Parent/Student Handbook 2016-2017

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Parent/Student Handbook 2016-2017

Parent/Student Handbook 2016-2017

DESERT THUNDER SCHOOL in the office prior to leaving campus. Any other arrangements must be cleared by the administration. Home of the Eagles 16750 W. Garfield Avenue Goodyear, AZ 85338 Visitors to the Campus School website: Desert Thunder School welcomes and encourages parents and community members to visit the school at any time. ALL Desert Thunder’s School Mission VISITORS, (INCLUDING PARENTS), MUST CHECK IN AT THE SCHOOL OFFICE BEFORE ENTERING THE SCHOOL. This * New as of July 2016 - Desert Thunder School is a community includes when dropping their students off before the bell rings. that exists to empower our students to become thinkers, problem This procedure will be new this year to ensure a safe campus. solvers and communicators to ensure they are leaders on a PLEASE BE PREPARED TO SHOW IDENTIFICATION. Anyone pathway to success. having business to conduct on campus must first report to the office. As a courtesy, if a conference with school personnel is Desert Thunder School’s needed, Please call for an appointment. Visitors will be issued Spanish Dual Language Immersion Mission Statement an identification badge. In the Desert Thunder Dual Language Program, we empower our Students who are not enrolled in school may not participate students to become citizens of a global society who are in classroom activities, field trips, dances or other after- bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural, while achieving high levels school activities. No person shall visit a classroom or other of academic success. school activity without the approval of the principal. Failure to comply with this requirement is in violation of the law (POLICY School & District Telephone Numbers KI-R). School Office ………………………………...…..…… 623-772-4700 Sign Out / In Procedures Attendance Line …………………………….………... 623-772-4701 School Fax …………………………………………… 623-772-4720 Occasionally, parents may need to take their child home before District Office ……………………………………….... 623-772-5000 the usual dismissal time. Parents must get office permission District Operations …………………………………… 623-772-5070 before taking a child out of class. ALL CHILDREN MUST BE District Transportation ..………………………….….. 623-772-5065 SIGNED OUT FROM THE OFFICE. THEY WILL NOT BE RELEASED FROM THE CLASSROOM. This is a safety School Office Personnel precaution to ensure that no unauthorized person may take any Principal………………………………....…….. Wayne Deffenbaugh child. The student will not be allowed to walk home prior to Assistant Principal ………………….…….…. Jessica Worthington dismissal time. No student will be released from school to any School Psychologist ……………………….…...… Teresa Valledor person other than the parent or legal guardian unless the school Counselor………………………………….…….…….Katrina Saenz has positive proof that the parent having custody or legal School Secretary ..…………………….…………..…...Ronda Lung guardianship has given permission for the release. In the event School Secretary …………… ………………… Becki Amezquita parents are legally separated, the school shall release the School Nurse…………….……………………… Rhonda Smorong student only with the consent of the parent who has custody.

The Desert Thunder School campus is open at 7:00 AM. Extra Curricular Activities School Office Hours Student Hours Throughout the year, there are extra curricular activities offered 7:00 – 3:45 PM K-8 7:30 - 3:00 (M, Tu, Th, Fri) for our students. Activities may include dances, field trips, field K-8 7:30 – 11:45 (Wed) day, after school clubs/tutoring, and sports. These activities are a Breakfast Hours privilege. Desert Thunder teaching staff and administration have 7:00 – 7:25 AM the right to revoke these privileges if any behavior or academic Student Drop-Off concerns arise with a student.

 PLEASE DO NOT DROP STUDENTS OFF PRIOR TO 7:00 AM. NO Students receiving any behavior reports, behavior referrals, SUPERVISION IS PROVIDED. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS MAY BE disciplinary suspensions or unexcused/unverified absences will MADE WITH STAFF FOR TUTORING, BAND/CHORUS PRACTICE, jeopardize their privilege to attend school dances. Student ETC. receiving any ACP or At Home Suspensions since the last dance  THE STUDENT DROP-OFF AREA IS LOCATED OFF OF GARFIELD AVENUE. will not be allowed to attend the current dance. Behavioral  PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF STUDENTS IN FRONT OF THE MAIN Referrals may jeopardize a student from attending a dance. PARKING LOT. YOU MUST PARK AND WALK STUDENTS ONTO Students must be in attendance for at least half of the school day CAMPUS WHEN COMING INTO THE PARKING LOT. in order to attend a dance. Site administration and staff will speak with students regarding their attendance at a dance. Closed Campus Student Technology Once students arrive at school in the morning, they are expected to stay on campus for the entire day. Students will only be Cell phones, iPods, iPads, Kindles, or ANY KIND OF permitted to leave when your parent or guardian comes to pick ELECTRONIC GAMES ARE NOT ALLOWED AT SCHOOL! them up for special reasons. Parents are to sign their student out This means, out of site, out of mind. As soon as students walk on campus, their technology is to be put away and turned off. Parent/Student Handbook 2016-2017

We do allow students to carry cell phones in their pockets. education for all students. More information regarding the However, if the technology becomes an interruption to instruction C.U.T.S. program will be available. or is out where a staff member can see a student with the technology, then students may be referred for disciplinary Tardy Policy consequences. Unauthorized items may be confiscated and held until the student’s parent/guardian comes to claim them. As regular attendance is important, a student’s prompt arrival and DESERT THUNDER SCHOOL IS NOT RESPONSIBLE IF being prepared for the day’s activities is also essential. Needless UNAUTHORIZED ITEMS ARE LOST OR STOLEN. tardies cause disruption to the classroom routine and interfere with a student’s learning. The first bell rings at 7:30 am. School begins at 7:30 each morning and students are expected to be Eating/Drinking in Classrooms in class ready to learn at this time. If a student arrives after the tardy bell at 7:35, they will need to obtain a late pass from the Food or drink brought or consumed by students in the office. All students arriving after 7:35 will be considered tardy and classrooms is not allowed. We do encourage students to bring subject to the tardy policy. There will not be excused or water bottles, just not any other liquid drinks. Teachers and unexcused tardies. Tardy is tardy and will be counted as a administration will make allowances for special circumstances. tardy. No gum is allowed on campus. Each staff member is responsible for consistent enforcement of Attendance the tardy policy. If a student abuses the tardy policy, appropriate disciplinary action will be applied. ARIZONA CUMPULSORY ATTENDANCE LAW: Students must be in school until they reach the age of 16 or successfully Consequences for Tardiness (By Quarter) complete the 10th grade (A.R.S. 15-802). Students should be on time and present at school unless they are ill or there is any First through third grade – conversation/communication from emergency. Students may not participate in after school activities teacher/office staff/admin. or dances unless they have been in school for at least half of the Fourth tardy – After School Detention (4-8th grade), Lunch Detention (K- school day. 3rd grade) Fifth tardy – Student referred to administration for disciplinary have a closed campus policy. Students must stay all day, unless consequences. they are checked out through the office by a parent, guardian or . designee. (See General Information – Sign in/Sign Out) Please make sure your children are on time to school. Their academic success increases greatly when they at school Absences everyday and are on time!

The following procedures are designed to keep the school and parents informed about absences (POLICY JH-R) Student Grades Kindergarten – 5 th Grades  Notify school before 7:30 AM if your child is going to be absent. Send a note with another child or phone the The Avondale Elementary School District is in alignment with the school office at 623-772-4700/4701. Arizona College and Career Ready Standards in grades K-8.  When a child is absent and no message has been The K-5 report cards are aligned with these standards and have received from parents, someone from the school will been designed to give the maximum amount of information in a phone the parents. clear format. The scale is based on E-Exceeds, M-Meets, AP-  Send a note to the child’s teacher explaining the reason Approaching, FB – Falling below. Parent information/curriculum for the absence or return the absence verification form. nights are planned to explain the report cards in more detail.  We do have an automated calling system that will call th th between 7:50-8:00 if your child is absent from school. We 6 – 8 Grades need verification why your child is not in school for the day each time they are absent. The grade earned and given to each pupil shall is determined by the teacher. In the absence of a clerical or mechanical mistake, Excused absences include bereavement, medical reasons and fraud, bad faith or incompetence, the grade shall be final. religious holidays. Please do not send children to school when Therefore, questions about grades should be directed to the they appear to be ill. The health of all children depends on teacher. Parents wishing to discuss grades with the teacher may keeping contagious diseases isolated at home. call the school and request a conference with the teacher.

Truancy The following guidelines for grading will be followed:

School attendance is not only a good habit; state law requires it  The grade the student receives will reflect an evaluation (A.R.S. 15-802). To encourage and improve school attendance, of his / her performance. It will also determine the extent all schools in our district will again take part in a truancy program to which the student is progressing from a given point in in partnership with Maricopa County Juvenile Court. This truancy proportion to his / her own abilities. program is called C.U.T.S. (Court Unified Truancy Suppression).  The teacher will use every means possible to arrive at a The education of your child is extremely important to us. This fair and impartial judgment of each student and his/her program is another way that Desert Thunder and the Avondale work. Schools are working with the community to ensure a quality  A 100 - 90% Excellent Parent/Student Handbook 2016-2017

 B 89 - 80% Above Average For Girls:  C 79 - 70% Average  All solid white, solid light gray, solid hunter green, solid navy blue, or  D 69 - 60% Below Average solid light pink shirts with lay-down collar. No logos or labels showing on the top. This may include, but not be limited to, a blouse or “polo”.  F 59-below Failing All shirts must be tucked in at all times.

Report Cards / Progress Reports  Solid navy blue or tan pants, shorts, skorts, skirts, jumpers, capri pants, and bib overalls. No logos or labels showing. No blue Each student's educational progress is evaluated regularly and jeans, blue-jean shorts, cargo pants, sweat pants, or stretchy type reported to parents / guardians four times each year. Report material. cards are issued at the end of each nine (9) week quarter. Progress reports will be issued approximately every 4th/5th week of each nine-week reporting period. More guidelines for dress:  Baggy or oversized clothing is not acceptable and this is Parent/Teacher Conferences prohibited. Clothing may not be more than one size too large, to allow for one-year’s growth. No sagging of Parents have access through ParentVue to track their child’s clothing is allowed. Pants must fit at the waist and not drag progress. A log in is available for every parent. Parents are on the ground. Shorts must not be shorter than the middle welcome to meet with their student's teacher(s) for a conference at of the thigh nor longer than the bottom of the knee. Skirts any time during the school year. Conferences may be arranged and shorts must not be shorter than the middle of the by calling school office or sending a note to the child's teacher. thigh. Formal conferences between parents and teachers are scheduled  Belts (if worn) must be black, brown, or navy and may not at the end of the first grading period (October) and the end of the be more than one size larger than the waist. Belts must be third grading period (March). worn at the waist and cannot hang below the waist. Belts and buckles must be plain with no designs or logos. Honor Roll  Shirts and blouses must be worn tucked in at all times. (Grades 4-5)  No short shorts or short skirts are allowed. High academic achievement should be a goal for everyone. If this  No undergarments may show. T-shirts or turtlenecks worn goal is accomplished, students will be recognized for outstanding under polo or blouse must be uniform shirt colors (solid effort. Students who earn all Meets with no behavior grade below white, gray, hunter green, navy blue, or pink). an S will qualify for Honor Roll status. Students who earn 3 out of 5 exceeds with no behavior grade below an S will qualify for  For safety reasons, students are encouraged to wear Principal’s Honor Roll. closed toed shoes. Students are encouraged to wear appropriate shoes for physical education classes, such as (Grades 6-8) tennis shoes. For safety reasons students are Again, high academic achievement should be a goal for everyone. encouraged not to wear flip-flops at Desert Thunder If this goal is accomplished, students will be recognized for School. outstanding effort. Students who earn all A’s and B’s with no  Any clothing, buttons, jewelry, or other accessories that are behavior grade below an S will qualify for A/B Honor Roll status. oversized, contain display vulgar, lewd, obscene, or plainly Students who earn all A’s with no behavior grade below an S will offensive messages or images, or display images of qualify for Principal’s Honor Roll. weapons, drugs, violence, alcohol, sprays cans, reference to or identify gang affiliation, racial or ethnically offensive are strictly prohibited. including accessories that advocate STUDENT DRESS the use of alcohol or drugs and accessories that make reference to or identify gangs, are not allowed. New students who enter District schools will have one week to  Students may not display the following: facial piercings, purchase standard school clothing. During this time period, the school may donate the use of one uniform set per child. All tattoos, costume or unnatural hair color, chains, students in Kindergarten through eighth grade who attend spikes, or any other type of sharp jewelry. the District schools are expected to dress in the proper standard school attire. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure compliance with the dress code. All students who attend the Additional items may be added to the standard school clothing District schools must dress in accordance with this dress code. during the school year as approved by the school board.

All students will wear the standard school clothing. The clothing Outer wear is designed to be worn outside as the weather may not be altered in a manner that includes, but is not limited to, dictates. It should be removed in the classroom. At the slits and shredded hems. The standard school clothing shall be: discretion of the teacher, if the classroom is cold, students may keep their outerwear on. Students may wear windbreakers, For Boys: jackets, sweaters, or sweatshirts as outerwear. Jackets of  All solid white, solid light gray, solid hunter green, solid navy blue, or different colors, patterns, and emblems are acceptable as long solid light pink shirts with lay-down collar. No logos or labels showing as they are appropriate and not gang related. Expensive jackets on the shirt. This may include, but is not limited to, a “polo” shirt and are discouraged, as the school is not liable for damaged, lost, or dress shirt. All shirts must be tucked in at all times. stolen outer wear. Outer wear may not be more than one size  Solid navy blue or tan shorts/slacks. No logos, or outer pockets too large for the student. Students may not wear flannels or showing on pants. No blue jeans, blue-jean shorts, cargo pants, or sweat pants, or stretchy type material. headwear. Parent/Student Handbook 2016-2017

Please refer to the District Parent / Student Handbook for the entire dress code policy. STUDENT CONDUCT Discipline Philosophy

We believe all students have the right to learn. All students have a responsibility to follow the school policy in a manner that does not prevent teachers from teaching, prevent students from learning, or violate the best interest of any individual in the school or community.

The behavior of students is of the utmost concern to all school personnel. All school personnel are responsible for enforcing the Desert Thunder Code of Conduct and setting the tone for student behavior while on the school grounds. Because the classroom teacher is closest to the student, he/she will be primarily responsible for student behavior on the school grounds and in the classroom. All teachers will establish fair and consistent rules and consequences for maintaining good classroom discipline.

The rules for the conduct of the students in the classroom should be established and explained the first day of school. Teachers will enforce these guidelines early for student conduct, enforce these guidelines with consistency, and set a good example themselves. We believe all children are capable of success, NO EXCEPTIONS!

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