Barton Hills Elementary 2015-2016 PTA
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Barton Hills Elementary 2015-2016 PTA Executive Board Meeting Minutes December 8, 2015
Members Present: Nicole Truelock, Meredith Weiss, Bob Gillett, Stacey Gardner, Becky Pursley, April Smith, Adrianna Cuellar, Melanie Gantt, Dr. Foss, Wendy Chennault, Marit Weisenberg
Phil Hendricks from neighborhood: Mr. Hendricks came to talk about Bus 29 through the neighborhood. He is talking to everyone he can in the neighborhood and every business along the route and has had tremendous support to re-instate service. He needs 3-4 people from Barton Hills and Zilker to help spread the word and hold signs (where?). He is hoping to have bus service restored in the spring.
Nicole Truelock called the meeting to order at 6:39 pm.
Meredith moved to approve the minutes and Bob seconded the motion.
ACPTA Report: None at the moment.
Principal’s Report: Dr. Foss sat in for Kati. Trail Of Lights is happening tonight and one of our first graders won a writing contest and will be recognized tonight. David Benoit is on Friday and the 6th grade choir will sing; the Nutcracker performance is next Wednesday.
Changes have been made to the science fair. The traditional science fair will be in January as before and anyone (grades 3-6) may enter, but it is no longer mandatory for the 5th/6th graders. Instead, every student is encouraged to have a showcase of some kind at the end of the year (no definite date yet). The showcase will be an exhibit of one’s own investigation/inquiry and can be any subject, not just science. Some details are still to be worked out.
Annual Fund/Membership: The Annual Fund has raised about $17-18K, which is on target for this time of year. It will be mentioned at the general assembly next week.
Committee Reports: Kathy Carr has agreed to be the yearbook chair. Landscaping/Greenworks committee wants to work on the courtyard but wants teacher input. Health and Wellness Fair is coming up in early Feb and Ms. Perry would like an increase in funds for CATCH to make her total budget $500. There will be a fun run, “Which of these three is your pee?” station, raffles, and more. The Health and Wellness Team are going to put up signs in the “No Idling Zone.” Grade-sponsored teacher luncheons are going well, holiday treats are this Friday. Wendy has been buying plates, silverware, etc. that can be washed and re-used, rather then creating so much trash with each luncheon from disposable items.
Barton Hills Committee Park meeting: Ribbon cutting on mural is this Saturday at 10am. Ann Kitchen, the head of the parks department and the mayor will attend. There is still discussion about replacing the old exercise equipment. Last year the PTA had discussed adding another bench on the playground as a memorial for Amy Brand. The BH Park Committee is willing to split the cost with us ($1200 total), but do we still need this bench? What about using the large rocks for seating? The Parks Committee is still waiting for approval on this and other issues around water/erosion control, and terracing on the hillside.
Treasurer’s Report: Carnival was great and the chairs got really good feedback from the surveys.
Budget: Becky polled the teachers at a meeting and presented the following Teacher Wish List: 1) iPads for classroom; 2) increase classroom reimbursements or a one-time bonus; 3) Brent Hasty (MindPop) related to Creative Learning Initiative; 4) more $ for field trips; 5) Teacher grants; 6) 20iPads (or other device) dedicated solely for Learning Ally (dyslexia, etc.); 7) money for teachers to attend conferences or training; 8) author visits, 9) class set of pedometers (about 30) for PE.
Budget items: Carnival brought in $47K and Parties With a Purpose brought in $6.5K. See budget sheet for particulars. Mr. Tabone has requested additional funds for a Gimbel System.
Voting: All PTA members present agreed to increase the funds given to all teachers, including those in special areas. This makes covering the cost of Mr. Tabone’s Gimbal System equitable. April moved to make changes to budget and Stacey seconded.
New Business The AISD transfer policy is changing—sibling transfers may not be automatic.
Community Events: This new committee will host a hot chocolate play date on the playground after school on Dec. 18. The committee has also talked about hosting a book exchange, movie night, potluck, etc. PTA members are interested in starting a PTA Facebook page as another way to get information out about events.
Mindfulness group: The club should be allowed to start and discussion about integrating it into the classroom can be delayed until we gauge interest.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.