Parks, Buldings & Grounds Committee
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CITY OF RHINELANDER PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING Monday October 5th, 2015 – 4:00 PM City Hall Executive Meeting Room – 2nd floor – 135 S. Stevens St.
Call to Order and Roll Call- The Public Works committee meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Gleason on 10/5/15 at 4:00 pm. The Agenda was posted and media notified on 10/1/15 at 12:19 pm. A quorum is present to do business. The time is 4:00 pm.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Tom Gleason, Sherrie Belliveau, Mark Pelletier (arrived at 5:04 pm, Steve Sauer, Mayor Johns
OTHERS PRESENT: Kristina Aschenbrenner, Carrie Miljevich (arrived at 4:45 pm), Tony Gilman, Tim Kingman, Tom Roeser, J. McDonald, E. Eggman, J. Kurth, Brian Paynter – NW River News, Kathy Johnson -– Clerk
Review of Past Meeting Minutes dated 8/31/2015 MOTION BY BELLIVEAU SECOND BY SAUER TO APPROVE MEETING MINUTES DATED 8/31/15; 4/0 VOTE; MOTION CARRIED. (Kirby absent)
Departmental Activity Report – Gilman – Monico Street overlay is done. Gilman had estimated cost to be $13,400 and ended up at $12,600 and have received good feedback regarding the job. Chipper has already been out a few times. Fall clean-up officially begins October 12, and will realistically most likely run through the end of the month. Hauled junk fill to various designated dump sites and also garbage to the Oneida County landfill. Have placed barricades for events. Two employees put up fence at Lindey so contractor could have his fence back. Did annual mowing at the landfill. Helped with stormwater utility with storm sewers that had collapsed. Continued with various vehicle maintenance issues and helped other departments as they had need. Gilman stated that salt/sand price per ton is up slightly over last year.
Unfinished Business
Update on Downtown Streetscape Project – Kingman: had meeting on September 24th at Hext Theatre. Discussed a number of utility connection and structural issues and project is moving forward. The bid will be in December. Next meeting set for October 21st. Sauer states he attended meeting and commended Kingman for addressing all concerns and leading the meeting efficiently.
Update on Monico Street Overlay Project – Gilman addressed in Activity Report
Discuss/Approve City’s Maintenance Involvement Relating to Pearl to Rose “Alley”: Miljevich not here at the time discussion began. Aschenbrenner began to discuss what she and Kingman had discussed with Miljevich and reported the City Attorney’s legal opinion. Aschenbrenner stated that she didn’t want to speak for the City Attorney; but would speak to her own opinion of what Ms. Miljevich had stated. She noted that Miljevich’s opinion was that the City has no obligation to maintain as has been done in the past. Ms. Miljevich recommended that the City make a determination of their course of action and maintain that going forward for the entire City. Kingman concurs with what Aschenbrenner stated was Ms. Miljevich’s opinion.
Gilman states he developed costs as noted in the handouts of what city could do and the costs of such. The expense involved is substantial – around $41k. These are ballpark estimates of what would be involved if City does choose to do something with the alley. These costs are a starting point, cover materials only and not the City workforce labor if used. It was noted that there could be two courses of legal costs with either obtaining easements from all parties involved for access or requiring eminent domain procedure presenting a more complicated course of legal process. It was also noted that all residents would have to be on board with easement course of action and that if this matter has to be settled in court, costs would be much more.
Three residents attended this meeting. They state talking to long-time City residents (and their own experience) and it was noted that some residents assert that the City has maintained this alleyway for 33 years; and some state as long as 50 years. Residents acknowledge the expense of paving this section and questioned the possibility of not paving; but maintain the alley as gravel seeking to cut costs as much as possible. Kingman stated the City might not see this as a favorable option due to loose rock possibly damaging car windows/home etc.
Residents also questioned if a precedent had been set for continuing maintenance due to the longevity of past maintenance of the alleyway by the City. The City would again need to seek legal opinion to determine precedent. Residents state that even though this is a ‘private’ alley, there is much foot traffic and bicycle traffic through the alley by those who do not live there. Discussion by residents of the fact that when they had initially received the letter from Public Works regarding the meeting about the alleyway sent by Gilman; they had no idea this was regarding a private alley issue but thought it had to do with trespassing. One Resident states that he had no idea when he bought the property that the alley was private.
Residents state that with snowfalls coming very soon they are quite nervous about this matter. They noted that there is no place for them to put the snow if they maintain themselves; and when the City plows the alley they have to haul the snow away. The residents also stated that they have no driveways and that parking in yards is not allowed. One resident questions if removing part of the curb so that they can park in the front of their home is allowed. Gilman stated that yes, one access to each property is allowed. Residents asked if there were other private alleyways being maintained by the City. It was stated that there is one, behind the O’Melia Law Office on Stevens Street. It was also noted that Utilities go through that alley, which necessitates City access. Pelletier stated that the utilities in alley were private utilities.
Sauer: has the neighborhood met regarding this matter? The residents attending stated that the people who don’t use it, don’t want to talk or to spend anything for maintenance since they ‘never use it’.
Aschenbrenner stated the need to be consistent in all alleys & properties and that what the City does for one, it should do for all. She will seek further legal opinion from Ms. Miljevich regarding this matter. Belliveau: biggest problem as she sees it; is that all taxpayers of City would be assuming the cost of paving this private alley and she is not in favor of any costs incurred in this manner.
Gleason: This is private property and the City has no need to go in there; no utilities to maintain and the City has no benefit by continuing to maintain it; that really the City is trespassing by going in there. He states that the legal opinion has been that we shouldn’t be in there. Pelletier: in essence this would set a precedent of maintaining private driveway properties. Kingman recommends that the City attorney opinion is again sought regarding: 1) waiver by residents to hold harmless if City were to cause damage in the maintenance of the alley and 2) Look into precedent when maintained many, many years by the City and the ramifications of not continuing to do so.
Kingman & Gilman will investigate the possibilities of maintaining gravel vs. paved alleyway. Both City and residents to gain as much information as possible by the next meeting on November 2, 2015 at 4:00 pm.
New Business- none
Matters of Emergency/Informational Nature - none
Future Agenda Requests and Meeting Date - Monday, November 2, 2015 at 4:00 pm
Rose Alley Streetscape
Miscellaneous Business: none
Approved by ______Received by ______Chairman – Tom Gleason City Clerk – Valerie Foley