Section I. Overview
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Table of Contents
Section I. Overview
Section II. Processing Statistics
Section III. Graphs
Section IV. Total Contracts by Agency
Section V. Top 50 Contractors
Section VI. Top 50 Professional Contractors
Subsection A. Top 50 Physician Contractors Subsection B. Top 50 Legal Contractors
Section VII. Top 50 Personal Contractors
Section VIII. Top 50 Social Services Contractors
Section IX. Top 50 Consulting Contractors
Section X. Top 50 Interagency Contractors
Section XI. Top 50 Intergovernmental Contractors
Section XII. Top 50 Cooperative Endeavor Contractors
Section XIII. Contracts Approved Under Delegation of Authority SECTION I
The Office of Contractual Review is charged by law with adopting rules and regulations for the procurement, management, control and disposition of all professional, personal, consulting, and social services required by state agencies, boards and commissions of the executive branch of Louisiana government. The Office of Contractual Review decides all matters of policy relative to professional, personal, consulting, and social services. The contracts received at the Office of Contractual Review are reviewed to ensure that they comply with all laws and regulations, funding is available and the proposed services are reasonable and advisable, while not substituting personal judgment for that of the agency on programmatic issues. The review process also ensures that a central record of all such agreements is maintained and that comparative statistics in the number and kinds of services can be developed for planning purposes. The Louisiana Revised Statutes Title 39: 1481-1526 directly address the laws governing professional, personal, consulting, and social services contracts. The official rules and regulations of the Office of Contractual Review appear in Title 34, Part V of the Louisiana Administrative Code.
Additionally, by executive order of the governor, all cooperative endeavor agreements executed by state agencies where there is an expenditure of public funds are required to be reviewed and approved by the Office of Contractual Review.
During the period 07/01/08 through 06/30/09, 6,304 contracts and amendments worth approximately $5 billion dollars were approved by the Office of Contractual Review.
Number of Dollar Amount of Type of Service Contracts Contracts Professional 1,292 $177,990,953.02
Personal 160 $7,432,636.24 Consulting 1,275 $1,395,833,679.93
Social Services 1,531 $288,928,300.98
Interagency 468 $213,436,325.89
Intergovernmental 495 $79,384,324.06 Cooperative Endeavor Agreements 1083 $2,897,889,317.68
Totals 6,304 $5,060,895,537.80
Contracts and amendments approved under delegation of authority by state agencies total approximately $655,468,274.47. Comprehensively, contracts approved during FY 08/09 under the authority of Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1481 et seq. total approximately $5,716,363,812.27.
A complete listing of all contracts/amendments approved during FY 08/09 by the Office of Contractual Review is maintained and available for viewing in the Office of Contractual Review. The Annual Budget for the Office of Contractual Review for FY 08-09 was $609,830. There are currently seven full-time employees that comprise the Office of Contractual Review.
Sandra G. Gillen – State Contracts/Grants Administrator Pamela B. Rice – State Contracts/Grants Assistant Administrator Paula Lazard-Lewis – State Contract/Grants Supervisor Cynthia Galmon – State Contract/Grants Officer Cheri Crain – State Contract/Grants Officer Laura Adare – State Contracts/Grants Officer Cheryl East – Administrative Assistant
The statistics in this report reflect those contracts and contract amendments which were approved by the Office of Contractual Review during the period July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009 as required by La. R. S. 39:1489. The services provided in some of these contracts may actually have been performed in the prior or subsequent fiscal year. The approved date on these contracts/amendments is largely dependent upon the date the contracts/amendments are submitted to the Office of Contractual Review for approval.
1st 2nd Processing 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter TOTALS Quarter Quarter 7 DAYS 442 200 311 553 1506 14 DAYS 711 398 482 1068 2659 21 DAYS 245 221 242 296 1004 5169 28 DAYS 87 118 176 103 484 35 DAYS 38 71 64 58 231 42 DAYS 34 42 36 36 148 49 DAYS 15 18 16 31 80 56 DAYS 5 22 17 13 57 63 DAYS 1 11 13 14 39 70 DAYS 4 4 8 5 21 77 DAYS 3 1 6 5 15 > 77 DAYS 8 14 20 18 60 TOTALS 1593 1120 1391 2200 6304
1st 2nd Processing 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter TOTALS Quarter Quarter 7 DAYS 27.75% 17.86% 22.36% 25.14% 23.89% 14 DAYS 44.63% 35.54% 34.65% 48.55% 42.18% 21 DAYS 15.38% 19.73% 17.40% 13.45% 15.93% 82.00% 28 DAYS 5.46% 10.54% 12.65% 4.68% 7.68% 35 DAYS 2.39% 6.34% 4.60% 2.64% 3.66% 42 DAYS 2.13% 3.75% 2.59% 1.64% 2.35% 49 DAYS 0.94% 1.61% 1.15% 1.41% 1.27% 56 DAYS 0.31% 1.96% 1.22% 0.59% 0.90% 63 DAYS 0.06% 0.98% 0.93% 0.64% 0.62% 70 DAYS 0.25% 0.36% 0.58% 0.23% 0.33% 77 DAYS 0.19% 0.09% 0.43% 0.23% 0.24% > 77 DAYS 0.50% 1.25% 1.44% 0.82% 0.95% TOTALS 100.% 100.% 100.% 100.% 100.%
<= 3 Weeks 87.76% 73.13% 74.41% 87.14% calculations as of data from CFMS Report 11/01/2009
GRAPHS DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CONTRACTS/AMENDMENTS APPROVED BY THE OFFICE OF CONTRACTUAL REVIEW $1,000,000,000.00 $1,500,000,000.00 $2,000,000,000.00 $2,500,000,000.00 $3,000,000,000.00 $3,500,000,000.00 $4,000,000,000.00 $4,500,000,000.00 $5,000,000,000.00 $500,000,000.00 $0.00 1999-00
$1,296,610,009.00 2000-01
$1,608,504,060.00 2001-02
$1,809,620,020.00 2002-03
$2,300,780,696.00 2003-04
$2,361,685,502.00 FiscalYear 2004-05
$2,132,961,867.00 2005-06
$2,005,496,168.00 2006-07
$3,301,292,235.49 2007-08
$4,722,419,291.74 2008-09
6174 5558 7295 6304 6000 6521 6034 5795 6204 5608 6034
0 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
$1,395,833,679.93 $2,500,000,000.00 $2,300,000,000.00 $2,100,000,000.00 $1,900,000,000.00 $1,700,000,000.00
$1,500,000,000.00 $288,928,300.98 $1,300,000,000.00 $213,436,325.89 $79,384,324.06 $1,100,000,000.00 $177,990,953.02 $900,000,000.00 $7,432,636.24 $700,000,000.00 $500,000,000.00 $300,000,000.00 468 1275 1083 495 160 1292 1531 $100,000,000.00 -$100,000,000.00 y g r l l l l c in vo ta na na ia en lt ea en o io oc g su d m rs ss S ra n En rn Pe fe te Co e e ro In iv ov P at G er op Co
Total Number of Contracts Total Dollar Amount of Contracts APPROVED CONTRACTS/AMENDMENTS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09
Agencies 12%
Agencies OCR 50% 50%
OCR 88%
CIVIL SERVICE 5 $104,300.00
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 282 $629,613,184.57
EDUCATION 415 $68,108,969.26 UNIVERSITIES/HOSPITALS 771 $154,503,074.76
JUSTICE 16 $2,239,825.00
ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 116 $10,082,975.58
HEALTH & HOSPITALS 1469 $258,066,888.27
LABOR 204 $42,408,698.24
PUBLIC SAFETY 328 $141,312,697.49
CORRECTIONS 130 $15,592,293.66
NATURAL RESOURCES 154 $98,595,192.88
REVENUE & TAXATION 29 $14,144,492.00
SOCIAL SERVICES 513 $108,070,580.77
WILDLIFE & FISHERIES 83 $11,403,599.98
TREASURY 14 $1,199,500.00
AGRICULTURE & FORESTRY 12 $6,103,099.00
INSURANCE 72 $4,046,531.05
TOTALS 6304 $5,060,895,537.80 SECTION V
$910,000,000.00 DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATION, FACILITY Elevate, reconstruct or retrofit flood prone structures PLANNING & CONTROL
$446,000,000.00 EMPLOYERS HEALTH INSURANCE Provide an HMO physician and hospital provider network to the Office of Group COMPANY Benefits
$295,583,127.63 CITY OF NEW ORLEANS Rebuild hurricane damaged infrastructure
$280,000,000.00 CATALYST RX Pharmacy benefit management services to the Office of Group Benefit’s plan participants
$200,000,000.00 LCTCS FACILITIES CORPORATION Acquisition, renovation and construction of facilities on various Louisiana Community and Technical College System campuses
$175,250,000.00 UNITED HEALTHCARE INSURANCE Provide an EPO physician and hospital provider network to the Office of Group COMPANY Benefit’s plan participants
$150,000,000.00 ALGIERS DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Develop a new state of the art federal installation in the state
$124,500,000.00 SHAW GROUP, INC. Build a new modular manufacturing facility in Lake Charles to employ 1,400 people
$93,171,958.22 ST. BERNARD PARISH GOVERNMENT Repair and replace hurricane damaged infrastructure
$87,000,000.00 V-VEHICLE COMPANY Department of Economic Development project relating to infrastructure expenditures for an automobile manufacturing plant
$84,246,601.03 TERREBONNE PARISH CONSOLIDATED Louisiana Recovery Authority program to rebuild, repair parish infrastructure, GOVERNMENT housing , etc.
$68,953,654.00 CYPRESS REALTY PARTNERS, LLC Alternative housing pilot program for the Louisiana Recovery Authority TOP 50 CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 BY OVERALL CONTRACT AMOUNT GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$62,079,000.00 UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS & Provide for supplemental equipment and facility modifications RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY FOUNDATION
$57,030,832.00 CITY OF BOSSIER CITY Support for infrastructure for cyber innovation center and transportation infrastructure
$51,453,240.00 ACS STATE & LOCAL SOLUTIONS Administer small rental property program for the Office of Community Development; electronic benefits transfer system for the Department of Social Services
$50,000,000.00 FOSTER POULTRY FARMS Purchase and operate the poultry production and processing plant in Farmerville
$48,929,829.76 PLAQUEMINES PARISH GOVERNMENT Louisiana Recovery Authority program to repair hurricane damaged fisheries and other infrastructure
$44,926,869.55 CAMERON PARISH POLICE JURY Louisiana Recovery Authority program to rebuild, repair parish infrastructure, housing , etc.
$44,564,651.60 UNITY OF GREATER BATON ROUGE Administer Shelter plus care program for disabled homeless population in hurricane damaged areas for the Office of Community Development
$42,420,314.00 LOUISIANA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY Louisiana Recovery Authority program providing housing financial assistance to low income homebuyers
$42,217,987.30 JEFFERSON PARISH GOVERNMENT Louisiana Recovery Authority program to rebuild, repair parish infrastructure, housing , etc.
$41,075,032.40 TULANE UNIVERSITY Provide various medical and research services to state agencies
$40,827,224.00 CGI TECHNOLOGIES & SOLUTIONS, INC. Computer software hosting, support and training for Road Home transition for the Office of Community Development
$40,017,000.00 ST. BERNARD PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Replace, rebuild, repair hurricane damaged school infrastructure TOP 50 CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 BY OVERALL CONTRACT AMOUNT GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$37,395,038.00 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Legal services for various state agencies
$29,959,007.00 HGI CATASTROPHE SERVICE, LLC Administer Road Home program for the Office of Community Development
$26,733,588.56 LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Various services to provide nutrition education for food stamp applicants; occupancy to Electronic Arts, Inc.; promote rice industry; crash record entry & analysis for the Department of Transportation and Development; services related to the Department of Education’s positive behavioral support initiative
$26,113,007.37 ST. TAMMANY PARISH GOVERNMENT Louisiana Recovery Authority program to rebuild, repair parish infrastructure, housing , etc.
$25,693,409.46 CALCASIEU PARISH POLICE JURY Louisiana Recovery Authority program to rebuild, repair parish infrastructure, housing , etc.
$25,145,658.07 LAFOURCHE PARISH COUNCIL Louisiana Recovery Authority program to rebuild, repair parish infrastructure, housing , etc.
$25,099,265.50 LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Public school infrastructure repair under Louisiana Recovery Authority program
$23,500,000.00 PORT OF NEW ORLEANS Construction of a cold storage facility on the east bank of the Mississippi river
$22,296,506.89 LAKE CHARLES HARBOR & TERMINAL Delivery and beneficial use of sediment dredged for navigation purposes
$20,564,810.35 LA DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE & FORESTRY Louisiana Recovery Authority program to help famers recover from hurricane damage
$20,000,000.00 BAYOU LAFOURCHE FRESH WATER Clear debris from bayou; dredge access channel DISTRICT
$16,915,329.00 PLAQUEMINES PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Louisiana Recovery Authority program to rebuild, repair and replace primary and secondary public school infrastructure damaged by hurricanes
$16,477,019.00 PACIFIC METRICS CORPORATION Maintain a web based end of course test system for the Department of Education
$16,411,761.00 ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Louisiana Recovery Authority program to rebuild, repair and replace primary and secondary public school infrastructure damaged by hurricanes
$16,290,000.00 LSU SYSTEM RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY Construction of a computer facility known as the Louisiana Digital Media Center FOUNDATION
$16,135,411.00 ST. TAMMANY SCHOOL BOARD Louisiana Recovery Authority program to rebuild, repair and replace primary and secondary public school infrastructure damaged by hurricanes
$15,454,743.00 REGIONAL PHYSICIANS NETWORK Primary care, specialty and emergency department physician services to Walter O. Moss Medical Center
$15,000,000.00 SEWERAGE AND WATER BOARD Louisiana Recovery Authority program for sewer and water line repair and replacement
$15,000,000.00 UNITED BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Provide managed mental health and substance abuse treatment services for the Office of Group Benefits
$14,963,189.60 ASSUMPTION PARISH POLICE JURY Louisiana Recovery Authority program to rebuild, repair hurricane damaged infrastructure, housing, etc in assumption parish
$14,310,000.00 SOLID RESOURCES, INC. Hurricane Debris removal and disposal for the Department of Transportation and Development TOP 50 CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 BY OVERALL CONTRACT AMOUNT GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$13,922,917.00 PETER A. MAYER ADVERTISING, INC. Advertising and marketing for the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism and the Department of Economic Development
$13,600,000.00 US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Conduct a feasibility study for the Department of Natural Resources ecosystem restoration projects
$13,547,027.00 RURAL HOSPITAL COALITION, INC. Establishment and facilitation of the Louisiana rural health information exchange
$3,993,770,935.29 SECTION VI
$37,332,797.40 TULANE UNIVERSITY Physicians, medical director; psychiatrist; psychological services
$15,454,743.00 REGIONAL PHYSICIANS NETWORK Physician services to W.O. Moss Medical Center
$10,109,093.00 VAN METER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Emergency medicine physician services at Medical Center of La./New Orleans’ facilities
$8,592,966.00 C & M MEDICAL SERVICES, INC. Physician services for Huey P. Long and Earl K. Long Medical Center
$5,984,771.00 ARCADIS US, INC. Engineering services for Dept. of Natural Resources
$5,874,100.72 CAPITAL POST – CONVICTION PROJECT OF Legal services on behalf of indigents statewide LA
$5,005,960.00 ROEDEL, PARSONS, KOCH, BLANCHE, Legal services for various state agencies BALHOFF & MCCOLLISTER, APLC
$4,526,726.34 LOUISIANA APPELLATE PROJECT Legal services for indigents statewide
$3,622,500.00 NORTHEAST LA RADIOLOGY ASSOCIATES Radiology services for LSU Medical Center - Shreveport
$3,528,616.00 CAMP, DRESSER & MCKEE, INC. Engineering services for Dept. of Natural Resources
$3,300,238.33 CAPITAL DEFENSE PROJECT OF SOUTHEAST Legal services for indigents statewide LA
$3,300,000.00 REGIONAL RADIOLOGY LLC Radiology services to Lallie Kemp Medical Center
$3,130,540.00 TANGIPAHOA EMERGENCY GROUP, LLC Physician services to Lallie Kemp Medical Center
$2,932,376.00 MERCER HEALTH & BENEFITS, LLC Actuarial services to Dept. of Health & Hospitals
$2,930,999.00 POSTLETHWAITE & NETTERVILLE Auditing & accounting services for various state agencies
$2,307,600.00 COAST & HARBOR ENGINEERING Engineering services for Dept. of Natural Resources
$2,289,500.00 CARLETON, DUNLAP, OLINDE & MOORE, Legal services for various state agencies LLC
$2,006,372.94 CAPITAL APPEALS PROJECT Legal services for indigents statewide
$1,942,500.00 JOE H. RANKIN, M.D. – APMC Physician to provide radiology services for Huey P. Long Medical Center
$1,929,768.00 U. S. RADIOLOGY PARTNERS OF LA, INC. Radiology services to patients at W.O. Moss Medical Center
$1,837,792.07 BATON ROUGE CAPITAL CONFLICT OFFICE, Legal services for indigents statewide INC.
$1,734,400.00 OATS & HUDSON Legal services for various state agencies
$1,570,250.00 MYERS & STAUFFER, LC CPA Accounting services for Dept. of Health & Hospitals
$1,500,000.00 FLORIDA PARISHES SURGICAL Physician, surgical care services for Washington/ ASSOCIATES, LLC St. Tammany Medical Center
$1,400,000.00 DELOITTE & TOUCHE, LLP Accounting services
$1,394,031.00 GRACE & HEBERT ARCHITECTS, APAC Architectural services to various state agencies
$1,360,000.00 SHOWS, CALI, BERTHELOT & WALSH, LLP Legal services for various state agencies
$1,325,000.00 APPLE ADJUSTERS, INC. Claims adjustor services to Office of Risk Management TOP 50 PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$1,292,379.00 MARY BIRD PERKINS CANCER CENTER Radiation services
$1,250,500.00 KANTROW, SPAHT, WEAVER & BLITZERS Legal services for various state agencies
$1,184,292.54 LOUISIANA CRISIS ASSISTANCE CENTER Legal services for indigents statewide
$1,150,000.00 T. BAKER SMITH & SON, INC. Engineering services for Dept. of Natural Resources
$1,097,969.00 HDR ENGINEERING, INC. Engineering services for Dept. of Natural Resources
$1,082,254.33 MOFFATT & NICHOL ENGINEERS Engineering services
$1,013.766.00 BRANDON P. ROMANO, PSY. D & Psychological evaluations/counseling for Youth Services ASSOCIATES, LLC
$949,971.00 SELLERS & ASSOCIATES, INC. Engineering services
$918,000.00 TAYLOR, PORTER, BROOKS & PHILLIPS Legal services for various state agencies
$882,500.00 BATON ROUGE BROWN CLAIMS SERVICE, Claims adjuster services for Office of Risk Management INC.
$859,000.00 FOLEY, JUDELL, LLP Legal services for various state agencies
$854,649.00 CH2M HILL Engineering services for Dept. of Natural Resources
$840,000.00 DAWSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Legal & engineering services for Dept. of Natural Resources
$806,126.14 FRILOT, PARTRIDGE, KOHNKE & Legal services for Office of Risk Management CLEMENTS, LLC
$801,457.00 WILLIAM S. CARTER, JR. Legal services for various state agencies TOP 50 PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$801,325.00 BATON ROUGE RADIOLOGY GROUP Radiologist services
$800,000.00 BCG ENGINEERING, & CONSULTING, INC. Engineering services for Dept. of Natural Resources
$800,000.00 INNOCENCE PROJECT NEW ORLEANS Legal services on behalf of indigents statewide
$780,000.00 GEORGE M. PAPALE Legal services for Dept. of Health & Hospitals and various Boards & Commissions
$700,000.00 PHELPS DUNBAR, LLP Legal services for various state agencies
$683,592.00 JODIE HOLLOWAY, M.D., LLC Psychiatry services for Dept. of Health & Hospitals
$159,769,926.43 SUBSECTION A
$36,936,798.40 ADMINISTRATOR OF THE TULANE EDUC. Provide clinical director with supervision of clinical program, psychiatrists, FUND neurologists, psychiatric residents and administrative support
$15,454,743.00 REGIONAL PHYSICIANS NETWORK Provide primary care, specialty and emergency department physician services
$9,959,093.00 VAN METER & ASSOCIATES INC. Provide emergency medicine physician services
$8,592,966.00 C & M MEDICAL SERVICES INC. Provide emergency medicine physicians services
$4,680,986.00 LSU HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER NO Provide licensed physicians to serve as OCDD Medical Director and Assistant Medical Director
$3,622,500.00 NORTHEAST LA RADIOLOGY ASSOC Provides radiology services
$3,300,000.00 REGIONAL RADIOLOGY LLC Provide on-site radiology services
$3,130,540.00 TANGIPAHOA EMERGENCY GROUP LLC Provide physician and midlevel practitioner services to staff emergency department
$1,942,500.00 JOE H RANKIN MD – APMC Provides radiology services
$1,929,768.00 U S RADIOLOGY PARTNERS Provide professional radiology services to patients of WO Moss Regional
$1,500,000.00 FLORIDA PARISHES SURGICAL Provide surgical care services and on-call coverage
$1,250,195.00 SOUTHEAST LA HOSPITAL Provide 24-hr staffing 18 bed acute unit
$1,022,379.00 MARY BIRD PERKINS CANCER CENTER Provide radiation treatments at Earl K. Long Medical Center
$801,325.00 BATON ROUGE RADIOLOGY GROUP Provide radiology services
$683,592.00 JODIE HOLLOWAY, M.D. LLC Provide psychiatry services at Northlake Supports and Services Center & referred by OCDD TOP 50 PHYSICIAN CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$681,345.00 MEDICAL EMERGENCY DISASTER Provide Medical Director and technical/operational support services for LERN (La. CONSULTING SERVICES Emergency Response Network)
$620,000.00 ROY M LEE, M.D. Provide case management; treatment & medical services
$612,000.00 THE PATHOLOGY LAB Perform the processing & reporting of skin biopsies
$540,000.00 THE DELTA PATHOLOGY GROUP LLP Provide pathology services
$525,000.00 WILLIAM C CHEN MD Provide anesthesia coverage
$481,250.00 ADVANCED NEURODIAGNOSTIC CENTER Provide neurological services & clinics, EEG/EMG services
$480,000.00 THE RADIOLOGY GROUP LLC Provide remote reading of radiology studies/procedures performed at LSUHSC Shreveport/E.A. Conway
$468,000.00 J. LEE LEONARD, M.D. Provide orthopedic services to University Medical Center
$460,000.00 CHRISTUS HEALTH NORTHERN LA Provide pediatric surgeons
$436,800.00 DAPHNE A GLINDMEYER MD APMC Provide psychiatry services to individuals at N. lake Supports & Services Center
$405,314.00 SOUTH LA MEDICAL ASSOCIATES Provide 15 FTE physicians for specialty areas
$400,000.00 OCHSNER HEALTH SYSTEM Provide hospital services and Certified Athletic Trainers to cover the UNO Athletic Department
$390,000.00 ELEMER RAFFAI, M.D. Provide physician services to UMC'S orthopedic clinic $375,000.00 THE ARTHRITIS CENTER OF SWLA Provide staffing for rheumatology services at W.O. Moss Regional Medical Center
$348,000.00 RICHARD TRUITLE HORTMAN Provide primarily outpatient clinic services; inpatient services and call coverage
$345,920.00 WALTER L CAMPBELL, JR. M.D. LLC Provide physician services in infectious disease for outpatient clinic TOP 50 PHYSICIAN CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$345,000.00 LOWERY L THOMPSON Provide neurology services to E.A. Conway
$330,000.00 CHRISTUS HEATH SOUTHWESTERN LA Provide pediatric surgeons
$330,000.00 RADIOLOGY SPECIALISTS LLC Provide medical services to LSU students-athletes requiring radiological/imaging exams/procedures
$311,800.00 GLYNN A. HEBERT, M.D. Provide primarily outpatient clinic services; inpatient and call coverage after hours weekdays and weekends
$310,544.00 LSU HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER Provide psychiatric coverage on weekend to patients at CLSH & HPLMC
$310,000.00 RICHARD C VANDERBROOK, JR. M.D. Provide on-call interventional radiology services at MCLNO’S Elmwood Trauma Center
$290,160.00 HUGH A KING, JR., M.D. Provide psychiatry services to individuals with/DD supported by OCDD, NLSSCAND its affiliate community living options
$288,200.00 SATNAM K SINGH Serve as staff physician for region VIII
$285,000.00 CHRISTUS HEALTH CENTRAL LA Provide pediatric surgeons
$278,208.00 KATHLEEN A. CRAPANZANO, M.D. Provide psychiatric services
$270,000.00 KEVIN G. WORK, M.D. Provide comprehensive reproductive services to DHH/OPH Region 1 female clients
$263,515.00 RODNEY C CHARLES, M.D. Serve as psychiatrist & render services to patients at Huey P. Long acute psychiatric unit
$247,548.00 LALIT K BARAI M.D. Provide psychological medical review services
$230,000.00 NORTHLAKE NEPHROLOGY, INC. Provide physician and/or nurse practitioner services
$214,000.00 W. ROSS CAZAYOUX, M.D. Provide physician services in the specialty of urology for patients at Bogalusa Medical Center
$208,000.00 ASSOCIATES IN CARDIOLOGY APMC Provide cardiology clinic and consultation services; on-call coverage to BMC patients
$203,040.00 STANLEY T HOOVER, M.D. Provide psychiatric medical services at the Dr. Joseph Henry Tyler Jr. Mental Health Center
$201,624.00 SHAUN LAPLEAU MCINTIRE Provide medical services for individuals at Northeast supports & services center
$107,525,653.40 SUBSECTION B
$37,195,038.00 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Provide legal representation to state and various departments, agencies, and boards & commissions
$5,874,100.72 CAPITAL POST – CONVICTION PROJECT OF Legal services on behalf of indigents statewide LA.
$5,005,960.00 ROEDEL, PARSON, KOCH, BLACHE, Land acquisition; Medical Center of La. in New Orleans and/or United States BALHOFF & MCCOLLISTER, APLC Veterans Administration, New Orleans, La
$4,526,726.34 LOUISIANA APPELLATE PROJECT Legal services on behalf of indigents statewide
$3,300,238.33 CAPITAL DEFENSE PROJECT OF Legal services on behalf of indigents statewide
$3,012,270.62 CAPITAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT OF LA Provide legal services on behalf of indigents statewide
$2,289,500.00 CARLETON DUNLAP OLINDE & MOORE, LLC Provide legal services to various state agencies
$2,006,372.94 CAPITAL APPEALS PROJECT Professional legal services on behalf of indigents statewide
$1,837,792.07 BATON ROUGE CAPITAL CONFLICT Professional legal services on behalf of indigents statewide
$1,734,400.00 OATS & HUDSON Provide legal services for various state agencies
$1,360,000.00 SHOWS, CALI, BERTHELOT & WALSH, LLP Provide legal services to various state agencies
$1,327,041.00 EAST BATON ROUGE DISTRICT ATTORNEY Provide child support enforcement services
$1,250,500.00 KANTROW, SPAHT, WEAVER & BLITZER Provide legal services to various state agencies
$1,184,292.54 LOUISIANA CRISIS ASSISTANCE Professional legal services on behalf of indigents statewide
$918,000.00 TAYLOR, PORTER, BROOKS & PHILLIPS Provide legal services for various state agencies TOP 50 LEGAL CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$840,000.00 DAWSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Multi-disciplinary professional service for legal and engineering for Coastal Protection Restoration Authority (CPRA) to expedite CPRA projects
$806,126.14 FRILOT, PARTRIDGE, KOHNKE & CDBG, HUD funds, legal services to defend fair housing class action lawsuit against road program; attorney general set hour rates
$801,457.00 WILLIAM S. CARTER, JR. Legal research, render opinion relative to land boundary, right-of-way and easements
$800,000.00 INNOCENCE PROJECT NEW ORLEANS Provide post-conviction representation to indigents in innocence cases in which the prisoner has the statutory right to counsel pursuant to code of criminal procedure article 930.7 within the guidelines contained in contract attachment
$780,000.00 GEORGE M. PAPALE Provide legal services for various boards & commissions
$700,000.00 PHELPS DUNBAR, LLP Provide legal services for various state agencies
$675,000.00 DECUIR, CLARK & ADAMS, LLP Serve as legal counsel and provide legal services to campuses of the Southern University System
$662,000.00 PICKERING & COTOGNO Provide legal services for DOTD & Office of Risk Management
$624,946.00 SOUTHEAST LA LEGAL SERVICE CORP Provide legal services to low income applicants of the road home program
$610,000.00 MCGLINCHEY, STAFFORD & LANG Provide legal services for various state agencies
$562,000.00 CELIA R CANGELOSI Provide legal services to the board
$550,000.00 EVERITT PRATT & LATHAM, LLC Provide legal services for Office of Risk Management
$508,000.00 BURGLASS & TANKERSLEY, LLC Provide legal services to Commissioner of Insurance
$500,000.00 FOLEY & JUDELL, LLP Provide legal services for DOTD & DOA’s Commissioner’s Office $450,863.00 COVINGTON & BURLING Provide legal services to DSS/OFS on an as needed basis TOP 50 LEGAL CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$415,000.00 BREAZEALE, SACHSE & WILSON, LLP Provide legal services for Dept. of Natural Resources
$400,000.00 MICHAEL G. CALOGERO & ASSOCIATES Provide legal services to the La. State Board of Practical Nurse Examiners
$400,000.00 NOSSAMAN, LLP Legal services for DOTD
$369,905.06 1ST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Provide child support enforcement services
$369,619.00 PROVOSTY & GANKENDORFF, LLC Legal services for Dept. of Wildlife & Fisheries
$369,421.76 CURRY & FRIEND, PLC Legal services for Office of Risk Management
$362,055.36 15TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Legal services child support enforcement services
$350,000.00 USRY, WEEKS & MATTHEWS, APLC Legal service for Dept. of Justice and Office of Facility Planning
$309,345.18 MILLING BENSON WOODWARD, LLP Provide legal services for Dept. of Economic Development
$300,000.00 BERTRAND & SOILEAU Legal services to DOTD
$300,000.00 ABRAMS & LAFARGUE, LLC Provide professional legal services to DOTD in the handling of general law, expropriation, environmental law, collection on hazardous waste clean-up sites, construction, contract and property matters
$296,136.10 WALTER F CALWSON, ATTORNEY Provide legal services to Office of Risk Management
$264,699.18 JEFFERSON PARISH DISTRICT ATTORNEY HUD funds, hourly rate, legal services, administration and evaluation of road home grant recovery and recapture files
$256,130.80 22ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Provide child support enforcement
$252,500.00 AVANT & FALCON Provide legal services to various state agencies TOP 50 LEGAL CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$250,000.00 PANZECA & D’ANGELO, LLC Legal services involving the handling of expropriation contract & property matters, capital outlay
$250,000.00 GORDON, ARATA, MCCOLLA, DUPLANTIS & Legal services relating to matters involving the disaster recovery programs planned EAGAN, LLP and/or implemented by the Office of Community Development Disaster Recovery Unit (DRU) and La. Recovery Authority (LRA)
$250,000.00 JOHN ELLIOTT BAKER, ATTORNEY Provide legal services for Office of Risk Management
$225,000.00 ORRICK HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE Provide legal representation in the matter entitled Jean Boudreaux, et al. v .the state of Louisiana, et al., index no 111287/06 filed in the supreme court of the state of New York, county of New York
$223,913.86 32ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Provide child support enforcement services
$88,906,351.00 SECTION VII
$690,000.00 PATHFINDER TEAM CONSULTING LTD Provide foreign representative services in Europe
$300,000.00 PREMIER PRODUCTION & SOUND Provide video production & audio/lighting services & equipment on an as needed basis for various university events
$298,000.00 WN HOLDINGS LLC Design, create and install interpretive exhibits in the new arboretum center at the Louisiana State Arboretum in Ville Platte
$240,000.00 REAL-TIME CAPTIONING & INTERPRETING Captioning and interpreting services for hearing impaired students
$238,910.00 MCKAY LODGE FINE ARTS Mosaic removal & reinstallation New Orleans state office building annex
$234,000.00 ACCESS MARKETING Foreign marketing representation in the Providence of Ontario and Western Canada for Office of Tourism
$190,000.00 ACI HEARNING & BALANCE CRT INC Provide audiological services to University Medical Center
$186,607.38 SOUTHWEST LA HOSPITAL ASSOC Provide Director of Sports Medicine for McNeese State University athletic training program
$180,000.00 AZTECH GRAPHICS INC Provide graphic design services to LSU
$166,400.00 GUIN L HOPPER Provide speech therapy services for persons who reside at Northwest Supports and Services Center
$150,000.00 CONNESTOGA-ROVERS & ASSOC INC Environmental & expert witness services related to cases involving environmental engineering
$148,500.00 LOUIS BOWEN DBA ASIA CAPITAL Provide foreign representative services in China
$125,000.00 FORENSIC ACCOUNTING SOLUTIONS Provide expert witness services to the state
$106,800.00 HF GROUP LLC Provide conservation work on volumes of Audubon's Birds of America TOP 50 PERSONAL CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$105,000.00 CONCERT IDEAS INC Spring concert performance by Lifehouse on 3/19/09 for University of La. at Monroe
$104,688.00 DAVID J VANDERLICK Provide physical therapy to inmates at Forcht Wade, David Wade & Steve Hoyle
$100,000.00 CHRISTINE H ROSSELL Provide expert testimony for the recovery school district regarding school desegregation issues
$99,840.00 STEPHANIE B EDDINGTON Provide dental hygiene services for persons who reside at Northwest Support and Services Center
$91,000.00 CATHOLIC CHARITIES ARCHIDIOCESE OF Provide interpreting services to students at Isaac Delgado Community College; NEW ORLEANS interpreting services for UNO’s Excel Self Employment Program Workshops
$90,000.00 ANNE DANIEL BRIESE Provide speech therapy, evaluations & treatments service to Washington/St. Tammany Medical Center
$88,445.00 THE BETTY & LEONARD PHILLIPS DEAF Provide sign language interpreting services for Dept. of Health & Hospitals’ addictive ACTION CENTER OF LA disorders clients
$83,200.00 JAMIE I SANFORD Provide occupational therapy services to persons residing at Northwest Supports and Services Center
$79,800.00 PATHWAYS TO COMMUNICATIONS INC Provide speech therapy services for persons who reside at Northwest Supports and Services Center
$78,000.00 MICHELLE JARRELL ROCK Provide physical therapy services to persons residing at Northwest Supports & Services Center
$75,600.00 JANIS SLAUGHTER JONES Provide occupational therapy services to patients and given consultation to members of the staff of the Huey P. Long psychiatric unit
$75,000.00 STEVE LEE Provide foreign representative in Taiwan TOP 50 PERSONAL CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$75,000.00 HERNAN GONZALEZ Provide foreign representative in Mexico
$75,000.00 DIGITAL FX INC "Be the solution"; to create a visually compelling and moving 30-second commercial that the department can run on television stations throughout the state. the video is to inform the citizens of the state that they can take personal voluntary measures that will keep La waters clean
$73,000.00 KEPPLER ASSOCIATES, INC. Provides for Maya Angelou presentation February 12, 2009 at University of New Orleans
$71,400.00 RICHARD SEELING JR Serve as an instructor to teach leisure classes for the LSU Student Union
$70,000.00 BATON ROUGE COURT REPORTERS, LLC Provide transcription services to LA Technical Office
$65,721.60 GRETCHEN C REEKS Provide occupational therapy services to Dept. of Corrections
$63,227.00 DEAF SERVICES CENTER LLC Provide the campus of La. Technical Office with qualified interpreters services for deaf students
$62,400.00 FANISHA FORD Provide occupational therapy services to Dept. of Education
$61,100.00 JULES TOLIVAR Provide religious guidance counseling/pastoral service to inmates @ Elayn Hunt Correctional Center
$60,676.00 LOUISIANA SYMPHONY ASSOC. INC. Coordinate, conduct, and manage a 1.5 hr concert at the 2008 La Book Festival
$60,000.00 OFIHOTEL S.A. Provide foreign representation in Central America
$56,000.00 WBRZ TV Provide video production of video tape footages to be used to supplement course developed by the LSU NCBRT, academy of counter-terrorist education TOP 50 PERSONAL CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$56,000.00 MARC GOLDSTEIN Provide service such as script writing, audio messages, commercials, & digitizing material for video & audio reproduction to Dept. of Education and Office of Youth Development
$55,001.00 BEARD BROTHERS GRIP & LIGHTING Provide gaffer services which include all lighting needs on location for video production for the benefit of the Louisiana Fast-Start Program
$55,001.00 JABALON LLC Provide assistance in connection with Economic Development Louisiana Fast-Start Program
$55,001.00 AYLIN TAHAOGLU Provide assistance in connection with Economic Development Louisiana Fast-Start Program
$55,000.00 COURT REPORTERS OF LA., LLC Provide transcription services for Department of Labor and Department of Treasury
$52,000.00 ASSOCIATED REPORTERS, INC. Provide transcription services for Dept. of Environmental Quality and Governor’s Office of Coastal Restoration &
$52,000.00 KIM FRENCH REPORTING SERVICES Provide transcription services for Dept. of Labor
$50,000.00 GOING EVERYWHERE TOURS, INC. Provide entertainment for students at University of New Orleans; (Hip Hop artist “NAS” performs in concert)
$50,000.00 BICKERSTAFF, WHATLEY, RYAN & Provide expert witness services to Office of Risk Management BURKHALTER, INC.
$50,000.00 HAHN INVESTIGATIONS, INC. Provide investigation services regarding disciplinary complaints filed with the Board of Private Investigator Examiners
$50,000.00 PYBURN & ODOM MCA CONSULTING Provide expert witness services to Office of Risk Management ENGINEERS TOP 50 PERSONAL CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$49,000.00 BRPT LAKE REHAB CENTERS Provide physical therapy services to the student athletes at LSU – Baton Rouge
$5,747,317.98 SECTION VIII
$12,800,618.40 HARMONY CENTER INC Provide child residential services to youth in the Baton Rouge & Lafayette areas; provide transitional living, focus group home
$11,952,397.00 NATIONAL MENTOR HEALTHCARE LLC Child residential services/child placement/maternity parenting services, youth residential services and shelter services
$11,221,905.00 VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA Provide day program services; provide array of community based services for mentally ill clients in Region 4; establish a housing support team to provide evidence- based individualized support services to disabled or homeless persons or families
$6,355,689.00 VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA Provide family preservation & support services to foster & adoptive children & families to prevent placement disruptions; provide a safe and healthy environment for the child while out of the house; provide juvenile delinquency prevention services to youth & their families
$5,745,845.00 GULF COACH TEACHING FAMILY Provide mentor/tracker services; provide child placement services SERVICES
$5,645,857.00 ODYSSEY HOUSE LOUISIANA INC Operate a primary inpatient treatment unit for male & female adolescents ages 12-17
$5,110,746.80 CHRISTIAN ACRES YOUTH CENTER Provide child residential services in the Tallulah Region
$4,996,194.00 LOUISIANA HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Develop and implement bioterrorism preparedness plans and protocols for Louisiana’s hospitals & other health care entities
$4,977,749.50 MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OPTIONS INC Provide child residential services in Hammond; provide intensive residential services for adolescent male sex offenders in Region 5
$4,977,022.00 SOUTHEASTERN LA AREA HEALTH Provide System Point of Entry services with the Region 2, 3, 9 & 10 parishes EDUCATION CENTER
$4,933,279.45 RUTHERFORD HOUSE INC Provide child residential services in the Shreveport Region; provide truancy prevention/diversion program for youth ages 10-16 TOP 50 SOCIAL SERVICES CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 - 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$3,876,091.00 EASTER SEAL SOCIETY OF LA INC Provide System Point of Entry services with the Region 8 parishes for Earlysteps, Louisiana’s early intervention system & it’s eligible infants & toddlers; provide 10 housing units & supportive services to adults with serious mental illness
$3,330,264.00 VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA OF GREATER Provide a continuum of family preservation, community based family support NEW ORLEANS services, family reunification & adoption support services for children & families; provide housing support services for 220 tenants in Region 1
$3,189,461.25 CINC, INC. Operate a Work Release Facility for up to 191 inmates
$3,069,994.00 ACADIANA CARES, INC. Provide Ryan White Care Act health insurance program services
$3,032,924.00 MONROE AREA GUIDANCE CENTER Provide housing/residential services for adults with severe & persistent mental illness, who are in need of extensive supports and services in a relatively structured living environment
$2,814,440.00 COUNCIL ON ALCOHOLISM & DRUG Operate a 24 bed inpatient treatment program for adolescents ages 12-17; operate a ABUSE 24 bed halfway house for women with children ages 12 and under
$2,785,156.00 FIRST STEPS REFERRAL & CONSULTING Provide System Point of Entry services with the Region 4 & 5 parishes; provide site LLC development workshop training to school leadership and teachers regionally
$2,714,542.60 BOYS & GIRLS VILLAGES Provide child residential services in Region 6
$2,705,958.00 FAMILIES HELPING FAMILIES AT THE Provide System Point of Entry services with the Region 6 & 7 parishes CROSSROADS OF LOUISIANA
$2,697,249.00 AGENDA FOR CHILDREN Provide child care resource and referral services; perform general administrative functions for the Louisiana WIC Peer Counseling program
$2,340,861.01 HOPE YOUTH RANCH, INC. Provide residential treatment services in Shreveport TOP 50 SOCIAL SERVICES CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 - 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$2,332,052.00 EDUCATIONAL & TREATMENT COUNCIL, Provide family preservation & support services by making effective use of in-home INC. intensive home-based counseling, case management, a network of community resources, and brief crisis-respite services
$2,172,420.41 TOTAL COMMUNITY ACTION, INC. Provide services and programs in accordance with the CSBG act of 1971 to low income, elderly & disabled individuals
$2,152,256.00 LOUISIANA FOUNDATION AGAINST Monitor sexual assault centers, train and provide technical assistance based on the SEXUAL ASSAULT sexual assault centers’ needs and monitor the production of a risk assessment
$2,136,457.00 NEW HORIZONS YOUTH SERVICES Operate a family resource center to serve OCS & FINS clients which provides a BUREAU continuum of family preservation, community based family support, family reunification and foster & adoption support services
$2,131,965.00 JOHNNY ROBINSON’S BOYS HOME Provide child residential services in Monroe
$2,121,688.00 LOUISIANA UNITED METHODIST Provide child residential services and prevention & diversion services in Monroe CHILDRENS & FAMILY SERVICES, INC
$2,077,581.00 SMILE COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY, INC. Provide System Point of Entry services with the Region 1 parishes for Earlysteps, Louisiana’s early intervention system & its eligible infants & toddlers; provide STEP transportation
$2,019,362.50 DAVID JOE WILLIAMS, INC Provide child residential services in Natchitoches
$1,972,989.00 THE EXTRA MILE REGION IV, INC. Provide an array of community based and in home services to families referred by OCS and FINS
$1,956,460.20 ECKERD YOUTH ALTERNATIVES, INC Mentor/tracker services for youth in Hammond area; provides academic assistance in literacy and/or math, enrichment, recreation, technology, tutoring, parental involvement and family literacy activities
$1,886,790.00 QUAD AREA COMMUNITY ACTION Community services block grant funded the operations of the community action TOP 50 SOCIAL SERVICES CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 - 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
AGENCY, INC. agency to create, coordinate and deliver many programs & services to low income individuals; provide independent living services to eligible population in OCS foster care or OYD custody ages 15-21 years old
$1,840,840.00 CHRISTUS HEALTH CENTRAL LA Provide comprehensive/preventive physical & mental health services to registered students at Lessie Moore Elementary and Pineville Jr. High School
$1,832,654.00 ASSOCIATED CATHOLIC CHARITIES Provide independent living services to the eligible population in OCS foster care; provide staff for the planning establishing and executing a program that will provide assistance & counseling
$1,800,000.00 THE FIRST THREE YEARS QUALITY CARE Provide child care provider training, onsite provider training, & consumer education OF INFANTS & TODDLERS & referral
$1,775,126.40 YOUTH ADVOCATE PROGRAM, INC. Provide community reintegration services in Region IV
$1,762,074.00 COMMUNITY RECEIVING HOME, INC. Provide child residential services in Alexandria
$1,701,324.00 CANE RIVER CHILDREN’S SERVICES Provide child residential services in Natchitoches
$1,627,656.68 ACADIANA YOUTH, INC. Provide child residential services in Lafayette
$1,586,705.09 SOUTHERN REGIONAL EDUCATION Provide site development workshop training to school leadership and teachers BOARD regionally; conduct review visits to evaluate & monitor progress; assist in developing intervention methods to prevent drop outs
$1,499,900.00 UNITY OF GREATER NEW ORLEANS Provide a housing first approach that assists homeless and at risk people to become stably housed
$1,488,267.00 CENLA CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY Operate 37 halfway house beds & 14 beds for TANF; provide community based COUNCIL, INC. outpatient services for adolescents with additive disorders
$1,445,400.00 ONE STEP FARTHER INC Provide mentor/tracker services to Office of Youth Development youth & their TOP 50 SOCIAL SERVICES CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 - 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$1,434,524.00 CHILDREN’S COALITION FOR NORTHEAST Provide child care provider training, onsite provider training, consumer education & LOUISIANA referral; provide parent education for Region 9
$1,402,048.00 POSITIVE FORCES COUNSELING NETWORK Provide a range of services that will enable families to maintain their child/youth in INC their home and in the least restrictive school setting; provide after school services to children/youth who exhibit behavioral deficits
$1,400,413.99 THE WELLSPRING ALLIANCE FOR Provide staff for the planning, establishing and executing of a program that will FAMILIES, INC. provide assistance & counseling services; homeless initiative
$1,333,901.00 YOUTH EMPOWERMENT PROJECT Provide system point of entry services with the Region 4 & 5 parishes; provide reintegration services for youth and counseling for families re-entering homes and communities from out of home placement
$1,323,788.00 ADVOCACY CENTER Furnish ombudsman services to the mentally and physically disabled
$1,299,512.00 LA FEDERATION OF FAMILIES FOR Serve as a fiscal agent for funds used to access needed support services or goods to CHILDRENS MENTAL HEALTH achieve, maintain, or improve individual/family community living status
$160,788,399.28 SECTION IX
$446,000,000.00 EMPLOYERS HEALTH INSURANCE Provide an HMO physician and hospital provider network to the Office of Group COMPANY DBA HUMANA INSURANCE, CO Benefits plan participants
$280,000,000.00 CATALYST RX Pharmacy benefits management for the Office of Group Benefits
$175,250,000.00 UNITED HEALTHCARE INSURANCE Provide an EPO physician and hospital provider network to Office of Group Benefits COMPANY plan participants
$68,953,654.00 CYPRESS REALTY PARTNERS, LLC Alternative housing pilot program
$51,453,240.00 ACS STATE & LOCAL SOLUTIONS Administer small rental property program to help hurricane damaged parishes recover; provide electronic benefits transfer system for the Louisiana Department of Social Services
$40,827,224.00 CGI TECHNOLOGIES & SOLUTIONS, INC. Computer software hosting, support, training for Road Home transition for the Office of Community Development
$29,959,007.00 HGI CATASTROPHE SERVICES, LLC Administer the road home program for the Office of Community Development
$16,477,019.00 PACIFIC METRICS CORPORATION Develop web based test for Department of Education
$15,000,000.00 UNITED BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Managed mental health administration for the Office of Group Benefits
$14,310,000.00 SOLID RESOURCES, INC. Statewide debris removal and disposal for the Department of Transportation and Development
$13,922,917.00 PETER A. MAYER ADVERTISING, INC. Advertising for the Department of Economic Development and the Department of Culture Recreation and Development
$10,548,170.00 SALVAGGIO & TEAL, LTD Data processing for the Office of Community Development; staff augmentation for the Office of Information Technology ERP project TOP 50 CONSULTING CONTRACTORS 07/01/08– 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$10,000,000.00 HEALTH DIALOG SERVICES Disease management program for the Louisiana Office of Group Benefit’s self- CORPORATION insured health plans
$9,255,155.00 REDMANE TECHNOLOGY, LLC Technology services for the Department of Social Services; support and maintenance of the MEDS system for the Department of Health and Hospitals
$8,400,000.00 FAST ENTERPRISES, LLC Support services of the integrated tax system software for the Department of Revenue
$8,354,021.00 ACS STATE HEALTHCARE, LLC Assessment and care planning for long term personal care services; management to Communitycare and Kidmed programs for the Department of Health and Hospitals
$7,500,000.00 REZNICK GROUP PC Staff augmentation to transition to new Road Home administrator
$7,500,000.00 HUNT, GUILLOT & ASSOCIATES, LLC Assistance to the Office of Community Development grant recipients
$7,000,000.00 HEALTH MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, INC. Recovery of Medicaid funds
$6,647,796.00 STR GRANTS, LLC Software maintenance and support for the Office of Community Development e- grants program
$6,500,000.00 CELERIAN CONSULTING, INC. Support services to the Office of Information Technology for R3 software and related components
$5,631,923.50 INSTITUTE FOR BUILDING TECHNOLOGY Oversee code compliance of construction funded by CDBG funds & SAFETY
$5,433,551.00 QUADEL CONSULTING CORPORATION Administer housing voucher program for the disabled for the Office of Community Development
$5,400,000.00 CARE GUIDE, INC. Provide utilization management services to the Office of Group Benefits
$5,344,990.00 GREGORY C. RIGAMER & ASOCIATES, Assistance to Secretary of State in completion of elections registration and INC. information network TOP 50 CONSULTING CONTRACTORS 07/01/08– 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$5,000,000.00 LOUISIANA SOLUTIONS, LLC Assist the Office of Community Development in program design, pre-application process, application process, project development bidding and pre-construction and closeout
$5,000,000.00 THE COMPASS GROUP, LLC Administration of the Louisiana Recovery Authority Piggyback program
$4,725,000.00 VANTAGE HEALTH PLAN, INC. Medicare advantage plan for Office of Group Benefits
$4,352,872.00 MAXIMUS, INC. Provide IV&V services to assist the Department of Health and Hospitals
$4,155,109.60 CIBER, INC. Program development and website maintenance for the Department of Social Services; Peoplesoft implementation for the University of New Orleans
$3,994,548.00 THINKSTREAM, INC. Mobile data computing support system for the Department of Public Safety
$3,798,080.00 NORTHROP GRUMMAN INFORMATION Information technology services for the Department of Social Services TECHNOLOGY, INC.
$3,766,787.00 HOUSING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, Data processing consulting services for the Office of Community Development INC.
$3,390,885.00 SPARKHOUND, INC. Data processing consulting services for various agencies
$3,000,000.00 KPMG PEAT MARWICK, LLP Conduct anti-fraud waste and abuse services for various Office of Community Development programs
$3,000,000.00 MANAGED CARE SYSTEMS, INC. Information system to administer health benefits program for the Office of Group Benefits
$2,736,773.00 ADMINISTRATORS OF THE TULANE Research and development services EDUCATIONAL FUND
$2,595,847.00 DYNAMAC CORPORATION Demolition and landfill oversight for the Department of Environmental Quality TOP 50 CONSULTING CONTRACTORS 07/01/08– 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$2,344,980.00 IBM Implement the software & functions services for a statewide financial ERP management solution
$2,029,523.00 PAPERFREE CORPORATION Software and services to assist Louisiana Department of Revenue in process improvement for remittance processing system
$2,000,000.00 HUMANA HEALTH BENEFIT PLAN Medicare advantage plan for Office of Group Benefits
$1,630,749.00 ADVANCED HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC. Conduct audits of records for hospitals
$1,549,999.00 DEVENEY COMMUNICATION Public relations and marketing services for the Department of Culture Recreation and Development
$1,500,000.00 REIMBURSEMENT CONSULTANTS, INC. File second injury fund claims with Louisiana SIF with the Office of Risk Management
$1,500,000.00 PARKER EXECUTIVE SEARCH Executive search services for Louisiana Health Sciences Center-New Orleans
$1,450,000.00 BEM SYSTEM, INC. Professional environmental science services for the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Coastal Restoration and Management
$1,450,000.00 SJB GROUP, LLC Environmental science services to the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Coastal Restoration and Management
$1,450,000.00 GEC, INC. Environmental science services for the Department of Natural Resources, Office of Coastal Restoration and Management
$1,385,389.00 DATA RECOGNITION CORPORATION Printing, distributing, collection of materials and scoring for Department of Education TOP 50 CONSULTING CONTRACTORS 07/01/08– 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$1,366,077.20 METHODS TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS, Develop a new scholarship and grant software application for Governor’s Office of INC. Student Financial Assistance; Application development for the Department of Natural Resources Sonris Maintenance
$1,324,841,286.30 SECTION X
$37,395,038.00 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Provide legal representation to various state agencies and boards & commissions
$25,099,265.50 LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Implement the repair and reconstruction of schools within the recovery school district; work in collaboration with the Office of the Governor , Board of Regents, BESE, and UL Systems to strategically develop and implement a cohesive leadership system
$20,564,810.35 AGRICULTURE & FORESTRY LRA program to help Louisiana farmers, agribusinesses with loans, grants to recover from damage caused by Hurricanes Ike and Gustav
$20,450,523.56 LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Provide nutrition education for food stamp applicants; crash records entry & analysis; provide services related to the positive behavioral support initiative; provide state agencies high quality training that will improve employee job performance; provide support to LASIG at state & district levels
$15,500,000.00 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION & Conduct hazard elimination countermeasures DEVELOPMENT
$11,841,897.00 LSU HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER OF NEW Provide professional services to administer the HIV/AIDS program; provide prior ORLEANS authorizations to Medicaid dental providers; provide licensed physicians to serve as OCDD medical director and assistant medical director
$10,856,375.02 DPS&C YOUTH SERVICES Provide foster care services for Title IV-3 to eligible children in the custody of the Department of Public Safety & Corrections Youth Services
$8,737,495.00 CHARITY HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER Provide Ryan White Care Act services OF LOUISIANA
$8,124,654.03 UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA OF Integrate data provided by the LWC databases of broad-based longitudinal research LAFAYETTE on the state’s population from birth through workforce entry to help establish information regarding the supply side of the workforce; further develop innovative methods of enhancing the successful establishment of and cover of vegetative plantings in dune, swale, and backbarrier marsh TOP 50 INTERAGENCY CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$4,879,000.00 EARL K LONG MEDICAL CENTER Provide Ryan White Care Act Aids Drug Assistance program
$4,261,887.00 LSU HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER Provide Ryan White Care Act Aids Drug Assistance program services; support the Nurse-Family Partnership Program to address low birth weight & poor prenatal care
$3,959,634.01 NORTHWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY OF Provide child care provider training, technical assistance, consumer education & LOUISIANA referral; operate a child care development system
$3,707,507.20 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY Implement a statewide individual development account program that reduces poverty by assisting low income families with developing savings accounts; provide specific counseling and training service to Louisiana small business owners
$3,249,271.91 DPS&C CORRECTIONS SERVICES Provide all labor, materials, tools, equipment, machinery, supplies, cleaning solvents, waxes, supervision, and insurance necessary to perform janitorial services for all offices; develop an inter-disciplinary approach among all levels of government to provide reliable communications for the entire first responder community
$3,096,896.75 LOUISIANA SCHOOL OF MATH, SCIENCE & Provide the infrastructure to most efficiently support the LVS and algebra online THE ARTS project by providing administrative and functional support
$3,021,002.00 OFFICE OF GROUP BENEFITS Provide physician & hospital provider network to DHH LaChip V Plan enrollees & families includes billing, claims and expenditure reporting, and collection of premiums
$2,340,619.00 UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER Provide Ryan White Care Act Aids Drug Assistance services
$2,202,658.83 UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT MONROE Provide a continuum of family preservation, community based family support SCHOOL OF NURSING services, family reunification & adoption and support services to children; report newly diagnosed cancer cases for Regions VI, VII, & VIII TOP 50 INTERAGENCY CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$2,085,125.00 SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY Provide a continuum of family preservation, community based family support TIP COMPTROLLERS OFFICE services, family reunification & adoption support services; provide independent living services to the eligible population in OCS foster care or OYD custody ages 15-21 years old
$1,778,258.00 HUEY P LONG MEDICAL CENTER Provide Ryan White Care Act Aids Drug Assistance program services; support the Nurse-Family Partnership Program to address low birth weight & poor prenatal care
$1,737,117.00 LSU HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER Work on the Louisiana Autism Spectrum and Related Disabilities project; they will serve to improve educational practices
$1,445,131.79 UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS Step activities – screening/diagnostic testing for hidden disabilities; provide a series of one-day & two-day workshops on use of microcomputers software for DOTD personnel statewide
$1,385,093.00 NICHOLLS STATE UNIVERSITY Administer a child welfare foster and adoptive resource center to serve Terrebonne, Lafourche, and Assumption parishes; provide services to support the Nurse-Family Partnership program
$1,368,767.00 DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE & FISHERIES Accurately define baseline conditions for the important biological resources in the study area; access the long-term effects of the diversion on the important biological resources in the study area
$1,250,195.00 SOUTHEAST LOUISIANA HOSPITAL Provide 24-hour staffing for a 18 bed acute unit
$1,202,000.00 W O MOSS REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Provide Ryan White Care Act Aids Drug Assistance program
$1,180,504.73 LOUISIANA TECH UNIVERSITY Provide lessons to youth ages 11-14 to prevent/reduce addictive disorders; Louisiana low incidence disabilities consortium
$1,101,652.00 E A CONWAY MEDICAL CENTER Provide Ryan White Care Act Aids Drug Assistance program services TOP 50 INTERAGENCY CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$1,031,034.64 DPS&C PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES Provide inmate labor, security & supervisory personnel to perform janitorial & grounds services for DOTD; provide support services to DEQ in administering the motor vehicle inspection & maintenance program
$785,000.00 LALLIE KEMP REGIONAL MEDICAL Provide Ryan White Care Act Aids Drug Assistance program CENTER
$744,000.00 LEONARD J CHABERT MEDICAL CENTER Provide Ryan White Care Act Aids Drug Assistance program
$687,928.00 LSUHSC/WASHINGTON ST TAMMANY Provide Ryan White Care Act Aids Drug Assistance program; provide REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER comprehensive/preventive services to registered students
$630,999.50 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HOSPITALS Provide management and operation of adult psych unit; provide comprehensive/preventive services to registered students
$518,232.06 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR’S OFFICE Serve as the conduit for funding from the corporation for national and community service
$440,750.00 MCNEESE STATE UNIVERSITY Provide counseling & training services to small business owners; provide gambling treatment services to individuals with addiction disorders
$383,327.00 LOUISIANA STATE BOARD OF Provide for the maintenance of the nurse aide registry database, the direct service EXAMINERS OF NURSING FACILITY worker registry and the medication attendant certified registry
$382,911.51 LOUISIANA TECHNICAL COLLEGE Provide a challenge station which will serve as the official center for any individual who desires to challenge the results of the OBD II test or any other emissions test; serve as fiscal agent for the Region VI education service center
$306,300.00 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Provide random, unannounced inspections of over-the-counter and vending machine outlets for tobacco products; conduct underage drinking prevention enforcement campaigns TOP 50 INTERAGENCY CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$261,361.00 LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Provide specific counseling & training services to Louisiana small business owners
$249,639.00 METROPOLITAN HUMAN SERVICES Operate a day program for parolees in New Orleans DISTRICT
$225,000.00 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL Prevention/diversion by Southern University Southwest Center for rural initiatives RESEARCH & EXTENSION CENTER utilizing “Yes” program for youth ages 6-18; Evaluate the effectiveness & success of “all hazards” training for childcare center providers & head start centers
$216,660.00 LOUISIANA COMMISSION ON LAW Support the National Homeland Security strategy ENFORCEMENT
$216,514.00 OFFICE OF PUBLIC HEALTH Provide coliform analysis for water quality stations and compliance sampling events and lead analysis for compliance
$175,000.00 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE Conduct fair hearing involving unemployment compensation appeal hearings; act as administrative law judges & handle hearings
$150,000.00 4TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Conduct traffic safety overtime enforcement
$150,000.00 DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS Assist the Office of Coastal Protection and Restoration with future implementation of organizational, operational consolidation of budgetary & legislative issues
$106,601.50 GRAMBLING STATE UNIVERSITY Provide educational opportunities for persons committed to entering or continuing in the field of child welfare
$104,230.00 BOSSIER PARISH COMMUNITY COLLEGE Serve as fiscal agent for the Region VII education service center
$95,323.00 FOUNDATION FOR EXCELLENCE IN Produce a documentary on the history of LSU for air on LPB in spring 2010 as part LOUISIANA PUBLIC BROADCASTING of the LSU sesquicentennial celebration TOP 50 INTERAGENCY CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$90,434.00 LOUISIANA SPECIAL EDUCATION CENTER Develop a system that ensures instructional materials are delivered to children with disabilities
$211,773,623.89 SECTION XI
$4,937,872.00 FIRST PLANNING DISTRICT Provide continuation of disaster services to citizens affected by Hurricanes Katrina & Rita
$4,674,146.64 WARE YOUTH CENTER Provide intensive long-term residential services for 6 female youths; provide mentor/ tracking services for 10 youths
$4,598,237.00 CITY OF SHREVEPORT Provide temporary jobs in public/non-profit entities that support projects that provide food, clothing, shelter & other humanitarian assistance for citizens affected by Hurricane Gustav; provide job readiness skills to clients; provide activities relating to emergency shelter for needy homeless individuals
$3,550,704.87 ST. MARY PARISH GOVERNMENT/COUNCIL Operate a 52 bed inpatient treatment program to individuals with addictive disorders; operate a 12 adult bed & 21 children’s bed for TANF eligible women & their dependent children
$3,507,181.30 JEFFERSON PARISH GOVERNMENT Provide services & programs in accordance with the CSBG Act of 1981 to low income elderly & disabled individuals; Provider of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
$3,222,108.00 SOUTH CENTRAL PLANNING & Administrative support for economic disaster relief due to Hurricanes Gustav & Ike; DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION implantation/operation of the Private Oyster Lease Rehabilitation (POLR) program
$3,139,650.66 CITY OF BATON ROUGE Provide services & programs in accordance with the CSBG Act of 1981 to low income, elderly & disabled individuals; La. job employment & training program for EBR Parish Food Stamp recipients
$2,451,277.00 LAFAYETTE CITY PARISH Implement the Strategic Prevention Frame Work Strategic Plan to follow annual assessments & evaluations ; provide inpatient treatment program for individuals with addictive disorders
$2,285,163.46 CALCASIEU PARISH POLICE JURY Provide services & programs in accordance with the CSBG Act of 1981 to low income elderly & disabled individuals; Provide Foster Care Services in accordance with Title IV-E TOP 50 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$2,275,632.00 JEFFERSON PARISH HUMAN SERVICES Collaborating with DHH-OPH to provide support services to the NFP program for AUTHORITY families at risk of low birth weight; provide mental health services & support related to permanency planning for infants & toddlers
$2,159,775.03 TERREBONNE PARISH CONSOLIDATED Provide intensive residential treatment program; provide funding to assist parish with GOVERNMENT design of a ring levee that will surround Chabert Medical Center; provide services & programs in accordance with the CSBG Act of 1981 to low income elderly & disabled individuals
$2,080,713.00 16TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Provide prevention & diversion services to at-risk youth/families through early intervention program
$1,922,937.63 CITY OF NEW ORLEANS Provide job readiness skills to clients; HUD/Emergency shelter grants program for needy homeless individuals
$1,670,850.03 CADDO PARISH COMMISSION JUVENILE Provide education services to youth in the Shreveport region; provide prevention & COURT diversion services to youth & individualized deferred disposition for youth
$1,550,070.50 SABINE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Provide juvenile prevention & diversion services to youth; provides academic assistance in literacy and/or math, enrichment, recreation technology, tutoring, parental involvement
$1,516,067.00 JEFFERSON PARISH JUVENILE COURT Implementation of Truancy assessment service center in Jefferson parish; provide eligibility determination & administrative activities in support of the Title IV-E program
$1,457,882.00 POINT COUPEE GENERAL HOSPITAL Serve as fiscal agent to Flex Critical Access Hospital Health info. Technology Grant
$1,369,358.00 JEFFERSON PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Provide academic assistance in literacy and/or math, enrichment, recreation, technology & tutoring parental involvement & family literacy activities; provide comprehensive/preventative services to registered students TOP 50 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$1,364,600.00 REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Development of a statewide model to address safety & health issues in respect to pedestrian & bicycle transportation in an urban setting
$1,200,000.00 ORLEANS PARISH JUVENILE COURT Provide prevention & diversion services for youths, utilizing the Orleans Detention Alternative Program
$1,117,000.00 NATCHITOCHES PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Provide students with high quality tutoring & mentoring that supports learning & development
$1,070,432.00 CALCASIEU PARISH SHERIFF & TAX Provide W.O. Moss Medical Center with an armed deputy in the emergency COLLECTOR department
$879,630.00 ST. TAMMANY PARISH HOSPITAL Provide support to the nurse-family partnership program to address low birth & poor prenatal care
$749,836.02 OUACHITA PARISH POLICE JURY Provide employment & training services for Ouachita Parish Food Stamp Program; operate a TANF & STEP job readiness program
$713,384.00 POINTE COUPEE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Create a community learning center to provide academic opportunities for students that attend low-performing schools
$675,000.00 CITY OF VILLE PLATTE Provide juvenile delinquency prevention/diversion services to youth in Lafayette region 5
$674,962.37 ST. TAMMANY PARISH GOVERNMENT Provide services & programs in accordance with the CSBG Act of 1981 to low income elderly & disabled individuals
$618,125.00 ACADIANA CRIMINALISTICS LAB Provide disbursements of funds to the Acadiana Crime Lab for DNA analysis on forensic cases thru the 2005 DNA Capacity Enhancement program
$604,045.22 ST. BERNARD PARISH GOVERNMENT Provide services & programs in accordance with the CSBG Act of 1981 to low income, elderly & disabled individuals TOP 50 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$600,000.00 MONROE SCHOOL BOARD Provides academic assistance in literacy and/or math, enrichment, recreation, technology, tutoring parental involvement & family literacy activities
$599,601.65 RAPIDES PARISH POLICE JURY Provide employment & training services for Rapides Parish Food Stamp Program
$536,435.00 JACKSON STATE UNIVERSITY To recruit, select & train teachers for placement in high need local education agencies/school systems
$480,000.00 LAFOURCHE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Provides academic assistance in literacy and/or math, enrichment, recreation, technology, tutoring parental involvement & family literacy activities
$414,000.00 ST. LANDRY PARISH DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S Provide psychological evaluations & testing of youth including counseling, intake OFFICE assessment & case management services; implementation of the Truancy Assessment & Service Center
$406,359.00 OUACHITA PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Serve as Fiscal Agent for the Region VII Education Service Center
$397,365.00 4TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Provide prevention & diversion services to youths in the Monroe area
$390,000.00 THE LOWER CAMERON HOSPITAL SERVICE Rebuild & strengthen the Cameron Parish Health Care System DISTRICT
$375,000.00 NEW VISION LEARNING ACADEMY Create a community learning center to provide academic opportunities for students that attend low-performing schools
$375,000.00 CLEMSON UNIVERSITY Develop an active, selective catalysts for the conversion of natural-gas derived syngas to ethanol
$374,512.00 WEBSTER PARISH POLICE JURY Provide STEP transportation services in Webster parish
$367,728.00 CITY OF HAMMOND Provide juvenile delinquency/diversion services in Region 3
$347,522.00 NORTH LA CRIMINALISTICS LAB DNA analysis on forensic cases thru the 2006 Capacity Enhancement Program TOP 50 INTERGOVERNMENTAL CONTRACTORS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$340,061.00 CITY OF MONROE Provide STEP transportation services; provide emergency shelter for needy homeless individuals
$319,964.07 LAFOURCHE PARISH COUNCIL – OFFICE OF Provide services & programs in accordance with the CSBG Act of 1981 to low COMMUNITY ACTION income, elderly & disabled individuals
$313,000.00 32 ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT Provide prevention/diversion to youth & families in Region 4
$312,663.00 JEFFERSON PARISH CORONER’S OFFICE Provide disbursements of funds to the Jefferson Parish Forensic Science Center for DNA Analysis on forensic cases thru the 2006 DNA Capacity Enhancement
$310,821.03 JEFFERSON DAVIS PARISH POLICE JURY Complete strategic prevention framework (SPF) planning process for substance abuse
$309,057.89 U.S. FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE Environmental review for transportation projects
$304,878,50 IBERIA PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Provide prevention/diversion services for youth
$302,784.00 ST. MARTIN PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Provide comprehensive/preventive services to registered students
$65,908,514.37 SECTION XII
$910,000,000.00 DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATION, FACILITY Elevate, reconstruct, or retrofit 20,000 flood prone structures PLANNING & CONTROL
$293,660,190.00 CITY OF NEW ORLEANS Promote long term recovery from hurricane related damage to the economy, environment, housing stock, public safety, health care, transportation, etc.
$200,000,000.00 LCTCS FACILITIES CORPORATION Lease land and use bond proceeds for acquisition, renovation and construction of facilities on various campuses
$150,000,000.00 ALGIERS DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Provide adequate facilities to support Marine Corps activities in compliance with the BRAC Commission recommendation related to the Naval Support Activity-West Bank
$124,500,000.00 SHAW GROUP, INC. Retain and expand professional/non-craft employment and add 1,500 jobs in Louisiana; build a new modular manufacturing facility in Lake Charles
$92,551,481.00 ST. BERNARD PARISH GOVERNMENT Rebuild damaged parish infrastructure
$87,000,000.00 V-VEHICLE COMPANY Mega fund project relating to the infrastructure expenditures for a vehicle manufacturing plant that will create 1,400 new jobs
$82,086,826.00 TERREBONNE PARISH CONSOLIDATED Replace, rebuild, repair hurricane damaged parish infrastructure GOVERNMENT
$62,079,000.00 UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS & Design, construction, shared use and operation and maintenance of new research and RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY FOUNDATION, development administrative building INC.
$57,000,000.00 CITY OF BOSSIER CITY Support for infrastructure for cyber innovation center and transportation infrastructure
$50,000,000.00 FOSTER POULTRY FARMS State investment as a material inducement to purchase and operate a poultry production and processing plant and maintain 1,100 jobs TOP 50 COOPERATIVE ENDEAVOR AGREEMENTS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$48,794,628.00 PLAQUEMINES PARISH GOVERNMENT Repair, rebuild, replace hurricane damaged infrastructure
$44,830,251.00 CAMERON PARISH POLICE JURY Repair, rebuild, replace hurricane damaged infrastructure
$43,064,751.60 UNITY OF GREATER NEW ORLEANS Shelter plus care for disabled homeless population in hurricane damaged areas
$42,420,314.00 LOUISIANA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY Prevent and restore blighted neighborhoods statewide; financial assistance to low and moderate income homebuyers with soft second loans, down-payment and closing cost assistance
$39,743,000.00 ST. BERNARD PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Replace, rebuild, repair hurricane damaged school infrastructure
$38,710,806.00 JEFFERSON PARISH GOVERNMENT Repair, rebuild, replace hurricane damaged infrastructure
$25,438,045.00 ST. TAMMANY PARISH GOVERNMENT Repair, rebuild, replace hurricane damaged infrastructure
$24,825,694.00 LAFOURCHE PARISH COUNCIL Repair, rebuild, replace hurricane damaged infrastructure
$23,500,000.00 PORT OF NEW ORLEANS Construction of cold storage facility on the east bank of the Mississippi river
$23,408,246.00 CALCASIEU PARISH POLICE JURY Repair, rebuild, replace hurricane damaged infrastructure
$22,296,506.89 LAKE CHARLES HARBOR & TERMINAL Delivery and beneficial use of sediment dredged for navigation purposes
$20,000,000.00 BAYOU LAFOURCHE FRESH WATER Clear debris from Bayou Lafourche dredging an access channel and slope stability DISTRICT measures
$17,495,926.00 LOUISIANA CANCER RESEARCH CENTER Smoking prevention programs in public hospital system, school system and community development programs; research and education in diagnosis, detection and treatment of cancer TOP 50 COOPERATIVE ENDEAVOR AGREEMENTS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$17,211,761.00 ORLEANS PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Rebuild, repair, replace hurricane damaged primary and secondary public school infrastructure
$16,915,329.00 PLAQUEMINES PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Rebuild, repair, replace hurricane damaged primary and secondary public school infrastructure
$16,290,000.00 LSU SYSTEM RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY Planning and construction of computer facility known as the Louisiana Digital FOUNDATION Media Center; wet lab incubator in Baton Rouge
$15,876,611.00 ST. TAMMANY SCHOOL BOARD Rebuild, repair, replace hurricane damaged primary and secondary public school infrastructure
$15,000,000.00 SEWERAGE AND WATER BOARD Sewer and water line repair/replacement under roads scheduled for repair
$14,815,568.00 ASSUMPTION PARISH POLICE JURY Repair, rebuild, replace hurricane damaged infrastructure
$13,600,000.00 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Conduct feasibility study for the six ecosystem restoration projects set forth by the water resources development act
$13,547,027.00 RURAL HOSPITAL COALITION, INC. Establishment and facilitation of the Louisiana Rural Health Information Exchange to support health information technology initiatives in rural areas of the state
$10,000,000.00 TERREBONNE PORT COMMISSION Bulkhead, land improvements and other related infrastructure improvements, planning and construction
$9,239,789.00 VERMILION PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Rebuild, repair, replace hurricane damaged primary and secondary public school infrastructure
$9,037,057.00 RAPIDES PARISH POLICE JURY Repair, rebuild, replace hurricane damaged infrastructure
$9,000,000.00 GARDNER DENVER THOMAS, INC. Thomas products division to relocate to Monroe creating 301 jobs TOP 50 COOPERATIVE ENDEAVOR AGREEMENTS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$8,306,293.00 IBERIA PARISH GOVERNMENT Repair, rebuild, replace hurricane damaged infrastructure
$8,000,000.00 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF NEW ORLEANS Disaster case management services to eligible families receiving transitional rental payments under DHAP-Katrina Transitional closeout plan $6,798,882.00 LIVINGSTON PARISH COUNCIL Repair, rebuild, replace hurricane damaged infrastructure
$6,283,065.00 LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Occupancy to a digital interactive media company, Electronic Arts, Inc.; Create new jobs
$6,000,000.00 WEST FELICIANA ACQUISITION, LLC Acquisition, improvement and operation of a paper mill in St. Francisville creating 200-375 jobs
$5,695,748.00 CITY OF LAKE CHARLES Repair, rebuild, replace hurricane damaged infrastructure
$5,459,208.00 VERMILION PARISH POLICE JURY Repair, rebuild, replace hurricane damaged infrastructure
$5,000,000.00 SECOND HARVEST FOOD BANK OF Acquire 6,000 pounds of food for people throughout the state GREATER NEW ORLEANS & ACADIANA
$4,685,685.50 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Recreate brackish marsh habitat in areas damaged by hurricanes
$4,550,674.00 WEST BATON ROUGE POLICE JURY Repair, rebuild, replace hurricane damaged infrastructure
$4,500,200.00 LOUISIANA COMMUNITY & TECHNICAL Develop and deliver Louisiana fast start training programs COLLEGE SYSTEM
$4,379,607.00 BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION Wet lab business incubators planning and construction
$4,366,214.00 LOUISIANA GENE THERAPY Gene therapy research and manufacturing; commercialization of gene and cell therapy technologies and innovation TOP 50 COOPERATIVE ENDEAVOR AGREEMENTS 07/01/08 – 06/30/09 GRAND TOTAL CONTRACTOR’S NAME DESCRIPTION
$4,175,917.00 LAETC MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC Operate wet lab facility; develop infrastructure to provide technology transfer assistance to university systems of Louisiana
$2,762,140,300.99 SECTION XIII
In accordance with R.S.39:1488, 1490 B (3), and 1508 and also in accordance with LAC 34:V.106, the Director of the Office of Contractual Review may delegate authority to state agencies for the approval of professional, personal, consulting, and social services contracts for $20,000 or less.
Agencies must maintain a file on all small purchase contracts and also must report all such contracts to the Office of Contractual Review on a quarterly basis.
Also, R.S.39:1488 grants to the Director of the Office of Contractual Review the power to delegate her authority to any state agency as the director deems appropriate.
The following is a summary of all contracts approved under agency delegation of authority and reported to the Office of Contractual Review for the FY 08-09. CONTRACTS APPROVED UNDER DELGATION OF AUTHORITY As per R.S. 39:1508 (< $20,000)
Total Department/Agencies 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Contracts Total Amount
Agriculture $180,000.00 $21,799.00 $84,998.00 $212,730.00 53 $499,527.00
Baton Rouge Community College $92,608.00 $84,448.50 $53,977.00 $80,140.00 41 $311,173.50
Board of Elementary & Secondary Education $17,250.00 $125,625.00 $0.00 $0.00 16 $142,875.00
Board of Regents $183,659.10 $132,432.69 $288,142.46 $146,921.00 130 $751,155.25
Bossier Parish Community College $152,645.00 $26,473.00 $72,572.00 $27,524.80 36 $279,214.80
Civil Service & Admin Law $82,800.00 $28,000.00 $10,000.00 $1,160.00 14 $121,960.00
Corrections $435,093.88 $176,853.00 $411,535.00 $132,478.40 104 $1,155,960.28
Counseil pour le Development du Francais $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 $0.00
Culture, Recreation & Tourism $91,758.00 $179,410.47 $65,022.20 $26,500.00 39 $362,690.67
Delgado Community College $153,244.00 $73,758.50 $91,575.50 $96,032.77 46 $414,610.77
Delta Community College $28,615.00 $0.00 $35,895.00 $22,200.00 7 $86,710.00
Division of Administration $124,000.00 $31,600.00 $37,000.00 $305,845.00 35 $498,445.00
Economic Development $100,970.00 $184,001.00 $244,649.71 $382,250.43 166 $911,871.14
Education $883,398.80 $1,740,466.00 $368,140.70 $719,669.00 438 $3,711,674.50
Elderly Affairs $325,474.00 $3,500.00 $0.00 $122,414.00 37 $451,388.00
Environmental Quality $20,000.00 $89,858.00 $54,916.00 $24,250.00 21 $189,024.00
Facility Planning & Control $53,627.00 $27,676.00 $12,900.00 $3,750.00 15 $97,953.00
Governor’s Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness $1,500.00 $7,000.00 $0.00 $27,830.00 7 $36,330.00
Grambling State University $198,871.00 $259,299.00 $142,536.57 $205,753.00 118 $806,459.57
Group Benefits $59,300.00 $0.00 $0.00 $19,986.00 5 $79,286.00
Health & Hospitals $1,704,216.00 $1,530,522.00 $682,677.00 $1,917,777.00 498 $5,835,192.00
Total Department/Agencies 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Contracts Total Amount
Indigent Defense Assistance Board $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 $0.00
Justice $39,840.00 $18,642.00 $141,250.00 $36,700.00 33 $236,432.00
L. E. Fletcher Technical Community College $130,050.00 $0.00 $48,090.00 $5,900.00 18 $184,040.00
LA Community & Technical College System $345,733.50 $125,191.00 $24,000.00 $149,314.00 81 $644,238.50
LA Public Broadcasting $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 $0.00
LA Real Estate Appraisers Board $7,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 $7,000.00
LA Real Estate Commission $21,200.00 $4,000.00 $10,500.00 $25,400.00 6 $61,100.00
LA Regional Airport $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 $0.00
LA School for Math, Science & the Arts $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 $0.00
LA Small Business Development Center $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 $0.00
LA State Racing Commission $32,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,000.00 3 $38,000.00
LA Tax Commission $30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2 $30,000.00
LA Tech University $25,285.00 $56,188.50 $39,963.59 $55,672.90 33 $177,109.99
Louisiana Workforce Commission $63,500.00 $3,790.00 $43,000.00 $72,499.00 14 $182,789.00
LSU - Alexandria $112,633.70 $15,490.00 $12,000.00 $44,984.81 31 $185,108.51
LSU - Baton Rouge $644,954.76 $655,861.18 $837,281.85 $1,166,269.05 505 $3,304,366.84
LSU – Eunice $23,399.98 $17,500.00 $8,350.00 $13,500.00 7 $62,749.98
LSU - Shreveport $86,515.15 $115,558.18 $200,239.48 $198,173.55 88 $600,486.36
LSUMCHSC - Health Care Services Division $247,057.80 $253,008.50 $193,519.30 $192,300.00 79 $885,885.60
LSUMCHSC – New Orleans $114,430.06 $184,289.00 $78,577.00 $139,893.00 96 $517,189.06
LSUMCHSC – Shreveport $114,550.00 $114,275.00 $166,468.00 $213,978.00 61 $609,271.00
Total Department/Agencies 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Contracts Total Amount
LUMCON $71,730.52 $36,757.00 $75,500.00 $45,723.51 32 $229,711.03
McNeese State University $175,121.35 $168,759.98 $171,430.78 $157,712.75 124 $673,024.86
Natural Resources $67,958.00 $20,000.00 $69,994.00 $29,974.00 17 $187,926.00
Nicholls State University $139,544.53 $93,469.85 $129,625.99 $89,235.00 95 $451,875.37
Northwestern State University $317,161.65 $88,901.60 $97,290.00 $106,878.50 94 $610,231.75
Nunez Community College $7,302.00 $13,899.73 $3,945.00 $33,273.60 16 $58,420.33
Office of Student Financial Assistance $5,000.00 $37,580.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 4 $62,580.00
Office of the Governor $159,762.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 12 $159,762.50
Office on Women’s Policy $52,349.40 $0.00 $2,000.00 $10,750.00 9 $65,099.40
Office of Youth Development $185,652.00 $26,700.00 $154,090.00 $33,165.00 31 $399,607.00
Patient’s Compensation Fund $440,000.00 $712,500.00 $585,000.00 $1,177,500.00 154 $2,915,000.00
Revenue & Taxation $35,000.00 $46,675.00 $7,000.00 $55,100.00 10 $143,775.00
Risk Management $2,992,500.00 $3,962,560.00 $3,002,700.00 $3,351,500.00 829 $13,309,260.00
River Parishes Community College $32,940.00 $6,500.00 $28,600.00 $500.00 9 $68,540.00
Secretary of State $43,944.00 $73,763.00 $14,745.00 $71,844.97 16 $204,296.97
Social Services $28,086.16 $683,125.49 $477,056.72 $756,191.33 286 $1,944,459.70
South LA Community College $49,668.00 $97,687.00 $26,618.00 $131,791.00 34 $305,764.00
Southeastern University $249,432.62 $184,139.16 $128,240.00 $240,026.08 113 $801,837.86
Southern University $235,926.33 $299,312.00 $309,003.00 $158,650.00 120 $1,002,891.33
Southwest LA Technical Community College $5,500.00 $5,400.00 $13,000.00 $12,784.00 7 $36,684.00
State Board of CPA $12,000.00 $0.00 $6,000.00 $0.00 3 $18,000.00
Total Department/Agencies 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Contracts Total Amount
State Board of Private Security Examiner $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,000.00 2 $20,000.00
State Licensing Board of Contractors $20,000.00 $40,000.00 $30,000.00 $20,000.00 6 $110,000.00
State Police Commission $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 $0.00
Transportation & Development $0.00 $9,000.00 $19,500.00 $0.00 2 $28,500.00
University of LA at Lafayette $23,000.00 $34,565.00 $39,486.00 $29,643.00 10 $126,694.00
University of LA at Monroe $393,555.03 $303,735.00 $198,642.00 $149,981.00 151 $1,045,913.03
University of LA System $90,593.00 $37,975.00 $0.00 $0.00 8 $128,568.00
University of New Orleans $459,633.10 $218,124.00 $425,662.50 $663,734.00 214 $1,767,153.60
Wildlife & Fisheries $141,228.39 $55,880.00 $25,920.00 $152,993.75 42 $376,022.14
Totals $13,361,768.31 $13,543,524.33 $10,520,825.35 $14,294,747.20 5334 $51,720,865.19
DATA AS OF 11/1/09 Contracts Approved under Delegation of Authority as per R.S. 39:1488 Total Agency Contracts Dollar Amount CDBG 353 $42,128,332.46 Economic Development 12 $8,474,430.92 Group Benefits - PPO 383 $330,860,000.00 Indigent Defense Assistance Board 0 $0.00 Natural Resources 18 $105,907,518.05 Public Safety 0 $0.00 Social Services 0 $0.00 University of LA at Monroe 0 $0.00 Louisiana State University 6 $426,523.55 Louisiana Workforce Commission 230 $115,782,652.06
Wildlife & Fisheries 2 $56,452.24
Delgado Community College 3 $111,500.00
Totals 1007 $603,747,409.28
DATA AS OF 11/1/09 DA This public document was published at a total cost of $90.00. Twenty-five (25) copies were published in this 1st printing at a cost of $3.60 a copy. This document was published by the Office of Contractual Review, Division of Administration, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70804-9095, under the authority of R.S. 39:1489. This material was printed in accordance with standards for printing by state agencies established pursuant to R.S. 43:31. Printing of this material was purchased in accordance with the provisions of Title 43 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes.