LESSON PACKET Westward Expansion
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Name ______Period _____ # _____ Parent Signature______Due Date______LESSON PACKET – Westward Expansion 7th Social Studies
From the earliest colonial settlements Americans had pushed inland into what seemed like an endless continent. From the constant fighting with Native Americans, and limitations like the Proclamation of 1763, hurdle after hurdle was overcome to expand settlement westward. Following the American Revolution the U.S. gained territory as far as the Mississippi River. Jefferson then doubled the size of the U.S. 20 years later by adding the Louisiana Purchase. With explorers like Lewis & Clarke, word spread of a beautiful and rich land. Americans soon came to believe that the only limit to their growth would be reaching the Pacific Ocean. The Oregon country covered a vast area in the Pacific Northwest. Fur traders, called mountain men, were the first Americans to settle there. In the 1840’s thousands of pioneers traveled the Oregon Tail seeking land and opportunity. Manifest Destiny – the idea that the United States had a special mission to extend its borders to the Pacific – also contributed to this migration that followed the setting sun. James K. Polk, a believer in Manifest Destiny, became president in 1845. Americans in Texas won independence from Mexico in 1836. In the spirit of Manifest Destiny, Texas was annexed (added) to the U.S. as a slave state in 1845. Since 1821 traders had done business on the Santa Fe Trail between the U.S. and New Mexico. Trade brought new settlers and more followed. Thousands of Americans moved into Mexican owned territory in search of a great climate, good farmland and open land. California became the main goal and the U.S. attempted to purchase the land from Mexico. When Mexico refused, the U.S. ignited a war claiming that American troops had been attacked on U.S. soil. Though many Americans (Lincoln) thought the war wrong, Manifest Destiny had convinced a majority that it was the correct course. After invading Mexico, the U.S. won the Mexican Cession in 1848, which gave all the land in the current southwest U.S. to the Americans. Even more land was added in the 1853 Gadsden Purchase. In 1848, gold was discovered in California. Thousands more 49’ers ‘Rushed’ to the gold fields in hopes of making it rich. Others found prosperity in businesses that thrived during the rush, and cities like San Francisco grew large. Others also moved west. To avoid religious persecution, the Mormon faith headed by Brigham Young settled the Great Salt Lake Valley and profited by selling goods to those heading to California. In all, by the 1850’s the United States stretched from the Atlantic to Pacific, leaving one major question to follow . . . would this territory become slave or fee?
Answer the following using the reading above: 1. In which direction did Americans generally move and settle? ______a. UNDERLINE the sentence explaining how Jefferson doubled the size of the United States territory. b. Agree / Disagree – Americans saw the limit of their expansion as the Rocky Mountains. 2. _____ What best describes how Americans behaved toward Mexican territory. a. All land was negotiated for with equal payment and traded for other land b. Manifest Destiny led Americans to believe that even though land belonged to others they would take it anyway. c. They stayed away from it because it belonged to someone else 3. Where was gold discovered in 1848? ______-_____ What best describes a 49’er? a. A Mexican searching for gold in Texas c. A person who left California to get rich b. A religious person trying to find peace d. Americans who went to Calf. In 1849 to become rich 4. By the 1850’s the U.S. controlled all the land from the ______L ______C to the ___ A ______F ______, finishing the goal of ___ A ______F ______E ______Y 5. Name the 5 Territories added to the U.S. in the above reading: ______Definition: Write a Context Sentence Illustration Mormons (p.349)
Examples: Annexation (p. 344 & Study Guide)-
Examples: Manifest Destiny (p. 354-
Examples: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (p.361)
Examples: Industrial Revolution (p.385)
Examples: (Mexican) Cession (p.361 and study guide)
Examples: Westward Expansion - Lesson Packet Happened First: OBJ #1: Manifest Destiny List 3 things or men that happened or did A. Where we going???? something first: 1. Mountain Men a. Early explorers head into new territory 1. (Louisiana) b. Trap Beaver (popular hats in Europe) 2. *Send stories and goods back to states 2. Exploration a. John C. Freemont – Explores actual travel 3. routes from Missouri to Calif. **Wife writes stories about trail and Calif. b. John Ogden- Sees Humboldt River List things that c. Joseph Walker- 1st to cross Salt Lake ‘PULLED’ people Desert & finds Humboldt River West . . . . B. Manifest Destiny 1. 1840’s – Belief that the U.S. and it’s people had the right to “colonize” & use all territory from Atlantic to Pacific. *John Quincy Adams- “It’s inevitable . . . as that the List things that Mississippi flows to the sea.” ‘PUSHED’ people *John O’Sullivan- It’s America’s Manifest Destiny to West . . . . overspread and possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us.”
Problems: Who Owns it?? People Already there??? How to get it???? Reasons we need it???
1. T) Describe Manifest Destiny*. A) What direction did the U.S. generally grow in? B) Name three explorers that traveled the west and brought back stories of ‘open’ land. C) Who did Americans believe gave them the right to get the land? D) Describe improvements in the east that made using western lands easier and profitable. E) Explain events seen in the ‘Manifest Destiny’ picture. (U.S. Ch. 11 pgs. ( 354-355) 346-371) T.
E. C. Moving West 1. Industrial Revolution **Creation of a factory system and use of mechanical tools to improve life and production Ex. Cotton Gin by Eli Whitney (1793) Textile Mills by Francis Lowell (1814) Steam Boat by Fulton (1807) 2. Moving West (Mid-West) a. Roads / Rivers / Canals -ROADS (Turnpikes) allow for easier travel -RIVERS , easiest but not always where you want Industrial-> -CANALS, Connect cities and major waterways **Erie Canal- Buffalo to NY (by Hudson R.) -Railroads, brand new (1832 NY & Erie RR) 3. Result = More Land to Use *Americans move further west along new transportation routes. (Connection to Civ.)
‘MANIFEST DESTINY’ by John Gast Describe the scenery, people, objects and ‘mood’ of the picture when seeing only the following sections
Right: Westward Expansion - Lesson Packet OBJ #2: Native Americans What land had Native Americans A. Native Americans (East of Mississippi) lost by this time 1. Lands Lost Before Independence period already? a. Exploration & Disease/ Coastal Colonial Areas ______b. Settlement after French & Indian War ______(Appalachian) 2. Land loss after Revolution Rename the ‘Trail a. Settlers constantly pushing to of Tears’ Mississippi River Area ______b. Lewis and Clark tell of UNUSED land ______**Many from trip become Mountain men and live, marry and become parts of tribes “Our ancestors (Mainly west though) found them the B. Trail of Tears uncontrolled 1. Indian Removal Act of 1832 possessors of these a. Congress allowed President Jackson to buy land vast regions.” from tribes to move to Indian Territory (Land West of Mississippi River unlike native land) Who is quoted 2. Cherokees Refuse above? a. Cherokee sue in Supreme Court to stop removal ______(Jackson ignores order) Who is he talking b. 1835- some Cherokee sign treaty but most of 17,000 do about? not agree and will not accept it ______c. Many Cherokee had begun living lives like Southern whites (including some slave owning) Who are ‘our 3. Forced Out ancestors’ a. Jackson Uses Military – Sends 7,000 troops in to ______force b. Many die during summer boat trip & ______thousands die during winter march 4. Fighting Back a. 1810 Tecumseh (Indiana) / 1832 Black Hawk (Ill.)
2. A) Explain the impact of Western Expansion on Native Americans. B) What was the TRAIL of TEARS*? C) What president was most responsible for this treatment? D) How had Lewis & Clark described Native American land? E) What are Native Americans doing in the ‘Manifest Destiny Picture’? (U.S. Ch. 10 pgs. 332-337)
E U.S. Pg. 336 & 337 **List the Tribes forced to Move List the 6 States the were removed from 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. What modern state were they all forced to move to??? : ______
First Annual Message to Congress (1829) Andrew Jackson
It has long been the policy of Government to introduce among them the arts of civilization, in the hope of gradually reclaiming them from a wandering life. This policy has, however, been coupled with another wholly incompatible with its success. Professing a desire to civilize and settle them, we have at the same time lost no opportunity to purchase their lands and thrust them farther into the wilderness. By this means they have not only been kept in a wandering state, but been led to look upon us as unjust and indifferent to their fate.... A portion, however, of the Southern tribes, having mingled much with the whites and made some progress in the arts of civilized life, have lately attempted to erect an independent government within the limits of Georgia and Alabama. These States, claiming to be the only sovereigns within their territories, extended their laws over the Indians, which induced the latter to call upon the United States for protection....
I informed the Indians inhabiting parts of Georgia and Alabama that their attempt to establish an independent government would not be countenanced by the Executive of the United States, and advised them to emigrate beyond the Mississippi or submit to the laws of those States....
Our ancestors found them the uncontrolled possessors of these vast regions. By persuasion and force they have been made to retire from river to river and from mountain to mountain, until some of the tribes have become extinct and others have left but remnants to preserve for a while their once terrible name. Surrounded by the whites with their arts of civilization, which by destroying the resources of the savage doom him to weakness and decay, the fate of the Mohegan, the Narragansett, and the Delaware is fast overtaking the Choctaw, the Cherokee, and the Creek. That this fate surely awaits them if they remain within the limits of the States does not admit of a doubt. Humanity and national honor demand that every effort should be made to avert so great a calamity.... Westward Expansion - Lesson Packet OBJ #3: Texas & the Mexican American War
A. TEXAS Republic Texas won it’s 1. Americans settle in Texas freedom from a. Belongs to new country- Mexico (Free from Spain) b. Mexico wants more Spanish speakers ______**Limited Americans (Texans Upset) and became an 2. Battle for Independence independent a. Mexico won early (More troops) ______Ex. Alamo before joining the b. Texans Start winning- Capture Santa Anna ______(Dictator) as a new state. c. Often Bloody battles / Mexicans execute Texans d. 1836-> TEXAS Independence List 7 states that (Independent Republic) have territory 3. Becoming a State that was part of a. Slow Early – North doesn’t like slavery the Mexican b. Finally Annexed- 1845 Cession B. Mexican American War 1. 1. Troubles Begin 2. a. Mexico starts to welcome Americans into its 3. territories (New Mexico & California) 4. b. U.S. Annexes Texas (Upset Mexico) 5. 6. 7.
What is a synonym for ‘Annexed’: ______3. T) Explain the events that led Texas and the Mexican Cession to become U.S. territory. A) What was Texas before it became a state. B) What issue kept Texas from becoming a state earlier? C) Who started the Mexican American War? D) What advantages did the U.S. have? E) Describe the results of the war and how much territory the U.S. gained. (U.S. Ch. 11 pgs. ( 354-355) 346-371) T.
A. Name 3 ‘Federalist’ B.
E 2. War Fever? a. For & Against!!! (Manifest Destiny – For) b. Many Americans very opposed (Why?-fear more slave land) 3. Fighting in Mexico & California a. U.S. attacks Mexico at Home (Mexico City) b. U.S. Wins Easily!* (Has Factories, Organized Army & Navy) 4. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo a. Mexico cedes (gives) California & all of Southwest to USA (New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, California, Nevada )
OBJ #4: Oregon & California Why did people go to A. Oregon Oregon: ______1. Oregon Trail – 1840’s ______a. Many hear how lush and great farmland Oregon has in the Willamette Valley. California: _____ b. Trail- Crosses the plains through the South ______Pass (Rockies) up through Snake river (Idaho) and follows Columbia River to coast. What ‘Trail’ went 2. British / U.S. Competition!! thru Nevada a. Both U.S. and Britain claim territory ______b. U.S. adds 5,000 more people & British don’t c. 1846 agreement to set border at the 49th Draw a Symbol for Parallel (Current Border with Canada) ‘Conestoga Wagon’ B. The OVERLAND TRAIL 1. Calf. & Oregon Trail the same until near Utah/Idaho a. Starts in St. Louis or Iowa 1. Some have already traveled from East Coast b. Begin in Early or Late Spring In What 2 years did 1. Start too Early . . TOO COLD at start the most pioneers go to Oregon? 2. Start too Late . . . TOO COLD at End ______2. Wagon Trains a. From 10 to 50 wagons go together What was the Nick- 1. More help if something goes wrong name for people who b. Cost about $600 per family (of 4) went to Calif. For 1. Food, Animals, Supplies gold? ______c. You WALK mostly ______(let animals only pull supplies) 4. T) Elaborate on the reasons why and how people migrated to Oregon. A) Describe the 1st reasons why people went to California. B) What changed reasons for migration to California in 1849? C) Describe the California/Oregon Trail* and difficulties of those routes west. D) Explain one other way to get to the west without going overland. E) How did people going to California affect Nevada? F) Name one other group that headed west for religious reasons. (U.S. Ch. 11 pgs.346-349, 364-369 &) T.
F. 3. 2,000 miles worth of DANGER a. Native Americans not happy with settlers b. Weather Heat, Storms, Cold . . No where to hide! c. Lack of Civilization (No Rules???) 4. TAKES 6 months!!!! 5. 5,000 people are in Oregon by 1845
.....One of the wagons used by American pioneers, was invented by the Pennsylvania Dutch and called the CONESTOGA WAGON. The wagon was named for the Conestoga Valley in Pennsylvania, where it was first built during the early 1700's. Conestoga wagons carried most of the freight and people that moved westward over the Allegheny Mountains from the 1770's until about 1850. These wagons were sometimes called the camels of the prairies. Both ends of the wagon were built higher than the middle. A high, rounded, white canvas roof could be put on the vehicle, making it a covered wagon. Wheels with broad rims prevented bogging down in mud. The wheels could be removed and the wagon could be used as a boat. Conestoga wagons were drawn by teams of from four to six horses.
C. CALIFORNIA 1. California Culture- Large “Spanish Style” farms called Ranchos run by Rancheros a. Not really big fans of Mexican Government b. Immigrants move in after stories from Freemont 2. Won with War a. Bear Flag Republic- Freemont captures N. CA. and declares Independent Republic (Too Soon) b. California won with Mexican Am. War 3. GOLD RUSH!! - 1848/49 (49’ers) a. Gold found at Sutter’s Mill 1848 b. 100,000 people come between 1848-1849 -By: Sea (Around S.A.) -Land over trails c. Boomtowns: No Government / Rough & Rowdy 4. Becoming a State: 1850 a. Banned Slavery: Created trouble in Congress! b. Treat Rancheros Poorly an Take their land even though most helped the U.S. in the war(Ex. Gov. Vallejo) D. Mormons (Latter Day Saints) 1. Brigham Young moves group to Utah (1846) a. Avoid Religious Persecution after leader killed in Ill. 2. Settle in most of Western Mountains (Idaho, Utah, Nevada)