Accompanies the Home Planners Guide Image of Jon on the Cover
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HEARTHSTONE (accompanies the Home Planners Guide—image of Jon on the cover)
Cover: Extraordinary Homes An Unshakable Commitment to The Nearly Lost Art of The Timberwright
One: Fulfillment
The man who built this house of mine A hundred years ago, With Christian doors of smooth, clear pine And chestnut timbers, row on row, Whose oxen hauled the brick and lime, Who squared the hearth’s broad stone, Could not foresee that Fate and Time Would someday make it all my own.
Of course, he knew that it would stay Here, on its sturdy sills, Long after his last Spring should lay Her fragrant mornings on the hills. So even if he did not know Just who its owners were to be, I’ll still maintain that, years ago, He planned and built this house for me.
Frederick W. Branch
Two: At Hearthstone – above all else – we are unshakably committed to the nearly lost art and trade of the Timberwright. Because of this defining promise, we can proudly serve our clients in that most fulfilling of human aspirations: the quest for a truly extraordinary home and living environment. And, because of this unique talent, we are more able to satisfy that aspiration than any other company in the world.
This portfolio will introduce you to Hearthstone’s history and values, and will illustrate our concept of offering you substantial breadth of choices – without losing the intimacy, efficiency, and drive born from our foundation and focus. Our three product lines – Log Homes, Timber Frame Homes, and Foam Core Panel Homes – are presented achieving exactly that goal: breadth of choice, with stunning products which share complementary technologies and strengths.
Hearthstone began thousands of homes ago in 1971 as a restorer of old log homes here in the mountains of East Tennessee. It wasn’t long until there were more people who wanted those homes than there were old logs for restoration. So, we set about learning how to craft new homes – yet with the quiet
Three: strength of character of those original log homes. The emotion and philosophy that drove us and our customers in those early days continues today. Though thoroughly designed and engineered to
We present to you the premier building systems of the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Four: reflect our experience of thousands of homes and the best in modern comfort, our Log Homes remain what they were at our modest, yet proud, beginning: faithful reproductions of those 150- to 200-year-old, heart-stopping, hewn, and dove-tailed homes that were the pride and labor of our forefathers. At Hearthstone, there’s no other acceptable way or reason to build a log home.
Along the way, our interest in handcrafting, heavy-timber construction, and historical reproduction led us to our second product line: Timber Frame Homes. Timber Frames have become a natural partner to our Log Homes. The technology is closely related, and so is the clientele. As you will see, the results
Five: are spectacular. It has been rewarding to watch the development of the enthusiasm for our Timber Frames during the 1980-s – much as the initial interest in our authentic log reproductions grew in the 1970’s.
Our third product line, Foam Core Panel Homes, might at first seem to be a major departure from our other “Timberwright-based” homes. But in actuality, there is a great deal of technical and philosophical interrelationship between all three building systems. The maturation of the development of foam core panel building technology in the 1970’s was – in fact – the critical technical event that allowed the renaissance of timber framing as a practical building system. Any place in any structure that might be “conventionally”constructed can be done better with foam core panels. Foam Core Panel Homes deliver tremendous physical strength and energy efficiency, as well as design and cost flexibility. It is a better way to build… and that is what we’re all about.
With these three product lines, we span a tremendous range of choice in design, aesthetics, and costs – yet we do it in a focused way, built on shared technologies and traditions of great value to our clients. In this portfolio, we present to you the premier building systems of the 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries.
Six: You can still find them. They sit on the ridges, in the hollows, and on the stream banks of our nation. Like no planned or contrived monument could hope to, these 150- to 200-year-old log structures salute, and stand as testimony to, that almost undefinable and unique spirit that was, is, and always will be – America. If you have been fortunate enough to stumble across one – especially in its natural, undisturbed state – you understand the feeling. Simple… yet generating heart-grabbing strength of character… these old cabins project everything that is defining and seminal to an American’s soul: sweat, blood, self-reliance, ingenuity, pride, and an unbreakable commitment to doing what must be done.
If you have been fortunate enough to have had this experience, then you know that – fundamentally – that is the answer to the question… the question goes something like this: “Just what is it about log homes that so touches so many Americans?” Quite simply, the log home is a direct connection to the spirit and soul of the type of American that made – and will continue to make – our country Caption/pg Six: Our company began in 1971 restoring and refurbishing 200-year-old log homes. Long ago, demand for our craftsmanship outran the supply of old logs and we began crafting comfortable new log homes in the same style and tradition as the old one. Hearthstone features massive hewn logs with dove-tailed corners.
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Eight: the unprecedented and miraculous experiment it has been and will always be. There is a huge reservoir of strong people who believe in America’s pride, values, and future. These people love log homes.
And for the same reasons, Hearthstone loves log homes. We have very strong convictions about what a log home should be. To most successfully capture the spirit and character of a log home, we believe that it should authentically reproduce the look charm, and aesthetics of our forefather’s homes. Once that promise is firmly established, then the finest in modern design, engineering, and technical details are employed so that your Hearthstone Log Home is enjoyed and revered for many generations.
There are wonderful books about the history of log homes. Anyone who enjoys historical research would
Nine: find them interesting, and we’d be glad to give you a list. The essential facts are these: very early in this country’s life, constructing log homes was a skill quickly adopted by several ethnic groups – originally in the Delaware River Valley. These Timberwrights spread out over generations and decades, settling this country. And, they built log homes from Maine to Florida, to California, to Washington. Nearly all of the permanent, “proper” log homes shared the common characteristics of logs hewn flat on the sides, logs joined at the corners by a dove-tail notch, and chinking between the logs. Usually, only temporary or crude buildings were built without the aesthetic and technical advantages of squaring up the logs.
Ten: These are the true American log homes and it’s the only way we build. This company began in 1971 restoring old log homes. Since then, we’ve built thousands of tehm. At Hearthstone we are constantly researching and refining the technical details of our homes and our services. There are an infinite number of product and service details that affect a log home. We have decades and thousands of homes worth of experience. We have a tradition of leading our industry in technical excellence and innovation – not only in the product, but also in the services. And, we proudly enjoy an unprecedented and unmatched guarantee of our work. We can assure you, and
Eleven: we will be happy to detail for you, the technical excellence and superiority of our products.
Caption/pg Eleven: At Hearthstone we have very strong convictions about what a log home should be. We believe that it should authentically reproduce the look, charm, and aesthetics of our forefather’s homes.
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Thirteen: Timber framing is a majestic type of construction that utilizes exacting variations of mortise-and- tenon joinery and massive timbers to form the framework of a building. This beautiful oak frame is planed, sanded, and oiled, and is left exposed on the interior of the home – creating a breathtaking effect of open spaces and craftsmanship rarely seen in this century.
The exterior of the frame is covered with a highly energy-efficient blanket of foam core panels. The result is a home of unmatched beauty, value, energy efficiency, and design flexibility.
Timber framing was meticulously practiced for centuries as the preferred method of building construction in many parts of the world. Craftsmen refined the techniques to a system of elaborate embellishments and complex joinery in 17th century Europe. Living examples of long- lasting timber frame structures include Japanese temples, European cathedrals, and Early American homes and barns. Late in the 19th century, however, the advent of structural steel, dimension
Caption/pg Thirteen: Timberframing is both unmatched construction technique and an art form. Massive oak timbers – planed and oiled – connect with exacting variations of mortise-and-tenon joinery and wooden pegs. The exterior of the frame is then covered with a highly energy-efficient blanket of foam core panels.
Fourteen: No text. Fifteen: lumber, and wire nails – when combined with an insatiable appetite for mass-produced housing – effectively eliminated the art and the trade of the Timberwright.
Thankfully, though, there is once again an eager market for the timber frame home. People resent mass-produced, synthetic products. Something has to balance this high-tech world of ours, and our Timber Frame Home is one of those things.
Each of our product lines is a logical complement to the other two. The Timber Frame Homes provide less-rustic aesthetics than the Log Homes, yet still feature the magic of the heavy timbers, as well as meticulously carved and pegged joinery. The timber frame system is particularly flexible when it comes to design. We use it
Caption/pg Sixteen: People resent mass-produced, synthetic products. Something has to balance this high-tech world of ours, and our Timber Frame Home is one of those things.
Sixteen: constantly in every application from modern contemporary to modern rustic to period reproduction.
There is some truly indescribable effect from living in a home composed of the timbers. It’s a soulful thing – and although one absorbs feelings like peace and strength, it is something more than
Seventeen: that. It’s never been completely defined, but with these carefully chosen words, Everard Hinrichs has made a particularly credible effort:
Caption/pg Seventeen: The heft and feel of a well-worn handle, The sight of shavings that curl from a blade; The logs in the woodpile, the sentiment of huge beams in an old-fashioned house; The smell of fresh-cut timber and the fragrance of burning leaves; The crackle of kindling and the hiss of burning logs. Abundant to all the needs of man, how poor the world would be Without wood. Everard Hinrichs
Eighteen: In a way, Foam Core Panel Homes might seem out of place at Hearthstone, where our strength is our Timberwrights. But that would be an inaccurate conclusion. Even homes framed by Timberwrights have need for the panels, and panel construction brings cost moderation into our portfolio. A client may have an aesthetic preference for less wood in a home, or even in a certain part of a home. Or, there can be budgetary factors that suggest a need to minimize cost while still employing out Timberwright’s skills in just the right spot. In addition to these primary uses, there are many more subtle instances where foam core panels can contribute – even in log and timberframe homes – such as gable ends, dormers, roofs, additions, and so on.
As an industrial technology, the stress skin foam core panel is more than fifty years old. First developed for the construction of commercial refrigerated spaces, the versatile technology is now applied to many products from boats to aircraft. And – of course – to home construction. Driven by the elegantly
Caption/pg Eighteen: Hearthstone uses the best methods – aesthetically and technically – to build your homes. Foam Core Panel Homes provide tremendous energy efficiency. Foam core panel technology renders conventional construction obsolete – and is also liberally applied in both our Log and Timber Frame Homes.
Nineteen: No text.
Twenty: simple – yet technically superior – concept, the application of structural Foam Core Panel Homes has spread rapidly past the world of the timber framers into the mainstream of conventional housing.
The advantages of Foam Core Panel Homes are really quite striking. Examination of “conventional” construction will quickly reveal tremendous, inherent weaknesses which create the opportunity for this tremendous leap
Twenty-one: forward. Conventional two-by-four framing was born in an era that has passed. It was an era when the industrial technology mindset was one of mass-production that employed many, many parts – and a log of labor. In industry after industry, these old technologies have been liquidated by newer systems that are born of a new mindset – that the best solution is the one with the fewest parts; that labor efficiency, energy efficiency, product life, product flexibility, and constant product improvement are crucial. In industry after industry, the intense application of this mindset has resulted in incredible evolutions of all types of products – in all industries except house construction. Today, conventionally framed homes utilize basically the same technology they did in the early part of this century. Foam Core Panel Homes are now a proven and superior leap forward, past conventional “stick” framing. There are – literally – hundreds of times fewer “parts” in a foam core panel wall. Foam Core Panel Homes are structurally and thermally superior. The energy efficiency is dramatic. They minimize on-site labor, and they increase design flexibility.
Whether as additions, roofs, gables, or dormer components on log homes – or as timber frame additions and enclosures systems, or as “Hybrid” homes combining multiple systems – or as completely free standing structural wall and roof systems – Foam Core Panel Homes are a welcome, sensible, and crucial evolution of our portfolio of building systems.
Twenty-two: This is a hectic world full of compromise and indifference. We at Hearthstone do not like compromise. And we are not indifferent. We have some very straight-forward convictions that have not wavered since 1971.
We are dedicated to, and never cease to be amazed by, the Timberwright. What a noble creature… half ironworker, half cabinetmaker. The fruits of his labor still grace the land and sea, with life spans measured in centuries: bridges, churches, barns, log homes, timber frame homes, taverns, courthouses, inns, hotels, sailing vessels, and – with good fortune and hard work – your family home.
We believe that there are far better ways to build homes than they are commonly built today. With our three product lines, we believe that nay person who wants a home of imagination, distinction, character, and technical excellence is best served at Hearthstone.
We believe that a business should deliver wisdom, competence, and integrity to its clients. We hold ourselves to those high standards, and we have an unprecedented and unmatched guarantee to reflect those standards.
We work relentlessly to improve the costs and efficiency of our products and services so that we can deliver them to you at the lowest possible price, consistent with our standards.
Living this philosophy for decades has been rewarding. We have been recognized by radio, newspapers, magazines, television, and professional organizations across this country. But most important, we have been recognized by thousands of loyal customers, and we thank them.
We hope we are granted the opportunity and responsibility to serve you. We at Hearthstone are dedicated to making available to the public what we believe in: traditional, custom, American products of uncommon
Twenty-three: character. Rich products with a magical aura and a quiet dignity that make eyes widen, imaginations spin, and people realize that pride, respect, and craftsmanship still exist in the American marketplace. We believe that anyone who wants a home of imagination, distinction, character, and technical excellence is best served at Hearthstone.
Twenty-four: We do not yet know if we have done our job. If, in the 22nd century, some proud American reading Frederick W. Branch’s FULFILLMENT reacts with a lump in his throat, mist in his eyes, and a knowing smile… And if that proud American is one of your descendents… And if that house was carefully crafted by Hearthstone Timberwrights in Dandridge, Tennessee in the 20th century… Then, we have done our job.
Twenty-five: FULFILLMENT The man who built this house of mine A hundred years ago, With Christian doors of smooth, clear pine And chestnut timbers, row on row, Whose oxen hauled the brick and lime, Who squared the hearth’s broad stone, Could not foresee that Fate and Time Would someday make it all my own.
Of course, he knew that it would stay Here, on its sturdy sills, Long after his last Spring should lay Her fragrant mornings on the hills. So even if he did not know Just who its owners were to be, I’ll still maintain that, years ago, He planned and built this house for me. Frederick W. Branch
Twenty-six: (Back-cover) Hearthstone, Inc. 1630 East Highway 25-70 Dandridge, Tennessee 37725 Telephone: 865-397-9425 1-800-247-4442