1960S Turmoil-Limits of a Superpower-Conservative Resurgence

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1960S Turmoil-Limits of a Superpower-Conservative Resurgence

1960s Turmoil-Limits of a Superpower-Conservative Resurgence

Master all of the following for the test

Definitions/concepts/people: In the 6th six week vocabulary section of your AP US History notebook (red ink), give the definition and significance of the following terms (in complete sentences)-find the meanings in your textbook, dictionary, online, and/or encyclopedia. TEST ITEMS!

Chapter 29 AMSCO Henry Kissinger, Vietnamization, Nixon Doctrine, Kent State, My Lai, Pentagon Papers, Paris Accords of 1973, détente, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, New Federalism, stagflation, Warren Burger, George McGovern, United States v. Nixon, War Powers Act (1973), Middle East War (1973), Bicentennial, Panama Canal treaty (1978), Camp David Accords (1978), Anwar Sadat, Iran hostage crisis, Immigration Act (1965), Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986), Cesar Chavez, Indian Self-Determination Act (1975), Earth Day (1970), Three Mile Island accident, Clean Air Act (1970), Environmental Protection Agency, Clean War Act (1972) Chapter 30 AMSCO political action committees (PACs), Roe v. Wade, Regents of university of California v. Bakke, Reaganomics, Sandra Day O’Connor, Strategic Defense Initiative, glasnost, perestroika, Panama invasion (1989), Persian Gulf War (1991), Operation Desert Storm, Americans with Disabilities Act (1990), NATA, Clinton impeachment, Bush v Gore, 9/11, axis of evil, Homeland Security Department, Operation Iraqi Freedom Vocabulary/Assignments/Reading Notes must be completed prior to the day of the chapter quiz and kept in appropriate order in your APUSH notebook  Chapter Vocabulary Terms must be done in complete sentences and handwritten (define and give significance), in red ink completed prior to chapter quiz.  Assignments must be completed and handwritten in your APUSH notebook for major grade.  Chapter Reading Notes (indicated by page numbers and title of section) must be completed and handwritten in blue ink for AMSCO and black ink for LEP and placed in your APUSH notebook for major grade. You may use whatever note-taking style that works for you as long as you cover all of the relevant chapter material.

****Final Review must be completed by hand. Typed notes will not be accepted. You and your partner(s) may work on the final review together but each student MUST have their own individual handwritten review. No photocopies will be accepted. The final review will count for several minor grades and TWO major grades. You will be required to put your name and your partner(s) name on the top of the front page of each section. Reviews #1-10 will be worth 1 major grade (10 points each). If you score under a 70, you must FULLY complete each section in order to have your grade changed to a 70.******* Date Day Topic / Content For Class Due Today

DAY 1 Mon Nixon and Foreign Policy Chapter 30 LEP/Chapter 29 Lecture/Review April 16 NROC 77 AMSCO/Chapter 29 Vocabulary due today

Review #12 (America Becomes a Global DAY 2 Nixon and Domestic Issue Tues Lecture/Review Power: 1900-1920s) due today-2 DAILY April 17 NROC 78 GRADES

DAY 3 Nixon and Domestic Issues Nixon Presidential Review Presidential Notecards and Wed April 18 NROC 78 Profile Mnemonics

DAY 4 Review Presidential Notecards and Thurs M/C EXAM M/C EXAM April 19 Mnemonics Review #13 (The ‘Roaring 20s & the DAY 5 Fri DBQ DBQ Depression: 1920-1940) due today-2 April 20 DAILY GRADES

Review #14 (America Becomes a DAY 6 Ford Ford Presidential Mon Superpower: 1940-1960) due today #1-14 April 23 NROC 79 Profile worth 1 MAJOR GRADE DAY 7 Review AMSCO CHAPTERS 1-3 Tues TAKS TAKS April 24 Corresponding Presidents/Mnemonics DAY 8 TAKS TAKS Review AMSCO CHAPTERS 4-6 Wed April 25 Math Math Corresponding Presidents/Mnemonics DAY 9 TAKS TAKS Review AMSCO CHAPTERS 7-9 Thurs April 26 Science Science Corresponding Presidents/Mnemonics DAY 10 TAKS TAKS Chapter 31 LEP/Chapter 30 April 27 Fri Social Studies Social Studies AMSCO/Chapter 30 Vocabulary due today

DAY 11 Carter Carter Presidential Review AMSCO CHAPTERS 10-12 Mon April 30 NROC 79 Profile Corresponding Presidents/Mnemonics DAY 12 Reagan Reagan Presidential Review AMSCO CHAPTERS 13-15 Tues May 1 NROC 79 Profile Corresponding Presidents/Mnemonics DAY 13 George Bush Bush Presidential Review AMSCO CHAPTERS 16-18 Wed May 2 NROC 80 Profile Corresponding Presidents/Mnemonics DAY 14 Bill Clinton Clinton Presidential Review AMSCO CHAPTERS 19-21 Thurs May 3 NROC 80 Profile Corresponding Presidents/Mnemonics DAY 15 Review AMSCO CHAPTERS 22-24 Fri EXAM EXAM May 4 Corresponding Presidents/Mnemonics

DAY 16 George W. Bush Bush Presidential Review AMSCO CHAPTERS 25-27 Mon May 7 NROC 80 Profile Corresponding Presidents/Mnemonics DAY 17 Review AMSCO CHAPTERS 28-30 Tues Review Lecture/Review May 8 Corresponding Presidents/Mnemonics DAY 18 Wed Review Lecture/Review Review Presidential Notecards/Mnemonics May 9 DAY 19 Thurs Review Lecture/Review Review Presidential Notecards/Mnemonics May 10 DAY 20 AP US HISTORY EXAM AP US HISTORY Fri May 11 EXAM

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