Physical Fitness Performance Standards and Unit Physical Fitness Program
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6110 20 Sep 07
From: Commanding Officer, NROTC Unit, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
1. Background. This policy letter outlines the physical fitness performance standards for all Midshipmen in the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) Unit at Virginia Tech. Unless otherwise noted, Midshipman refers to every student that is a member of the Naval ROTC Battalion, and Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) refers to the official PFA administered once each semester. In addition to the many competing academic priorities, Unit participants must maintain consistent focus on physical fitness. We will accomplish fitness goals through promotion of good health and nutrition, upholding Navy and Marine Corps fitness standards, setting the example, and supervision. In short, we will promote and ensure physical fitness through leadership by example. In this demanding academic environment, future officers must also learn that a good physical fitness regime is part of a healthy lifestyle. Ultimately, it is an individual’s own personal responsibility to maintain proper fitness standards.
2. Midshipman Standards. The following PFA performance standards apply to Navy Option Midshipmen and Officer Candidates in this Unit. (Note: All Marine Option Midshipmen and MECEP students will participate in the Navy PFA when conducted as a part of ProLab.)
a. PFA Performance Categories. The following are the performance “categories” for the U.S. Navy Physical Fitness Assessment:
Within each performance category, there are 3 performance “levels” that describe an individual’s specific performance within each of the above categories. The performance levels are:
Therefore, an individual’s performance on each event of the PRT is classified by a combination of category and level, such as GOOD-MEDIUM, or EXCELLENT- HIGH, etc.
b. Minimum Standard. Any score below SATISFACTORY-LOW in any category constitutes a failure of the PFA. An overall PFA score in the SATISFACTORY category does not constitute a failure of the PFA, but is sufficient grounds for mandatory participation in the NROTC Unit Remedial PT program. Students achieving an overall score of less than GOOD (i.e. SATISFACTORY) on the PFA, regardless of academic year, will be placed on Aptitude Probation and be assigned to the Unit Remedial PT program.
c. Junior and Senior year Standard. Because of the higher level of fitness expected of an upperclassman, any student who does not score in the GOOD- MEDIUM category or better in all 3 events (as well as pass the height/weight standards) on any PFA during their Junior, Senior, or 5th-year will be immediately placed on Aptitude probation. A second score below the GOOD- MEDIUM category on any event will result in immediate assignment to Remedial PT and a Performance Review Board (PRB), which may result in Aptitude Leave of Absence (LOA). A third score below the GOOD-MEDIUM category on any event can result in Disenrollment from the NROTC program.
d. PFA Failure / Substandard Performance. Paragraph 3f, in accordance with reference (a) details the ramifications of failing the PFA and other substandard performance in the NROTC physical readiness program. Failure of the PFA constitutes any of the following, and is grounds for Aptitude PRB and possible disenrollment:
(1) Score below the SATISFACTORY category on any portion of the PFA. (2) Fail height/weight standards or body composition assessment (BCA). (3) Unauthorized absence from the scheduled PFA or, if waived, a “make-up” PFA.
e. Aptitude Probation for Physical Fitness. In order to discourage recurring physical fitness aptitude lapses, once a student is placed on Aptitude Probation for physical fitness, he/she will remain on probation for the duration of their time in the NROTC.
f. Summer Cruise Restrictions. Any student who is on Aptitude Leave of Absence (LOA) for substandard physical performance will not be authorized by the Commanding Officer to attend Summer Cruise.
3. Midshipman Physical Training Program. The Unit conducts a physical training (PT) program designed to (1) encourage and assist students to maintain appropriate physical fitness standards, (2) facilitate Unit Staff monitoring of student physical fitness, and (3) promote Unit cohesion and identity. The program is administered as follows:
a. Unit & Individual PT Standards. As a general statement, regular physical training is inclusive for all Midshipmen. Two organized (unit) PT sessions per week of an hour in length (to include 20-30 minutes of continuous aerobic activity) will be conducted throughout the semester. At least one additional (individual) PT session will be conducted by every Midshipman each week, in order to bring the minimum total number of physical training sessions to 3 per week, which is a standardized Naval Service requirement. This minimum 3-per week routine should be continued by all Midshipmen over the semester and summer breaks. The conditions mandating participation in remedial physical training (Remedial PT), due to substandard performance on Physical Fitness Assessments (PFAs), are detailed in paragraph 3c below. Marine Option members of the NROTC Unit will participate in a structured program with Raider Company, directed by the Marine Officer Instructor (MOI) and the Assistant Marine Officer Instructor (AMOI). Subj: PHYSICAL FITNESS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND UNIT PHYSICAL TRAINING PROGRAM
b. Weekly Unit PT. NROTC Battalion PT will be held twice a week during the semester, on Mondays and Wednesdays. The PT sessions will start promptly at 0530, with all muster and accountability being complete prior to that time. Like Remedial PT, failure to attend PT is considered Unauthorized Absence (UA). All UAs from Company, Battalion, or Remedial PT sessions will be reported as such on the weekly accountability report provided to the NROTC Staff. All weekly PT sessions will be run at the company level with the MIDN Company Commander ultimately responsible for their conduct. Company Advisors will be present with their respective companies during every PT sessions, in a safety, advisory and participatory role, but will not be in charge of the PT session; that is the job of the Midshipman company leadership. Strict accountability will be maintained during all PT sessions.
c. PFA Scheduling and Assignment to Remedial PT. The NROTC Battalion will conduct three PFAs per year. An initial "mock" PFA, followed by an official PFA, will be conducted at the beginning of the Fall Semester. The third PFA, an official one, will be conducted in April of the Spring Semester. All Midshipmen, MECEPs, and OCs are required to participate in each PFA. Those with a schedule conflict or illness will be evaluated during a “make-up” PFA. Typically the poorest performances on a PFA occur during the 1.5-mile run of the PRT. Any student who does not achieve a minimum over all score of "Excellent Low," with no event below a “Good Medium,” during either the “mock” or official PFAs will be assigned to the three day a week Remedial PT program and placed on Aptitude Probation. Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, or 5th-year students who do not meet the BCA standards, or fail to achieve an over all score of “Good Low” will be placed on a five day a week Remedial PT program and issued an aptitude probation. Students assigned to remedial PT (both the 3 day a week and the 5 day a week programs) will remain on remedial PT until they achieve an overall score of at least “Excellent Low”, with a minimum score of “Good Medium" in each event, on the next official PFA.
d. Remedial PT Program. Remedial PT will be conducted weekly, throughout the semester, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 0530. It will be conducted by the Battalion PT Coordinator, under Unit staff supervision. Additionally, all Remedial PT participants will be required to maintain a personal logbook that records their weekly PT sessions, both personal and Battalion sponsored. The logbooks will be accurately maintained and presented weekly throughout the semester to the Battalion PT Coordinator and Class Advisors. Only AFTER completing an official PFA with an overall score of “Excellent Low” will the student be removed from the remedial PT program by the Command Fitness Leader. Only the Command Fitness Leader can remove a student from the Remedial PT program. This arrangement provides an opportunity for those Midshipmen who need assistance to attain acceptable physical performance beyond what they can accomplish on their own. This criteria also provides an incentive for Midshipmen to maintain physical fitness standards over the semester and summer break periods.
e. Physical Training Coordinators. A Battalion PT Coordinator will be assigned by the NROTC Battalion Commander as a member of his staff, and will be responsible for the conduct and administration of the Remedial PT Program. Additionally, each Company Commander will assign a ‘Company PT Coordinator’ responsible for planning and executing an aggressive and progressive PT program, oriented at achieving greater levels of cardiovascular fitness for the entire company. They will be responsible to the Battalion PT Coordinator for the accountability of those members of their respective companies who are on the Unit Remedial PT program. Company PT Coordinators will thoroughly brief their respective Company Advisor the day prior to the PT evolution.
f. Substandard Physical Performance. The following matrix details the standards for correcting substandard physical fitness performance while assigned to NROTC Virginia Tech.
* The reason for placing a 2nd-term 4/C student on LOA who has failed the PRT is to preclude them from being obligated to the program. In this instance, the student will be immediately placed on interim LOA and scheduled for an Aptitude PRB as soon as possible.
** For PRT failure during Freshman (4/C) year, refer to the first 2 rows of the matrix. Thereafter (3/C-year and beyond), PRT failures apply as indicated. Note: If a student fails both PRTs their Freshman year (i.e. placed on Aptitude Probation), and then fails again at anytime after that, the next step in the progression will be Aptitude LOA. Any further failures after LOA will be grounds for disenrollment. Subj: PHYSICAL FITNESS PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND UNIT PHYSICAL TRAINING PROGRAM
4. Marine Option / MECEP Performance Standards. The following physical fitness test (PFT) standards apply to Marine Option Midshipmen and MECEP Students. Navy Option Midshipmen who seek a change to Marine Option must meet these requirements before they will be considered for change of option.
a. Minimum Standard. To gain a Marine Officer commission, a student must perform to the First Class standard on the Marine PFT.
b. College Program. Any Marine Option College Program student who does not achieve a First Class PFT by the end of the second semester of their first class year will be subject to a PRB, which can result in Probation, Leave of Absence, or Disenrollment from the NROTC.
c. Scholarship / MECEP. Failure of the PFT will result in a PRB for scholarship Midshipmen or MECEPs. Failing to meet height/weight standards or appropriate body composition, may result in a PRB or immediate Aptitude Probation.
5. Marine Option / MECEP Physical Training Program. The Raider Company of the NROTC Battalion conducts a physical training (PT) program designed to encourage and assist Marine Option and MECEP students maintain appropriate physical fitness standards, monitor student physical fitness, and promote unit cohesion and identity.
a. Participation. Raider PT is for Marine Option Midshipmen, MECEPS and any Navy Option Midshipman applying for a Marine Option Scholarship or Change of Option, and therefore a member of Raiders Company. Raider PT is conducted Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 0530.
b. Periodic Evaluation. Three times a semester the Raider’s Company will conduct a PFT to monitor the level of fitness of the Marine Option Midshipmen, MECEPS and those who are seeking to become Marine Option Midshipmen. Scores will be collected for all Midshipmen in order to monitor their physical fitness. Midshipmen failing to score at the First Class PFT level may receive a Letter of Warning or be removed from the Raider’s program.
6. Unit Physical Training Policy Review. The Unit PT policy shall be periodically reviewed and updated as changes occur to the Navy and Marine Corps physical fitness programs. The Unit PT Coordinator will conduct these reviews and propose changes.
7. Summary. A quality physical fitness program is the responsibility of all personnel in the Unit, whether Unit Staff or Midshipmen Battalion, from the most senior to the most junior. We must work together as a team to ensure a positive and healthy lifestyle while undergoing the rigors of academic life. Physical fitness is an essential component of the “whole officer” concept and is therefore the individual student’s responsibility, as is knowing the ramifications of failing to meet the standards. While we maintain our focus on mental preparation for future service as Naval Officers, we will not ignore the importance of physical preparation - officer leadership demands both.
T. RUBENSTEIN Copy to: All hands