Ending a fixed term contract (FTC)


Template letter Template letter content reference

FTC 1 Inviting employee to meeting to consider proposal to end fixed term contract

FTC 2 Confirming outcome of meeting to consider proposal to end fixed term contract

Guidance Notes:

 Please refer to the FAQ ‘Fixed Term Contracts – General guidance for all schools’ before using these template letters, seeking further advice from your named HR caseworker as necessary  Letters should be sent on school headed paper  Optional wording or wording to be tailored according to the individual circumstances is included in square brackets [ ]  Further clarification is included in italics  As the ending (or non-renewal) of a fixed term contract is, in employment law terms, a dismissal it is recommended the meeting at which the ending of the contract is considered is held with those who have delegated authority to dismiss. Clearly, one outcome of this meeting could be an offer of, or further consideration of, continued employment, in which case template letter FTC 2 would need to be adapted accordingly  Where the school is not the employer*, the decision to dismiss must be separately confirmed by the Local Authority for it to be considered to have taken effect. *Ie, for all staff in voluntary controlled Church of England schools, community schools, local authority maintained nursery schools, special schools, pupil referral units and Support Staff in voluntary aided Church of England schools. In Suffolk, the employer in these establishments is the Local Authority. Other local authorities may not retain employer responsibility for Support Staff in voluntary aided Church of England schools, but would be expected to for all other establishments listed above  Your named HR caseworker will be happy to review any draft letter and/or provide advice on appropriate wording if the FTC circumstances do not appear to fit within these template letters. FTC 1 Template letter inviting employee to meeting to consider proposal to end fixed term contract Last updated May 2014

Dear [name]

I am writing to advise you of my proposal that your fixed term appointment as a [job title] will come to an end on [date], as envisaged in your [letter of appointment/most recent fixed term contract/contract extension letter].

The reason I am making this proposal is because [detail reason as envisaged in FTC, for example: a permanent appointment has now been made to the post which you are covering on a temporary basis a colleague will be returning to the post your are covering on a temporary basis, following their maternity leave/sickness absence/secondment the school has completed the staffing review anticipated at the time of your temporary appointment and concluded that your appointment should not be renewed.]

I would like to invite you to a meeting to discuss this matter further [with members of the school’s Hearings Committee]. You have the right to be accompanied at the meeting by a trade union representative or a colleague. I propose we meet at [time], on [date], at the school. I would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance and provide details of anyone who will be accompanying you no later than [date].

Of course, if you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

[Headteacher/Chair or Hearings Committee] FTC 2 Template letter confirming outcome of meeting to consider proposal to end fixed term contract Last updated May 2014

Dear [name]

I am writing to confirm the outcome of our meeting on [date][, at which you were accompanied by your colleague/representative, [name]], when we considered the school’s proposal to end your fixed term employment.

As discussed, the school has carefully considered [your representations regarding – detail any points raised at the meeting – and] any opportunity for on-going employment. It has concluded reluctantly that your appointment will not be renewed. Therefore, your fixed term appointment as a [job title] will end on [date], as envisaged in your [letter of appointment/most recent fixed term contract/contract extension letter]. If there is a different but appropriate other reason for ending the contract, explain here.

You have the right to appeal against this decision to the Appeals Committee of the Governing Body. If you wish to appeal this should be made in writing to the school within 14 days of the date of this letter.

[If the school is not the employer*: By copy of this letter I am instructing the local authority to effect your dismissal.]

Of course, if you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

[Headteacher/Chair or Hearings Committee]