PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-Wide Behavior Expectations (School Rules)
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PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Assemblies Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality
School-wide expectations addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Kindness, Integrity, Quality
Behavior definitions addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Use active listening Respect others’ personal space Be respectful of the presenter Participate and encourage others Stay seated in your assigned section Walk to your seat Stay until the end
PBIS Evidence-based social/emotional lesson delivery structure TEACHING=Tell+ Show+ Practice+ Feedback+ Re-teach
TELL: Provide a narrative of how you will introduce lesson tying to SW-PBS (matrix & behavior statement).
Discussion of current problems students are seeing and why this Use posters to introduce expectations
SHOW: Non-examples of expected Examples of expected Describe how you will model behavior behaviors expected behaviors. Carrying on other conversations Listening quietly while the presentation is Keeping to one’s own Role-play examples and non-examples happening space Moving while the presentation is (non-example students then show happening when not directed to Clapping when examples or teachers do the non- Crowding, shoving appropriate examples) Not listening to presenter Participate when asked Making rude comments about/to Being positive presenter Sitting in the appropriate Not participating spot Sitting in an inappropriate Walking section Running Staying until the end Leaving early PRACTICE (Activities): List teaching opportunities for students to practice/use expected behaviors. Role-play Pictures of expected behaviors Mock assembly Video creation
1 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Assemblies Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality FEEDBACK: Correct/pre-correct students implementing expected behaviors. (List possible error correction and reinforcement techniques). Correction/pre-correction techniques Positive reward system techniques 1) Verbal praise for specific action Pull aside to review expectations 2) High five Time-out 3) KIQ Tix
Continued practice Targeted lessons
Activities to check for understanding Activities to expand concept development/ cultural relevance
Materials needed:
How will skills be maintained/sustained
How will home and community be included
2 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Bathroom Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality
School-wide expectations addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Kindness, Integrity, Quality
Behavior definitions addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Respect the privacy of others Use kind words Flush the toilet Wash hands Use the closest bathroom and return promptly Respect the locker space of others Keep bathroom clean Respect the facilities Be responsible for your personal belongings
PBIS Evidence-based social/emotional lesson delivery structure TEACHING=Tell+ Show+ Practice+ Feedback+ Re-teach
TELL: Provide a narrative of how you will introduce lesson tying to SW-PBS (matrix & behavior statement).
Walk through display bathrooms of good and bad examples Discussion of current problems students are seeing Use posters to introduce expectations
SHOW: Non-examples of expected Examples of expected Describe how you will model behavior behaviors expected behaviors. Trash all over A clean bathroom Potty/Poo all over the toilets Washed hands Teachers create good and bad example Sink just running Flushed toilet Peeking in the stalls bathrooms Sink turned off Not washing hands Walking across the building for a Going to the closest bathroom bathroom
PRACTICE (Activities): List teaching opportunities for students to practice/use expected behaviors.
Role-play and discussion of examples
3 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Bathroom Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality
FEEDBACK: Correct/pre-correct students implementing expected behaviors. (List possible error correction and reinforcement techniques). Correction/pre-correction techniques Positive reward system techniques 4) Verbal praise for specific action Pull aside to review expectations 5) High five Time-out 6) KIQ Tix
Review of lesson, reminders
Activities to check for understanding Activities to expand concept development/ cultural relevance
Materials needed:
How will skills be maintained/sustained
How will home and community be included
4 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Bus Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality
School-wide expectations addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Kindness, Integrity, Quality
Behavior definitions addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Use kind words Respect others’ personal space Stay in your seat Use inside voices Be responsible for your things Pick up trash left on the bus
PBIS Evidence-based social/emotional lesson delivery structure TEACHING=Tell+ Show+ Practice+ Feedback+ Re-teach
TELL: Provide a narrative of how you will introduce lesson tying to SW-PBS (matrix & behavior statement).
Discussion of current problems students are seeing and why this Use posters to introduce expectations
SHOW: Non-examples of expected Examples of expected Describe how you will model behavior behaviors expected behaviors. Swearing Compliments Bullying Polite words (please, Role-play examples and non-examples Teasing thank you, etc.) Crowding (non-example students then show Hands and feet to self Kicking, hitting examples or teachers do the non- Yelling, screaming Staying seated examples) Standing while the bus is moving Quiet conversation/inside Moving around while the bus is voices going Keeping your belongings Leaving your stuff on the bus with you and taking them Making a mess off the bus when you leave Clean up trash PRACTICE (Activities): List teaching opportunities for students to practice/use expected behaviors.
Role-play Pictures of expected behaviors Mock bus ride
5 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Bus Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality
FEEDBACK: Correct/pre-correct students implementing expected behaviors. (List possible error correction and reinforcement techniques). Correction/pre-correction techniques Positive reward system techniques 7) Verbal praise for specific action Pull aside to review expectations 8) High five Time-out 9) KIQ Tix
Continued practice Targeted lessons
Activities to check for understanding Activities to expand concept development/ cultural relevance
Materials needed:
How will skills be maintained/sustained
How will home and community be included
6 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Cafeteria Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality
School-wide expectations addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Kindness, Integrity, Quality
Behavior definitions addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Be polite to our cafeteria workers Use good manners Respect others’ personal space Walk Use a quiet voice Stay in your seat Follow directions Throw away trash Put your dishes where they belong Line up quietly and nicely Clean up your area
PBIS Evidence-based social/emotional lesson delivery structure TEACHING=Tell+ Show+ Practice+ Feedback+ Re-teach
TELL: Provide a narrative of how you will introduce lesson tying to SW-PBS (matrix & behavior statement).
Discussion of current problems students are seeing Use posters to introduce expectations
SHOW: Non-examples of expected Examples of expected Describe how you will model behavior behaviors expected behaviors. Rudeness/Insults Quiet voice Defiance Compliments Everyone practices what to say and Running Sharing Out of seat complementing Seated Touching/shoving Practicing role-play with snacks Leaving out Taking tray up Throwing food Throwing away trash Cutting in line Walking Standing in line nicely PRACTICE (Activities): List teaching opportunities for students to practice/use expected behaviors.
Practice the routine with snacks Pictures of expected actions
7 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Cafeteria Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality
FEEDBACK: Correct/pre-correct students implementing expected behaviors. (List possible error correction and reinforcement techniques). Correction/pre-correction techniques Positive reward system techniques Reminder, moving to end of the lunch line 10)Verbal praise for specific action 11)High five 12)KIQ Tix RE-TEACH:
Practice again
Activities to check for understanding Activities to expand concept development/ cultural relevance Ask students about procedures Dinner where the students put on the dinner
Materials needed:
Students to role play Cafeteria trays How will skills be maintained/sustained
Daily practice
How will home and community be included
8 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Cafeteria Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality Cafeteria Expectations Objectives Students will demonstrate behavioral expectations for the cafeteria. Students will verbalize cafeteria expectations. Standards Procedure 1. As an optional anticipatory set, students can watch “Can you teach my alligator manners (the restaurant version)?” on YouTube or find a YouTube video about rude customers in restaurants. Teachers should pre-screen all videos. The teacher will tell the students their goal for the lesson (“Today you are going to show me how you demonstrate kindness, integrity, and quality in the cafeteria.”) If the anticipatory set is used, the teacher can springboard into the lesson by asking students where, in the school, they can practice the skills they’ll need to be successful restaurant customers. 2. The teacher will ask students to verbally give examples of appropriate cafeteria behavior. As students generate their list verbally, the teacher will record their ideas on chart paper or another public place. The teacher can also offer some suggestions or non-examples to generate discussion. For example, the teacher should be sure students are informed of the expectation to thank the cook(s) for the meal and the expectation to clean up their messes. 3. Progressing one by one through the list, the teacher will ask students to model examples of each appropriate behavior listed. The teacher will praise and draw attention to specific behaviors. 4. The teacher will ask students to think about the wrong way to behave in the cafeteria. The teacher will ask students to model inappropriate cafeteria behaviors, progressing through the list. As students model inappropriate behaviors, ask other students to point out what the model is doing wrong. 5. AS SOON AS students finish modeling inappropriate behaviors, the teacher should say something like, “We know you can do that the right way. Show everyone the right way to do it now.” The student should then model appropriate behavior again and the teacher should point out the appropriate behavior (“Good job! You checked all around to make sure you picked up all your trash.”).
6. Visit the cafeteria with students (could be a separate lesson). Bring snacks. Have students practice standing patiently in line, taking turns while getting their food, saying thank you when being handed food, interacting politely at the table, and cleaning up their messes. Assessment Students will be given KIQ tickets every time they appropriately act out the expected behaviors. Informal observation will allow teachers to see which students may need more individualized instruction.
9 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Gym Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality
School-wide expectations addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Kindness, Integrity, Quality
Behavior definitions addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Use kind words Take turns Share Respect others’ personal space Follow the rules Be honest Respect equipment & property Give your best effort Take pride in your school Be responsible for your personal belongings Everyone participates
PBIS Evidence-based social/emotional lesson delivery structure TEACHING=Tell+ Show+ Practice+ Feedback+ Re-teach
TELL: Provide a narrative of how you will introduce lesson tying to SW-PBS (matrix & behavior statement).
Discussion of current problems students are seeing Use posters to introduce expectations
SHOW: Non-examples of expected Examples of expected Describe how you will model behavior behaviors expected behaviors. Climbing in the basketball cart Getting/putting away Jumping off the bleachers equipment properly Role play examples and non-examples Hurting each other Walking on the bleachers Not listening to the person in (non-example students then show Listening to person in charge examples or teachers do the non- Defiance charge examples) Invading others’ play space Asking others to join in Throwing balls at kids Participation Cussing/Swearing/Bad Language Conversation about play space Using appropriate language PRACTICE (Activities): List teaching opportunities for students to practice/use expected behaviors.
10 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Gym Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality
FEEDBACK: Correct/pre-correct students implementing expected behaviors. (List possible error correction and reinforcement techniques). Correction/pre-correction techniques Positive reward system techniques Pull aside to review expectations 13)Verbal praise for specific action Time-out 14)High five 15)KIQ Tix RE-TEACH:
Continued practice, targeted lessons
Activities to check for understanding Activities to expand concept development/ cultural relevance
Materials needed:
How will skills be maintained/sustained
How will home and community be included
11 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Hallways/Commons/Porches Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality
School-wide expectations addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Kindness, Integrity, Quality
Behavior definitions addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Keep a respectable volume Respect others’ personal space Take care of your trash Use kind words Respect school property Follow posted hours Walk with a purpose Close lockers respectfully
PBIS Evidence-based social/emotional lesson delivery structure TEACHING=Tell+ Show+ Practice+ Feedback+ Re-teach
TELL: Provide a narrative of how you will introduce lesson tying to SW-PBS (matrix & behavior statement).
Discussion of current problems students are seeing Use posters to introduce expectations
SHOW: Non-examples of expected Examples of expected Describe how you will model behavior behaviors expected behaviors. Yelling, shouting Inside voices Bumping into people, crowding Staying to the right in the Role-play examples and non-examples Littering hallway Swearing (non-example students then show Cleaning up your mess Graffiti examples or teachers do the non- Hanging out after hours Polite language examples) unsupervised Being where you are Loitering supposed to be and Slamming lockers getting their promptly Closing lockers quietly
PRACTICE (Activities): List teaching opportunities for students to practice/use expected behaviors.
Role-play “What’s wrong with this picture?” – viewing examples and non-examples Pictures of expected behaviors
12 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Hallways/Commons/Porches Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality FEEDBACK: Correct/pre-correct students implementing expected behaviors. (List possible error correction and reinforcement techniques). Correction/pre-correction techniques Positive reward system techniques 16)Verbal praise for specific action Pull aside to review expectations 17)High five Time-out 18)KIQ Tix
Continued practice Targeted lessons
Activities to check for understanding Activities to expand concept development/ cultural relevance
Materials needed:
How will skills be maintained/sustained
How will home and community be included
13 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Library Expectation: Kindness
School-wide expectations addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Kindness
Behavior definitions addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Be a good listener Allow others to learn Help others Be open to new ideas
PBIS Evidence-based social/emotional lesson delivery structure TEACHING=Tell+ Show+ Practice+ Feedback+ Re-teach
TELL: Provide a narrative of how you will introduce lesson tying to SW-PBS (matrix & behavior statement).
Read a book
SHOW: Non-examples of expected Examples of expected Describe how you will model behavior behaviors expected behaviors. Grabbing/yelling Trying new books Defiance/ignoring teacher Whispering Can you teach my alligator manners? Making fun of other cultures Sharing Hating a book without reading it Listening
PRACTICE (Activities): List teaching opportunities for students to practice/use expected behaviors.
Role-play, write their own picture book
FEEDBACK: Correct/pre-correct students implementing expected behaviors. (List possible error correction and reinforcement techniques). Correction/pre-correction techniques Positive reward system techniques 19)Verbal praise for specific action Loss of privilege, reminder, time out 20)High five 21)KIQ Tix RE-TEACH:
More practice
14 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Library Expectation: Kindness Activities to check for understanding Activities to expand concept development/ cultural relevance
Materials needed:
How will skills be maintained/sustained
How will home and community be included
15 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Pool Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality
School-wide expectations addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Kindness, Integrity, Quality
Behavior definitions addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Be kind to each other and the lifeguards Follow the pool rules Take care of and respect all equipment Be responsible for your things
PBIS Evidence-based social/emotional lesson delivery structure TEACHING=Tell+ Show+ Practice+ Feedback+ Re-teach
TELL: Provide a narrative of how you will introduce lesson tying to SW-PBS (matrix & behavior statement).
Discussion of current problems students are seeing Use posters to introduce expectations
SHOW: Non-examples of expected Examples of expected Describe how you will model behavior behaviors expected behaviors. “Talking back” to the lifeguards Kind words Saying mean things about other Following the pool rules Role-play examples and non-examples swimmers or the lifeguards Walking Tantrums (non-example students then show Using equipment Graffiti examples or teachers do the non- Messes appropriately examples) Not following pool rules Picking up your trash, Playing incorrectly with towel, etc. equipment
PRACTICE (Activities): List teaching opportunities for students to practice/use expected behaviors.
Role-play in the pool area “What’s wrong with this picture?” – viewing examples and non-examples Pictures of expected behaviors
16 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: Pool Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality
FEEDBACK: Correct/pre-correct students implementing expected behaviors. (List possible error correction and reinforcement techniques). Correction/pre-correction techniques Positive reward system techniques 22)Verbal praise for specific action Pull aside to review expectations 23)High five Time-out 24)KIQ Tix
Continued practice Targeted lessons
Activities to check for understanding Activities to expand concept development/ cultural relevance
Materials needed:
How will skills be maintained/sustained
How will home and community be included
17 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: School Travel Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality
School-wide expectations addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Kindness, Integrity, Quality
Behavior definitions addressed in lesson (taken from matrix) Respect chaperones and other students Be open to new people and new ways of thinking Follow the rules Be tolerant of others Try your best Respect school property Clean up after yourself
PBIS Evidence-based social/emotional lesson delivery structure TEACHING=Tell+ Show+ Practice+ Feedback+ Re-teach
TELL: Provide a narrative of how you will introduce lesson tying to SW-PBS (matrix & behavior statement).
Discussion of current problems students are seeing and why this Use posters to introduce expectations
SHOW: Non-examples of expected Examples of expected Describe how you will model behavior behaviors expected behaviors. “Talking back” to the Kind words chaperones Following the trip rules Role-play examples and non-examples Saying mean things about other Problem solving people (non-example students then show Trying your hardest Tantrums examples or teachers do the non- Giving up Picking up your stuff examples) Graffiti Leaving things clean Messes Listening to chaperone Not following the and others travel/chaperone rules
PRACTICE (Activities): List teaching opportunities for students to practice/use expected behaviors.
Role-play Pictures of expected behaviors Mock trip
18 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: School Travel Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality
FEEDBACK: Correct/pre-correct students implementing expected behaviors. (List possible error correction and reinforcement techniques). Correction/pre-correction techniques Positive reward system techniques 25)Verbal praise for specific action Pull aside to review expectations 26)High five Time-out 27)KIQ Tix
Continued practice Targeted lessons
Activities to check for understanding Activities to expand concept development/ cultural relevance
Materials needed:
How will skills be maintained/sustained
How will home and community be included
Walking in the Hallway Objectives Students will demonstrate appropriate hallway behavior. Students will verbalize hallway expectstions. Procedure 1. The teacher will tell the students their goal for the lesson (“Today you are going to walk in the hall, using a very quiet voice when you have to talk, and keeping your hands to yourself.”)
2. The teacher will ask students to give verbal examples of appropriate hallway behavior. As students generate their list verbally, the teacher will record their ideas on chart paper or another public place. The teacher can also offer some suggestions.
3. Progressing one by one through the list, the teacher will ask students to model examples of each appropriate behavior listed. The teacher will praise and draw attention to specific behaviors. 19 PBIS Lesson Plan for Teaching School-wide Behavior Expectations (school rules) Nuiqsut Trapper School Location: School Travel Expectation: Kindness, Integrity, Quality
4. The teacher will ask students to think about the wrong way to walk in the hall. The teacher will ask students to model inappropriate hallway behaviors, progressing through the list. As students model inappropriate behaviors, ask other students to point out what the model is doing wrong.
5. AS SOON AS students finish modeling inappropriate behaviors, the teacher should say something like, “We know you can do that the right way. Show everyone the right way to do it now.” The student should then model appropriate behavior again and the teacher should point out the appropriate behavior (“Good job! You are keeping your hands at your sides this time. That is the perfect way to walk in the hallway.”) Assessment You can visually assess the students and formally assess them by taking them into the hall for practice.
Maybe a good prize for walking perfectly three times would be a few minutes in the gym? I could say to my students, for example, “I want to say what you remember about walking in the hall. We’re going to practice walking in the hall by going around the loop, past the cafeteria, past the office, and past all the elementary classes. We’ll do this until you do it perfectly three times in a row. As soon as you do it perfectly three times in a row, we’ll go to the gym and have an extra recess for ten minutes. If you talk, we’ll have to start over and miss gym time. If you touch each other or part of the school, we’ll have to start over and miss gym time. I want to go to the gym quickly, so I want to walk perfectly in the hall three times right away.”