Egg Drop Project Rubric

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Egg Drop Project Rubric

EGG DROP CHALLENGE MARKING GUIDE /32 Name: ______Team:______Mass of the container:______Time for free fall:_____

Categories Excellent Good Fair Poor DESIGN A labeled diagram of the design and a A labeled diagram of the design A labeled diagram of the A labeled diagram of the design /4 detailed explanation of how it would and a detailed explanation of how design and a detailed and a detailed explanation of how protect the egg is included. it would protect the egg is explanation of how it would it would protect the egg is Physics concepts learned this term included. protect the egg is included. included. are evident in the design. Physics concepts learned this Physics concepts learned this Physics concepts learned this term term are mostly evident in the term are somewhat evident in are not evident in the design. design. the design. CONSTRUCTION AND Great care taken in construction Construction was careful and Construction accurately Construction appears careless or CONSTRAINTS process so that the structure follows accurate for the most part, but 1-2 followed the plans, but 3-4 haphazard. Many details need /4 plans accurately. details could have been refined details could have been refinement for a product more in Student followed all directions and for a product more in line with refined for a product more in line with design. adhered to project limitations design. line with design. (constraints).

PREPAREDNESS Students are fully prepared to both Students are not fully prepared to Students are not fully Students are not fully prepared to /2 drop and time the drop the date of the both drop and time the drop the prepared to both drop and both drop and time the drop the task. The device is fully constructed. date of the task. They may time the drop the date of the date of the task. They may require require some class time to fully task. They may require a large an extra day to fully construct their construct their device. amount of class time to device. construct their device. EGG DROP AND Egg remains in project and has no Egg remains in the project and egg Egg might have come out of Egg came totally out of the project SURVIVAL cracks. is has some cracks in the shell but the project AND/OR the egg is OR the egg is severely broken to /2 Your success or failure is explained in nothing is leaking out. leaking but not totally broken. total smashed terms that demonstrate an understanding of the physics concepts. DATA AND All relevant information is recorded All relevant information is All relevant information is not All relevant information is not CALCULATIONS (time, mass, size) recorded (time, mass, size) recorded (time, mass, size) recorded (time, mass, size). (×2.5) Calculations performed for all physics Calculations performed for almost Calculations performed for Calculations performed for some concepts* showing all work including all physics concepts* showing all some physics concepts* or physics concepts* or some work is /10 formulas, substitutions, and final work including formulas, some work is missing for some missing for some of the answer. A free body diagram is substitutions, and final answer. A of the calculations. calculations. included. free body diagram is included. ANALYSIS All calculations are discussed (in All calculations are discussed (in Most calculations are Calculations are not discussed in (×1.5) words). A strong conceptual words). A strong conceptual discussed (in words). A strong words. A strong conceptual understanding for the task at hand is understanding for the task at hand conceptual understanding for understanding for the task at hand /6 demonstrated for all calculations. is demonstrated for most of the the task at hand is is poorly demonstrated. calculations. demonstrated for a couple of the calculations, but most are lacking. PRESENTATION Presentation is visual, aesthetically Presentation is visual, somewhat Presentation is visual, vaguely Presentation is visual, vaguely /4 pleasing. aesthetically pleasing. aesthetically pleasing. aesthetically pleasing. Photos, videos, or evidence of the Photos, videos, or evidence of the Photos, videos, or evidence of Photos, videos, or evidence of the drop is made and all information is drop is made and all information the drop may not made. drop may not made. included. is included. Vague explanation as to what Explanation as to what each group Full explanation as to what each group Explanation as to what each group each group member was member was accountable not member was accountable for is member was accountable for is accountable included in included in presentation. Division included in presentation. Division of included in presentation. Division presentation. Division of of work appears unequal. work appears equal. of work appears mostly equal work appears somewhat unequal. PARTICIPATION Student was on-task and focused Student mostly on task, some Student often distracted but Student distracted much of the (individual- self evaluate during entire activity. Regularly contributions, and somewhat some contributions and mildly time and not engaged. Student has please) contributed to group and engaged engaged during performance and engaged in performance. A made very few contributions to during performance and in in calculations and analyses and few contributions to calculations and analysis and calculations and analyses and overall overall presentation design. calculations and analysis and overall presentation design. presentation design. overall presentation design have been made.

TOTAL /32 Marks

4/4- multiply grade by 100% Individual Mark: 3/4-multiply by 90% Name:______Score /32 2/4 multiply by 80% Name:______Score /32 1/4 multiply by 70% Name:______Score /32 Name:______Score /32

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