Chapter 15 Guided Reading

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Chapter 15 Guided Reading

Chapter 15 Guided Reading

Section 1 Vocabulary Renaissance Humanism Secular

Essential Questions 1) How did the decline in the population after the Black Death lead to an increase in food production and lead to the specialization in the production of goods? 2) Compare and contrast the Italian city-states of Milan, Venice and Florence. 3) How did education change during the Renaissance? What were the major ideas that scholars focused on? 4) How were secular authors of the renaissance different from those of the Middle Ages (think Dante, Chaucer)? 5) Who were the Medicis? What role, along with Nicolo Machiavelli and Baldassare Catiglione, did they play in supporting the Italian Renaissance? 6) Explain two scientific achievements of the Italian Renaissance. 7) Describe the styles and techniques of painting and sculpture of the Italian Renaissance. Chapter 15 Guided Reading

Section 2 Vocabulary & Identification Printing press/moveable type Christian humanism Albrect Durer Jan van Eyck

Essential Questions 1) Describe, in at least three ways, how the Renaissance spread to northern Europe? 2) How did Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press revolutionize the acquisition of knowledge? 3) How did Erasmus and Sir Thomas More’s humanistic philosophy impact the people of northern Europe? 4) How did the writings of William Shakespeare reflect the humanist values of the Renaissance? 5) How did the art of the northern Renaissance differ from that of the Italian Renaissance? Chapter 15 Guided Reading

Section 3

Vocabulary Protestant Reformation Indulgences Theocracy Predestination Annulled Calvinist Anabaptist

Essential Questions 1) Describe three conditions that led to the Protestant Reformation. 2) Explain how Martin Luther challenged the Catholic Church. What motivated Luther in writing his 95 theses in 1517? 3) For whom did Luther intend his theses? How did they become so well throughout Europe? 4) Explain Luther’s message. How did it deviate from the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church? 5) What was the Edict of Worms? How did the term Protestant develop? 6) How did the ideas of Ulrich Zwingli, John Knox and John Calvin differ from those of Martin Luther? 7) Why did Henry VIII declare that England was no longer under the authority of the pope? How did this affect the Catholic Church in England? 8) What was the Act of Supremacy? Why was it redrafted again in 1559 by Elizabeth I? Chapter 15 Guided Reading

Section 4

Vocabulary/Identification Ignatius of Loyola Jesuits “The bonfire of the vanities” Roman Inquisition Spanish Inquisition Index of Forbidden books Italian Wars Peasants’War Charles V

Essential Questions 1) How did Catholics attempt to reform the church itself? Give 3 examples from the reading. 2) What was the purpose of the Council of Trent? How did they clarify Catholic teaching? 3) What methods did the Catholic Church use to stop the spread of Protestantism? 4) What were the religious and social effects of the Counter-Reformation? 5) How did religious turmoil affect society during the 1500s? 6) How did Martin Luther’s reaction to the Peasants’ War and the Peace of Augsburg affect the Counter-Reformation?

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