Please Print Your Name Here: We Have Read the Syllabus and We Are Aware of the Course

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Please Print Your Name Here: We Have Read the Syllabus and We Are Aware of the Course

Please Print Your Name Here:------

------We have read the syllabus and we are aware of the course requirements. Student Signature: ______Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Please print name also! :) ______Work Phone: ______Home Phone: ______e-mail address: ______


OFFICE PHONE NUMBER: 209-830-3380 OFFICE E-MAIL: [email protected]

We are looking forward to our year together as we explore the themes of global commerce and government through character-building activities, cooperative projects, and service learning.

Global Issues is specifically designed for students at the Institute for Global Commerce and Government. The purpose of the course is to serve as a consistent source of guidance and support as your student continues the path towards graduation day.

Our goal for this year is to focus on study skills and test taking skills and provide a supportive and collaborative place to study with the expectation that our students will exhibit positive behavior and character. Various skills are developed as students examine: --global commerce and governmental themes --current events --a variety of ethical and controversial issues --IGCG Projects

MONDAY: Guest Speakers/or Global Projects TUESDAY: Study Session (Teacher Available for Individual Counseling) WEDNESDAY: Study Session “ THURSDAY: Study Session “ FRIDAY: Study Session “

RULES: 1. Be safe. 2. Be respectful. 3. Be on task. 4. Have SSR Book or Homework to complete for Study Credit Each Day 5. Complete Log Daily to Receive Credit for Study Session 6. Enjoy the silence and study to prepare yourself for school each day. 7. Weekly Logs due every Friday with Monday Speaker Summary (one paragraph minimum required for a C for each day.) 8. Business Casual Required on Guest Speaker Mondays for Weekly Credit. Chronic Non-Dress will result in assignment to the Support Room. 9. 8 Hours of Community Service in a Fall IGCG Project is required devoted to Fall Semester and 8 Hours of Community Service is required devoted to Spring IGCG Project for the Spring Semester. Completion of required 8 hours of IGCG Community Service Hours graded on the Rubric Below for the Fall and Spring Semesters which will constitute a Final Exam Grade calculated at 20% of the Semester Grades. Community Service must be on approved TUSD Community Service Form approved by Ms. Thompson and Mr. Hoffman as Service Learning.

**All rules and guidelines stated in the West High School Student Handbook will be enforced.

CONSEQUENCES: The following will occur if you do not comply with the class rules: 1. Verbal warning 2. Seat change 3. Student/Teacher conference 4. Referral to Director and parent contact 5. Steps may be skipped depending on the severity of the offense.

MATERIALS: Everyday, please bring the following with you to class: --a pen (blue or black ink) and pencil --your SSR book --any homework that you may have --Daily Log Sheet due on Fridays with Guest Speaker Summary GRADING POLICY: All work will be graded on a 100 point scale. 100-90 A (100-99=A+, 98-94=A, 93-90=A-) 89-80 B (89-87=B+, 86-84=B, 83-80=B-) 79-70 C (79-77=C+, 76-74=C, 73-70=C-) 69-60 D (69-67=D+, 66-64=D, 63-60=D-) 59-0 F

Your semester grade will be determined in the following manner: 1st quarter of semester 40% 2nd quarter of semester 40% Final = 8 Hrs. IGCG Community 20% Service MAKE-UP WORK: 1. Make-up work will only be accepted from those with excused absences. 2. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what you miss when you are out of class.

Copy the agenda from the class calendar. Check the Advisement Notebook to find out what you missed. See the files for any missed handouts. Be sure to copy any notes you missed from a classmate.

You have the same number of days in which you were absent (excused absences ONLY!!!) to make up assignments missed. Any work assigned and/or announced before your absence must be turned in or stamped the day you return.

5 Days = 50 Points Advisement Participation Points Rubric

A 10/9 Student Is a prompt and regular attendant; Has notebook out on desk to write daily agenda Always brings all materials to class; Participates actively, regularly, and appropriately in class discussion Listens when others talk, both in class and group discussion; Offers thoughtful comments and is able to articulate constructive criticism as needed; Participates actively and appropriately in group work by offering ideas and asking questions Completes Daily Log in Sentences with Descriptions written describing studying or reading accomplished day. Guest Speaker Summary is detailed with several paragraphs. A 8/7 Student Is a prompt and regular attendant; Has notebook out on desk to write daily agenda Participates regularly in class discussions Listens when others talk, both in class and group discussion; Offers thoughtful comments and makes an effort to articulate constructive criticism as needed; Generally participates in group work by offering ideas and asking questions Completes Daily Log in Sentences with Descriptions written describing studying or reading accomplished day. Guest Speaker Summary is detailed with 1-2 paragraphs. A 6 Student Is irregular in attendance and shows a pattern of tardiness; Needs to be reminded to get materials out; Needs to occasionally borrow paper, etc.; Does not listen when others talk, both in class and group discussion; Disrupts the class with side conversations; Does not participate regularly in class discussion; Rarely participates in group work by offering ideas and asking questions; Offers minimal comments and makes little effort to articulate constructive criticism Completes Daily Log in Sentences with Descriptions written describing studying or reading accomplished day. Guest Speaker Summary is detailed with 1 paragraph. A 5/0 Student Is irregular in attendance and shows a pattern of tardiness; Consistently needs to be reminded to get materials out; Offers a comment only when directly asked by fellow group members or the teacher; Does not listen when others talk, both in class and group discussions; Sabotages group and class dynamics through clowning, pouting, or other distracting behaviors; Disrupts the class with side conversations; Does not follow teacher directions; Does not come to class with expected materials Incomplete sentences and areas contained in Daly Study Logs. Inadequate and brief Guest Speaker Summary. Does not Dress Business Casual on Guest Speaker Days = 0 for Week

Discipline & Tardy Policy as outlined in the WHS Student handbook: DISCIPLINE POLICY AND CONSEQUENCES AT WEST HIGH SCHOOL

Offense Teacher Consequences # 1 Teacher consequence – may include verbal warning, seat change, conference, packet work, teacher detention. Teacher makes contact with parent. 2 Teacher consequence – may include verbal warning, seat change, conference, packet work, teacher detention. Teacher makes contact with parent. 3 Referral to counselor; teacher and counselor make contact with parent. Discipline & Attendance Review Team (DART) held. 4 Referral to administration for assignment of detention. Student may be returned to classroom once detention has been assigned. OR Teacher suspension from class (Documented in accordance with Ed. Code 48910: as soon as possible the teacher shall ask the parent or guardian to attend a parent/ teacher conference regarding the suspension.) Administrative Consequences 5 Assignment of Saturday School (2 - 4 hr. assignment; 8:00 am – 12:00 pm) 6 Full day placement in-house suspension (held on Friday during normal school hours) 7+ Home suspension with parent conference.


Attendance: A student’s academic success is directly related to their attendance. Because this is a skills based class, student success is directly dependent on the time they spend practicing their computer skills. Therefore, regular attendance is a vital part of the curriculum.

Tardies: A student’s future success as an employee is heavily based on their ability to get to work on time. This also applies to academic success. Students are expected to be in their seats, quiet, and ready to work when class begins or they are considered tardy. The school’s attendance and tardy policies will be strictly enforced as outlined in the WHS Student Handbook. These are vital work habits for students to learn. 1& 4 consequences are to tidy up and push in chairs before leaving lab.

TARDY POLICY AND CONSEQUENCES AT WEST HIGH SCHOOL A little late is too late! Every instructional minute counts and student tardiness interferes with the learning process. Please be respectful of your teacher and fellow classmates and be on time to class. Specific tardy policies and procedures are as follows:

1. A tardy is defined as arrival to class within the first ten (10) minutes after the tardy bell rings. Students must be in their seats when the tardy bell rings. Arrival to class 10 to 29 minutes after the tardy bell will constitute a late. Arrival to class 30 minutes or later will constitute an unexcused absence. # TARDY CONSEQUENCE(S) 1 -4 Teacher Discretion ….teacher records the tardy in the roll book and AERIES ; notify the student ; include the tardy #.

Teacher discretion can include verbal warning; teacher detention; Natural Consequences/Grade Impact; seat change; extra assignment/packets; conference; & others (as approved by site administration). Teachers are expected to specify any 4 options when writing their syllabus A Good faith attempt to contact parent (date and time) is required prior to 5th tardy referral to the office

5 Referral to Assistant Principal’s office for administrative/lunch detention or Assign a day of Saturday School ( Site Choice). Parents notified by the teacher. Student returns back to class after detention/Saturday School day is assigned. 6 Referral to Assistant Principal’s office. Student assigned to In-House Suspension/ a day of Saturday School ( Site Choice) and placed on a DART. Parents notified by the AP. Student sent back to class after HIS/Saturday School day has been assigned. 7 Referral to Assistant Principal. Off-campus suspension. Parents contacted by AP. 8 + Off-campus suspension. Parents contacted by AP.

A student late to class by 10 minutes or more will be termed “late” and will receive appropriate tardy consequence. Tardy consequences will be assigned on per period basis.

The tardy count starts at zero at the beginning of each quarter.

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