Service, Support and Advocacy for Maryland Principals

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Service, Support and Advocacy for Maryland Principals

Service, Support and Advocacy for Maryland Principals Executive Board Meeting March 5, 2016

8:45 Call to Order and Introductions – Kimberlyn Pratesi

Breakfast Sponsorship Comments – Mr. Bill Day, Mr. Ryan Morton – Voyager Sopris Learning Welcoming Comments – Dr. Carol Williamson, Superintendent, Queen Anne’s County Public Schools Introduced by Dave DuLac 9:20 President’s Report – Kimberlyn Pratesi Approval of Minutes – 4/15, 9/15, and 11/15 – Minutes distributed on 12/31/15  No corrections, accepted by Kimberlyn Pratesi and were filed as stated

Executive Director’s Report – Stephen Hagenbuch  Update on Membership  Annual Conference o Potential Principal’s (who are still in college) were contacted to attend this year’s Annual Conference  Loyola College requested the emails of our members so that they could send them a survey o Decision was made that the email would be generated from MAESP with the option to participate o The suggestion was made to put a policy in the by-laws or set it up on the website and not to give everyone our email addresses  Partnerships are declining.  Assessment in testing. o The next opportunity to present will be April 14, 2016 in Howard County . Discussion ensued about the role that MAESP plays in showing our collective voice  The board formed a committee to address this issue o Headed by Lou D’Ambrosio, Dana McCauley, and Terry Ball . We will poll all the principals . We will testify at the May meeting

10:25 President - Kimberlyn Pratesi  NBC interviewed Kim about information for an upcoming program  Annual Conference o 65 registrants so far o We tried to (advertise) reach more people by posting information. . The conference information was posted on Mike Hickey and Mary Cay Ricci’s website, . At the office of professional development, . Leadership students at Maryland colleges, . Personal invitation, . Just 5 campaign (personally calling 5 people) o Some of the highlights of the conference are . Kent Rader, a comedian . Social media lounge . Bonfire on the beach o Reminder to collect door prizes  Final work on Action plan committees Strategic Planning Committee Work: o Committees – Terry Zablonski – Chair o Communication – Terry Ball – Chair o Membership – Sue Myers – Chair o Professional Development – Blaine Hawley – Chair o Revenue – Dana McCauley

10:40 Editor’s Report and Website Committee – Terry Ball o Reported on new website host, Star Chapter o The cost will be $899 to set up and $100 a month to maintain Terry ball made the motion to approve the Star Chapter, Blaine Hawley seconded the motion . Discussion . Vote . The motion was approved

10:50 Break

11:00 Treasurer’s Report - Archie Van Norden o The budget was not met last year

Budget Committee Report – for 2016-2017 MAESP o Budget based on 680 members o Next year base on 610 o We have cut the budget to accommodate the membership level FAME o Archie Van Norden made a motion to accept the budget as proposed, Dave Dulac seconded the motion o Discussion o Vote o The motion was approved Both budgets accompany these minutes

11:10 Standing Committee Reports

By-Laws - Bob Wagner Terry Ball made a motion that the by-laws be changed so that the President Elect is the Vice President in the year preceding their presidency. According to the bylaws, membership needs 30 day notice to approve a change to the bylaws o Vote o Motion was tabled.

Membership and NAESP Representative - Susan Myers – NAESP Representative o 67% of our members came on board because someone asked them o Sue will be sending an email to new promotions to encourage them to join MAESP o Sue will attain postcards, etc. from NAESP to promote membership

Nominations– Blaine Hawley o The two nominations for president elect are: o Lou D’Ambrosio, Beth Allshouse o The ballot will be sent out on March 13, 2016

Zone 3 – Blaine Hawley National Conference is in National Harbor o Night out at Nat’s Stadium - $40 o NAESP website has information o The next conference will be held July 9-11, 2017 in Philadelphia o Mary Donnelly will take Blaine’s place at the next MSDE meeting

Ken Mann Scholarship – Beth Allshouse o Beth received 48 applications o The winner will be notified by 3/14/2016

NPD and AP of the Year – Judy Walker

o Judy received 3 applications and the decision has been made but was not announced o There were no applications for the Assistant Principal of the year. The deadline has been extended to March 25, 2016

12:23 - Adjournment

Next Meeting: April 16, 2016 – Ocean City, MD

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