Contest - GIRLS versus BOYS - Chp. 4 CULTURE QUESTIONS

1. Frequent repetition of an act by a GROUP of people: CUSTOM

2. Popular culture is practice a homogeneous or heterogeneous groups. HETEROGENEOUS

3. Folk culture varies from place to place at a given time or from time to time at a given place.

4. Folk culture is spread by what kind of diffusion? RELOCATION

5. Popular cultures originate where? MDCs

6. Popular culture diffuses by what method? HIERARCHICAL

7. Examining elements of folk and popular culture requires geographers to use what? GIS or Census or Statistics or Field Work? Field work is the answer – men/women need to visit sites

8. Wine needs what 4 elements of the physical environment to be successful? climate, soil, vegetation, proximity to lakes or river

9. Popular folk culture creates what kind of landscape? UNIFORM

10. Popular customs can cause negative affects to the environment in what two ways? POLLUTION and depletion of SCARE RESOURCES

11. What kind of rural area do you find folk culture thriving? ISOLATED


13. The effect of the Internet is that it decreases the _____ between places. DISTANCE

14. What is the area in which the particular culture is dominant but less intense? DOMAIN

15. What do you call the entire region throughout which a culture prevails or is dominant? CULTURAL REALM

16. What do you call any item made by humans that represents a material aspect of culture? ARTIFACT

17. What do you call the zone of outer influence where people with the culture traits in question can even be a minority within another culture region? SPHERE

18. Folk culture is transmitted from 1 location to another more slowly on a smaller scale primarily through what? RELOCATION DIFFUSION

19. A folk song tells what? A STORY

20. Name 3 USA folk hearths? Lower Chesapeake, Middle Atlantic, New England

21. The two most common building materials in the world are: wood and brick

22. Culture involves 3 elements: values, material artifacts, and political institutions

23. Chp. 4 deals with what elements? MATERIAL ARTIFACTS

24. All people need what 3 material artifacts? CLOTHING, SHELTER, FOOD 25. A restriction on behavior imposed by social customs with a concern for the natural environment is called what? TABOO

26. Name 3 influences on clothing: income, occupations, improved communications, environment,

27. Sometimes the black market in LDCS sells American jeans for $400.00. Jeans are obviously considered as what kind of symbol? STATUS

28. TV began in what country and in what decade? USA - 1950s

29. INTERNET began in what country and in what decade? USA - 1990s

30. What 3 countries have a monopoly in television? USA, JAPAN, and UK

31. The USA has far more ______(technology) than any other country in 2015? FACEBOOK

32. Two major problems with Popular Culture: 1. can hurt folk culture (young people want latest popular styles) 2. eliminate and hurt environment (pollution, cut down trees, etc.)

33. How are women hurt in LDCs by the spread of popular culture? Prostitutes,

34. In many parts of the world, what is the only reliable and unbiased source of news in 2015? BBC

35. FOOTBALL's orign was what country? GREAT BRITAIN

36. The Lacrosse sport was created by? IRIQUOIS

37. What is a positive of using SATELLITE Dishes? choose from a wide variety of program produced in other countries

38. Popular culture generated 3 kinds of waste: solids, liquids, gasses

39. The most visible kind of waste is which one? SOLIDS

40. How does folk culture cause environmental damage? burning grasslands, cutting down forests, over- hunting, soil erosion

41. Popular culture can significantly modify or control what? THE ENVIRONMENT

42. What do you call a complete change in the identity of a minority culture group as it becomes part of the majority culture group? ASSIMILATION

43. What do you call the centralized zone of concentration or the area that possesses all of the culture traits used to define the region? CORE

44. The origin of popular music is what kind of diffusion? hierarchical diffusion by one person

45. The purpose of popular music is? To sell 4

46. A social custom originates where? HEARTH

47. Popular culture does what to the environment? MODIFY or CHANGE or DESTROY

48. Folk culture comes from where? ENVIRONMENT (springs from) 1) The frequent repetition of an act, to the extent that it becomes characteristic of a group of people, is a A) custom. B) popular culture. C) habit. D) taboo. E) character trait. Answer: A 2) A repetitive act performed by an individual is a A) custom. B) popular culture. C) habit. D) taboo. E) character trait. Answer: C 3) In contrast to folk culture, popular culture is more likely to vary A) from place to place at a given time. B) from time to time at a given place. C) both from place to place and from time to time, in equal measure. D) neither from place to place nor from time to time. E) only in more developed countries. Answer: B 4) In contrast to folk culture, popular culture is typical of large and A) homogeneous groups. B) heterogeneous groups. C) groups living in isolated rural areas. D) groups that have little interaction with other groups. E) groups of specialists. Answer: B 5) Judging from the discussions of other clothing in this chapter, we could say that hoodies are an example of ______adopted by a number of different groups segmented by age, class, ethnicity, and other factors. Hoodies are a versatile element of popular culture. A) punk culture B) material culture C) folk culture D) immaterial culture E) youth culture Answer: B 6) Folk cultures are spread primarily by A) contagious diffusion. B) hierarchical diffusion. C) relocation diffusion. D) stimulus diffusion. E) epidemic diffusion. Answer: C 7) In recent decades, popular customs have most frequently originated in A) more developed countries. B) less developed countries. C) formerly communist countries. D) countries with large rural populations. E) Latin America and Africa. Answer: A 8) One significant impact of popular culture is to A) create a more varied and less uniform landscape. B) promote the diffusion of folk culture. C) modify the physical environment. D) spread through relocation diffusion. E) diffuse at the expense of globalization. Answer: C 9) As components of group identity and cultural learning, folk customs usually originate from A) the "discovery" of leisure time. B) the application of industrial technology. C) familiar events in daily life. D) a traumatic event unique to the history of a particular social group. E) global communications, such as television and the Internet. Answer: C 10) ) Folk songs are more likely than popular songs to A) tell a story about life-cycle events, work, or natural disasters. B) be considered examples of culture. C) feature instruments and styles of performance associated with dance clubs. D) be transmitted in written form. E) be written by specialists for commercial distribution. Answer: A

RQ Key Issue #3 and #4 - Chapter 4. Folk and Popular Culture. 12 Points

1. Examining elements of folk and popular culture like house styles is particularly well suited to the geographic method of A) GIS. B) census. C) field work. 2. The diffusion of jeans is a good example primarily of the A) diffusion of popular culture. B) adoption of unique folk culture. C) impact of high income on clothing habits. D) opposition to globalization. E) synthetic textiles replacing natural fibers. 3. Americans' preferences for beverages and snacks A) vary according to what is produced locally. B) vary from one region of the country to another. C) vary according to religious differences. D) are primarily dependent on high income and national advertising. E) all of the above 4. In which state would alcohol consumption be relatively low? A) Kentucky B) Nevada C) New York D) Utah E) California 5. Which element of the local physical environment is important for wine production? A) climate B) soil C) topography D) proximity to lakes or a river E) all of the above 6. Diffusion of Internet service is following the earlier pattern of television, except A) the United States share of world use is expanding. B) diffusion is much faster. C) diffusion is much slower. D) expansion of service is faster in Africa than Asia. E) initial use was in less developed countries. 7. The choice of clothing in Western countries is strongly influenced by A) occupation. B) level of income. C) knowledge of fashion elsewhere. D) all of the above E) B and C 8) Television in 2015 is dominated by all countries except? A) Japan B) Germany C) USA D) United Kingdom 9) Popular culture and folk culture can both result in a higher level of A) extinction of animal species. B) demand for raw materials. C) consumption of animal products. D) environmental degradation. E) All of these answers are correct. 10) Popular culture can significantly modify or control the ______. Environment 11) Which of the following characteristics is more typical of popular culture than folk culture? A) It has an anonymous origin. B) It diffuses slowly from its point of origin. C) It results in a more uniform cultural landscape. D) It is likely to be derived from physical conditions. E) Communication is more limited. 12) Diffusion of popular customs can adversely impact environmental quality in two ways: A) reducing demand for foreign products and promoting local crafts. B) increased diversity and decreased demand. C) depletion of scarce resources and pollution. D) diversity of products and depletion of change. E) using renewable materials and recycled designs.