A Young Sonic Travels His Home Land and Frees the Local Animals from Dr

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A Young Sonic Travels His Home Land and Frees the Local Animals from Dr

A young Sonic travels his home land and frees the local animals from Dr. Gerald Robotnik and destroys his ultimate creation, the Scrap Brain. Sonic stumbles upon the Chaos Emeralds and learns to keep them out of Dr. Robotnik's hands, even though he doesn't know their true power. (Sonic the Hedgehog)

Sonic enters Dr. Gerald Robotnik's pinball machine-like base where several friendly animals are held captive. (Sonic Spinball)

Sonic enters a labyrinth of Dr. Robotnik’s creation in which his speed is lost. Sonic challenges and defeats the labyrinth. (Sonic Labyrinth)

In a hall of mosaic tiles, Sonic must face off in a challenge of both body and mind against a mirror image of himself. (Sonic Eraser)

Dr. Robotnik builds and island base. Sonic arrives with two companions who are Sonic’s perfect match in speed, clothing, and technique. Sonic destroys the island, and his two companions mysteriously disappear making Sonic presumably the fastest thing left alive. (SegaSonic Arcade)

Sonic discovers a small planet where time changes. He saves a young Amy Rose who develops a crush on him. He drives Metal Sonic and Dr. Robotnik off the planet and restores peace on it. (Sonic CD)

Tails grows up and develops an interest in mechanics and aeronautics. He also develops a hatred for Dr. Robotnik. (Tails' Adventures, Tails' Skypatrol, Tails and the Music Maker)

Dr. Robotnik begins building a new robotic force and several factories. He and his robots discover magical beans which become a popular meal. (Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine)

Sonic meets Tails. They become fast friends. (Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Gamegear))

Sonic and Tails enjoy a relatively peaceful life. They have several spats with Dr Robotnik who seems to be biding his time for any major evil schemes. (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog)

Sonic and Tails join a group of peaceful reformists who Sonic rescued years earlier (in Sonic Spinball). They live in the forest and peacefully fight for freedom against Dr. Robotnik through protests and eventually guerilla warfare. The efforts are futile and Sonic and Tails realize to take up arms in direct opposition. (Sonic the Hedgehog (Saturday Morning Cartoon))

Dr. Robotnik acquires a chaos emerald and creates powerful weapons with it. Sonic and Tails end his budding plans for world domination. (Sonic Chaos, aka Sonic & Tails) Sonic and Tails destroy Dr. Gerald Robotnik's life work, the Death Egg. They destroy Silver Sonic and the Death Egg. Sonic collects the seventh Chaos Emerald and learns to use their power. He keeps them with him rather than allowing them to wander free. (Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Mega Drive / Genesis))

Sonic and Tails go exploring strange lands traveling on the Tornado. (Crusader of Centy, Wacky Worlds)

Sonic and Tails discover an island with strange ruins where rings are plentiful and have odd effects when held. (Sonic Crackers)

Sonic arrives at Angel Island. He meets Knuckles the Echidna, who has the ability to knock Chaos Emeralds out of a user. Robotnik and Knuckles appear to be working together. Robotnik's presence on the island sets Sonic and Tails off on a quest to once again liberate the locals, regain the Chaos Emeralds, and prevent Dr. Robotnik from launching a new and improved Death Egg. Knuckles escapes, but mid-launch Sonic and Tails narrowly stop Robotnik and the launch fails, crashing the Death Egg into the island. Sonic and Tails bring their emeralds searching for Knuckles, who is the only person Sonic has met with knowledge of the Chaos Emeralds. (Sonic the Hedgehog 3)

Sonic discovers the Super Emeralds which Knuckles was trying to conceal. Knuckles continues to work with Robotnik and fight Sonic. In a twist, the Death Egg is still intact ready to launch and Robotnik betrays Knuckles by stealing the Master Emerald. Knuckles assists Sonic and Tails in getting to the Death Egg in the upper atmosphere via Sky Sanctuary. Sonic fights off Mecha Sonic and using the Super Emeralds defeats Dr. Robotnik and returns the Master Emerald to the Angel Island. Knuckles moves the Emerald altar to the surface of the island. The emeralds are allowed to returned to the special stages, where they will hide until they are again needed. (Sonic & Knuckles (Sonic's Side))

The remaining robots on Angel Island go haywire and mimic the actions of their previous master. Weather this is a malfunction or a remote desperation revenge attack by Dr. Robotnik is unclear. Knuckles, determined to solve the problem on his island by himself this time, enters mortal combat with Mecha Sonic and once again saves the island and the Master Emerald. Knuckles hides away the Super Emeralds and their power (Sonic & Knuckles (Knuckles’ Side)).

Dr. Robotnik is discovered once again making robots out of small animals on an island. Tails and Knuckles accompany Sonic for transportation and to search for the Chaos Emeralds which have appeared. While Knuckles is more knowledgeable about the Chaos Emeralds, he concedes collecting and using them to Sonic which is a habit that sticks with him. (Sonic 3D Blast)

While vacationing with Tails, Sonic discovers the first incarnation of Eggmanland under construction. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles work together to fight an upgraded Metal Sonic and stop Dr Robotnik’s plans. (Sonic the Hedgehog, Original Video Animation) (Sonic Triple Trouble aka Sonic & Tails 2)

The Emeralds are discovered in another location. Sonic and Knuckles set out to protect them. Tails spends time away from Sonic building his grand workshop. (Sonic Blast)

A professor and his daughter inform Sonic of the six rings of order, and tell him Dr. Robotnik may be after their power. It turned out, there were no such things as these rings or even a plot from Dr. Robotnik. In the location specified there were merely some boring fields. (Sonic X-treme)

Sonic begins hitting puberty. Sonic revisits several old islands that have sentimental value to him. (Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic Jam)

Sonic and Knuckles start a band and realize pretty soon that it’s a terrible idea. (Sonic Underground)

The Chaos Emeralds no longer return to the special stages and just end up somewhere in the world. Dr. Robotnik learns the legend of Chaos, an ancient protector of the Chaos Emeralds sealed inside the Master Emerald. He shatters the master Emerald in order to use a misguided Chaos to collect the Chaos Emeralds. Tikal’s spirit is freed along with Chaos. This plan ultimately backfires. Knuckles learns some of the past behind the Master Emerald and his ancestry. The Master Emerald is shattered for the first time but is recovered. Amy Rose’s love is rekindled. Tails and Big the Cat assist. Sonic is significantly older, and has changed his impatient zippy attitude for a much more relaxed demeanor. (Sonic Adventure)

All parties involved fall in love with small Chao animals and sometimes raise them as pets. (Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Chao Adventure, Chao Adventure 2, Tiny Chao Garden)

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy get caught in a dream world. They risk their lives playing party games and ultimately save the dream world and escape. (Sonic Shuffle)

Dr. Robotnik discovers and unleashes the first Shadow the Hedgehog. Technological developments lead to chaos drives being used to power machinery. The military begins to pursue sonic, mistaking him for Shadow. Tails and Amy help rescue Sonic. Knuckles shatters the Master Emerald to prevent it from being stolen and races with a master thief to reclaim them. Dr. Robotnik gains control of a space colony in attempts for world domination, but his plan ultimately backfires and causes the colony to descend towards the planet. Sonic and Shadow work together to destroy the prototype of the ultimate life form, the Biolizard. Sonic dons new footwear and gains a sudden interest in grinding and performing aerial tricks. (Sonic Adventure 2)

The Chaos Emeralds return to the special stages. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy work together to stop Dr. Robotnik’s plans for world domination and liberate countless animals he has made into robots. The adventure resembles one from Sonic’s younger days. (Sonic Advance)

Sonic trains himself and focuses on his running. With the help of tricks, he and his friends first break the sound barrier. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy meet and befriend Cream the Rabbit, who can run at an impressive speed, fly, and attack with a vicious fighting Chao named Cheese. The five of them rescue Cream’s mom from Dr. Robotnik and once again put an end to his scheme. (Sonic Advance 2)

Sonic and friends try to relax in a small town. Dr. Robotnik unearths and ancient fighting machine, which Sonic names Emerl. Emerl learns unrivaled fighting techniques by studying closely with Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Rouge, and a Shadow. Emerl absorbs pieces of Chaos Emeralds which summons a weakened Chaos, signaling danger for the Chaos Emeralds. Emerl is overloaded with energy by Dr. Robotnik and becomes evil. Sonic defeats this Emerl who returns to a weakened state. (Sonic Battle)

Dr. Robotnik discovers a new technology which allows him to power Robots with a single ring rather than a small animal. Dr. Robotnik uses this energy source and revives his plans to construct Eggmanland. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Cream start focusing on training team work instead of speed. Emerl carries out Dr. Robotnik’s orders and is used to fight Sonic, but this partnership ultimately backfires on Dr. Robotnik. Emerl is defeated by Sonic and domesticated by Tails to serve Cream’s family. (Sonic Advance 3)

Sonic and his rivals have a friendly competition and trade cards. Dr. Robotnik tries to take advantage of the situation, but ultimately fails. Metal Sonic is under heavy maintenance and is increasing in power. (Sonic Rivals)

A strange woman from a parallel dimension reveals the Sol Emeralds to Sonic. Together, they work to save Sonic’s world. Sonic uses his recently acquired faster-than-sound speeds to make up for his solo effort. (Sonic Rush)

Sonic travels to Blaze’s world and returns the favor in full. Tails accompanies him as a personal engineer and makes a series of vehicles. (Sonic Rush Adventure)

Dr. Robotnik once again tries to take over the world, but in truth is really being held captive by a recently repaired and updated Metal Sonic who is acting as Dr. Robotnik. Using team work Sonic and company defeat Metal Sonic and rescue Dr. Robotnik. A Shadow and Omega disappear with the body of Metal Sonic. A fledgling detective agency composed of Espio, Vector, and Charmy is on one of their earliest missions. Charmy and Vector behave relatively young. (Sonic Heroes)

The Chaos Emeralds once again stop returning to special stages and wind up somewhere in the world. A Shadow goes on a large adventure of self-searching. He works with the military and discovers his creation was influenced by extraterrestrial life forms. (Shadow the Hedgehog) Sonic and company go on a huge quest which is ultimately undone. However, Blaze the Cat and Silver the Hedgehog remain in Sonic’s world. (Sonic the Hedgehog (PS3/360))

Sonic and his rivals once again gather for a friendly competition and card trading, this time with Silver, Rouge, Espio, and Blaze joining the fray. Dr. Robotnik once again tries and fails to take advantage of the situation. Metal Sonic is once again tame and works for Dr. Robotnik. In the end, Metal Sonic 3.0 is created by a partnership with Eggman Nega. (Sonic Rivals 2)

Sonic is sucked into a story book or two and relives classic mythic tales. (Sonic and the Secret Rings, Sonic and the Black Knight)

Sonic and a large group of his associates are teleported to another world. (Sonic X)

Sonic takes an interest in the world’s strange sporting events. (Sports Talk Baseball)

Sonic competes in the Olympic Games before returning to his home world. (Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Beijing 2008, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games Vancouver 2010)

Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles are accosted by the Babylon Rouges. Tails constructs boards for everyone to enter a race. (Sonic Riders)

Robots are up to no good. The only logical thing to do is to keep flying board racing. (Sonic Riders Zero Gravity)

After destroying the Egg Carrier, Dr. Robotnik is presumed dead. A large cult appears to have kidnapped Knuckles. A large group forms and eventually even Dr. Robotnik resurfaces to launch an attack against the Marauders. The heroes are tricked by Dr. Robotnik and he escapes. The Marauders are defeated, but in the meantime Dr. Robotnik has begun rebuilding his empire significantly. (Sonic Chronicles the Dark Brotherhood)

Dr. Robotnik develops a ray which corrupts the power of the Chaos Emeralds. He uses this on super Sonic to free a beast named Dark Gaia from the planet. In the process Sonic is granted lycanthropy. Upon this success, Dr. Robotnik begins constructing Eggmanland for a third time. Sonic travels the world repairing the Chaos Emeralds and is assisted by some of his friends. By day he relies on his speed, which is at the fastest in his life, and by night he is granted unnatural power. In the end, he stops Dr. Robotnik’s plans and is cured. Tails takes him away. (Sonic Unleashed)

Sonic dedicates his time to a series of community and charity fundraisers. He invites several acquaintances, who arrive with varying attendance. Dr. Robotnik and Sonic are on somewhat better terms and his aspirations of world domination seem to have died down. (Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic R, Sonic the Hedgehog's Game World, Sonic Pinball Party, Sega Super Star Tennis, Sega Superstars, Sonic Championship) Sonic opens up a school for mentally disabled children. (Sonic’s Schoolhouse)

Far in the future Sonic is no where to be seen and is rumored to be dead. A now insane Dr. Robotnik is unsure how to function without his rival. In his madness, he constructs a giant theme park on an island where rings have strange powers. Using these rings he not only powers robots as he had previously done, but also boss machines. Metal Sonic 3.0 runs rampant and acts largely on its own accord. Espio is captured but rescued by a faded Knuckles. Together they master Dr. Robotnik’s combi catcher and rescue the remaining members of the veteran Chaotix detective agency and two rebellious mechanic robots. Also mysteriously in the combi catcher is Mighty armadillo who has not appeared for many years and has the exact same technique as the now missing Sonic. Charmy is nearing the end of his life span and Vector has matured considerably. In his insanity Dr. Robotnik tries to power Metal Sonic with a special stage ring. The result predictably backfires and a power that can destroy the world is again awakened in the very same style it was in Sonic Heroes. Knuckles and company find the island’s holy rings and use them to stop Metal Sonic, saving both the island and the world. (Knuckles’ Chaotix)

In a world Sonic had once visited, a figurine is made in Sonic’s honor. This figure is given life and is made to fight other figures. Sonic in particular is not revived until other live figurines reach the end of the world, where he joins in the final assault against Tabu. (Super Smash Bros. Brawl)


Note 1: Shenmue and Gale Racer are not in the timeline as he only appeared in those games as merchandise.

Note 2: Amy Rose’s clothing does not indicate her age. They indicate the character artist who was in charge when the game was developed. =P

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