7Th Grade Orchestra

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7Th Grade Orchestra

7th Grade Orchestra

Handbook 2012-2013

Ms. Carrie Albers, Orchestra Director Carrie . Albers @ lcps .org

Ms. Leah Hawkins, Orchestra Director – 6th Grade [email protected]

Farmwell Station Middle School 44281 Gloucester Pkwy. Ashburn, VA 20147 Tel: 571.252.2320 Fax: 703.771.6495

Goals *To provide an environment where every child has the right to learn, experience, create, perform, and love music. *To nurture each student’s musical growth through a community of fellow students, teachers, and musicians within the community. *To create a desire in each student to be a life-long musician and true respect and appreciation for the performing arts.

Course Description: Musicians in seventh grade orchestra will continue to develop foundational skills on their instrument. We will begin to work on ensemble skills. We will focus on developing proper technique, music reading, and basic ensemble skills. We will study and perform a variety of music. We will look at how music relates to other subject areas.

Course Objectives: Students will *Strengthen their foundational skills and begin to build advancing technique. *Study and perform music from a variety of time periods. *Continue to develop the skills required to be in a performing ensemble.

Materials Needed for Class: 1) Your instrument and all standard accessories (rosin, shoulder rest, rock stop, etc) 2) Essential Elements 2000 Book 1 – for your instrument! Same book as last year 2) Pencil 3) Music and folder – will be distributed in class 4) Your school agenda/planner

Recommended Materials (NOT required. Contact instructor before purchasing) 1) A chromatic tuner 2) Music Stand for HOME USE 3) It is strongly recommended but not required that you have extra strings. Violins and violas may want to have a full set of spares. Cellos should have at least a spare “A”, as it is the mostly likely one to need replaced. Repair and upkeep of the instrument is the students’ and parents’ responsibility. Only the school instruments are maintained by the school. 4) Humidifier (if you own your instrument) Class Expectations Students are expected to follow all guidelines and procedures in the student handbook. The following expectations are specific to this class.

1. Be on time. This means that students are ready to play 2 minutes after the bell. 2. Respect. Have respect for your fellow classmates, teacher, and the materials and room that you use. 3. Be Prepared. Come to class with instrument, music, pencil and other materials required. Be sure you have practiced the assigned music! 4. Only touch or use your own instrument. Grading Policy: Grades are weighted by category. Although individual assignments will be labeled D( diagnostic), F(formative), S(summative), please note that the weight is assigned by category. Category in Description Weight CLARITY Performance Includes after school rehearsals and concerts as well as 40% any performances observations that are assigned in quarters that do not have concerts schedule

Rehearsal This is the label for IN CLASS rehearsing 30%

Tests /Playing Exams More lengthy playing exams, written assignments or 20% OR activities, more formal assessments. Remediation Assignment Remediation assignments are the make-up for absences from concert. Homework Daily Quizzes (these quizzes are given on music that was 10% assigned for practice. Not EVERY student is as per assessed every day - it is on a rotation - do NOT LCPS be concerned if it shows up as “missing policy assignment”. Concert/After School Rehearsal Policy Concerts and rehearsals are of equal importance and therefore are weighted equally in the grade book (see previous). Absences fall into one of two categories – excused or unexcused

EXCUSED ABSENCES - CONCERT AND FINAL REHEARSALS: Under special circumstances, a parent may request that an absence from a performance/ rehearsal be excused. The parent must contact the director, in writing, at least two week prior to the performance. Students may not be excused because of extracurricular activities INCLUDING athletics, team activities, remediation, or medical appointments (non urgent) The director will make every effort to work with the parent and student in the case of true conflicts.

Absences due to a family emergency or illness may be excused with a written excuse from a parent within two days of the missed concert/rehearsal.

Grade implication: Student must do the “remediation assignment” or they will receive a zero. The will receive an “X” for the concert grade (mean, no impact on grade).

UNEXCUSED ABSENCES - CONCERTS AND FINAL REHEARSALS: An excused absence is when none of the above criteria are met.

Grade implication: Student will receive an “F” for the concert grade. Student are given the opportunity to do the “remediation assignment” for full credit. If the student chooses to NOT do the remediation assignment, they receive an “F” on that assignment as well. Concert Dress This year you will purchase a Farmwell Orchestra polo shirt for your uniform. All students will be required to wear black pants and black shoes. Tennis shoes are not acceptable for stage.

Private Lessons Students are strongly encouraged to study privately. A list of teachers will be made available the first month of school.

Instruments If you plan on purchasing, please contact me directly. String instruments are an investment and I want to see you get the most for your money. Below are local music stores in the county that can provide rentals.

-A and A Music (various locations) http://www.aamusiconline.com/ -Day Violins [email protected] -Melodee Music (Leesburg/Sterling) http://www.melodeemusic.com/ -Mintons Music in Ashburn, VA https :// www . mintonsmusic . com / -Music and Arts in Sterling, VA http://www.musicarts.com

Important Dates for Orchestra Students

SEPTEMBER 12 Back to School Night 6:30 p.m. Farmwell

OCTOBER 6 Jr. Regional Orchestra Auditions 9:00 a.m. Potomac MS(pwc) www.ncvro.org

25 After School Rehearsal afterschool-6:30 Farmwell

30 Halloween Concert call TBD, 7:00p start Farmwell

NOVEMBER 2,3 Junior Regional Orchestra Patriot HS (pwc)

DECEMBER 8 All County Orchestra Aud Belmont Ridge MS 6TH - 8TH orchestra

19 After School Rehearsal afterschool-4:10 FWS Stage 7th grade ONLY

20 4p 7th/8th Winter Concert call TBD, 7:00p start FWS Stage

FEBRUARY 15-16 All County Orchestra Heritage HS

MARCH 12 7/ 8th grade Pre-Fest Concert call TBD, 7:00p start FWS STAGE

15-16 District Assessment Woodgrove HS *We will be scheduled during a block of time on one of these two dates. It is LIKELY we will be on Saturday, however, until the schedule comes out in January/February, it your responsible to be available both days

APRIL 20 Solo and Ensemble Eagle Ridge MS

MAY 7 Rehearsal after school until 4:10 Farmwell stage

14 Rehearsal after school until 4:10 Farmwell stage

15 Rehearsal TBD Farmwell stage Concert call TBD, 7:00p start Farmwell stage Event Descriptions/Details

JUNIOR/SENIOR REGIONAL ORCHESTRA This is a VBODA (Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors’ Association) sponsored festival. It is a two-day festival held in November that is comprised of auditioned students from Loudoun, Prince William, Stafford, and other surrounding counties. Students in grades 7- 9 are able to audition in October for Juniors. Middle school students are not eligible for the Senior ensemble. All information, including audition information is online at www . ncvro .org

ALL COUNTY ORCHESTRA This is two-day festival (Fri.-Sat.) orchestra and is a county sponsored event. Students who successfully pass the audition process will gather at a host school (Heritage HS - Leesburg) to prepare and then perform a program on Saturday afternoon (including a full orchestra work featuring the high school wind players). Students in grades 6-8 may audition for the middle school ensemble. Auditions will be held at Host School: Belmont Ridge MS.

DISTRICT ORCHESTRA ASSESSMENT This is VMEA sponsored event that is held at the District Level. In our case, Loudoun County is the entire District. Orchestras from across the county gather at a host school to perform and sight-read for a panel of judges. We receive comments and are judged on a rating system. Host School: Tuscarora HS, Purcellville

SOLO AND ENSEMBLE This is a VMEA sponsored event. It is held at a host school in the county (Eagle Ridge this year). Students are able to perform a solo or small ensemble work for a judge. They will receive a comment sheet and a rating. Students with the highest rating receive a medal. Although this is optional, I strongly encourage all students to participate. Host School: Eagle Ridge MS

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