WRIT 340: Advanced Writing For The Social Sciences
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WRIT 340: Advanced Writing for the Social Sciences SYLLABUS Dr. William Feuer
Summer 2007 Office: PIC 203C T/Th 10:30--12:50 Office Hours: T/Th: 1-2 Section: #65113 Email: [email protected] Office Phone: 821-1217
INTRODUCTION We begin this course with the assumption that you have acquired fundamental competency in college-level essay writing. In this course we will broaden your expository writing skills in the context of your major area. Writ 340 gives you the opportunity to delve into the intellectual matters that constitute your major. Indeed, we encourage you to think in terms of your particular discipline as you approach the various writing topics. Though you should feel free to use specific knowledge from courses you have taken (or are currently taking), you are expected to turn in essays that are substantially different from those you have produced for other classes.
OBJECTIVES In this course you will learn to: 1. Write prose that engages various audiences--specialist and non-specialist, professional and nonprofessional--and satisfies the requirements of various specified rhetorical situations or genres. 2. Approach the critical controversies particular to your discipline in complex ways. 3. Explore issues of professional, civic and ethical responsibility within the social sciences. 4. Skillfully present oral arguments.
REQUIREMENTS 1. Two formal argumentative/analytic essays (Essays #1 and #2), about 7 pages each, in response to specific prompts given by the professor. 2. A review of the literature (Essay #3), about 4 pages, in preparation for Essay #4. 3. One formal researched paper (Essay #4), about 10 pages, treating an issue relevant to your discipline on a topic you devise in consultation with me. 4. Two revised essays for final portfolio. 5. Various ancillary writing assignments, as noted in the list titled ancillary writing below. 6. A formal oral presentation.
ATTENDANCE Because the success of this course depends on your participation, consistent attendance is essential. You will be allowed two unexcused absences (missing a class or a conference meeting counts as an absence) without a penalty. More than two unexcused absences will result in a penalty of up to 5% of your final grade; more than four unexcused absences will result in a penalty of 5% of your final grade; more than six absences (even if these are excused absences) will likely result in an F for the course. For an absence to be considered excused, written verification is usually required.
TARDINESS You are considered late if you come to class after I have taken roll. Two lates = one absence. You are considered absent if you come to class more than 10 minutes late. LATE FORMAL ESSAYS Papers that miss the deadline will be penalized one step (e.g. B to B-) and then penalized one step for every day late. Final drafts are usually due exactly one week after conferences. Students will be allowed one extension. The instructor and the student will negotiate the new due date for this one allowable late essay. Note that the portfolio will not be accepted beyond its official due date.
LATE ANCILLARY ASSIGNMENTS Ancillary assignments will be accepted no later than the beginning of the class period after it was originally due at a penalty of 50%.
ROUGH DRAFTS Rough drafts must be submitted prior to the final draft. I will accept no final draft until I have received and commented on a rough draft. Rough drafts are due in conference (usually one week before the final is due).
LOST PAPERS It is your responsibility to furnish another copy. Always have a copy saved to disk.
PLAGIARISM Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result, at the very least, in an F for the plagiarized essay or assignment. A second infraction will result in an F for the course.
GRADE VALUE Final portfolio 25% Essay 1 15% Essay 2 15% Essay 3 5% Essay 4 20% Ancillary writing, quizzes, homework etc. 10% Oral Class Participation 5% Formal Oral Presentation 5%
Ancillary writing-- quizzes, homework, and short essay--consists of 10 assignments worth a total of 200 points and valued at 10% of your grade.
Assignment Value Diagnostic Essay 10 Directed Reading Questions 1 20 Timed Impromptu essay 1 20 Prewriting 1 20 Directed Reading Questions 2 20 Timed Impromptu essay 2 20 Prewriting 2 20 Research Assignment 4.1 20 Research Assignment 4.2 20 Argument/Style Final Exam 30
REQUIRED TEXTS: Be prepared to make copies of your drafts for your peer group.