The Clubwoman GFWC Woman’s Club of Westminster, Inc. November 2009

A Note from Norma Jean: Anne Forrester (our MFWC Western District President) once used the analogy from the Wheels on the Bus song, and given the amount of travel this officer has done, it seems appropriate to use it again! I first traveled with our club member, Sharon Quinter, to Solomon’s Island to attend the MFWC Board Meeting. During reporting, Sharon shared her “Top Ten List” as the Maryland LEADS Candidate. She will share her experience with us during the November 10 business meeting. It was then off to Cumberland for the Western District Meeting with members from the Junior Club. And now it is time to pack the suitcase to attend the Southeastern Regional Meeting in Bethesda. Maryland is the host group at the dinner on Friday night. The wheels keep rolling as November brings the Board Meeting on November 3, and our club meeting on November 10.

The ladies in our club are awesome! If you had a chance to see all the “items” brought to the October meeting, it was fabulous---canned goods, clothing, personal hygiene products, power bars, cards, books and collections of all kinds. This club certainly displays “Volunteering: it just comes naturally.”

November is just around the corner and the focus for the month will be Heifer International. There will be a one time collection of monies for this worthwhile organization. The International Department has set the goal of $500+ for the purchase of a “Heifer” which assists families around the world with food supplies. Heifer International wants to turn despair into dreams---no more hunger in the world.

As preparations are being readied for that special time with family and friends over the Thanksgiving holiday, try to demonstrate or do something special for another person: invite a lonely person for dinner, help at the local food kitchen, purchase items for a needy family on Black Friday, send a note to a homebound person, or drop off items at Goodwill or the Rescue Mission.

Happy Thanksgiving, Norma Jean Norma Jean Swam, President


A Special Note from Sally Marks and the International Department

November is HEIFER month. As announced there will be a one- time collection for the Heifer Project. Last year by passing the pig at each meeting, we collected $500 so we could buy a Heifer. Can we do as well this year by meeting your requests and not passing the pig? We're counting on you! We are a club of volunteers and global givers. Our contributions to Heifer grow as they are passed on. For instance, a Heifer can provide milk, meat, and fertilizer thus allowing payment for a child to go to school, to buy materials for a school, or even to build a school; its usefulness is far-reaching. Please be generous with your donations at the November meeting. Dues Are Due! Treasurer, Etta Ray Griffin, has announced that club dues are due to the State by December 1st. In order for our club to pay, we need your dues paid in full. Regular members are $50 and associate members are$60. Please pay promptly. Thank you!

Christmas Luncheon – Attached is the reservation form for our Annual Holiday Luncheon on Tuesday, December 8th at Ascension Church. Please make your luncheon choice and give it to Nancy Griesmyer along with your check at the November meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting, please call Nancy at 410-840-9881. The cost of the luncheon is $25/person. Guests are encouraged to attend.

Silent Auction – Now’s the perfect time to start gathering items for our Silent Auction for the Christmas Luncheon. You can bring your items to the November meetings or drop them off at Sandy Ferguson’s home. This is a fun fund raiser for the club!

Fondue Party at SERRV – Thursday, November 19 at 7:00 p.m. is our annual Fondue Party at the SERRV Gift Shop. There will be plenty of chocolate while you browse the shop for Christmas gifts or for that something you are looking for. We saw the shop recently and it is very attractive and full of lots of goodies. Please join us and enjoy the fruit and fondue.

SERRV Workday - The workday at SERRV is Monday, November 30 beginning at 9:00 a.m.. Please join us for a day of work, chatting, and fun.

Thank You! Thanks to all who contributed to our collection for Food Sunday; they were most appreciative. We had a record collection--220 pounds of food and $15 cash! It was a pleasure to deliver the food, but sad to see all of the people lined up waiting for their small share.

Education Department Meeting - There will be a meeting of the Education Department at noon on Tuesday, Nov. 10 (prior to club meeting). Members are asked to bring names and addresses of non-club members who might be volunteer readers for Dr. Seuss' birthday celebration.

Pop-Top Tabs – Remember to save your pop-top tabs from soda, beer, canned goods, etc. and bring them to a club meeting for the Ronald McDonald House. Please give your tabs to a member of the Home Life Department or co-chairs, Gerri Reck or Barb Gunther.

Operation Stars And Stripes - The Public Affairs Department will be sending care packages to our troops in the Middle East. We seek your help with this project in two ways.

1. If you have a relative or friend serving in the Middle East and would like that person to receive a package please give that individual's name, rank, and address to Helen Wolfe.

2. We seek your contributions to Operation Stars and Stripes at our November meeting. Monetary contributions will be used by the Department to purchase personal items. Or, you may donate any of the following: dried fruits, honey roasted peanuts, assorted nuts, power bars, granola bars, Slim Jims, crackers, cookies, toilet paper, baby wipes, bars of soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, sunscreen, Listerine Strips (no liquid or glass), dry skin lotion, boot socks, tissues, magazines, and playing cards. Greeting Cards For ARC – The Public Affairs Department will be collecting used and new greeting cards for ARC at every monthly club meeting. The clients at ARC use them to create new designs – which are really lovely. The GFWC Woman’s Club of Westminster, Inc. will be selling the cards for $5 for a pack of 10. If you’re interested – see Sandy Ferguson. This is a great project that supports ARC and contributes to our recycling efforts!

Christmas Ornament – Here’s a great gift idea! Give a beautiful ornament of The Old Stone Building located in downtown Westminster. The ornament is absolutely gorgeous! These will sell quickly so get yours at the November meeting. The cost is $21, including tax. See Sandy Ferguson, chair of the Ways and Means Committee, to purchase yours.

Books For Sale – Last sale before the holidays at November meeting. Get your books for the winter months at our book sale and help make money for the club!

Thank You! Many thanks to all who worked at the garden at Belle Grove Square this year. Many volunteers clocked many hours pulling that nasty vine and keeping the garden in tip-top shape. We put it to bed for the winter, but will be looking for help this spring with some remodeling projects! Ask Santa for gardening tools!

December Newsletter – All of us have favorite programs, bazaars and holiday affairs that we attend. If yours is open to the public, please send information to Sharon Quinter for the December newsletter. We’ll have a special Community Holiday section for that newsletter. All information must be received no later than November 20th. Sharon’s email address is [email protected] .


Did you know…Our club has a website and YOUR picture might be on it? Check it out at

MFWC – Maryland Federation of Woman’s Clubs will meet in Kent Island on Tuesday, November 17th. If you can attend or would like more information, please contact Norma Jean.

LOOKING AHEAD – Please mark your calendar so you don’t miss these events! November 3 – Board Meeting at Dolly Snyder’s home. 9:30 – 11:30. November 10 – Monthly Membership Meeting at Carroll County Community Non-Profit Building, Clifton Boulevard. 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Speaker will be Jean Worthley, “The Heifer Project”. International Affairs are our hostesses. November 16 – Book Browsers at the home of Nancy Hiatt. A discussion of The Call of the Wild will be lead by Trinka Cueman. November 17 – Maryland GFWC State meeting in Kent Island. See Norma Jean for information. November 19 – Shopping Night at SERRV. 7:00 p.m. with fruit and fondue. November 30 – Work day at SERRV beginning at 9:00 a.m. December 1 – All dues should be paid in full. December 8 – Annual Holiday Luncheon and Silent Auction. Noon at Ascension Church, Westminster. December 9 – GFWC Holiday Open House, Washington, DC. See Jane Stocksdale for details. January 5 – Board Meeting at the home of Norma Jean Swam. 9:30 – 11:30. January 12 – Monthly Membership Meeting at Carroll County Community Non-Profit Building, Clifton Boulevard. 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Judge Michael Galloway is our speaker. Public Affairs Department are our hostesses. January 18 – Book Browsers meets at the home of Lois Crawford to discuss The Scarlet Letter. The discussion leader is Carol Quinn.

Quote of the Month: “Never jump into a pile of leaves with a wet sucker!” Linus from “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” [1996]

The Clubwoman is published monthly for the GFWC Woman’s Club of Westminster, Inc. For more information about events and information please contact Norma Jean Swam at 410-871-0741. For questions concerning the electronic version of the newsletter please contact Sharon Quinter at [email protected].