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East Texas Baptist University
Acting Styles: Shakespeare THEA 3359 Spring 2016 TR 11:00 – 12:20
Instructor: Traci Ledford Contact: [email protected] 903-923-2292 Office: Jenna Guest Music Building (JGMB) 105 Office Hours: Monday 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm Tuesday 10:00 am – 11:00 am 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Thursday 10:00 am – 11:00 am 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Other times are available by appointment.
The Mission of East Texas Baptist University: Our purpose is the development of intellectual inquiry, social consciousness, wellness, skills for a contemporary society, global awareness, and Christian character, for we believe that these endeavors prepare students to accept the obligations and opportunities to serve humanity and the Kingdom of God.
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This course studies a variety of specific advanced acting styles (e.g., Realism, Shakespeare, the Classics). The topic will change each time the course is offered and may be repeated for credit when topics vary. Prerequisites: THEA 1351 Beginning Acting
COURSE OBJECTIVES: By the end of the course, students will be able to utilize a variety of academic, vocal, and acting strategies to support a performance of Shakespearean character and verse. Students will examine and critique both the performances of their peers as well as trained professionals on film. Additionally, students will be exposed to several Shakespearean works including histories, tragedies, comedies, and romances thereby expanding their personal Shakespearean repertoire.
COURSE EXPECTATIONS: Students are expected to prepare assignments as dictated by the course schedule, participate in classroom performances and discussions, work creatively and collaboratively, memorize in abundance, read with thoroughness and patience, give and receive constructive criticism, and ultimately master Shakespearean verse for performance. Students should bring a highlighter and a pencil to all classes! All assignments are due at the beginning of class unless otherwise noted.
REQUIRED PLAYS: Each student is required to have his/her own copy of the following plays. All plays may be found online! Students may also choose to check these out from the University library or purchase their own copy.
Hamlet Cymbeline http://shakespeare.mit.edu/hamlet/ http://shakespeare.mit.edu/cymbeline/
LOCATION Our class will meet in JGMB 147 (The Choir Room) unless otherwise instructed for classroom or lesson needs. Any relocation will be announced at least one class in advance of the move.
ATTENDANCE: To be eligible to earn credit in a course, the student must attend at least 75 percent of all class meetings. Attendance is essential to mastery of the course. A student’s attendance is both beneficial to his/her growth as a student of theatre as well as the collaborative learning environment as a whole. In an effort to encourage individual growth and group contribution, attendance will be recorded every class. Three tardies (arriving more than 2 minutes after the start of class) will constitute an absence. I will permit six (6) absences for the term, regardless of the reason for the absence. I treat all absences equally and do not make a distinction between “excused” and “unexcused” absences.
4 That being said, if you find during the term that you are experiencing serious or unusual circumstances in your life which will affect your attendance and/or performance, please meet with me one-on-one as soon as possible to discuss the situation. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL AFTER IT IS TOO LATE!
Per East Texas Baptist University standards and my own class rule, you will exceed your allowable absences if you miss 7 or more class meetings.
Students who exceed the absence limit in a course before the official withdrawal date will have the opportunity to withdraw from the class. Students in this situation who do not choose to withdraw on or before the official withdrawal date or who exceed the absence limit in a course after the official withdrawal date will receive a grade of XF.
For the full text of the ETBU attendance policy, please refer to page 24-25 of the 2015–2016 Academic Catalog.
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Students enrolled at East Texas Baptist University are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity avoiding all forms of cheating, illicit possession of examinations or examination materials, unwarranted access to instructor’s solutions’ manuals, plagiarism, forgery, collusion and submissions of the same assignment to multiple courses.
Penalties that may be applied by the faculty member to individual cases of academic dishonesty by a student include one or more of the following: Failure of the class in question Requirement to redo the work in question Failure of particular assignments Requirement to submit additional work
All incidents related to violations of academic integrity are required to be reported to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and multiple violations of academic integrity will result in further disciplinary measures which could lead to dismissal for the University.
CELL PHONE AND LAPTOP POLICY Please silence cell phones prior to the start of class. If at any time during class you have your phone out to make or receive a call or text message, you will be asked to leave and marked absent. If you need your phone for emergency reasons, please let me know prior to the start of class.
Laptop computers are allowed in the classroom if the play being studied is saved in electronic form and used for class readings.
ADA STATEMENT: Students with a disability may request appropriate accommodations for this course by contacting the Office of Advising and Career Development in Scarborough Hall, Room 104, and providing the required documentation. If accommodations are approved by the Disability Accommodations Committee, the Advising Office will notify the student and the course professor of the approved accommodations. The student must then discuss these accommodations with course instructor.
GRADING: Students will be graded using the following assignments: 1. Class Discussion / Participation. On random class days, students will be graded for either their contribution to the discussion or their participation in the scheduled activity. Please note that these will not be announced beforehand. These grades cannot be made up if you miss the class where the grade was taken. 2. Tests. Students will be given comprehensive written tests over Henry V (film), Hamlet, and Cymbeline after we have completed our classroom study of each. 3. Discussion over Richard II. Students will be graded on their observations and notes taken from a viewing of Richard II (film). Students should be able to answer questions directed to them with confidence to demonstrate their attentiveness to detail and the various performances. 4. Monologue / Scene Selection. Students will be graded on their submissions for performance. Specific details will accompany each submission at a later date. 5. Critiques of Other Performances. Students will submit a template-based critique of certain performances presented for the class. These templates will be used to jump-start our evaluation discussions in class. The template will be provided. 6. Performances. Students will perform four different times over the semester. Two will be monologues and two will be scene work. A rubric outlining grading criteria will be distributed or discussed prior to the performances. The second scene will constitute the FINAL PROJECT for the semester.
CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Tests will be given an automatic zero if the student is caught in the act of cheating.
4 WEIGHT OF ASSIGNMENTS: GRADING CRITERIA: Class Discussion/Participation 150 pts ttl. A 1000 – 900 points Test – Henry V 100 pts. B 899 – 800 points Test – Cymbeline 100 pts. C 799 – 700 points Test – Hamlet 100 pts. D 699 – 600 points Discussion – Richard II 50 pts. F 599 – 0 points Monologue/Scene Selections (3@25 pts each) 75 pts. Critiques (3@25 pts each) 75 pts. Performance - Prologue 50 pts. Performance - Monologue 100 pts. Performance - First Scene 100 pts. Final Performance - Second Scene 100 pts. TOTAL POSSIBLE: 1000 PTS.
Incompletes will be given only in cases of serious illness and/or death in the immediate family. Tentative Schedule of Assignments
Date Agenda Assignment Due Tuesday Introductions; Syllabus & Expectations / Start Memorizing the 01/12 Shakespeare: The Man / How to Read Shakespeare Prologue Thursday Marking the Meter: Scansion 01/14 Operative Words, Visual Aides, and Punctuation Tuesday Performances of the Prologue from Romeo and Juliet / Memorized Prologue 01/19 Discuss Next Monologue Assignment Thursday Henry V Find a Monologue 01/21 Tuesday Henry V Find a Monologue 01/26 Thursday Study! / Final Test over Henry V / Monologue Approval 01/28 Monologue Selection Tuesday Marking the Meter: Scansion Bring a Copy of Your 02/02 Operative Words, Visual Aides, and Punctuation Monologue Thursday Monologue Memorization and Practice Day / Bring a Copy of Your 02/04 Give and Take Monologue Tuesday Monologue Performance and Critiques Monologue Performance 02/09 Critiques Continue (Possible) / Thursday Read Act I Explanation of Scene Requirements / 02/11 Hamlet Hamlet – Act I Tuesday Read Acts II & III – Hamlet – Acts II & III 02/16 Hamlet Read Act IV– Thursday Hamlet – Act IV / Scene Approval Hamlet 02/18 Scene Selections Due! Tuesday Read Act V– Hamlet – Act V 02/23 Hamlet Thursday Test – Hamlet / Memorize Scene Complete Hamlet / STUDY! 02/25 Tuesday Operative Words, Scansion, Visual Aides, and Punctuation Bring Your Scene! 03/01
4 Date Agenda Assignment Due Thursday Scene Work Day Lines Off! 03/03 Tuesday Scene Work Day Lines SO VERY Off! 03/08 Thursday Scene Performances and Critiques 03/10 Spring Break – March 14 – 18 Tuesday Cymbeline – Acts I & II Read Acts I & II 03/22 Thursday Cymbeline – Acts II & III Read Acts II & III 03/24 Tuesday Cymbeline – Acts III & IV Read Acts III & IV 03/29 Read Act V Thursday Cymbeline – Acts IV & V Start Thinking About Your 03/31 Final Scene Tuesday Test – Cymbeline STUDY! 04/05 Thursday Richard II 04/07 Tuesday Richard II / Discussion Final Scene Submission 04/12 Thursday Operative Words, Scansion, Visual Aides, and Punctuation Bring Final Scene 04/14 Tuesday Practice Final Scene 04/19 Thursday Practice Final Scene 04/21 Tuesday Practice Final Scene 04/26 Thursday Practice Final Scene 04/28 Tuesday FINAL Final Scenes 05/03 11:00 a.m. – 12:50 p.m.
It is vitally important that you check your ETBU e-mail at least twice a day. I would recommend at least once before noon and once in the evening. Your ETBU e-mail address is the official campus contact for class notifications. If you e-mail me, you will receive a response in 24-hours unless I am out of the country, incapacitated, or have lost internet service. If I e-mail you, I expect the same courtesy if the e-mail asks for a response (i.e. I ask a question or your opinion on some matter). Your attention to this detail is very much appreciated.