. Title: Lyrics / by Edwin Thomas Reed. Title: Original poems / J,E.R. Imprint: Wausau, Wisconsin : The Philosopher Imprint: [Philadelphia, Pa.? : s.n.], 1894. Press, at the Sign of the Green Pine Tree, 1900. Collation: 17 p. ; 19 cm. Collation: [45] p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 830 Position: 4 Reel: 831 Position: 5

Author: Reed, Anna M. Morrison. Author: Reed, Hattie Almira. Title: The earlier poems of Anna M. Morrison / Title: The Rocky Mountains at sunset, : and revised and arranged by herself, in one volume. other poems. / By Mrs. Hattie Almira Reed. Imprint: San Francisco : A.L. Bancroft & Co., Imprint: Boston : Published by B.B. Russell ; publishers ..., 1880. San Francisco : A. L. Bancroft & Co., 1873. Collation: xvii, [3], 86 p. ; 20 cm. Collation: 216 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 830 Position: 5 Reel: 831 Position: 6

Author: Reed, Anna M. Morrison. Author: Reed, Joseph Samuel, 1852-1920? Title: The later poems of Anna Morrison Reed : Title: Winnowed grasses / by Joseph Samuel in one volume. Reed. Imprint: San Francisco : J. Stuart & Company, Imprint: Indianapolis, Ind. : The Bowen-Merrill Publishers, 1891. Co., Publishers, c1892. Collation: [6], 55 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Collation: vi, 151 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 18 cm. port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 831 Position: 1 Reel: 831 Position: 7

Author: Reed, Anna M. Morrison. Author: Reekie, Charles. Title: The latest and later poems of Anna Title: Day dreams / by Charles Reekie. Morrison Reed. Imprint: New York: L.D. Robertson & Son, Imprint: S.F. [i.e. San Francisco], Cal. : The printers and publishers, 1895. Hicks-Judd Co., Publishers, 1896. Collation: [8], 198 p. ; 19 cm. Collation: 85, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Reel: 831 Position: 8 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 831 Position: 2

31 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Reese, Lizette Woodworth, 1856-1935. Author: Reid, Charles Sloan. Title: A branch of may. : Poems / by Lizette Title: Issaquena. : A legend of upper Carolina. / Woodworth Reese. By Charles Sloan Reid. Imprint: Baltimore : Cushings & Bailey, Imprint: Walhalla, S.C. : J.A. Steck, Pritner, Publishers, 1887. 1897. Collation: 42 p. ; 21 cm. Collation: [4], 42 p. ; 15 cm. Reel: 831 Position: 9 Reel: 831 Position: 15

Author: Reese, Lizette Woodworth, 1856-1935. Author: Reid, George L. Title: A handful of lavender / by Lizette Title: The heather bell : and other poems, / by Woodworth Reese. George L. Reid. Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton, Imprint: Menasha, Wis. : [s.n.], 1891. Mifflin and Company, 1891 (Cambridge : The Collation: 70 p. ; 15 cm. Riverside Press) Reel: 831 Position: 16 Collation: 100 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 831 Position: 10 Author: Reid, Robert, 1850-1922. Title: Poems, songs, and sonnets / by Robert Author: Reese, Lizette Woodworth, 1856-1935. Reid (Rob Wanlock) .. Title: A quiet road / by Lizette Woodworth Imprint: Paisley [Scotland] and ; London : Reese. Alexander Gardner, Publisher to Her Majesty the Imprint: Boston and ; New York : Houghton, Queen, 1894. Mifflin and Company, 1896. Collation: xxi, [3], 264 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Collation: [1], x, 79 p. ; 19 cm. port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 831 Position: 11 Reel: 832 Position: 1

Author: Reeve, Budd, b. 1842. Author: Reidelbach, John G., 1872-1938. Title: The real thing / by Budd Reeve, himself. Title: Bubbles from the Tippecanoe / by John G. Edition: Second edition. Reidelbach. Imprint: [North Dakota? : s.n., c1901] Imprint: Pulaski, Ind. : s.n., c1899. Collation: 87 p. ; 17 cm. Collation: 153 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 831 Position: 12 Reel: 832 Position: 2

Author: Reeve, Horace Disbrow. Author: Reiley, Mary Trimble, 1858-1878. Title: Fisherman's luck : and other rhymes / by Title: Mary T. Reiley's poems. Horace Disbrow Reeve. Imprint: Trenton, N.J. : Printed by Naar, Day & Imprint: Philadelphia : Published by the author, Naar, c1879. 1896. Collation: xiv, 276 p. : 1 ill. ; 18 cm. Collation: 15, [1] p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 832 Position: 3 Reel: 831 Position: 13

Author: Reiter, Mary E. Title: Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum. = Code Title: Pure gold : a collection of original poems, of health of the School of Salernum. / Translated and prose, helps to devotion, temperance into English verse, with an introduction, notes questions and answers, obituaries, welcome and appendix by John Ordronaux, .. addresses, and some select pieces. The entire Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & work is founded on the word of God / edited by Co., 1871. Mary T. Reiter. Collation: [1], 167 p. ; 20 cm. Imprint: Moberly, Missouri : J.E. M'Quitty, Reel: 831 Position: 14 Book and Job Printer,c1896. Collation: 235 [i.e. 237] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 21 cm. Reel: 832 Position: 4

32 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Remick, Martha. Author: Rennell, Jennie. Title: Miscellaneous poems / by Martha Remick. Title: Chips : lectures in rhyme, poems, Imprint: Malden, Mass. ; A.G. Brown, Steam messages and songs. / Through the mediumship Book and Job Printer, [18--] of Jennie Rennell. Collation: 143, [1] p. ; 20 cm. Imprint: [United States : s.n., 189-] Reel: 832 Position: 5 Collation: 100 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 832 Position: 11

Author: Remington, A. G. (Albert Gallatin), 1820-1897. Title: Proceedings of the semi-centennial Title: Ethos. celebration of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Imprint: [United States : s.n., 18--] Institute, Troy, N.Y., : held June 14-18, 1874, Collation: 12, [3] p. ; 19 cm. with catalogue of officers and students, 1824- Reel: 832 Position: 6 1874. Imprint: Troy, N.Y. : Wm. H. Young, 1875. Collation: 139, [1], 83 p. ; 24 cm. Author: Remington, A. G. (Albert Gallatin), Reel: 832 Position: 12 1820-1897. Title: Harmony. Imprint: [United States : s.n., 1894] Author: Re Qua, Harriet Warner. Collation: 15 p. ; 20 cm. Title: Stones for the temple, or, Gaining the Reel: 832 Position: 7 summit : poems, / by Mrs. Harriet Warner Re Qua. Imprint: Rochester, N.Y. : E.R. Andrews, 1885. Author: Remington, A. G. (Albert Gallatin), Collation: [2], 217 p. ; 18 cm. 1820-1897. Reel: 833 Position: 1 Title: Intuition. Imprint: [Providence, R.I.? : s.n., 1891?] Collation: 16 p. ; 19 cm. Author: Weston, Costello. Reel: 832 Position: 8 Title: Reunion, '74. : Eaton family and day school, Norridgewock, Me. / Oration by Rev. Costello Weston ; poem by Nathan H. Dole. Title: Reminiscences and reflections of a tourist Imprint: Skowhegan [Me.] : Wm. K. Moody, of Tourjee's musical and educational excursion Printer, 1874. of the summer of 1883. Collation: 23 p. ; 22 cm. Imprint: [United States : s.n., between 1883 Reel: 833 Position: 2 and 1900] Collation: 16 p. ; 17 cm. Reel: 832 Position: 9 Author: Walker, George Leon, 1830-1900. Title: Reverend George Leon Walker, D.D., 1830-1900. Author: Remsen, Henry R. (Henry Rutgers) Imprint: Hartford, Conn. : (Privately printed), Title: Daughter of Ypocas and other verse / by 1900. Henry R. Remsen. Collation: 288 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 22 Imprint: Hartford, Conn. : Clark & Smith, cm. c1897. Reel: 833 Position: 3 Collation: 2 v. ([46], [81] p.) ; 20 cm. Reel: 832 Position: 10

33 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Nagle, Mary, d. 1879. Author: Reynolds, Celia M. Title: Pygmalion, Child of the lake, The three Title: Looking upward, or Poems of the rings, and other poems. / By a reverend sister of Christian life. / By Celia M. Reynolds. the Order of Jesus ad Mary, and late of the Imprint: New York : Tibbals Book Company, convent of Hochelaga ; with biographical Publishers, c1887. sketch ; edited by Miss May Cross, .. Collation: vii, [4]-318 p., [5] leaves of plates : Imprint: Watertown, N.Y. : O.E. Hungerford, ill. ; 19 cm. c1887. Reel: 833 Position: 9 Collation: 200 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 833 Position: 4 Author: Reynolds, Daniel C. Title: A romance in smoke. / By Daniel C. Author: Rexdale, Robert, 1859-1929. Reynolds ; with illustrations by Walter Fr. Title: Drifting songs and sketches. / By Robert Brown. Rexdale. Imprint: Providence [R.I.] : [s.n.], 1876. Imprint: Portland, Me. : William H. Stevens & Collation: [2], 26, [9] leaves of plates : ill. ; 18 Company (Successors to Hoyt, Fogg and cm. Donham), c1886. Reel: 834 Position: 1 Collation: 136 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 833 Position: 5 Author: Reynolds, J. Mason. Title: Poems / by Farmer Reynolds .. Author: Rexford, Eben E. (Eben Eugene), 1848- Imprint: Grand Rapids, Michigan : Published 1916. by himself ... J. Mason Reynolds, 1882 (Grand Title: Grandmother's garden / by Eben E. Rapids, Michigan : W.W. Hart's Arcade Steam Rexford ; illustrated by Mary Cecilia Spaulding. Book and Job Printing House) Imprint: Chicago : A.C. McClurg & Company, Collation: 99, [1] p. ; 22 cm. 1887, c1886. Reel: 834 Position: 2 Collation: [11] leaves : ill. ; 31 cm. Reel: 833 Position: 6 Title: Centennalia. Imprint: [Rhinebeck, N.Y.] : W.W. Hegeman, Title: Reynard the Fox : an early apologue of Publisher, [1877?] renown, clad in an English dress, fashioned Collation: [10], 31, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates : according to the German model supplied by ill. ; 19 cm. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, / by John Storer Reel: 834 Position: 3 Cobb ; with Canton's illustrations. Imprint: Boston : Damrell & Upham, The Old Corner Bookstore, c1899. Author: Rhode Island Historical Society. Collation: xvi, 386 p., [9] leaves of plates : Title: Proceedings of the Rhode Island ill. ; 20 cm. Historical Society, 1876-77. Reel: 833 Position: 7 Imprint: Providence [R.I.] : Printed for the Society, 1877. Collation: 91 p. ; 24 cm. Author: Reynear, Rachel. Reel: 834 Position: 4 Title: Chansons du matin / by Rachel Reynear. Imprint: New York & ; London : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1886 ([New York] : The Knickerbocker Author: Remington, George H. Press) Title: A statistical history of Co. I, 11th R.I. Collation: vii, [1], 61 p. ; 17 cm. Volunteers, : together with an account of its 20th Reel: 833 Position: 8 reunion, holden on the grounds of the Warwick Club, Friday, July 13, 1883. Imprint: Providence [R.I.] : E.A. Johnson & Co., Book and Job Printers, 1884. Collation: 35 p. ; 15 cm. Reel: 834 Position: 5

34 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Title: Rhyminiscences of travel. Author: Rice, James Henry, 1868-1935. Imprint: Albany, N.Y. : Privately printed, 1891. Title: Poems and an Essay on Ninety-Six, / by Collation: [2], 79 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 James Henry Rice, Jr., .. port. ; 19 cm. Imprint: Chester, S.C. : Enterprise Printing Reel: 834 Position: 6 Office, 1893. Collation: [2], 67 p. ; 23 cm. Reel: 834 Position: 12 Author: Rice, Bernard L. Title: The view from Pike's Peak : and other poems / by Bernard L. Rice ; with illustrations Author: Rice, Martin, b. 1814. from nature. Title: Rural rhymes, and poems from the farm, : Imprint: Denver, Colo. : The Christian being a collection of poems, grave, humorous, Endeavor Printing Co. Engravings by didactic, sentimental and descriptive, written at Reistle, 1898. different times and under different Collation: 64 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. circumstances, / by Martin Rice, .. Reel: 834 Position: 7 Imprint: Kansas City Mo.] : Ramsey, Millett & Hudson, 1877. Collation: 219, [3] p. ; 21 cm. Author: Rice, Cale Young, 1872-1943. Reel: 834 Position: 13 Title: From dusk to dust : poems / by Cale Young Rice. Imprint: Nashville, Tennessee : Cumberland Author: Rice, Martin, b. 1814. Presbyterian Publishing House, 1898. Title: Rural rhymes, and talks and tales of olden Collation: 125, [2] p. ; 19 cm. times, : being a collection of poems and old-time Reel: 834 Position: 8 stories, grave, humorous, didactic, sentimental, and descriptive, written at different times and under different circumstances, / by Martin Author: Rice, Carrie Shaw. Rice,.. Title: In childland straying / by Carrie Shaw Edition: Third edition, enlarged and improved. Rice. Imprint: Kansas City [Mo.] : Hudson-Kimberly Edition: Third edition. Pub. Co., 1893. Imprint: Tacoma, Wash. : Vaughan & Morrill Collation: 519 p., [5] leaves of plates : Printing Co., 1895. ports. ; 21 cm. Collation: 70 p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 835 Position: 1 Reel: 834 Position: 9

Author: Rice, Roswell, b. 1803. Author: Rice, Harvey, 1800-1891. Title: An oration on Messiah's kingdom, and Title: Select poems. / By Harvey Rice. Descant on time and immortality, : with a Imprint: Boston : Lee and Shepard, Publishers ; variety of poetry on moral and religious New York : Charles T. Dillingham, 1878. subjects. / By Roswell Rice, .. Collation: 174 p. ; 18 cm. Imprint: Albany : Munsell, Printer, 1874. Reel: 834 Position: 10 Collation: 520 [i.e. 126] p. : 1 port. ; 22 cm. Reel: 835 Position: 2

Author: Rice, Harvey, 1800-1891. Title: Select poems / by Harvey Rice. Edition: Illustrated edition. Imprint: Boston : Lee and Shepard, Publishers ; New York : Charles T. Dillingham, 1889. Collation: 196 [i.e. 198], [1] p., [9] leaves of plates : ill. ; 18 cm. Reel: 834 Position: 11

35 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Rice, Roswell, b. 1803. Author: Rice, William, b. 1817. Title: Rice's Orations and poems : containing Title: Poems / by William Rice ; with a portrait orations on temperance, war, Christ's Second and an introduction by A. Dickson Patterson. Advent, etc.; Descant on time and immortality, Imprint: Toronto : Rowsell & Hutchison, 1898. Time's destroying flight, etc., in blank verse; Collation: 22 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 23 many lyrics and acrostics; and numberous cm. poetic gems. / By Roswell Rice, .. Reel: 836 Position: 3 Imprint: Springfield, Mass. : Press of Springfield Printing Company, 1883. Collation: 6, 18-999 p., [2] leaves of plates : 2 Author: Rice, Will Amos. port ; 26 cm. Title: Through broken reeds : verses / by Will Reel: 835 Position: 3 Amos Rice. Imprint: Boston : Charles H. Kilborn, publisher, 1889. Author: Rice, Thomas Cary. Collation: 143 p. ; 19 cm. Title: Wegera-ceaster. : A chapter in ye career Reel: 836 Position: 4 of infant Packachoag, writ for all times, but for ye bi-centennial in particular, and respectfully dedicated to ye good people of Worcester, / by a Author: Rich, Caroline W. D. (Caroline scion of ye original stock, "Thomas Ye Webster D. Stockbridge) Rhymer,".. Title: Happenings / by Caroline W.D. Rich ; Imprint: [Worcester, Mass.? : s.n.], c1884. illustrated by M. Lyle Durgin. Collation: [1], 38 p. ; 18 cm. Imprint: Auburn, Me. : Lakeside Press, Reel: 835 Position: 4 Publishers, 1888. Collation: [14] leaves : ill. ; 26 cm. Reel: 836 Position: 5 Author: Rice, Wallace, 1859-1939. Title: The flying sands / by Wallace Rice. Imprint: Chicago : RR Donnelley & Sons Co., Author: Rich, Caroline W. D. (Caroline 1898. Webster D. Stockbridge) Collation: 31, [2] p. ; 18 cm. Title: Poem written for the centennial Reel: 835 Position: 5 celebration of the town of Turner, Maine / by Mrs. Caroline W.D. Rich. Imprint: Portland, Me. : Printed by B. Author: Rice, Wallace, 1859-1939. Thurston & Company, 1886. Title: The flying sands / by Wallace Rice. Collation: 14 p. ; 25 cm. Imprint: Chicago : RR Donnelley & Sons Co., Reel: 836 Position: 6 1898. Collation: 31 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 836 Position: 1 Author: Rich, Helen Hinsdale, b. 1827. Title: A dream of the Adirondacks : and other poems / by Helen Hinsdale Rich. Author: Rice, Wallace, 1859-1939. Imprint: New York ; London : G.P. Putnam's Title: Under the stars : and other songs of the Sons, 1884. sea / by Wallace Rice and Barrett Eastman. Collation: xi, [1], 171 p. ; 21 cm. Imprint: Chicago : Way and Williams, 1898. Reel: 836 Position: 7 Collation: 61, [2] p. ; 17 cm. Reel: 836 Position: 2 Author: Rich, Helen Hinsdale, b. 1827. Title: Murillo's slave ; and other poems. / By Helen Hinsdale Rich .. Imprint: Chicago : Rand, McNally & Company, c1897. Collation: 196 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 21 cm. Reel: 836 Position: 8

36 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Rich, Thomas Hill, 1822-1893. Author: Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe, 1850- Title: A metrical rendering of the second 1943. psalm, / by Professor Thomas HillRich. Title: Five minute stories / by Laura E. Imprint: Auburn, Me. : Lakeside Press Print, Richards ... ; illustrated by A.R. Wheelan, E.B. 1888. Barry and others. Collation: [2], 7 [i.e. 8] leaves ; 16 x 21 cm. Imprint: Boston : Dana Estes & Company, Reel: 836 Position: 9 publishers, c1895. Collation: 218, [2] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Reel: 836 Position: 16 Author: Rich Thomas Hill, 1822-1893. Title: A study of Nahum. / By Thomas H. Rich, .. Imprint: Boston : D. Lothrop and Author: Hochstein, A Company, c1879. Title: Kaspar Kroak's Collation: 24 p. ; 18 cm. kaleidoscope. [microform] / Originated and Reel: 836 Position: 10 illustrated by A. Hochstein ; verses by Laura E. Richards ald Henry Baldwin Imprint: Troy, N.Y. : Nims & Knight, c1886 Author: Richards, Alice Lewis. Collation: 48 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm Title: "Smiles" : a book of recitations for girls / Reel: 836 Position: 17 by Alice Lewis Richards. Imprint: Akron, Ohio : [The Werner Company, printers], 1900,c1899. Author: Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe, 1850- Collation: [1], 153 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 1943. 19 cm. Title: L.E.R., 1886. Reel: 836 Position: 11 Imprint: [Gardiner, Me.? : s.n.], 1886. Collation: [32] p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 836 Position: 18 Author: Richards, Alice Lewis. Title: "Winks" : a book of recitations for boys / by Alice Lewis Richards. Author: Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe, 1850- Imprint: Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio : [s.n.], 1900. 1943. Collation: 153 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 20 Title: L.E.R., 1886. cm. Imprint: [Gardiner, Me.? : s.n.], 1886. Reel: 836 Position: 12 Collation: [32] p., [7] leaves of plates : ill. ; 21 cm. Reel: 836 Position: 19 Author: Richards, Anna M. (Anna Matlock) Title: Dramatic sonnets of inward life. Imprint: Newport [R.I.] : Theo W. Richards & Author: Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe, 1850- Bro., c1881. 1943. Collation: [2], 78 leaves ; 18 cm. Title: Melody / by Laura E. Richards ... Reel: 836 Position: 13 Imprint: Boston : Estes & Lauriat, 1893. Collation: [6], 90 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 836 Position: 20 Author: Richards, Anna M. (Anna Matlock) Title: Letter and spirit / by A.M. Richards. Imprint: Boston : J.G. Cupples Company, Author: Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe, 1850- publishers, c1891. 1943. Collation: [8], 114, [1] p. ; 21 cm. Title: Sundown songs / by Laura E. Richards .. Reel: 836 Position: 14 Imprint: Boston : Little, Brown, and Company, c1899. Collation: 64 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Title: Richards' Santa Claus. Reel: 837 Position: 1 Imprint: Boston : [s.n., 188-?] Collation: 16 p. ; 15 cm. Reel: 836 Position: 15

37 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe, 1850- Author: Richards, William C. (William Carey), 1943. 1818-1892. Title: Sketches & scraps / by Laura E. Title: The apostle of Burma : a missionary epic Richards ; with pictures by Henry Richards. in commemoration of the centennial of the birth Imprint: Boston : Estes & Lauriat, 1881. of Adoniram Judson / by William C. Richards. Collation: 64 p. : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 24 cm. Imprint: Boston : Lee and Shepard, publishers ; Reel: 837 Position: 2 New York : C.T. Dillingham, 1889, c1888. Collation: [1], xvi, 146 p., [3] leaves of plates : ill., 2 ports. ; 19 cm. Author: Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe, 1850- Reel: 837 Position: 7 1943. Title: When I was your age / by Laura E. Richards .. Author: Richards, William C. (William Carey), Imprint: Boston : Estes and Lauriat, 1895, 1818-1892. c1893. Title: Centennial ode read at Chatham village, Collation: 210 p. : ill., port. ; 20 cm. N.Y., July 4, 1876 / by Prof. William C. Reel: 837 Position: 3 Richards. Imprint: [Chatham, N.Y.? : s.n.], 1876. Collation: 7 p. ; 19 cm. Author: Richards, Lydia Platt. Reel: 837 Position: 8 Title: American monodies. / By Lydia Platt Richards. Imprint: Franklin, Ohio : Editor Publishing Co., Author: Richards, William C. (William Carey), c1899. 1818-1892. Collation: [6], 126 p. ; 20 cm. Title: Hospital lays, for patient and patron. / By Reel: 837 Position: 4 William C. Richards. Imprint: New York ; Chicago : Fleming H. Revell Company, publishers of evangelical Author: Richards, Susan. literature, c1892. Title: Poetry. : Wayside thoughts, a collection of Collation: 16 p. ; 19 cm. poems on various subjects, sacred, special, and Reel: 837 Position: 9 tributary. With some few thoughts in prose. / By Mrs. Susan Richards, .. Imprint: Oakland [Calif.] : Pacific Press Author: Richards, William C. (William Carey), Publishing House, c1883. 1818-1892. Collation: [2], 202 p. ; 18 cm. Title: In extremis : a poem delivered at the Reel: 837 Position: 5 commencement exercises of the State Normal School, at Trenton, N.J., June 26, 1873. / By William C. Richards, .. Author: Richards, T. J. Imprint: Pittsfield, Mass. : Printed for the Title: Shifting scenes : poems / by T.J. Richards. author, by Chickering & Axtell, 1873. Imprint: San Francisco : The Bancroft Collation: 24 p. ; 16 cm. Company, Publishers, 1889. Reel: 837 Position: 10 Collation: 164 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 837 Position: 6 Author: Richards, William C. (William Carey), 1818-1892 Title: "The Lord is my shepherd" : the twenty- third psalm in song and sonnet / by William C. Richards Imprint: Boston : Lee and Shepard ; New York : Charles T. Dillingham, 1884, c1883 Collation: 44, [1] p. : ill. ; 21 cm Reel: 837 Position: 11

38 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Richards, William C. (William Carey), Author: Richards, William C. (William Carey), 1818-1892. 1818-1892. Title: "The Lord is my shepherd" : the twenty- Title: The three gems of the Bible : comprising third psalm in song and sonnet / by William C. Our father in Heaven, The Lord is my shepherd, Richards. The mountain anthem / William C. Richards, .. Imprint: Boston : Lee and Shepard, c1883. Edition: Author's exclusive edition with Collation: 44, [1] p. : ill. ; 21 cm. portrait & autograph. Reel: 837 Position: 12 Imprint: Boston : Lee and Shepard, Publishers ; New York : Charles T. Dillingham, 1891, c1886. Collation: [2], 30, [3]-44, 42 p., [1] leaf of Author: Richards, William C. (William Carey), plates : ill., 1 port. ; 21 cm. 1818-1892. Reel: 838 Position: 1 Title: Minnetonka rhymes, : read at the inauguration of Minnetonka Lake Park, August 6, 1879. / By William C. Richards, .. Author: Richards, William C. (William Carey), Imprint: Minneapolis, Minn. : Press of 1818-1892. Wilcox & Dimond, 1879. Title: Various verses, read at Baptist banquets Collation: 16 p. ; 15 cm. and social unions / by William C. Richards, .. Reel: 837 Position: 13 Imprint: Chicago : S.C. Griggs & Company ; New York : C.R. Blackall, 1881. Collation: 55 p. ; 18 cm. Author: Richards, William C. (William Carey), Reel: 838 Position: 2 1818-1892. Title: The mountain anthem : the Beatitudes in rhythmic echoes / by William C. Richards .. Author: Richardson, Charles F. (Charles Imprint: Boston : Lee and Shephard, Francis), 1851-1913. Publishers ; New York : Charles T. Dillingham, Title: The Cross / by Charles F. Richardson. 1885, c1884. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., Collation: 42 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. 1879. Reel: 837 Position: 14 Collation: vi, [7]-39 p. ; 17 cm. Reel: 838 Position: 3

Author: Richards, William C. (William Carey), 1818-1892. Author: Richardson, Genesee. Title: Quinquagenarium : a poem delivered at Title: My castle in the air / by Genesee the commencement exercises of Shurtleff Richardson. College, Upper Alton, Ill., June 14, 1877, in Imprint: Milwaukee : Cramer, Aikens & commemoration of the semi-centenary of its Cramer, printers, 1892. history, / by William C. Richards, .. Collation: 82, [1] p. : ill. ; 18 cm. Imprint: Chicago : C.R. Blackall, 1877. Reel: 838 Position: 4 Collation: 32 p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 837 Position: 15 Author: Richardson, Harriette Potter. Title: Easter : verses from Fairleigh Cottage. Author: Richards, William C. (William Carey), Imprint: [Providence, R.I. : s.n., 1884?] 1818-1892. Collation: [1], 12 leaves ; 17 cm. Title: Science in song, or, Nature in numbers / Reel: 838 Position: 5 by William C. Richards, .. Imprint: Boston : Lee and Shepard, Publishers ; New York : Charles T. Dillingham, 1885, c1884. Author: Richardson, Mary E. Collation: xii, 131 p. ; 18 cm. Title: Heart blossoms : poems / by Mrs. E. Reel: 837 Position: 16 Richardson. Imprint: Memphis : Boyle & Chapman, publishers, 1874. Collation: 165 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 838 Position: 6

39 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Title: Memorials of Richard H. Richardson, Author: Richey, Isabel, 1863- D.D. Title: A harp of the West / by Isabel Richey. Imprint: New York : Anson D.F. Randolph and Imprint: Buffalo [N.Y.] : Charles Wells Company (Incorporated) ..., c1893. Moulton, 1895, c1894 (1894 printing) Collation: 133 p. ; 23 cm. Collation: vi, [7]-72 p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 838 Position: 7 Reel: 838 Position: 13

Author: Richardson, Wallace Ruthven. Author: Richey, Isabel, 1863- Title: Forest leaves : poems / by Wallace Title: When love is king / by Isabel Richey .. Ruthven Richardson. Imprint: Philadelphia : Press of Geo. F. Lasher, Imprint: Matteawan, N.Y. : Daily Journal Print, 1900. 1888. Collation: 96 p., [3] leaves of plates : 1 ill., 1 Collation: [2], 75 p. ; 19 cm. port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 838 Position: 8 Reel: 838 Position: 14

Author: Richardson, Wallace Ruthven. Author: Edmonds, John W. (John Worth), 1799- Title: Forest leaves : poems / by Wallace 1874 (Spirit) Ruthven Richardson. Title: Experiences of Judge J.W. Edmonds in Imprint: Fishkill Landing, New York : J.W. spirit life : with a poem, "The home of the Spaight, printer, 1890. spirit" / given through the organism of Mrs. Collation: 75 p. ; 19 cm. Cora L.V. Tappan, at Chicago, Ill., Sunday, Reel: 838 Position: 9 November 28, and December 5, 1875. Imprint: Chicago : Reported and published by A.M. Griffen ..., 1876. Author: Richardson, Wallace Ruthven. Collation: 48 p. ; 23 cm. Title: Poetic pencilings : selected from the Reel: 838 Position: 15 author's unpublished mss. / by Wallace R. Richardson. Imprint: Franklin, Mass. : Published by the Author: Richmond, Cora L. V. (Cora Linn author, 1871 (Franklin, Mass. : A. Rogers Jr., Victoria), 1840-1923. printer) Title: Hesperia / by Cora L.V. Tappan. Collation: [5], 55 p. ; 17 cm. Imprint: Cambridge [Mass.] : H.O. Houghton Reel: 838 Position: 10 and Company, 1871. Collation: vii, [1], 235 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 838 Position: 16 Author: Richardson, Warfield Creath, 1823- 1914. Title: Gaspar : a romaunt / by W.C. Richardson, Author: Richmond, Cora L. V. (Cora Linn A.M. Victoria), 1840-1923. Imprint: Tuscalossa, Ala., and ; Meridian, Title: Moral and spiritual harmony : a discourse Miss. : George A. Searcy and Co., booksellers delivered while entranced, in Fairbank Hall, and stationers, 1873. Chicago, Ill. / by Mrs. Cora L.V. Richmond. Collation: [6], 82 p. ; 19 cm. Imprint: Boston : Colby & Rich ..., [18--?] Reel: 838 Position: 11 Collation: 22 p. ; 15 cm. Reel: 839 Position: 1

Author: Richberg, Eloise O. Randall. Title: Reinstern / by Eloise O. Richberg. Imprint: Cincinnati : The Editor Publishing Company, 1900. Collation: [4], 51 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 838 Position: 12

40 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1688-1772. Author: Richmond, John M. Title: The pathway of angels : a lecture / by Title: Our village : a poem / by John M. Spirit Emanuel Swedenborg ; delivered through Richmond .. the mediumship of Mrs. Cora L.V. Richmond, Imprint: Thompsonville, Conn. : Printed for the before the First Society of Spiritualists of publisher, 1878. Chicago, Ill., Sunday evening, July 7, 1878. Collation: 24 p. ; 23 cm. Imprint: Boston : [s.n.], 1881. Reel: 839 Position: 8 Collation: 16 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 839 Position: 2 Author: Winston, Charles P., Mrs. Title: "Cousin Tommie!" : a parody / by a Author: Ouina (Spirit) Richmond lady ; respectfully dedicated to the Title: Poems / by Ouina ; through the counsel for the commonwealth. mediumship of Mrs. Cora L.V. Richmond. Imprint: Richmond, Va. : C.F. Johnston, Imprint: [U.S. : s.n., 188-?] publisher, 1885 (Richmond, Va. : C.N. Williams, Collation: [14] leaves ; 22 cm. printer) Reel: 839 Position: 3 Collation: 8 p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 839 Position: 9

Author: Richmond, Cora L. V. (Cora Linn Victoria), 1840-1923. Author: Richter, Carl G. F. Title: Spiritual sermons / by Mrs. Cora L.V. Title: Mark-Steine : Gedichte / von Carl G.F. Richmond. Richter. Imprint: [Chicago, Ill. : The Spiritual Imprint: New-York : Druck von Hermann A. Publishing Co., 1887] Rost ..., 1871. Collation: 416 p. ; 23 cm. Collation: [2], 120 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 839 Position: 4 Reel: 839 Position: 10

Author: Richmond, C. R Author: Ricker, Alvan B. (Alvan Bolster), Title: Selections from the poetical writings of 1850-1933. Rev. C.R. Richmond … Title: Poland centennial, September 11, 1895 : Imprint: Cambridge, Mass. : H.E. Lombard, with illustrations and biographical sketches / by steam printer ..., 1886 Alvan B. Ricker, Bert M. Fernald, and Hiram W. Collation: 43 p. ; 23 cm Ricker .. Reel: 839 Position: 5 Imprint: New York : Printed by Andrew H. Kellogg, c1896. Collation: [11], 117 p. : ill., ports. ; 24 cm. Author: Richmond, Elizabeth Yates Reel: 839 Position: 11 Title: Poems of the western land / by Elizabeth Yates Richmond Imprint: Milwaukee : Published by the Author: Ricker, C. E. (Charlotte E.) author, 1878 Title: Buds / by Miss. C.E. Ricker. Collation: [2], ix, [10]-192 p. ; 21 cm Imprint: Boston : Goodwin & Drisko ..., 1881. Reel: 839 Position: 6 Collation: [2], 104 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 839 Position: 12

Author: Richmond, Hiram Hoyt, b. 1843. Title: Montezuma : an epic on the origin and Author: Ricketson, Daniel, 1813-1898. fate of the Aztec nation / by Hiram Hoyt Title: The factory-bell and other poems / by Richmond. Daniel Ricketson .. Imprint: San Francisco : Golden Era Co., 1885, Imprint: New Bedord [Mass.] : E. Anthony & c1883. Sons, printers, 1873. Collation: x, 182 p. ; 20 cm. Collation: 48 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 839 Position: 7 Reel: 839 Position: 13

41 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Rickoff, Bertha Monroe. Author: Riehl, Frank C. Title: Ohio : a poem for the centennial Title: Poems of the Piasa / by Frank C. Riehl. celebration, 1888 / by Bertha Monroe Rickoff. Imprint: Alton, Ill. : Melling & Gaskins, Imprint: Cincinnati : Robert Clarke & Co., publishers, 1896. 1888. Collation: [12], 72 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 ill. ; Collation: [13] leaves : ill. ; 17 x 26 cm. 19 cm. Reel: 839 Position: 14 Reel: 840 Position: 4

Author: Ricks, John Wickliffe, Mrs. Author: Riehl, Frank C. Title: Cuttings / by Mrs. John Wickliffe Ricks .. Title: Runes of the red race / Frank C. Riehl. Imprint: San Francisco : Bacon & Company, Imprint: Alton, Illinois : Melling & Gaskins, book and job printers ..., 1877. publishers, 1899. Collation: 64 p. ; 22 cm. Collation: 190 p., [6] leaves of plates : ill., 1 Reel: 839 Position: 15 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 840 Position: 5

Author: Riddick, Robert A. Title: Musings of a bachelor, or, The farmer Title: The Mystic key : a poetic fortune teller poet / by Robert A. Riddick ; with introduction with three hundred quotations from over eighty and three poems by Maj. John W. Moore .. standard authors / arranged by Emma E. Riggs. Imprint: Raleigh [N.C. : Raleigh Christian Imprint: New York : The Authors' Publishing Advocate Print, 1899. Company ..., c1878. Collation: [2], 116 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Collation: 82, 3 p. ; 15 cm. port. ; 21 cm. Reel: 840 Position: 6 Reel: 839 Position: 16

Author: Riley, James, 1848-1930. Author: M. H. C. Title: Poems / by James Riley. Title: Riddles in rhyme for holiday time / by Edition: Third edition - enlarged. M.H.C. Imprint: Boston : T.B. Noonan & Co., 1889, Imprint: Greenville, S.C. : Shannon & Co., c1886. printers, 1893. Collation: 119 p. ; 19 cm. Collation: 54 p. ; 17 cm. Reel: 840 Position: 7 Reel: 840 Position: 1

Author: Riley, James, 1848-1930. Author: Rider, William Harper. Title: Poems / by James Riley. Title: The loom of life / by William Harper Imprint: Boston : Cleaves, MacDonald & Co., Rider, D.D. ; with illustrations by C.E. Hurlbut. 1886. Imprint: Cleveland : The Burrows Brothers Collation: 97 p. ; 18 cm. Company, publishers, 1899, c1898. Reel: 840 Position: 8 Collation: xi, [12]-54 p. : ill., 1 port. ; 20 cm. Reel: 840 Position: 2 Author: Riley, James, 1848-1930. Title: Songs of two peoples / by James Riley .. Author: Ridgway, William H. (William Hance), Imprint: Boston : Estes & Lauriat, 1898. 1856-1945. Collation: 131 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 ill. ; 19 Title: Junior class poem : delivered 5th mo. 6th, cm. 1874 / by William H. Ridgway. Reel: 840 Position: 9 Imprint: Philadelphia : Charles A. Dixon & Co., stationers & printers ..., 1874. Collation: 20 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 840 Position: 3

42 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: Afterwhiles / by James Whitcomb Riley. Title: Armazindy / by James Whitcomb Riley. Edition: Seventh thousand. Imprint: Indianapolis : The Bowen-Merrill Co., Imprint: Indianapolis : Bowen-Merrill Co., 1894. publishers, 1888, c1887. Collation: viii, [2], 169 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Collation: [10], 160 p. ; 19 cm. ill. ; 19 cm. Reel: 840 Position: 10 Reel: 841 Position: 4

Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: Afterwhiles / by James Whitcomb Riley. Title: Armazindy / by James Whitcomb Riley. Edition: Twelfth thousand. Imprint: Indianapolis : The Bowen-Merrill Co., Imprint: Indianapolis : Bowen-Merrill Co., 1894. publishers, 1891, c1887. Collation: viii, [2], 169 p., [6] leaves of plates : Collation: [10], 160 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 5 ill., 1 port. ; 20 cm. port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 841 Position: 5 Reel: 840 Position: 11

Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: Armazindy / by James Whitcomb Riley. Title: Afterwhiles / by James Whitcomb Riley. Imprint: Indianapolis : The Bowen-Merrill Co., Edition: Twenty-second thousand. 1894. Imprint: Indianapolis : Bowen-Merrill Co., Collation: xiii, [1], 169 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 publishers, 1892, c1887. ill. ; 19 cm. Collation: [10], 160 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Reel: 841 Position: 6 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 840 Position: 12 Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: A buckeye ballad / by James Whitcomb Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Riley, the Hoosier poet ... Tale of a million. Title: Afterwhiles / by James Whitcomb Riley. Imprint: Columbus, O. : Printed by the Ohio Edition: Fortieth thousand. State Journal, c1890. Imprint: Indianapolis : Bowen-Merrill Co., Collation: [10] leaves : ill. ; 15 x 23 cm. publishers, 1895, c1887. Reel: 841 Position: 7 Collation: xi, [1], 133, [24] p. : 1 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 841 Position: 1 Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: A child-world / by James Whitcomb Riley. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Imprint: Indianapolis and ; Kansas City : The Title: Afterwhiles / by James Whitcomb Riley. Bowen-Merrill Company, 1897, c1896. Imprint: Indianapolis and ; Kansas City : The Collation: 209, [15] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Bowen-Merrill Company, 1899, c1898. ill. ; 19 cm. Collation: x, 196 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Reel: 841 Position: 8 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 841 Position: 2 Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: A child-world / James Whitcomb Riley. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Imprint: Indianapolis : The Bowen-Merrill Title: Armazindy / by James Whitcomb Riley. Company, publishers, c1896. Imprint: Indianapolis : The Bowen-Merrill Co., Collation: 209 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 ill. ; 19 1894. cm. Collation: viii, [2], 169, [34] p., [1] leaf of Reel: 841 Position: 9 plates : 1 ill. ; 19 cm. Reel: 841 Position: 3

43 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: The days gone by and other poems / by Title: Home-folks / James Whitcomb Riley. James Whitcomb Riley. Imprint: Indianapolis : The Bowen-Merrill Imprint: Chicago : E.A. Weeks & Company ..., Company, publishers, c1900. c1895. Collation: [16], 166 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 ill. ; Collation: v, [3], 214 p., [4] leaves of plates : 4 19 cm. ill. ; 18 cm. Reel: 842 Position: 6 Reel: 842 Position: 1

Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: "The old swimmin'-hole" and 'leven more Title: The golden year : from the verse and poems ; Neghborly poems on friendship, grief prose of James Whitcomb Riley / compiled by and farm-life / by Benj. F. Johnson, of Boone Clara E. Laughlin. (James Whitcomb Riley) Imprint: London ; New York and ; Bombay : Imprint: Indianapolis, Ind. : The Bowen-Merrill Longmans, Green, and Co. ..., 1898. Co., 1891. Collation: viii, [2], 176, [2] p., [1] leaf of Collation: ix, [7], 90 p., [6] leaves of plates : 6 plates : 1 ill. ; 17 cm. ill. ; 19 cm. Reel: 842 Position: 2 Reel: 842 Position: 7

Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: The golden year : from the verse and Title: Neghborly poems and dialect sketches / prose of James Whitcomb Riley / compiled by James Whitcomb Riley. Clara E. Laughlin. Imprint: Indianapolis : The Bowen-Merrill Edition: Third edition. Company, publishers, c1897. Imprint: London ; New York and ; Bombay : Collation: [17], 215 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 ill. ; Longmans, Green, and Co. ..., 1899. 19 cm. Collation: viii, [2], 176, [2] p., [1] leaf of Reel: 842 Position: 8 plates : 1 ill. ; 17 cm. Reel: 842 Position: 3 Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: Neghborly poems and dialect sketches / Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. James Whitcomb Riley. Title: Green fields and running brooks / by Imprint: Indianapolis and ; Kansas City : The James Whitcomb Riley. Bowen-Merrill Company, 1899, c1897. Imprint: Indianapolis : The Bowen-Merrill Collation: [17], 215 p., [4] leaves of plates : 4 Company, 1895, c1892. ill. ; 19 cm. Collation: 224 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 843 Position: 1 Reel: 842 Position: 4

Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: Old-fashioned roses / by James Whitcomb Title: Green fields and running brooks / by Riley. James Whitcomb Riley. Imprint: Indianapolis : Bowen-Merrill Co., Imprint: Indianapolis : The Bowen-Merrill publishers, 1889. Company, 1893, c1892. Collation: ix, [1], 145 p. ; 17 cm. Collation: 224 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 843 Position: 2 Reel: 842 Position: 5

44 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: Old-fashioned roses / by James Whitcomb Title: Old-fashioned roses / by James Whitcomb Riley. Riley. Edition: Second edition. Edition: Twenty-third impression. Imprint: London : Longmans, Green, and Co., Imprint: London and ; Bombay : Longmans, 1891. Green, and Co., 1900. Collation: ix, [1], 145 p. ; 17 cm. Collation: ix, [1], 145 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Reel: 843 Position: 3 port. ; 17 cm. Reel: 843 Position: 8

Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: Old-fashioned roses / by James Whitcomb Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Riley. Title: "The old swimmin'-hole" and 'leven more Edition: Sixth edition. poems / by Benj, F. Johnson, of Boone (James Imprint: London : Longmans, Green, and Co., Whitcomb Riley) 1892. Imprint: Indianapolis, Ind. : George C. Hitt & Collation: ix, [1], 145 p. ; 17 cm. Co., 1883. Reel: 843 Position: 4 Collation: 50 p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 843 Position: 9

Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: Old-fashioned roses / by James Whitcomb Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Riley. Title: "The old swimmin'-hole" and 'leven more Edition: Tenth edition. poems / by Benj. F. Johnson, of Boone (James Imprint: London : Longmans, Green, and Co., Whitcomb Riley.) 1894. Edition: Sixth edition. Collation: ix, [1], 145 p. ; 17 cm. Imprint: Indianapolis : The Bowen-Merrill Co., Reel: 843 Position: 5 publishers and booksellers, 1888. Collation: 50 p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 843 Position: 10 Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: Old-fashioned roses / by James Whitcomb Riley. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Edition: Fourteenth edition. Title: Pipes o' Pan at Zekesbury / by James Imprint: London : Longmans, Green, and Co., Whitcomb Riley. 1895. Imprint: Indianapolis : Bowen-Merrill Co., Collation: ix, [1], 145 p. ; 17 cm. publishers, 1889, c1888. Reel: 843 Position: 6 Collation: viii, [9]-245 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 843 Position: 11

Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: Old-fashioned roses / by James Whitcomb Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Riley. Title: Pipes o' Pan at Zekesbury / by James Edition: Fifteenth edition. Whitcomb Riley. Imprint: London : Longmans, Green, and Co., Imprint: Indianapolis : Bowen-Merrill Co., 1896. publishers, 1892, c1888. Collation: ix, [1], 145 p. ; 17 cm. Collation: viii, [9]-245 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Reel: 843 Position: 7 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 843 Position: 12

45 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: Poems / by James Whitcomb Riley. Yarns / Title: Rubáiyát of Doc Sifers / by James by Bill Nye ... ; illustrated by Baron De Grimm, Whitcomb Riley ; illustrated by C.M. Relyea. E. Zimmerman, Walt. McDougall and others. Imprint: New York : Published by the Century Imprint: Chicago and ; New York : Published Co., 1897. by F.T. Neely, c1891. Collation: x, [2], 111 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Collation: xvi, 203 p. : ill., ports. ; 20 cm. Reel: 844 Position: 7 Reel: 844 Position: 1

Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: Sketches in prose and occasional verses / Title: Poems here at home / by James Whitcomb by James Whitcomb Riley. Riley ; pictures by E.W. Kemble. Imprint: Indianapolis : The Bowen-Merrill Co., Edition: Fifteenth thousand. 1891. Imprint: New York : The Century Co., 1893. Collation: 263 p. ; 19 cm. Collation: 187 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 18 cm. Reel: 844 Position: 8 Reel: 844 Position: 2

Author: Rinehart, George Franklin, 1864- Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: Metrical musings : being a collection of Title: Poems here at home / by James Whitcomb songs, good, bad and indifferent, plucked from Riley ; pictures by E.W. Kemble. passing moods / by G.F. Rinehart. Imprint: New York : The Century Co., 1893. Imprint: Newton, Iowa : Herald Press, c1899. Collation: [2], 187 p., [2] leaves of plates : ill., 1 Collation: [4], 128 p. : 1 port. ; 20 cm. port. ; 18 cm. Reel: 844 Position: 9 Reel: 844 Position: 3

Author: Webster, George P. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Title: Rip Van Winkle / [by George P. Webster] Title: Rhymes of childhood / by James Imprint: New-York : McLoughlin Bros., Whitcomb Riley. publishers, [187-?] Imprint: Indianapolis : The Bowen-Merrill Co., Collation: [10] leaves : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 27 cm. 1891, c1890. Reel: 844 Position: 10 Collation: [14], 186 p., [1] leaf of plates ; 1 port. ; 19 cm. Reel: 844 Position: 4 Author: Bates, Charlotte Fiske, 1838-1916. Title: Risk, and other poems. / By Charlotte Fiske Bates. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Imprint: Boston : A. Williams and Co., 1879. Title: Riley child-rhymes / James Whitcomb Collation: [2], 133 p. ; 15 cm. Riley ; with Hoosier pictures by Will Vawter. Reel: 845 Position: 1 Imprint: Indianapolis and ; Kansas City : The Bowen-Merrill Company, 1899, c1898. Collation: xx, [21]-188 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Author: Bates, Charlotte Fiske, 1838-1916. Reel: 844 Position: 5 Title: Risk, and other poems. / By Charlotte Fiske Bates. Edition: Second edition. Author: Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. Imprint: Boston : A. Williams and Co., 1881, Title: Riley love-lyrics / James Whitcomb Riley ; c1879. with life pictures by William B. Dyer. Collation: [4], 133 p. ; 15 cm. Imprint: Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A. : The Reel: 845 Position: 2 Bowen-Merrill Company, c1899. Collation: xx, [21]-190, [1] p. : ill., ports. ; 21 cm. Reel: 844 Position: 6

46 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Rogers, Alice M. Author: Rogers, Robert Cameron, 1862-1912. Title: Whiter than snow : poems / by Alice M. Title: For the king, and other poems / by Robert Rogers. Cameron Rogers .. Imprint: Buffalo : The Peter Paul Book Co., Imprint: New York and ; London : G.P. 1896. Putnam's Sons, 1899 ([New York] : The Collation: viii, 230 p., [1] leaf of paltes : 1 Knickerbocker Press) port. ; 21 cm. Collation: [1], iv, [2], 87 p. ; 21 cm. Reel: 845 Position: 3 Reel: 845 Position: 8

Author: Rogers, Edward H. (Edward Henry), b. Author: Rogers, Robert Cameron, 1862-1912. 1824. Title: The wind in the clearing, and other Title: National life in the spirit world : a poems / by Robert Cameron Rogers. sociologic essay. / By Edward H. Rogers, .. Imprint: New York and ; London : G.P. Imprint: [Chelsea, mass.?] : Published by the Putnam's Sons, 1895, c1894. author, 1891. Collation: [1], vi, 97 p. ; 21 cm. Collation: iv, 66 p., [1] leaf of paltes : 1 port. ; Reel: 846 Position: 1 20 cm. Reel: 845 Position: 4 Author: Rogers, Walter M. Title: Stray leaves from a larker's log. / By Author: Rogers, J. W. (James Webb), 1822- Walter M. Rogers ... ; illustrated. 1896. Imprint: Boston, Mass. : [s.n.], 1897. Title: The great mug-wump : canto I., Pan- Collation: viii, 83 p., [12] leaves of plates : ill., Electric sale of government property. To be ports. ; 20 cm. followed by "Parthenon," "Congressional Reel: 846 Position: 2 whitewash," and "The last of the dog carts." / By J.W. Rogers, .. Imprint: Bladensburg, Md. : Published by Puck Author: Rohe, C. H. (Charles Henry), 1846- & Bottom, 1886. 1903. Collation: 19, [1] p. ; 21 cm. Title: Morgenglocken. : Gedichte / von C.H. Reel: 845 Position: 5 Rohe. Imprint: Columbus, Ohio : Lutherische Verlagshandlung, 1888. Author: Rogers, J. W. (James Webb), 1822- Collation: ix, [1], 234 p., [6] leaves of plates : 1896. ill. ; 16 cm. Title: Parthenon. : 1st part, Spring. / By J.W. Reel: 846 Position: 3 Rogers. Imprint: Baltimore : James Young, Publisher, [1887?] Author: Green, Anna Katharine, 1846-1935. Collation: [2], 97, [1] p. ; 21 cm. Title: The defence of the bride and other poems / Reel: 845 Position: 6 by Anna Katharine Green. Imprint: New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1882. Collation: iv, 124 p. ; 18 cm. Author: Rogers, Lester Courtland, 1829-1900. Reel: 846 Position: 4 Title: The golden link and other poems / by Lester Courtland Rogers. Imprint: New York : George Chinn, 1895. Author: Rollins, Alice Wellington, 1847-1897. Collation: ix, [1], 269 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 Title: Aphorisms for the year / Alice Wellington port. ; 20 cm. Rollins. Reel: 845 Position: 7 Imprint: New York : Press of J.J. Little & Co., 1895, c1894. Collation: [86] p. ; 14 cm. Reel: 846 Position: 5

47 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Rollins, Alice Wellington, 1847-1897. Author: Root, George F. (George Frederick), Title: Litte Page Fern and other verses / by 1820-1895. Alice Wellington Rollins. Title: The story of a musical life. : An Imprint: New York : Press of J.J. Little & Co., autobiography / by Geo. F. Root. 1895. Imprint: Cincinnati : Published by the John Collation: 37, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 ill ; 19 Church Co., c1891. cm. Collation: ix, 256 p., [1] leaf of plates : music, 1 Reel: 846 Position: 6 port. ; 21 cm. Reel: 847 Position: 2

Author: Rollins, Alice Wellington, 1847-1897. Title: Little Page Fern and other verses / by Author: Root, George F. (George Frederick), Alice Wellington Rollins. 1820-1895. Imprint: Bronxville, N.Y. : Press of J.J. Little & Title: Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! / Written and Co., 1896, c1895. composed by George F. Root ; illustrated. Collation: 37, [1] p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 ill. ; 19 Imprint: Boston : Joseph Knight Company, cm. publishers, c1889. Reel: 846 Position: 7 Collation: [36] p. : ill., music, 1 port. ; 21 cm. Reel: 847 Position: 3

Author: Rollins, Alice Wellington, 1847-1897. Title: The ring of amethyst. / By Alice Author: Root, Seth Benson, b. 1843. Wellington Rollins. Title: Miscellaneous poems. / By S.B. Root. Imprint: New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1878. Imprint: Albany : Weed, Parsons and Company, Collation: [2], ix, [1], 108 p. ; 18 cm. Printers, 1881. Reel: 846 Position: 8 Collation: x, 127 p. ; 17 cm. Reel: 847 Position: 4

Author: Rollins, Alice Wellington, 1847-1897. Title: The story of Azron / by Alice Wellington Title: Jane Haswell Root, born July 9, 1811, Rollins. died August 7, 1884. Imprint: New York : Press of J.J. Little & Co., Imprint: [Burlington, Vt. : s.n., 1884?] 1895. Collation: 12 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 24 Collation: 21, [1] leaves, [1] leaf of plates : 1 cm. ill. ; 19 cm. Reel: 847 Position: 5 Reel: 846 Position: 9

Author: Peckham, C. B. (Charles B.) Author: Roma, Caro, 1866-1937. Title: The root of the matter. : Samson, a myth- Title: Some idle moments / by Caro Roma. story of the sun. Imprint: Denver, Colorado : The Smith-Brooks Imprint: Boston : Colby and Rich, Publishers, Company, [1901?] 1875. Collation: 27 p. ; 23 cm. Collation: 32 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 846 Position: 10 Reel: 847 Position: 6

Author: Root, E. D. Author: Rose, George B., 1860-1943. Title: Sakya Buddha : a versified, annotated Title: Wasted moments : poems. narrative of his life and teachings; with an Imprint: Buffalo : Charles Wells Moulton, excursus, containing citations from the 1891. Dhammapada, or Buddhist canon. / By E.D. Collation: 109 p. ; 18 cm. Root, an American Buddhist. Reel: 847 Position: 7 Imprint: New York : Charles P. Somerby, 1880. Collation: 171 p. ; 20 cm. Reel: 847 Position: 1

48 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Stone, E. C. Author: Ross, John Dawson, 1853-1939. Title: The rose of the Alleghanies. Title: Burns' Clarinda : brief papers concerning Imprint: Pittsburg, Pa. : [s.n.], 1892. the poet's renowned correspondent. / Compiled Collation: [5], 60 p. ; 16 cm. by John D. Ross, .. Reel: 847 Position: 8 Imprint: New York : E.R. Herrick & Company, publishers, [1897] Collation: xii, 250 p. : 1 ill. ; 21 cm. Author: Roseboom, Jane. Reel: 848 Position: 7 Title: The lawgiver and other poems. / By Miss Jane Roseboom. Imprint: Hillsdale, Mich. : Published by the Author: Ross, Joseph. author, 1873, c1869. Title: Songs of the sand hills. / By Walking Collation: 216 p. ; 21 cm. Hiller. Reel: 848 Position: 1 Imprint: San Francisco : A.L. Bancroft and Company, Printers, 1873. Collation: 134 p. ; 18 cm. Author: Roseboom, Jane. Reel: 849 Position: 1 Title: The lawgiver and other poems. / By Miss Jane Roseboom. Imprint: Hillsdale, Mich. : Published by the Title: Picture of the Battle of Gettysburg, author, 1878, c1869. painted by P.F. Rothermel. Collation: 135 p. ; 21 cm. Imprint: Philadelphia : Dunk, Loncacre & Co., Reel: 848 Position: 2 Printers, 1871. Collation: 37, [1] p., [1] folded sheet : ill. ; 24 cm. Author: Roseboom, Jane. Reel: 849 Position: 2 Title: Poems on various subjects. / By Miss Jane Roseboom. Imprint: Hillsdale, Mich. : Published by the Author: Alfred Tenny's son author, 1871, c1869. Title: Round the world in 40 minutes! : A poem Collation: 216 p. ; 21 cm. in three cantos. / By Alfred Tenny's son Reel: 848 Position: 3 Imprint: [United States : s.n., 18--] Collation: 16 p. : ill. ; 14 cm Reel: 849 Position: 3 Title: Roses of hope. Imprint: Chicago : M.A. Donohue & Co., [18--] Collation: [16] p. : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 18 cm. Author: Rountree, Lillian W. Reel: 848 Position: 4 Title: What now? / By Lillian W. Rountree. Imprint: Chicago : Printed at the Lakeside Press, by R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co., 1896. Author: Ross, Dora. Collation: [8], 70, [1] p. ; 21 cm. Title: Risen to glory : an Easter poem / by Dora Reel: 849 Position: 4 Ross. Imprint: New York : Art Lithographic Publishing Co. ; London : Artistic Lithographic Author: Rouquette, Adrien (Adrien Emmanuel), Company, [189-?] 813-1887. Collation: [8] p. : col. ill. ; 15 cm. Title: Le vingt-cinquième anniversaire du Reel: 848 Position: 5 pontificat de Pio Nono, 17 juin, 1871. Imprint: Nouvelle-Orléans : Imprimerie du Propagateur Catholique, 1871. Author: Ross, Emmett L. Collation: 8 p. ; 15 cm. Title: "Memorial day." : A poem, / by Emmett L. Reel: 849 Position: 5 Ross. Imprint: [Mississippi? : s.n.], 1872. Collation: 11 p. ; 15 cm. Reel: 848 Position: 6

49 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Rowe, George Clinton, 1853-1903. Author: Rowley, Mary S. Title: Thoughts in verse : a volume of poems / Title: Froth and foam / by Mary S. Rowley. by George Clinton Rowe .. Imprint: Rochester, N.Y. : Union and Imprint: Charleston, S.C. : Kahrs, Stolze & Advertiser Company, printers, 1888. Welch, printers, 1887. Collation: 86 p., [8] leaves of plates : ill. ; 21 Collation: 113 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 19 cm. cm. Reel: 850 Position: 2 Reel: 849 Position: 6

Author: Roxbury Latin School. Author: Rowe, Horace, 1852-1884. Title: Two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Title: The years of youth : a series of original the Roxbury Latin School. Kersarge Avenue, poems / by Horace Rowe. Boston, Mass., Wednesday, June 19, 1895. Imprint: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Imprint: [Boston, Mass. : s.n., 1895.] Co., 1873. Collation: [4] p. ; 22 cm. Collation: 151 p. ; 16 cm. Reel: 850 Position: 3 Reel: 849 Position: 7

Author: Congregational Church (Royalton, Vt.) Author: Rowe, M. F., Mrs. Title: Commemorative exercises at the one Title: The Master's messenger, or, Gospel truths hundreth anniversary of the organization of the in rhyme : collection of spiritual songs and short Congregational Church, Royalton, Vermont, and poems, principally devoted to the subject of the fortieth anniversary of the ordination of the scriptural holiness / by Mrs. M.F. Rowe .. pastor, Cyrus B. Drake ... October 10th, 1877. Imprint: San Francisco : Jos. Winterburn & Co., Imprint: [Royalton, Vt. : s.n., 1877.] printers and electrotypers, 1884. Collation: 41 p. ; 22 cm. Collation: 97 p. ; 18 cm. Reel: 850 Position: 4 Reel: 849 Position: 8

Author: Royse, P. E. (Pleasant E.) Author: Howland, Eva Eickemeyer. Title: The great importance of the sabbatic Title: In and out of the nursery / verses by Eva number seven, as connected with the characters, Eickemeyer Rowland ; pictured by Rudolf actions, and events of the Bible / by Rev. P.E. Eickemeyer, Jr. Royse ... ; with an epitomy of the annotations, Imprint: New York : R.H. Russell, publisher, and a brief outline of the seven ages of the great c1900. Christian church ; to which is added an Collation: [64] p. : ill., music ; 24 x 37 cm. instructive appendix for the interpretation of Reel: 849 Position: 9 events of the Bible, with emblems, types, and anti-types, in wonderful periods of seven by Arthur Ferris .. Author: Rowles, George Haddon. Imprint: [Helena, Mont. : Williams, Thurber & Title: Recitations and poems / by George Co.], 1890, c1889. Haddon Rowles. Collation: 149, [2], 83 p. ; 23 cm. Imprint: New Castle, Pa. : G.H. Rowles, 1894. Reel: 850 Position: 5 Collation: [2], 78, [2] p. ; 22 cm. Reel: 849 Position: 10 Author: Rubottom, William F. Title: When I was living at the grange and other Author: Rowley, Frances A. poems / by Dr. William F. Rubottom. Title: Poems for the times : devoted to woman's Edition: First edition. rights, temperance, etc. / by Mrs. Frances A. Imprint: Buffalo Gap, Texas : W.D. Girand, Rowley. publisher, 1897. Imprint: Cincinnati : Miami Printing and Collation: vi, 176 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; Publishing Co., 1871, c1870. 19 cm. Collation: vii, [2], 8-317 p. ; 19 cm. Reel: 850 Position: 6 Reel: 850 Position: 1

50 American Poetry Unit 17: Reels 801-850 Author: Ruddock, C. A Title: Temperance poems / by Rev. C.A. Ruddock .. Imprint: Winthrop, Minn. : C.A. Ruddock, c1895 Collation: [12] p. : ill., music ; 24 cm Reel: 850 Position: 7

Author: Rude, B. C., Mrs. Title: Magnolia leaves ; by Mrs. B.C. Rude. Imprint: Buffalo : Charles Wells Moulton, 1891. Collation: 123 p., [1] leaf of plates : 1 port. ; 18 cm. Reel: 850 Position: 8

Author: Rude, B. C., Mrs. Title: Two legends, : a souvenir of Sodus Bay / by Mrs. B.C. Rude. Imprint: Sodus, New York : Mills Bros.' Publishing House, c1900. Collation: [39] p. : ill. ; 17 cm. Reel: 850 Position: 9


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